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I love the concept of sleeper trains, but I struggle to properly sleep on the seated version (and the Caledonian Sleeper's beds are like 5x more expensive).

The cal sleeper splits and joins at a couple of points (which I find really cool), but it's very loud and jolty.
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I'd say you only really "need" a private cabin style sleeper for trips longer than 2 days.

Semi-open sleepers that convert are totally fine for a day trip or a simple overnight train.
>. Such as Washington DC to Chicago, a ~16 hour overnight trip
And then you buy a $200 plane ticket and get there in 3h
Yup, only reason to do it is if you hate flying or REALLY enjoy trains.
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The weirdo Talgo night train of the DB Intercity Night actually had something like that. You had mini-cabins with two seats across from each other. You could pull those seats together to make one bed and pull down a bunk from above the window to make a second one.
had an earlier occasion to travel to Vienna and took the sleeper train back in ze pods. 40€ to spend the night, get tra/n/sport and even a small breakfast. taking the day train would cost 35€ in 2nd class when booked in advance in comparison.
I didn't sleep much, it's still couchette comfort level after all. don't expect any soundproofing, my pod neighbors left the train 2 hours earlier, so them getting breakfast and preparing to leave the train woke me up besides the somewhat shaky ride. having the pod allows you to use the side walls to lean against them if you are a side sleeper, laying on your back might be a problem if you are tall. the provided pillow is an absolute joke, bring your own.
choose the lower bunk, there's extra space below the mattress where you can store stuff, just don't forget it before leaving the train.
for the 9 hour ride it was OK, but I wouldn't want to spend much time in ze pod awake any longer than necessary. only real advantage is the privacy, you can lie naked in ze pod if that's your thing. you still get the noise as you would in a shared couchette cabin. I think I would shell out for a bed in the sleeper car the next time.

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Post some cool /n/ webms you have
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That sounds neat
Lol retard
I dunno how it works, but doesn't this seem like a tiny amount of chemical to fight a fuck huge forest fire? Like using a spraybottle vs a campfire.
I imagine if you were to take that spray bottle and use it on a piece of cloth before tossing it on the campfire it could have the potential to change the way the cloth is affected by that fire? are they really dumping it on the actual flames, or on the stuff that's about to get eaten by the flames?

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Why don't cyclists usually wear gloves and other protective gear like knee pads or elbow pads like motorcycle riders? Is it a looks thing? Would people honestly suffer road rash and skin grafts for a bit of weight reduction?
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Cause they gay
i wear gloves mainly to keep my hands warm and dry but when i go offroad they protect my hands
i wear my helmet more than 50% of the time to shut my gf up
i used to wear a fullface and goggles lol
cycling just isnt that dangerous unless youre doing some crazy shit way above my level
and the most likely danger is a car which basically nothing will save you from
this is a big factor yeah
ive been on rides where ive had to take my helmet off because the top of my head is on fire
my helmet doesnt have very good ventilation though because i normally ride in the cold and wet
same i get blisters
and my fingiies freeze off
Its like you are moving the hold damn thing with your own strenght... so you dont want more weight, more heat and sweat, less freedom of movement, more hot spots.

The Boeing scandal(s) just convinces me that America needs high-speed rail.

Boeing prioritized financebros over engineers and got what was coming. Airplane manufacturers can't be trusted, airlines OBVIOUSLY can't be trusted. Americans need more options.
this is a problem of profit and regulation, specific neither to a particular company nor form of transport. people die on trains as well. put train infrastructure in the hands of capitalists reaping massive profits and allow them to self-regulate and trains will crash and people will die.
Agree. The answer is nationalisation. Though I will also agree with OP that America needs high speed rail.
It should just be that any transportation option that becomes important enough to a country's functioning should be nationalised.
The whole thing is a ploy by Big Rail to get HSR funding
I don't think Amtracking Boeing would be a good idea unless there was complete dismissal given to all the staff and the assets split in a style a-la the Bell Telephone System breakup (and look where that led to today with AT&T and the the like).

I think the best solution would be to cut Boeing any favoritism by bringing in legislation which holds the FAA to a higher level responsibility in airline safety within individual airlines and airplane manufacturers to adhere to a standard that at least Airbus and others agree is rigorous enough (Boeing could pout about it). Ideally records and inspections would be publicly available, and interaction would be akin to the FDA and foot plants (not ideal! but better!)

After that, use the power of tax incentives, prizes, etc. to companies that meet the requirements in producing airworthy aircraft that pursue some non-spurious end. Don't expect most to go anywhere - the point is to basic light a fire under Boeing's ass until either they "innovate" to what everyone actually expected of them, or lose out as new, legitimate market competitors rise out of the flames.
i wouldn't necessarily argue for nationalization. the repubs have been systematically destroying the ability of the federal government to do much of anything for so long now in an effort to prove their argument that government fucks everything up that there probably isn't sufficient capacity to manage such a thing. and that's aside from its complete political impossibility at the moment. better oversight and regulation of the industry would probably go a long way if done properly. even though increasing regulation is generally a nearly impossible sell in congress these days, to the extent that congress can do anything at all, now is a golden opportunity, while boeing is skulking around with their tail between their legs. but unless the fuckups continue, the public will forget about all of this pretty quickly.

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I’m pretty close to switching to an older bike, if there an objectively best era for vintage steel bikes?
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Do I buy it?
fuck it I bought it
Downtube shifters will take some getting used to but it rides nicely otherwise
yeah, you get used to it and it becomes second nature.
I've got the opposite problem: I switched my fast bike to brifters and I'm still reaching down to nothing when I want to shift sometimes.

looks pretty neat. the big downside of old Peugeots is the obsolete french sizes but if it's running Shimano group then it's probably late enough model that uses regular stuff. hopefully . what's that steel decal say?
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its late 80s/early 90s so it doesnt have the French sizing
Mangalloy HLE, it's not some super high end bike Truth be told I'm a dummy that just likes the way this looks and wanted a roadbike to go along with my 90s pug mtb, I didn't want to spend big money on some high end bike
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radical !

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>Cool job at thats only 23 miles away and pays less vs a 10 mile job that pays more but is miserable.

What would you guys day
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>Transit isn't even close to as comfortable as spending that time sitting at home
Nothing is going to be as comfortable as sitting on the couch in your skivvies. If you wanna be comfortable so bad find a remote-work job. But the comfort comes from not having to be fully concentrated in the responsibility of driving. Seat quality, goofing off on your phone, and being able to stretch is just a bonus.
>Seat quality
car seats are infinitely more comfortable than the crusty plastic shit you get on the subway, and simply being in a private space makes sitting in a car far nicer than sitting on a bus. you get to be alone instead of surrounded by the unwashed masses
My commute is about 20 minutes each way if things are running smoothly. It still feels pretty long.
Depends on the "more" and your main way of transportation. I was at a job that was 5 min bike ride from my house, i used to spend my lunch break at home or city centre, an 8min bike ride, but i accepted a job thats 30km away, and paid up to almost 3x more, my commute now is a 15min bike ride to the bus stop where the company provides us a van without discounting in my paycheck, they also provide our lunch, thats not discounted too.
So, if it pays, and you dont have to pay to go to work (aka car, motorbike or public transport), its all good for me.
that's cool.

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I wonder how many people here actually practice what they preach? Not many I'm sure, I can smell the the hypocrisy. Rules for thee and not for me is the rule of the internet.

So let's post our walkscores and let's see how bad things really are. If any of the there numbers are under 90 you don't belong here.
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It was an April fools thing.
that video was more anti bike lane than pro. the whole reason it exists is because he got fined for riding not in the bike lane
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i moved here for a job. i'd never been here before and had to pick somewhere to live based on cost and proximity to work. i fucking hate it and i want to go home.

samefig desu

this is a train
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Has somebody have any fotos/images of a locomotive with the wheel arrangement 0-2-2-0, a Russian steam locomotive with no images available to me.
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mini train for bananas
nothing like the good hum of an EMD.
How about the cog railway 0-2-2-0 instead

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Should the Port Authority consider the development of a railway/subway line from New Jersey to Staten Island?
Everyone knows that Staten Island is the bumhole of NYC transit, having one heavy rail line that runs worse headways during off-peak than any 24h Subway line during the night. That even includes the Rockaway Park shuttle whose five stops are among the nine least used on the entire network according to 2014-2019 figures.
Now every half assed transit enthusiast knows that Staten Island once had a line going from St. George along the north coast of the borough. The continuation of that line is now a cargo rail line into New Jersey. This provides two opportunities
>A rail line along the existing right of way to Elizabeth and Newark, providing direct rail service to Newark Airport and potentially midtown Manhattan
>A subway (PATH) or light rail (in collaboration with NJ Transit) line that crosses the state border over the Kill van Kull and then uses the existing right of way at Port Richmond
All three options will need at least a 3 mile long tunnel to reconnect St. George with the elevated section at Port Richmond. The rail line option would need a connector to the Northeast Corridor line at Elizabeth Port, while both the subway and light rail options would need a bridge or tunnel to cross the river. And of course the Subway would need a major extension project across Hudson County.
How realistic would such a project be, and do you think it would be reasonable or maybe even needed? Also I am not an American so I don't have expert knowledge on all the different parties required to make such a project happen so feedback would be welcome in that regard.
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are they actually going to be on the trains or just hanging around the stations?
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These lakes don’t exist
are the guardian angels still around, get them to do it, these fags are just for show
Yeah they beat up random brown people walking down the street for fox news camera crews and call them MS-13 gang banger shoplifters without evidence and then get sued for it, if you want a race war that's how you'll get one
we're already in a race war

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previous >>1935272

post pictures plans dreams setups questions trips
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In Europe most cemeteries will have a tap but I have also used streams, lakes and wells. I just wash things with water only and hang them around the bike to dry. When it's hot I will wash my jersey and immediately put it on. If I'm staying at a lodging I will use the soap provided, I don't carry my own.
there are biodegradable laundry soaps too.
But what I do is put the dirty laundry in a plastic bag and when I take an hostel or when I pass by a city, I use the washing machine available or the laundromat.
Then again, I wore the same clothes for 10 days with no issue
Touring from NYC to SF soon, via the GAP, Katy Trail, linking to the ACA's TransAmerica Trail to the Western Express route.

I have front and rear racks, and big Ortlieb panniers. Can I get away with just a half frame bag, a handlebar bag, and single back on the rear rack? Also open to getting smaller panniers for the front, but curious about more "bikepacking" adjacent setups.
Frame bags are great for denying you water bottle mounts, rubbing against your legs and making your bike into a sail while not increasing carrying capacity all that much. Most bikepacking solutions are a meme, except those handlebar drybag harnesses, those are good.

Assume I should get a third and fourth pannier then? Dunno what else to throw on my rear rack if I need the room and would prefer to keep the big 20 L ones on the front, because I like the bike handles when the weight is down low.

Could just bungee my sleep stuff to the rear rack I guess?

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Why are there so many different voltages, AC/DC and frequencies used in rail?
What are the benefits and drawbacks to high vs low voltage and AC/DC?

What is the system available currently that would work with the majority of routes that can be economically electrified.
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way to out yourself as a tryhard newnigger, Boeing hate is several years old. Go back to /tv/ kid
One upside for DC systems is that regenerative braking is possible for better efficiency, so energy can be put back into the system for other vehicles. (My city's tram network has some steep inclines so this is probably a necessity for cost) in AC systems the frequency must exactly match and be in phase with the grid, or else it will blow up. So regenerative braking isn't common, if ever it even happens, in AC.
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>So regenerative braking isn't common, if ever it even happens, in AC.
I don't think that's the case. I can't speak to the technical details - my layman's guess is that the process for getting electrical energy from an overhead cable -> electrical systems -> wheels turn, is completely reversible - but it's absolutely possible for AC trains to re-use braking energy to feed energy back into the grid, rather than simply dissipating it as heat. Here's an example, from page 5 in the booklet:
Regen on AC overhead has been reasonably common since the 90s, the thing that needed to change was replacing passive diode rectifiers with active four quadrant ones.

DC overhead has the same kind of issue, most are still supplied by diode rectifiers so you can't do regen from the overhead back to the grid, you only have regen from one train powering another train. Works decently for dense suburban services where you've got good odds that there is at least one train wanting to accelerate while the other brakes, but for longer distance/less dense services, that becomes a problem. (Traditional rotary converter or motor generator DC electrification could return power to grid too, but at that time regen controls on the train side weren't that common)
>you only have regen from one train powering another train
I think of it as being mostly the same. The grid is a whole system. And if it's not another train using that excess energy, at least the load would be less, and you'll be paying less for energy, while all that excess would be heating the rail and catenary.
That's not saying they will not power houses and stuff, but still, most of the energy will come from regular grid generators.
Regenerative braking is not used as much as a way of capturing energy but as a way to save money in energy supply and mechanical wear of the brakes.

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Hi /n/, thoughts on package drivers? UPS package car driver here
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cool bird. is that a crow?
That's england? They pull that shit even there?
FedEx does the same shit, FedEx Ground uses only contracted couriers but Express still has in-house couriers but now they're merging the Ground and Express logistics chains and sacking half the Express couriers for more contracted couriers. Raj in all his pajeet retardation is selling out FedEx's reputation even more for a quick buck, I hate that fucking poo
Did you start as driver? If so, how'd you get that lucky?
that unwavering confidence of the screen-based workforce, even in the face of ai. also much of blue collar shit is of questionable greater purpose. I long to just grow food and humans, at the expense of what feels like all social standing. the market demands distractions and brutal ethical compromises

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If for nothing else, you gotta admit that a two-hour commute to work during rush hour twice a day and five times a week can get pretty tiresome.
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You've hit on something very important. How much money goes into purchasing, maintaining, insuring, and fueling a car? In the US, the typical cost is around $10k a year. That's a fuckload of money that could be put towards retirement savings, hobbies, vacations, etc. Government is still going to get it's cut through sales taxes, and with far less people being forced to drive (because public transit is non-existent in the face of city and state road repair budgets) the city saves money because the roads don't need to be resurfaced nearly as often. Win-win for everyone when you don't need a car for your daily life but can still buy and use one if you want.
>So you can't refute that a large portion of our property taxes and income taxes go to road construction and maintenance, regardless of how much we actually use them. I accept your concession.
Let me break it down for you: this post from 2014.


and specifically this paragraph.
>Cities are unprepared to fix things -- the tax base just isn't there -- and so, to keep it all going, they try to get more easy growth while they take on lots of debt. In 2013, Ferguson paidnearly $800,000 just in intereston its debt. By comparison,the city budgeted$25,000 for sidewalk repairs, $60,000 for replacing police handguns and $125,000 for updating their police cars. And,like I pointed out last week, Ferguson does what all other cities do and counts their infrastructure and other long-term obligations as assets, not only ignoring the future costs but actually pretending that the more infrastructure they build with borrowed money, the wealthier they become.

The debt isn't from roads and infrastructure at all. The link goes to Ferguson's 2013 budget, where the $800k originated from a tax increment revenue bond related to a shopping center redevelopment, which clashes with the thesis of "single-family housing development causes more infrastructure and more infrastructure is more debt". So what's the deal? Is he deliberately framing this TIF debt as infrastructure debt, or too dumb to understand the difference?
“Rich man’s toy”.

91% of Americans own at least one car according to a quick google search. Rich man’s toy? Not anymore. Hasn’t been for many decades.

You clearly don’t know what murder is. You have to have intent to kill or commit harm. Nobody gets in a car with intent to kill or hurt anyone. Negligent? Maybe. That’s not murder, get your facts straight.

You won’t look very credible if you can’t even get the basics right. Major facepalm moment. Pedestrians have sidewalks and footpaths. No reason for them to be in the road.

Ordinarily I’d say jaywalking being a crime is bad but with people being glued to their phones 24/7 it’s not such a bad idea to make them use crossing points. Otherwise you will have people dying.

At NO POINT IN HISTORY was it normal to not pay attention to your surroundings. You could get hit by a bicycle or a bus.

It’s only the modern age with its self entitled creatures who shove their personal responsibilities on everyone else who think it’s unfair they should have to stop and check it’s safe before crossing a road. Utterly ridiculous
Around $4.5k a year for me to run a car although I don’t do a lot of miles/km. that’s a conservative estimate and on very expensive insurance for a high powered car.

For reference, without a discount card it can cost as much if not more for me to use public transport for a long trip than to simply drive - but I do own a diesel which can easily do 1000 km/600 miles on a tank, probably more if I was trying to save fuel but I only avoid braking and coast a lot if I see traffic or hazards ahead. Other than that I don’t care how much fuel I use. It’s my hobby.

Government sure gets its unfair share and the roads are in a disgraceful state. But they have tons of money to throw at useless vanity projects that nobody asked for
But you know that car is the apple of my eye. It’s kept immaculate. Hobbies? It is a hobby. I could trade it in and get something that doesn’t demand sky high insurance rates. The only other thing I care to spend money on is travelling, but I’m not really in the best position to do that at the moment for many reasons. By the time I am finances should easily permit it. But you know I pay tax to drive it. I pay for insurance which is also further taxes going to the government. I pay taxes in fuelling it. I pay taxes when I buy parts for it. I help keep mechanics employed. Who also pay taxes. Yeah cars cost money but they’re very useful and can be amazing fun if they happen to be the sort of thing you like - and while you may frown at someone flooring it down an empty highway, remember they pay money to put fuel in which means they’re further putting money into the economy by driving faster.

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>[N26226] made its first flight in April 1998 and was delivered to Continental Airlines in December of that year, according to the FAA. United Airlines has operated it since Nov. 30, 2011.
Like with the 777 from LAX, this one seems more on United maintenance than the Boeing factory. Boeing still sux tho
aeroflot has cooler planes
The US didn't even bother to save Pan Am, you'll never see an American national carrier.
Idk about Russia, but Emirates, Singapore, Air France, TAP and Finnair are doing pretty well for themselves.

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post cool step through bikes

bonus points for ratty commuters
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'womens' bikes are normally not different
they come in smaller sizes
and cool purple/blue colours
that's it.

Sometimes 'womens' bikes have 1-2cm less reach. That is desirable for a lot of men too, and running a 1-2cm longer stem than you would otherwise does nothing except make your bike look cooler.

The point is you can run a rear rack with a basket or wide panniers and not have to swing your leg over it. Rear rack is the easiest way to have a practical bike that can carry stuff. Getting on and off otherwise is pretty tricky for many people.
dey cute
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>this is a lesbian thread
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i bought one of these off fb marketplace, its a piece of shit walmart bike, heavy as fuck and massive knobby tires that don't really make sense for road use, but it gets the job done and was very cheap
i would love a high quality upright step through, with skinny tires, coaster brake and either singlespeed or internal geared hub

this looks really good, how much money did you spend and what parts did you change?
>this looks really good, how much money did you spend and what parts did you change?

looks like new pedals and tires, and the back wheel was swapped for a 26" single speed with a coaster brake.

missed out on the top bike, but that lady with the peugeot accepted an offer of $10, so i guess i'm gonna grab that tomorrow

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