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Caught my sons drinking underage. How would you recommend disciplining them?
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sit them down, have a talk with them about responsibility, make them drink a whole case of beer
Can you give that same advice but without the word sexy?
sorry dad, I won't do it again
i'll cheers to that with my son

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I really hope this board is a containment board for schizos or psychos I don't want to be alone
>grade 4

>250 pound she nigger

>cant read

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it's not lol. maybe autists but no schizos

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the problem is that women dont know the bear wont rape them
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I'm not engaging with whatever dumb shit women are saying today. Jesus Christ...
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Lol, it's an excellent idea, gonna collect some more of this memes
>be femanon
>in some B- horror movie
>have to choose between alone on island with bear or man
>at least the bear won't rape me
>helicopter arrives, dropped off in the middle of the Pacific
>beautiful sunrise, morning just beginning to dawn
>mfw bear rapes me
It's as if a time traveler give us the tools to turn this situation with years ahead of time to prepare the memes
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I would prefer a man because I want a bf or ONS

Do any fembots want to date me before I become poor?
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cash out and pay your taxes before you lose EVERYTHING.

secure that ~ 800k in the bag.
This is trve though ngl anon
Why not just cash out then get a high interest savings then move to Philippines or some shit and get a wife there
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i'd just put it into S&P 500 and live off the roi in mexico/philipines
Some of us are secret whales the world just isn't ready for

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Holy absolute shit there is a new one every hour where do these skibidi-toilet tier retards keep coming from
Normalfags getting blackpilled has irreparably raped the Internet and turned it into the most unfun place imaginable.
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I call my bf daddy sometimes desu

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It's crazy how convinced I was that she was the one I'd be with, that there was something between us. But there never was. I was talking to a false image, the shadow of a dream. I was living in a world that could never exist, in a reality cast into the fire as quickly as it came from the fire. I have awoken, alone, on the cold hill's side. and no birds sing.
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Omg the AI was too good even tho it looks bad. It came up with "It's Over".
The title was supposed to be "Anon e-dates a girl online, she ultimately breaks up with him, after never meeting, and now he's depressed"
Also, no one cares about your e-dating faggotry, faggot
That's why you have to keep working on the relationship
Work on your abandonment issues, freak.
>acknowledging the reality of most people means you have abandonment issues
The levels of cope people go through to maintain their fairytale reality will always be funny
romance is beautiful, you just need to try harder and learn from your mistakes

>try to be a nice person
>people don't like me
>stop caring and be a shit person
>obviously people still don't like me but some people like me
okay what the fuck
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Just be urself anony
(But don't do it wrong)
Happened to me too lmao. It's absolutely deplorable.
who likes you
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Just don't act like a fucking retard pretending to fit in. That's your problem.
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what do you mean by being nice or mean?

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who up wonking they w1lly rn
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i'm jerkin it to anime girls rn

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Video games are never going to be good.

Its over for hikkichads. I have tried every game and they all suck no game has ever felt fair and satisfying to me. And they only get worse.

It is over. Life will NEVER be good it is only suffering.
>are they seriously just crashing into the ships
Anon, you have depression. It's not video games that are bad, it's your inability to have any fun or feel any sort of pleasure.
Have you played any video game? Its all super repetitive bull shit full of underbaked ideas.

Every successful game is basically a chore simulator because humans are retarded golem npcs
Indeed. I fucking hate how PS4 isn't backwards compatible and I have to pay a fucking yearly sub to play online, which makes it impossible for me to buy new games, as they are overpriced.
Comparing this to the comfy PS2 and PS3 era makes me sad. I still have those games, but I never play them. I just play a free game I DLed from PS+.
I played GTA Online for six years and gave up because they kept fucking porting it to new generations and now bringing out a new fucking game. Now we have to wait and see how much they fuck up GTA VI with R*'s culture change. I haven't bothered getting a PS5 yet.
It does feel like vidya peaked a decade ago.

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I went from bmi 16 to 20. My plann is to purge flash obsessively every meal and do not purge any rice/ramen/pasta/fylo since they are impossible to purge. I my goal bmi is 15 so I would have to go from 50 kg to 38. How long would that even take ?
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A BMI of 15 would look horrible. I'm going to assume you're a fembot, you need some meat on you to look good. You can still be thin, just don't become a skeleton- that isn't attractive.
bumping hoowes
>nobody will ever be attracted to you at 38kg
im attracted to anorexics
Bumppp cause I wanna anhero
Same I feel so fat at 22 BMI I wish I was skinny and pretty at 18 BMI like I was before :c

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My parents hate that I a grown man is not going outside and doing adult things like having a gf thinking about the future and question why am I content with myself living this way.

What is the big deal? I go to work come back pay my own bills why are parents like this?
They likely expected you to be normal.
Do not force yourself
To be in a relationship just because or you will be miserable
they bought into the lie and they want you to as well. that being said if you live on your own you'll find someone eventually if you ever want to.
>"Why can't you be normal? :((("
Maybe they're just inconsiderate and want you gone. Parents should be willing to accept anything that comes their way regarding their kids because they're the reason they exist.
If you are a single child you can mostly ignore them. Their opinions are pointless just make sure your named the primary inheritor of their estate.

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>paid for a dental appointment months ago
>forgot that I needed to keep the receipt for insurance and file a claim
>left receipt in my wallet for months
>just remembered to file a claim today
>look through wallet
>receipt is completely faded
I hate being a retard with poor executive functioning. This isn't the first time this has happened either
>paper receipts in 2023+1

sure boomer. You should have an emailed receipt and if not then go back to the office. They should have it in their records and they can print you a new one.
They do paper receipts a lot in my province

I hate it because I tend to lose stuff. My autistic ADD addled scatterbrain always misplaces shit.

again go back and they should be able to print you a new one. As a sufferer of adhd myself you need a certain spot for things. Make a folder and when you get something immediately put it away in that folder. Do not wait, do not say I
ll do it later, just do it as soon as you can.
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did you really not get an email about it?

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Base jumping
4 replies omitted. Click here to view.
paint huffing
Limousine riding
E*ro stylin
face humping
limehouse declaring

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nigger I swear to god i'm not even doing this
Never heard of it before but it looks like it's full of faggots. No idea how a master of cock slobbering like yourself is having issues getting in
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tldr plz? i'm adhd
How? I made my account back in 2022 and it was approved the next day iirc. What did you type in there brother?

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why do newfags need filters so much? it's easy to spot the actually good threads.

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