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Drug use discussion thread
This is not a harm reduction general


Testing services:
defunct testing service:
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bossa nova is way more upbeat than I'm used to. I mainly listen to bossa nova.

I'm the mentally ill anon who posted above, might smoke some changa tonight with my friend who is gonna be doing it for the first time. will be playing this in the background

i mainly listen to defcon*
Oh shit defcon is awesome, digging the vibe. If you like singing bowls and healing sounds I recommend my boy Malte Marten https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwEaQk5VeS4 He just looks so fucking happy as hits the hand pan and it makes me feel super joyous
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What would you do in toronto on a Saturday morning if you wanted a break from weed?
go to timmies

How do I make my hag more interested in me? She's always so quiet and reserved.
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You have to take initiative too, anon!
Compliment your hag, hug your hag, hold her hands, tell her that you love her, kiss you hag on the lips. Hags love all that lovey-dovey stuff. It makes them feel young again and, overtime, she'll be more comfortable around you and will become less and less reserved.
Rape her like a true young buck

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is eating cereals with yogurt and dried fruits for breakfast healthy? i feel like i just ate some sweets, and i still feel hungry
if i felt hungry after a sandwitch, i would eat something sweet, but now... should i eat a sandwitch?
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Eating refined sugar influences glucose spikes, which then leads to beta cells in the pancreas releasing insulin hormone. Insulin hormone in higher concentrations causes growth and accumulation of fat cells. Sustained elevated insulin hormone levels can lead to insulin resistance and diabetes.
Despite the fact that refined sugars are broken down into glucose at an extreme rate ... the relative concentration of glucose in refined sugar is very low density. There is a much higher density of glucose in protein and fat, which take much longer to digest but can nonetheless produce a superior sustained glucose and insulin hormone spike and do far more damage than refined sugars alone.

A healthy diet includes a balance of slow and fast digestion of a variety of food products of a sufficient but not excessive total glucose end product.
Sex with Fern
A person eating nothing but excessive amounts of protein and fat is hundreds of times more likely to develop obesity, insulin resistant diabetes and heart disease than a person rarely consuming too much refined sugar.
>Sex with Fern
>Good news everyone! Ecchi.

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Why are older women so nice?
they want that BZC
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Because they play league of legends
kek, roasties wish they looked like that
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Same reason most women are nicer to you if you're white and they're ethnic minorities, or if they're fat and you're thin, or if they have down syndrome and you don't, or if they're poor and you're rich.
Obviously you get better treatment the more you exploit advantages over them.
Being young is one such advantage (while you still have your youth). Especially for women who are insecure about aging and want to feel like they still look 20 by dating a 20 year old guy.
>too old
>too young
>too ugly
>too hot
I can get along just fine with all of these, but once someone is in the Goldilocks zone I freeze up

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im finally of age to buy alcohol but im genuinely just too scared to buy any because im worried that ill stutter or go red because the cashier wont believe my id is real. why am i so pathetic?
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I order it online so its ready to go when I get there and then just show my ID and leave. Its fast and easy and I talk to the cashiers as minimally as possible.

t. In a similar circumstance.
Attention-Whore: The Post
Bring a secondary form of photo ID you retard use your head
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I don't care desune
mmm this sounds like my best bet.
im still too scared!!!

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Might be greatest porn video I saw, the woman's sounds like she's getting slaughter
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use a proxy, i think they redirect you in a region where porn is "banned" like texas.
sorry bout that
yep texas anon here.

its so fucking over
sHAME IT's such a good porn
That's the hottest part.
The guy is shit at it tho.

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Caught my sons drinking underage. How would you recommend disciplining them?
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sorry dad, I won't do it again
i'll cheers to that with my son
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you don't have a son, enjoy your hand
How would that fix anything?

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what do you think happens after we die?
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for the same reason a robot doesn't turn on until all the necessary parts for it to operate are constructed and given power
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>Where was my instance of Microsoft Excel before someone designed the program and I bought a computer that implemented it?
>What was incarnated when I made a spreadsheet?
>Why isn't the number 50 the number 3 instead?
I'm not an excel file in a computer.
I am a soul in a body.
A dead human and Alive human have the same number of cells. It's the spirit that leaves the flesh remains and decomposes
>I'm not
You can't have an analogy of something to itself, anon. At some point the second thing needs to be different if you want to have an analogy instead of just saying "X is X and nothing else is like it and therefore it can never be described."

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>be me
>go on Grindr
>end up finding 6 foot chad that wants to suck my cock
>go to his place
>end up having my cock sucked and into fuck his bussy

Is that easy , why havent u done it yet . Legitimate chads will throw themselves at you even if ur an ugly inkwell. Gay people will fuck about anything
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Fags can't be incel, end of story.
i am not a degenerate
i also noticed that at the second glance, looks good on the thumbnail though
so that means the whole thing is a larp
He's lying to you. Gays have extremely ridiciulous standards. Unless you're referring to old gays, in which case they suck and fuck anything like AIDs demons. Anybody that's actually attractive: femboy, trannies, twinks, etc all have ridiculous standards and will require you to not only post face but also like 500 different pics. And that's just the half that actually wants to fuck. The other half will also try and charge you money.

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Why can't females be like Miku?
Because she's not real,retard
that's the point, i want her to be real
Sex with Miku Hatsune

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Frog posters fuck off, this is a bear board now
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Bears are tough, no wonder women prefer the bears.
>the bear doing reps with a log
Metal as fuck
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This is an anime board newfags
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>This is an anime board newfags

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Nothing makes me madder than toilets. Most toilet design is retarded and those who make them should shoot themselves in the head. Weird loops and slopes that not only make no sense but actually make the toilet work against you. Take this piece of shit for example, first of all the seat cuts all circulation to my legs with terrifying efficiency, like it was designed for this purpose. The slopes on the actual bowl (you can't see it in this picture) are retardedly long and serve no purpose. The actual hole is leagues down. Like an upside down volcano. When im taking a shit neither the shit or the piss ever reach the hole directly. The shit get stuck half way because the coating on this piece of shit has either worn off or not installed at all. Like, I have no fucking idea what alll the retards involved in the process, from making to purchasing, to installing this toilet did. I want someone to shoot them all in the head regardless.
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I pray you comprehend the magnificence of squat pooping someday
>Nothing makes me madder than toilets.
This strikes me as very funny, but I have nothing useful to add.
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If I ever get enough disposable income or a house to address toilet autism I think I would end up going down a rabbit hole (butthole?) I'd never be able to climb out of. Godspeed toilet-anon.
Bunch of gimmicks.

Just make a good bowl design so I don't have to scrape shit.
I have literally never seen a toilet which incorporated the obvious characteristic that would prevent this: the bowl should get WIDER with increasing depth, rather than narrower.
Also, the water level should be sufficiently far from the butthole that splashback is physically impossible.

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>i learned to dance kpopo for 3 hours today.

Im not sure that I enjoy it but it certainly is addictive.
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Wowow we'd like to see. Can you record your dancing for the robotbros?
I surprisingly look girly doing them, but like a long feminine skeletor. Looks cute though, lol.
i fee like kpop dances are choreographed to be as erotic as possible so idk why you're practicing this skill but as long as you're having fun i guess
when im good maybe, i suck dick rn. started a few weeks ago.
the idols look very cute doing them so i figured why not
Whatchu learning

it's 9am, been up for a while, out of coffee edition
might not even sip today. might cold turkey break

how are (You) doing?

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>> 22yo male
>> finished education, going for higher education next year
>> have no job and school atm.
>> lost virgin last year, had sex with 3 girls.
>> have friends, most of them smoke weed but im okay with that since they are friendly and don't waste their life
>> Life with dad
>> 1.85 tall 66kg weigh, at the skinny side
>> Listen to random music, like some music from games
>> Football biggest hobby, with drawing and vidga/anime
>> Have HSP, fast overwhelmed by people and easly stress since my childhood. Life was very difficult at most moments..
>> Life in the Netherlands
But.... i have no idea about a job in the future and don't have a girlfriend......... easly bored now since i have no school/job atm.
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So that life cannot be renewed
Only bleeds again
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And it continues to bleed
So bleeders dispose of blood
From arteries emptied

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