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Upvoted, fellow leftshit!
one of the *good* ones who's doing the work. be better, chud
Most contrived video ever
Bro I watched it 6 million times in a row
Because he’s standing in a weird way

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One of the funniest lines he's had.

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My understanding is that Phonk is an actually decent genre that got twisted into horrible forms by normies similar to dubstep and emo before it.
Is this true? Where do I start with Phonk? Is it really just 3 6 mafia knockoffs?
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t. ranny
t. ranny
Spaceghostpurrp created phonk and tiktok + tiktok rappers + producers turned it into something it was never meant to be
Also you could not really call phonk a genre or "subgenre" of music in its original state. Only a select few members of Raider Klan made music with that sound. By the time freddie dread (SUBURBANITE) and all the other nu-tiktok rappers picked up "phonk" for the first time it lost its meaning.
You’re semi wrong

It was ruined by normies but not by other music, it’s because phonk is now associated with faggot redpill and sigma junk

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Isn't it wild how two of the biggest rappers in the world for the last decade who have the same agent suddenly got into a massive beef right as anti jewish sentiment was reaching a fever pitch in the ethnic and twitter communities?

Rap historically being a tool used exclusively by jews to make money and influence culture....

It is unbelievable but its happening
Not music

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I haven't seen the reddit crowd be this one sided warping every narrative and being so smug about it since Hilary was running against trump

drakes gonna win isn't he... they're not even allowing fair discussion and balanced takes any more, it's "over" drake lost and if you question anything you're a drake dickrider, what are they scared of? why has the fair fight being removed all of a sudden?

it's quite literally orange man bad level of discourse and it wasn't a week ago
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Finally rap music / culture is imploding. Ye became an antisemite, P-Diddy fled, and now the two biggest names are gonna pac-biggie each other. This is literally the last time "rap music" will be relevant. Whitebros we're so back.
My take is that they both come out looking a little worse. Of course the normies think Drake lost but desu Kendrick’s tracks have been pretty forgettable outside of the accusations. Idk what is supposed to be particularly impressive about spamming a bunch of half-finished tracks on Instagram. I doubt any of these tracks on either side will hold up over time, Kendrick’s really feel especially rushed.
"losing by a landslide"

this is one of the exact phrases Im sure ive read like 10 times in the last day, youre a fucking discord tranny arent you, WHY WONT YOU LEAVE US ALONE, YOURE PRESENCE IS SO UNCANNY
It’s very hard not to side with Drake just because he reminds me of a cartoon character with his over the top persona and unscratchable ego. Kendrick takes himself so seriously.
Diss tracks arent supposed to be overly produced. Just a simple beat and bars

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Yes, you! What are you listening to right now?
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Kendrick and Drake
Meet the Grahams
Monster Magnet - Space Lord
tinnitus and bird songs (it's a nice day outside)

I think these threads are important and helpful so try n keep them alive edition

>Production Resources:

>/prod/ wiki - still looking for contributors

Remember to use vocaroo.com to post your tracks/WIP: posting a vocaroo is just providing sound for a question, posting a Soundcloud link is making self-advertisement and the thread doesn't need that.

Remember to check other peoples' vocaroo links to keep the thread healthy.

Previous Thread:
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did you know it was good, or did you just not care? also the differences here is that your friend made it and you produced it, doing both seems more difficult
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I wonder if anon I collabed with some time ago ended up finishing this beat I rapped on.
im becoming increasingly upset creatively
I'm trying to get better at guitar and piano, but even after getting relatively good, I have trouble finding inspiring chord progressions.

Its easier to find interesting chords on the piano, but its easier to find a string of chords that sound fine on guitar. Either way as of the past few weeks or so everything sounds trash that I come up with...or at least uninspiring.

>dude both sides are dumb and bad lmao
woah frank this is really deep

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holy shit

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ava butt edition >>121682030
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>Total votes: 6
Mother Monster
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>you got games on your phone???

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I just want a Vandenberg so bad bros
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Are Eastman guitars the Epiphones of Sadowsky?
Yeah its a hobby so its all an emotional decision, whatever you want to and makes you have fun and feel good is what matters. Personally, I blow my money on the guitar and don't care much about other gear like pedals, but I also play with my 40 year old boomlenial friends that have all the nice shit for me to plug into. I recommend you do the same, but I'm super biased.
They're the Barber Direct Drives of Seville
2lbs of unsprung weight is massive though, particularly as its reducing rotational inertia during acceleration. 1lb of unsprung weight reduction is basically equivalent to removing 20lbs of sprung weight.
>boss katana has the DM2 built in.
lmao sure
>requires software fiddling to set up ofc,
>with an on the go cable (Lighting/USB type C to USB A (female) OTG cable + USB A to USB B (2.0) cable)
rather eat shit
>you can run it all from you phone or a tablet

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I'll start

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They think they can catch him like Drake, but there's actual videos with Drake and Metro isn't the one openly texting girls and going to High School Basketball games and knowing their players on first-name basis.

Metro's tweets are basically the jokes of the time. That's why I thought people reached when Drake said he was a predator and stuff, because it was obviously a joke. Drake's issues are deeper than that though, overall.
it's Kendrick's only chance prease understand
most likely did
Twitter fingers.
oh shit

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What is Progressive Rock?

Good albums to start with?

Obscure prog gems

Previous: >>121649379
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>I like the debut, can't stand shine on or salty dog
You might like this one
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Ween is prog
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>Ween is prog
When did this become a humor thread?

People who think kendrick are winning are also voting for biden
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Joe obviously needs to be replaced. He's a manipulative dolt. Q da Muse song Time Is Running Out
Off topic
Why you jive ass tom turkey. Uncle Tom turkey more like
I am the goy Mel Brooks, I Coach... Or I don't coach. Ya dig?
pol tards are still living in 2016, the normiegroid voters have decided they hate both biden and trump. its why the election is going to be a close one and depend on who can get their cult to turn out.

This election is the last gasp of the boomers before gen x and millennials take over politics

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