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Come help this talentless and skill-less peasant forge a future, or will you let them fade into obscurity?

What were they again?

This is my first time as QM and I make no promises this is going to be any good or enjoyable! I hope I got the formatting down and haven't already butchered this into oblivion.I will try my best, hope you enjoy!
> Male
Welcome to the QMzone!
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Yes, I remember her now. She had a particular interest in something.

What was it now?
Fighter chads rise up
Heading to bed, have the whole weekend for this! :D
The strong must protect the sweet
If fighting is sure to result in victory you must fight!
Shootin' and lootin'
They call me the Spellslinger.
Spellslinger arrow time
Locking in on Mage



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As the memories start to come back, her face begins to take shape.

What did she look like again?
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> C
This hairstyle does things to me.
Because it looks like lightning. Zappy wizard woman.
Witch hairstyle
Witch Queen Mazela !!!! HELL YEA
Cool ass hairstyle
Cute Blink animation.
I can get behind a lightning-enthusiast mage.
Can I convince you of the perks of getting an Arcanic Archer with offensive magic catalyzed into arrows?
Locking it at B




The character's a clean slate so she will learn abilities as she needs them. Lightning wasn't something I had thought of putting in but I see some people like that idea so why not.
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Growing up, you never showed any kind of potential; all your accomplishments were underwhelming. Always trying to do everything on your own, you consistently achieved subpar results.
You became known for never getting anything right, you became a source of worry for your parents about your future. Determined not to marry and have life handed to you, you always tried your best.

This determination, however, often led to a series of oopsies: when cooking, you were prone to burning yourself and the food; handling animals mostly led to injuries, for both you and for them; your sewing efforts resulted in clothes that barely held together; your herb gathering often ended in picking the wrong plants; and not to mention your dancing—those who think childbirth is painful haven't seen you dance.
Is there a prompt missing?
if so
>Found solace in bookreading
Probably should have mentioned that. No prompt right now, I know that may not be the norm.
I dont know if this is a write in promp situation, but if it is
>Conclude that you have been cursed somehow and devote your time to figuring out curse breaking and dispelling magic.
Found a boyfriend
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After the passing of her parents, she was left in the care of her uncle, a man who held little affection for her.
To him, she seemed utterly useless, a sentiment that clouds their every interaction. When they were reunited,
he couldn't even recall her name.

What was it by the way?

>Write in
From now on if I will put down **Loading Prompt** anywhere where theres no prompt,
not sure any other way to handle this.
>Write in
Supporting this.
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Rue, a name as simple and memorable as it is, yet even your uncle couldn't seem to remember it.


**Loading Prompt**
Another nice animation QM. Expected nothing when joining the quest from the /qtg, pleasantly surprise
Agreed! This is a very soulful and well-done quest so far. I have high hopes!
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>Stay Asleep
>Wake up and see who it is

Also thanks for the kind words. c:
>Wake up and see who it is
Could it be... OUR CALLING??
>Wake up and see who it is
>Stay Asleep
Guys what the fuck, we ain't waking up for nobody, we were working the night shift down at the Witch Magic factory from Mazela. We've been asleep for just 2h, we don't even hear that knocking crap. If they dare to knock again, pick up your sword and murder them, then go back to sleep and if anyone asks blame in on lucid dreaming
They're not gonna stop if we don't get up and address them. The quicker we tell them to fuck off, the quicker we can get back to sleep.
>Stay Asleep
If he hears, he'll knock all day
seriously come back later fucko
>Wake up and see who it is
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As much as you want to stay in bed, the knocking doesn't seem to stop. Best to just go and see who it is.

>Wake up

Stay Asleep
Minish Cap start vibes.

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It's Uncle Baldwin! The only other person that lives in here, who would have guessed?

Still in bed at this hour? There is so much work to be done, and here you are, lazing around like some ungrateful wretch. When I took you in I wasn't expecting such a lazy, good for nothing, useless burden to weigh down my household. Every day, you find new ways to shirk your duties. You’re lucky I haven’t cast you out onto the streets to become a beggar like your parents!

> I uhh.. I.. ah
> ...
> Cry
> Write-in
Apologize, ask what needs to be done

Not because we're really sorry or think this asshole uncle is in any way reasonable, but because we don't want to be homeless or get punched in the face by a grown man.
This feels like a daily occurrence. Best we can do is shrug it off and get shit done.
I'll probably post once today, maybe. I'm on that US eastern time it's 4:32pm right now just got back from work. I work Mon-Fri 7am to 3:30pm. Just thought I mention that for anyone who cares.
I definitely appreciate the heads up. I'd rather have a QM state whether or not an update is in progress instead of saying nothing and anons having to guess if the quest has been abandoned or not.
Good to know. As >>5990233 said
Take breaks of you need to. We aren't going anywhere anyway.
Thank you for the heads up!
Your stuff is looking great so far QM. For a friendly bit of advice, that one anon posting about "mazela" is a shitposter who has been going around spamming in quests across the board. Don't pay him any attention. Have fun with your time here among us.
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You hesitate for a moment, your thoughts racing. Even though you don't mean it, you have no choice but to apologize. You don't want to be thrown out, at least not yet. Just the thought of never hearing your uncle's voice again is tempting. Taking a deep breath to steady your nerves, you force out an apology.

Well, that's a first; but apologies are easy, Rue. I'll accept it this time, but your actions will need to prove your sincerity.

> Listen to what you have to do
> Tune him out
> Write-in


Oops forgot.
> Listen to what you have to do
> Listen to what you have to do
Think about killing him and running away
>Listen to what you have to do
once we figure out how to end the curse we wont have to deal with this shit anymore, but for now we bide our time.
> Listen to what you have to do

Please don't spam that each prompt.
>Listen to what you have to do
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Listen to what you have to do

You need to finish the firewood collection that didn't get done yesterday; I need you to go fetch some water from the well and also take the goats out to graze. Make sure you mend the broken fence there too; we can't have them wandering off. When you come back I want you to churn the cream that's been setting in the cool room into butter, then you can tidy this place up; sweep and scrub the floor. I'd also would I'd like you to help me sort the herbs you gathered last week—they need to be dried and stored before they spoil. Once that's all done, we can get started on today’s chores.

You had plans to meet up with friends today, but now your stuck with all these responsiblities. There seems to be no way around avoiding all this work. You might as well just get started if you plan on finishing today.

What should I get started on first?

> Collecting Firewood
> Fetch Water from well
> Goat Grazing
> Go see friends
> Write-in
> Collecting Firewood
> Collecting Firewood
>Goat Grazing
Let's goat to it
> Collecting Firewood
If he gets a life ending injury we will watch the light fade from his eyes and laugh. Fuck you, Baldwin.
>Collecting Firewood
See if we can take a slight detour to at least just say hi to our friends
Crusader Quest is down the hall to the right.
> Goat Grazing
Ready to live deliciously.
>Fetch Water from well
Please do not send me out alone, not in the darkness on my own
>> Collecting Firewood
>Collecting Firewood
I'm still alive! I 've ust been drawing and planning alot of stuff. Just to let you guys know.
Thanks for the heads up, we'll be waiting
nice. Thanks for communication.
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Collecting Firewood

You might as well finish what you started yesterday; you tell your uncle you will get right on it, so that he can leave you alone. You reach into your storage chest; get dressed, and fix your hair. Since you will be going to collect firewood you might as well take your Hatchet as well.
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**Loading Prompt**
Cute animations
And very well-done.
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As you approach the town's gate, you noticed two guards are stationed at the exit. This town is typically peaceful with little activity. It's unusual to see guards taking such a serious stance.

> Well, we tried; we might as well go see our friends.
> Just walk past and don't say anything.
> Write-In
Ask the guards what's up?
> Write-In
Show a little cleavage and ask the guards what's up

-1 to cleavage from me, dawg

Someone is insecure about women showing a little skin I guess
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Ask the guards what's up?

> Right Guard
Morning madam, there have been reports of shadowy figures roaming around at night, and it appears that goods are being stolen. As a safety measure, the guild master has posted us at all entrances to Ridgewood.

> Left Guard
It's probably nothing. Nothing ever happens here and I reckon the people are making crap up so they have something to talk about. Shadowy figures? They know that anything could give off a shadow, right?

> Right Guard
Don't mind him, we've been on duty since last night, and he's a bit of a whiner without his sleep. You work at the tavern, right? I recognize you—your're Master Baldwin's niece. Well, you should know this level of security isn't the norm, but we're expecting some important visitors soon, so the guild master is taking extra precautions. Anyways, you're free to go out if you need to; we won't stop you here. However, it's our duty to warn you of any potential dangers. If we had any idea of what it could be, just be on the look out for anything suspicious.

> Left Guard
Try not to trip over your own shadow. Hell, might as well just give you my spear, but be aware, that it too also casts a shadow! WooooOOOooooOOOooO!

> Right Guard
Alright, we get it. Please be careful, don't wander too far and shout if you need any assistance.

*You do not Obtain a Spear*

> This doesn't seem worth it.
> Finally something interesting is happening around here!
> It's all folly!
> Write-in
> Finally something interesting is happening around here!
> Finally something interesting is happening around here!
>It's all folly!
> Write-in
Oh really? Such handsome young man like you two have been guarding us for 2 long, hard days. You guys must be exhausted! We could maybe go into the barn over there and I could maybe *wink* *wink* relieve you of your exhaustion *wink* *wink*.

Get them horny, lure them into the barn and then we'll smash their head in with our axe after they've let their guard down. This way we get 2 suits of armor and 2 spears. 1 suit we can wear and also use the spear, the other suit and spear we can sell and we also get 2 bodies which we can either use to make a blood sacrifice to Queen Mazela or make a stew for the tavern, we've been running low on meat, this is a perfect opportunity to get some fresh meat boys
>Finally something interesting is happening around here!
Mazela Anon. Stop it.

Uncle Baldwin will be mad if we don't go... I guess we'd better just be careful.

>Proceed with caution
No you stop it with your non-imaginary choice! You make our Queen SICK, no wonder this board is DEAD
>> Finally something interesting is happening around here!
>Go chop wood with a giggly attitude

Stop pushing your trash meme on 10 threads please.
>Stop pushing your trash meme on 10 threads please.
Stop trying to be controlling, you must be a virgin judging from your controlling demeanor
>> Finally something interesting is happening around here!
> Finally something interesting is happening around here!
If only Baldwin wasn't such a stickler. We could go on a cool quest or something.
> It's all folly!
Left guard is right, nothing ever happens

>It's all folly!
Nothing ever happens
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Finally something interesting is happening around here!

This might not just be another boring day after all. You think it could be quite fun to try and figure out the mystery yourself. You've always wanted to go on an adventure, but you're not sure how you would manage to live on your own. It's a dangerous world out there, you've heard. Anyway, an adventure may have just fallen into your lap; it's not quite what you expected, but it's something.

You thank the guard.
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You proceed to the Logging Site.
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You scouted the area and everything appeared clear, so you got to work immediately. However, it didn't take long for a strange feeling to creep in. You couldn't shake the sense that someone, somewhere, was watching you.

What do your instincts tell you?

> It might be best to get out of here.
> Confront the presence you feel.
> It's probably just the wind.
> Write-in
>Confront the presence you feel.
We aren't going to be bullied like this, it's time for action!
> Confront the presence you feel.
> Confront the presence you feel.
>Confront the presence you feel.
> Write-in
Get naked, there's no one around, enjoy the nice summer breeze
>Burn the forest down. You know, to make sure nothing is hiding in the trees.
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No! You remember what happened last time when you messed with fire!
Pretend you hear people screaming.
..W-wait, what? What did we do? Is that how our parents died?
>Confront the presence you feel.
Might as well get it over with, right?
I'm sure this isn't gonna come back and haunt/bite us in the ass later!
Tragic backstory incoming?
No, they died of Ligma.
>It's probably just the wind.
> Confront the presence you feel.
>Shout to the guards, ask if they see anything

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