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What are the considerations needed to make between choosing a locomotive or MU to power a train?
I know passenger trains in Europe tend to be MU but freight is always locomotive hauled.
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>Jacobs bogies
main downside is that cars sharing a bogie are a bitch to seperate, while the whole point of using sperate cars instead of an integrated multiple-unit design is to be flexible in their combination.
Btw, I've seen similar designs (not sure if technically a jacobs bogie or if there's special terms for it) in car-transporters and container train cars, making two-car consists with 3 or 6 axles respectively.
I've always heard them referred to simply as articulated cars, jacobs bogie I only hear in reference to passenger equipment. Articulated autoracks are two cars, articulated well cars can be up to five cars, at least in US. 3 and 5 car articulated well cars are very common. I don't see it as much with autoracks.
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>Why aren't Jacobs bogies more of a thing with coaches?

When going through the trouble of Jacob's bogies, it makes no sense to have them on 'dumb' coaches. If you want to keep the axle load in check, the middle sections will get about half the capacity of a full coach - or even less when vestibules are considered. Jacobs bogies are also troublesome to rearrange the train, if it's not an EMU, then why limit the inherent flexibility of the wagon consist?

This is why they are popular on EMUS, but not traditional coaches.

However, this does not mean there weren't any. A famous example was British Silver Jubilee coaches originally pulled by A4 Pacifics. Pic rel is a German-made four-car set of Polish railway's double deckers which were phased out a few years ago. Those have three axle Jacobs bogies and were being used as two, three and four car sets. Romania, I think still uses these.
I'm only asking as it seems like most passenger trans are made of coach sets where you have a number of them coupled together for a long period.

The axle loading doesn't shoot up nearly as fast as you might think, a coach is an air-filled with some seats, racks, etc inside. Also, each section in an articulated set is shorter to reduce overhang inside the curves, but there's a reduction in the number of bogies over the whole train length.
The overall weight of the train goes down too, as each bogie is heavy. Maybe ~6 tons each for a lightweight design, which adds up. E.g. for a train of 8 coaches that could be a full coach's weight.

I get that this is probably more of a consideration where acceleration/ high speed performance is needed. As you say, for Amtrak and other long distance/slower services the consideration changes to reliability and easy maintenance.
Germany definitely has some 3 axle two car autoracks, while the container cars have 3 bogies of two axles instead due to weight.

Indeed those consists usually remain as is throughout the day, however from a maintenance standpoint single cars are a lot easier to handle given the facilites used for that.
Single cars can just be decoupled and then spread throughout the maintenance yard with these funny side-swiching bridges they use, while consists with jacobs bogies can only be handled in their full length.
Having properly seperate cars also allows all sorts of switching around when one is due for a service or repair. Up to just running the train without it.
For serious acceleration it's almost always just an EMU anyways, due to better ratio of tractive weight to total weight.

Is he still around?
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We love you bacon
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how's the Australia treating you Bacon?

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If you want help picking out a bike, post your height, what you will use the bike for, and a link to your local craigslist.

>I want to buy a new bike. What should I watch out for?
Don't buy Wal-Mart garbage.
Don't buy department store garbage.
Beware of amazon and alibaba garbage.

>Should I buy from Bikes Direct?
If you are clueless enough that you need to ask, no. If you have no mechanical ability, no. If the alternative is walmart, maybe. Ask first.

>I want to buy a used bike. What should I watch out for and where should I buy?

Craigslist is good for old bikes. Pinkbike.com/buysell is good for used modern mid- to high- end mountain bikes.
Ask in /bbg/ if uncertain.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I need thi sbike
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>break me cage
>cable dicks
I just want a typical aluminum 2x GRX gravel bike, budget is around 2000-2400€.
>mounts, racks, fenders
>tubeless ready/compatible wheels and tires
>clearance up to 42-45mm for studded winter tires with fenders
no weird shit like integrated cockpits or proprietary parts. I want to be able to tinker with the bike myself.

so far I've found these:
>Cannondale Topstone 2 2024
seems fine, but they have FSA cranks instead of GRX and things like that are putting me off.

>used trek checkpoint ALR5 2022 for 1900€
second owners get 3 year warranty insted of lifetime, praxis alba cranks.
Cable dick on a bike that nice is SUS but people overstate their shortcomings IMO.
I have 2 or 3 pairs of fsa cranks and I like them.

This is what they took away from you.
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You don’t have to hit every pothole, you can steer around them.
There are tons of used 26 full sus bikes for sale. Seen multiple giant atx 970's go for sub 100
old specialized epics around 250-300, trek fuels, etc.

$0 is too much for a FS 26er
not even worth a decent reply
My grandma is a nice lady you take that back

America has globally, objectively low commute times. And generally the more public transit usage and walking there is the longer the commute.
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>spending a quarter of your waking life driving to work

Yep, that's the European way, wasting your life for the 'environment' and smelling armpits on the bus while Americans have quick and easy commutes using cars.
Also owning a car in a normal country like USA isn't expensive, since you don't get raped by insurance, taxes and fuel prices.

>Sounds like great arguments for building more housing adjacent to metro stations and increasing bus and train frequencies!

Yes retard, let's pack everyone extremely densely into little 3x3m boxes so their masters can get them to work as cheaply and efficiently as possible.
Having your own house with a garden and a garage? No thank you, I prefer listening to crying children of my next wall neighbors.
Fuck quality of living, that's for Americans.
Anon, you really should value your time higher. Every minute spent driving is a minute you could have been exercising, reading, studying, or catching some Zs. Or hell, just shitposting here. Instead you willingly pack yourself into a car for an hour each day, just to spend 3 more hours making the money to pay your car payment, insurance, gas, and repairs before you start making money for food, rent, hobbies, vacations, etc. You're sitting here posting about your commute as if that's the only factor in quality of life.

>Also owning a car in a normal country like USA isn't expensive, since you don't get raped by insurance, taxes and fuel prices.
Hilariously wrong, median used cars cost around $27k, median new cars around $46k. That's not cheap, and insurance has skyrocketed in the past several years because Americans are driving more recklessly than ever before and cars are getting more and more expensive to repair. My own insurance on a 5 year old hybrid sedan that I own is $2600/year despite a stellar driving record because of the sheer number of idiots on the road.

>15 minute conspiracy theories
Meds. Now.
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if only we could just build them in a way that covers a large enough portion of where people live so that a station isn't too far away, even in the suburbs with larger homes
>Anon, you really should value your time higher.
I do, that's why I use a car instead of wasting time on public transportation.

>median used cars cost around $27k,
so? I bought mine for 5k. You can go way cheaper but I wanted something with over 250hp.

>conspiracy theories
Area 51 was a conspiracy theory, doesn't make it untrue.
There isn't even a theory, you can just listen to what they say the want to do to you.
Still way worse than a car.
Too much walking and waiting for a train.

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It is happening again
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Well that runway is fucked for a while.
Could be zero-G when the plane suddenly dived ala the vomit comet.
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showindows,,,view?,those biglass thingslaped on the front?.
,,when did we gethis fixation onthe wavey needles.,
,,,,,,flyinglued to the panel?,
,,ya,ive flown twinengine thru thickstorm where gage lock wasathing.,Sucky!nothanks!, gothitwice by lightning tho so.,ya iseethe need,,ocasionaly.,
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I'm impressed by the pilots holding the nose up for that long.

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What the fuck is wrong with these mongoloid slackers? They completely underschedule longhaul trains everywhere outside the NEC so almost no one can use them for shorter trips and then wonder why ridership is in the shitter. Each route should be minimum 3x a day per direction.
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Built by the government then privatized

>if Amtrak could leverage the same
Doubt they're legally permitted to and even if they could, the chance to buy cheap land remotely close to city centers disappeared decades ago
How is Amtrak going to get the line reservations when they're competing with coal and bulk commodities for rail time?
Long-haul routes are kind of a special thing, like preserving a traditional way of travel without too much practical use.
But they could just run a bunch of regional lines between major cities more frequently, maybe buy some smaller DMUs for that. I'm talking journeys that are maybe up to 4-5 hours, start with two or three trains a day. That wouldn't be very expensive and it might get people to use trains more regularly. They could also work as feeders for the longer lines.
Americans like their cars.
Americans like trains, too.

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How much does this stuff annoy you train autists? I love trains but in a different way to you
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I was sure there's a significant overlap of scat fetishists and graffiti enjoyers. Like I said, keep your hobbies to yourself.
Reject modernity, embrace tradition
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I like riding anime-themed vehicles because part of me wants to think it enrages anti-weeb people but then I realize those people never travel more than 150 miles from the hospital where their mother shat them out and airplanes never get within 30,000 feet of them so they won't ever see them and I'm just letting them live >rent free inside me
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you bri'ish faggots are fucking pussies. can't even properly graffiti a train.
That looks like fucking scrap mate

What are the most /n/ films?
For me its Kontroll, the hungarian masterpiece
>Opens with a budapest transit official say they were happy to help make this film, but please don't think it reflects on our actual service
>Entirely set in the subway
>Excellent soundtrack
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Rips off the above film. The speed they can't go below even stays the same (80kph is 50mph)
Well, it's about building a road
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I remember seeing trailers for this and thinking it looked like unwatchable garbage. How was it?

Share your ride, ask for advice, shitpost about 'em, so and on and so on.

All posters with pedal less monstrosities like Sur Ron's will be summarily executed.
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This guy is the scooter "e-bike" trash on why i hate the chinese throttle garbage. This dude got some piece of shit off amazon and doesn't peddle just throttle controls everywhere claiming he deserves the bike lanes going 30+MPH on bike lanes and sidewalks
Cheapest thing with the quickest charging and regen braking? I really want to make the world flat.
So at minimum, you want pedal assist only?
Yes, and all UL certified. That would be a good start. I mean come on Chinese seem to have nailed the fat america oh so well, since they sell the vast majority of cheap fire hazard throttle assist bikes. Also really the whole class two seems like a stupid category.
It wont address people trying to mod their bikes to remove the limited but its a good starting point.
That would be my next comment/question: regulation is mostly a dream. But not to be evasive, it would keep your average dummy from hurting most people. Probably a net positive. But I don't want anything to hinder a car replacement. First step of that is stay just below the line of regulation.

What is the most pleasurable airport to be a passenger in?

Pic unrelated.
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Do any of you have experience working a grunt job at an airport? DTW is nearby, and I've always liked the idea of seeing/hearing the commotion of machines and people on their missions while calmly stocking a snack shelf. Almost like an omnipotent observer.
Welcome to the backrooms, airport edition
agree DTW is nice but specifically the Delta Terminal (the one you are speaking about)

Also agree, i was last there before many of the lounges opened up and there are no fucking comfortable seating. You are either sitting at the food court, getting rocking chair if possible, or standing. I was actually jealous of the soldiers going to the MIL lounge.

It's my understanding that SFO does not use TSA, but has their own agents. Don't know how true that is but i have heard good thing
MIL style take-off.

Old LGA is by far my most hated airport. I feel like death would be better than old LGA

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The eternal debate....Which wins?
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That's why stealth bike is the only answer. The "please steal me" proportions and battery pack is a 1500$ gimme. Runner up is the cheapest ebike.....
ViVi folding bike is great, what job won't let you store it? Are you a cube monkey?
No job. Just ethical consumerism. Like cars, these shits should be modularized/standardized as a sad nesscary part of the world to make them as cheap as possible. The Bolt just needs a dual motor kit (doubles milage to 30)/redesign to carry lower slung batteries.
>doesn't want to carry 800 pounds
>on a bike 10 times more substainal
>or a trike which can't go under a car
>with dial in power to match human output of any weight of 12,000 hyperlite composite ripoff with scrap quality materials
Ya done and never had a point, ableist scum.
>be me
>start a pev store with my buddy
>that's all

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I really like planes, especially the BOOM Overture. Concorde, 747, 225, A380, and C-17. What planes do you like? :D
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>A340 lover
>MiG-29 lover
inshallah you shall taste my blade
>trijets despite their murderous desires
It's really just the Death Cruiser. The 727, L-1011, HS Trident, even the MD-11, all had great safety records. Hell the Tu-154 wasn't even that bad all things considered.
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Whoever said to kill myself, why??? :(
I never said anything bad to u :(
Anyways, nice planes you like! I forgot to include some in the post. Wow, you guys like very cool planes!

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Why don't you own one with direct front drive?
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eboomer full circle. It's been obvious from the get go that the boomers plan with the electric motorcycle is only to penetrate protected infrastructure to later slowly expand into it and overtake it too. Fuck motorists and enablers like Canyon.
The videos from Spezi are starting to roll in.
At 5:11 . It looks a bit bulky from the front, but I like that the doors are on the hinge and not some velcroed afterthought.

At 2:42 . I really like that orange velo. Long sleek bonnet and short tail.
Give me normal ride height or adjustable and I will.
Important to note: the gradient here. White in purpedicular sunshine: 120F
Black: 140F
The answer is double hull and/or insulation, even propane powered refrigeration. All beats the greenhouse on wheels if a car.
>White in purpedicular sunshine: 120F
>Black: 140F
Where did you get those numbers? On picture range is from 31.1°C to 45.8°C (88 F to 114 F).
I can't find the link to the full study though to see what is the ambient temperature.

I think insulation might do more harm, because the major source of heat is still the body doing the work. And you have to remove that heat. Insulation is good only if you actually have some sort of air conditioning installed.
Vented double hull might work. The outer hull stops the sun and heats up because of that, inner hull is heated up by body heat and the air between both hulls circulates and cools down both inner and outer hull.
>propane powered refrigeration
Do you know where to get it? I cant' seem to find anything useful.

>cycling on sidewalks is... le misdemeanor!
>you should drive on the streets with a speed limit under 50 km/h
name a more braindead law than this, jesus fucking christ
99% of people riding bicycles do it all their life
I am convinced the only reason this law exists is so that the ONE time some cop(s) with nothing better to do blocks your path, they can milk you for fines and report all your personal info to the big brother system

the whole fucking point of a bicycle is that you are not a car and that you can go places cars cannot, but carbrained lawyers the want to regulate the shit out of it for some reason, even in le walkable non-carbrained EU city

fuck I'm so pissed off right now
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Bikes are foot powered and thus i am a pedestrian
>make this post
>1 hour later some obese old faggot gets butthurt at me bicycling on the empty sidewalk 10 meters away from him
Pede rage hasn't happened to me in a year
let's ban everything that can injure you?
is that your official position?
You tell me, you're the one shitting yourself with rage at the concept of riding a bicycle on infrastructure that you paid for, oh wait you're a NEET so you don't pay for anything
Cyclist should give way to pedestrians, like cars should give way to cyclists. When I see a ped, I get off the sidewalk, pass at walking speed, or dismount and stand still to trim up to my half of sidewalk, in that order.

Sad thing is 70% of people are terrified leap off the sidewalk, which I beg them not to do and apologize and tell them that's their sidewalk, and I know that, and don't take this any shit from sidewalk riders.

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