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I think these threads are important and helpful so try n keep them alive edition

>Production Resources:

>/prod/ wiki - still looking for contributors

Remember to use vocaroo.com to post your tracks/WIP: posting a vocaroo is just providing sound for a question, posting a Soundcloud link is making self-advertisement and the thread doesn't need that.

Remember to check other peoples' vocaroo links to keep the thread healthy.

Previous Thread:
I have depression and lose interest in things, even myself, when it flares up. what do you guys do to continue manage depression, and have you had any success when trying to work through a song while being depressed? the problem for me is that nothing sounds good or excites me so it makes it tough to work
For me, it’s spite
out of spite directed towards who
Drum beat is awful. Sound good otherwise.
Spite for me too. Not letting something like emotions control me. When I'm really depressed, sure I wont bother and I'll just take it easy, but if the feeling is kinda just lingering and looming I fight through it as much as I can just because I can. Usually what ever I've made on the other end makes me feel accomplished and happy. Mind over matter sometimes works man
Should I try to make a goofy john maus esque song about the fall of the west and put on a chud voice?
if you so desire
but how do you know what sounds good when youre depressed or does stuff still sound good? everything sounds like shit to me. or do you just go with whatever
Sometimes stuff still sounds good to me. When I really feel like shit I just go with whatever. Sometimes the act of creating something is enough of a release to push me out of a slump.

What helps is to just start fucking around and making something with no direction in mind. Treat it as if you were drawing some doodles in a sketch book. Maybe it starts as a joke or a weird chord progression you never thought of using. Maybe you wanna see how harsh and borderline unlistenable you can make something without letting it turn into just noise. Idk just a few thoughts

I'm always a little manic when im on this board so I might sound a little retarded. Don't mind me.
i am never satisfied with anything i record no matter how much other people like it, how do you know when you are done with a song
I have a little rule with myself that I never work on any recording for longer than a day at most.

When I begin to overthink the song, that is the point where it is already long past done.
that's a good rule, I only give myself 10 takes per instrument/vocal maximum but I still feel dissatisfied, I would have given up on music by now if my friends didn't say I had some good stuff
I haven't opened a DAW in 3 years since I used to make trap beats
Do you enjoy making music? Like do you do it for you and because you want to? Or does it dribble into trying to network and get clicks and listens and numbers.
I switched to entirely DAWless way back. Helps me a lot. Easier on my retardation
How do I produce like OVO40 anyone got tutorial reccs?
What do you use instead?
For recording I use a Tascam dp-008ex. Little digital 8 track recorder. For synth stuff I have a microfreak, an electribe 2 and a couple yamaha synths that I run directly into it.

For music with music with nature's instruments I just have a couple shure mics I run on them. One condenser and one dynamic. And that's about it. All the mixing and mastering is done in the little recorder.

I don't make trap beats though so idk if any of that is really your style
No I got burned out on hip hop years ago, now it's metal primarily but also some poppier stuff
i make music because i'm autistic and music is the closest i've ever gotten to being able to accurately express my feelings and opinions
We're similar then it would seem. Got a vocaroo link or something you could send? I'd love to give your music a listen
im not your friend faggot, go outside
this guy>>121762021
is not me
sorry, got nothing to share tonight, hope you have a good one
Thumbs down.
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you ever have one of those days ?


haha SLAG (me) (fuckin loud)
I really liked 11BvvRPTPWBB. I could totally hear something like that in a skramz band with a slightly different drum beat.
Erecro WOK slag is the music I hear when I plug my headphones in halfway.
Same; totally fucks me up and I've spent entire weekends in bed only to get up to pee and maybe drink some water.
Sunshine and going on walks is my only cure.
Idr making that but that’s nysnc I’m pretty sure but I just woke up so idk.
I just had a dream about infiltrating a normie circle and I literally had a binder filled with tips on people and places I needed to find a way to I’m a beach..??
I enter REM way too fast what the frick
>page 9
lol dead thread, dead board. I knew Hiro was ramping up the bot spam when he took the IP count away
Friendly reminder:
>Chan GPT can't posts vocas or see images, only spam replies and images in /kpop/ to make it look like the board has any real posters left
Any advice for recreating the drums in the chorus? You can hear them at 1:39, they sound kinda like explosions.
I think the obvious Freemason apron that Mac “Trust Fund Band” DeMarco has hanging on his wall in this picture is really cool.
you need to unplug
Do what you want.
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I've been trying to make some real old school late 90s French House but I cannot for the fucking life of me find a good open hi-hat that doesn't clash with everything, anyone have any tips?
Also just looking for tips on how to splice samples better as well, it's been a struggle but I enjoy it, but always looking for tips
>clash with everything
Sound selection issue. mixing issue. skill issue.
If it's actually clashing you have elements with way too much high end.

In recreating tracks that are inspired by that era I've found an unusual amount of them are actually deceptively distorted.
I usually run my 909 hats through pedal with the treble rolled off on the setting I'm pretty sure is supposed to be a DS-1 ("distortion") if it's a lone cymbal, but farely low-ish if it's one in a group and or stacked with another shaker/hi-hat doing that upbeat thing.

Also the real tip is just sucking it up and using a popular house kit of your choice from splice + a kshmr kit like everybody else.
... Like don't neglect processing your own, but starting with stuff like that that already sounds good just makes everything way quicker.
Also re-use the same samples over and over and just process differently; don't spend an hour sifting through samples when you know 5-10 that will work every time.
it sounds like they added orchestra hits to me
the killers suck ass by the way
i produced some of my best music when i was really depressed and suicidal
>I cannot for the fucking life of me find a good open hi-hat that doesn't clash with everything
you know you're supposed to mix sounds in the song right? even the best most expensive splice hihat wont sound good unmixed
Why is this almost always the case?
they promised me i was gonna get my dick sucked when i become a musician
did you know it was good, or did you just not care? also the differences here is that your friend made it and you produced it, doing both seems more difficult
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I wonder if anon I collabed with some time ago ended up finishing this beat I rapped on.
im becoming increasingly upset creatively
I'm trying to get better at guitar and piano, but even after getting relatively good, I have trouble finding inspiring chord progressions.

Its easier to find interesting chords on the piano, but its easier to find a string of chords that sound fine on guitar. Either way as of the past few weeks or so everything sounds trash that I come up with...or at least uninspiring.
Don't play piano but I find what works for me best is not trying to find chords that work together but finding notes that I like and building chords from there. Worst case scenario just steal a chord progression you like and build off that. Don't feel bad, everyone does it. And it always helps to stop playing and start listening. Find some new music that you like. Get some outside inspiration. I don't really know shit though so take this all with a grain of salt.
What's your favorites VST's? Analog Labs and Electra have been my go to synths. RC-20 is my main effect plugin. Arcade is awesome but its fucking heavy, I need to buy a bigger SSD
the only non-stock vsts i've been using lately for the past couple weeks are vital and massive and occasionally korg m1 lulz
Those are just plain synth vsts, anon. Name some interesting ones

ableton operator and tension :o
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not bad man, nice job. not my kinda music but i appreciate it

i do listen to joeyy tho, check him out for some inspo
I actually listen to that song bro
And now that you posted it I think my beat would in fact be better with softer more cute drum sounds like it has
old song I made with someone I think I found on this board. shii lowkey had potential, just imagine if it was better in every aspect. fire
>start very cool song very death gripsy >:3
>accidentally get drunk (on purpose)
>all momentum load and song is probz dead now
Why am I like this
I stream for some reason when I get like this too and it’s never fun anymore.
I only stayed awake for for hours now but goodnight! (Caffeine can’t save me I unironically need meth)
youre all so talented

Entire catalogue is rap arguments so this is the best thread for this
I've played bass a long time but as a shut in neet never played seriously in a band
I've also been a long time fan of a lot of industrial, noise, ambient, electronic stuff
Modular synths are expensive and complex and I don't care to dedicate years learning theory when others already have that down. I believe anyone can make music it's just a matter of who wants to listen to it.
harsh, experimental electronic music is something I can produce solo and would like too
Would it really be too hard to just buy a drum machine, get a mixer and hook it into pedals, itself for a feedback loop / into a contact mic, then feed it all into an interface that leads into my PC and just record what i make on a free DAW?
that should only cost like $100-300 if I go second hand
am I missing some step? or does that sound like a feasible plan?
nah thats a feasible plan
thanks anon, I'll look for shit to buy then report back in a couple weeks if all goes well
Use Ardour for your DAW. Its actually intuitive for that kind of thing, and you can use it on mac, windas, and linux without having to do a bunch of shit. So you can easily take your projects from computer to computer.
Like you said, it’s only a matter of who is willing to listen to it
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This just in:

Sampling continues to be fun. Details at 11:00.

I sampled some random French song, some guy doing a bass cover of "Seven Nation Army", "Drive" by Incubus, and thought about adding some vocal samples, but can't decide what to pull from. Either that or like a marimba or some shit.

Anyway, here's a sample-based beat I made:

Sounds like a hobby to me.
You don't need to worry about who will listen to enjoy making something.

Can't go wrong with a marimba.
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real dysphoria hours

Is it supposed to sound like I'm in bed listening to a party next door?
Because if it is then cool, nice work, I like it.
If not then shit sorry.
everybody else is out there having a better time while you're decayinig so yes actually
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My new main synth. After 10 years of Serum it was time for something new. Thoughts on this beast?
>having a better time while you're decayinig
Joke's on you my ideal party is one I don't have to go to.
Near the top of the list of synths *I know* I should be using for sound design but don't, specifically for additive; granular wise it doesn't seem *unique* but if it circumvented other shortcomings i've found in every other granular synth it would become my main.

I was using 1.? for a while and it had some tricks up its sleeves just with the wave morphing, but something about it felt... un-fun to use in a way I can't put my finger on; perhaps uninspiring is more accurate.

It's not anything to do with the interface at all though, I actually like it way more than serums and that mid-section actually makes everything super easy to keep track of.
Great filters/FX obviously.
Random and combinate weren't that useful in practice imo; when I was making autism effects with them they were basically just a way to coax more noise sources out of everything.

Yeah I felt the same way until I realize I just never met anyone irl I've connected to and felt comfortable with and I might actually just be a "loner" of circumstance WOOPS
Sure looks like a good time. Damn, just look at all those knobs. Wouldn't know what to do with them all.
I don't know a lot about them knobs either, just the basics like ADSR, LFOs, Filters and stuff. I usually just tweak knobs until i like what i hear and go crazy with the LFOs and other FX.

Granular synthesis is cool and i wish i was good at it. Anyway, i like that i can fuck around with it in Pigments and add "normal" wavetables on top. Serum seems lacking in comparison.
Just wrote a new grunge gaze song completely ripping off soundgarden and there’s no way this will disappoint tomorrow???
You could grab some brass hits from 70's jazz/funk records, or some saxophone/flute lead playing I guess. That or you can't go wrong with some vocal sampling.

Also the bass (I think) is a bit out of tune, by like a quarter tone or less. You probably out to fix that, but that makes for a pretty cool track otherwise
Does anyone of you want to sing over my rock song?
On the bass, is it out of tune in general or out of tune by comparison? Because it's pitched down an uneven amount, not full semi-tones. It's down 6.4 semi-tones, so you're not far off.
you gotta post it before anyone can answer that. most likely no one will want to. just keep making music if thats the case, dont get in your head about it.
How can i make the subbass and kick drum in jungle/dnb clash less? If i eq either one it makes the sound very weak. I tried some light compression on the drums and it then completely overpowers the bass
Make them not play the same spot or sidechain
It's often indicative of a sound selection/arrangement issue if you're struggling.

If you've got a thick sustained sub that just goes BRRR the whole time you can't have a sub heavy kick, it'll need to be more like one of those 80-120 hz ish high kicks, and or it needs to duck the sub.
Likewise they can't both be fighting for that low mid area.
All of that can be avoided if they just don't play at the same time of course.

Also why I keytrack my notches. Reese minus 2nd harmonic because mud yuck fighting kick or anything you layer on it and it's often not necessary. Can be repeated higher as well or on the fundamental if you're doing stupid af layering like me.

>I tried some light compression on the drums and it then completely overpowers the bass
That should not happen check your makeup gain dude a/b volume match

update: almost noon haven't slept and the feeling has not left
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Sometimes I think I'm doing fine at this hobby, but then I read shit like this:
And I realize I know fuck all about music, apart from a little bit of theory, that and enjoying beating the piss out of some pads.
I'm trying to sample this song I want to take the first 20ish seconds where it's just the melody and add to it but I'm not really getting anywhere on my own. Is there a different section of the song that is better for sampling? It's in f#m so I've been looking through sononym trying to find some stuff that aligns and I'm not getting anything. Anyone have advice?
Oh boy. The state of /prod/ is dire when I'm not here huh..
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Any recommendations for a good hardware midi sequencer? Preferably something with a song mute, track muting, i.e. actually allowing me to write a song rather than just loops for various synths and so on.

From what I can see the MPC 1000 with JJOS looks like best bet but is there anything else out there? Old or new, either's fine. The most important thing for me is a song mode/ability to chain midi patterns so you can construct songs rather than just jamming on one bar loops which it seems sequencers do. I mean even if it's just and option for like, 'Pattern 1 and Pattern 2' for each midi track or something.
Do I really need to buy a hardware limiter to stop shit getting to loud? Or will software do the trick?
Sorry for interrupting the thread.

Jannies banned me for exposing a rampant troll\spammer, instead of banning him, as well as deleting all replies in other threads mentioning him. Nice work guys!!! Nicosperg=janny, confirmed. How about you start banning people who make 200 replies and ruin on-topic threads 24\7 instead?
No wonder this board is so inactive these days. It's like the TF2 of 4chan boards, where 80% of all traffic comes from bots and nolifers. Every time i return to this board it just spoils the good experiences i used to have here. I'm sure i'm not alone in this!
not complete without some very convincing vocals. nice job though sounds good even with the voice memo fidelity

I feel like I've developed a lot of skills but my songwriting is still so dogshit, I can't keep a cohesive idea for longer than 30 seconds and a lot of it just seems random, no good melody, no great rhythm. I feel so stupid about that I can't at least somewhat intuit it that I feel like I just need to read some books on it or something. Any recommendations?
the cool thing is that a lot of the ideas you have here sound good. Best advice i can give is to simplify. you have no shortage of harmonic and melodic vocabulary, but instead of 1000 ideas that work, make one idea that really works. Compose the entire song on one instrument, like piano, and then think like an arranger. your drums need work. for ffuture tracks consider using a very simple drum machine beat and have a super solid harmonic layer over that. youre not gonna sound like casiopea all on your own, so youre gonna have to specialize instead of trying to emulate those guys playing
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can someone give these a once over, been trying to get my tracks louder without distorting but im retarded
emphasize call and response and that will help the instruments meld together better
Best i can do is skip through it on phone speaker
Pretty good, drums are spot on, atmosphere too
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You know what this needs? Some samples from the hammered dulcimer cover of "Nothing Else Matters." That shit would sound good as fuck. And maybe vary the second verse a little more?
I often find that when I've written one thing and am struggling to follow it up, it helps to take the melody, keep the rhythm of it exactly the same at least for the first phrase, and then rework it- take it in a different direction, different intervals, maybe a different instrument or articulation, and experiment until I find something. Sharing a melodic rhythm goes a really long way to making two ideas sound like they belong together in the same piece of music. Then once that rhythm is established as being a sort of identifier of that piece, you can head away from it and then come back to it later.
Alternatively sometimes I introduce another instrument, try to write a contrasting sounding section on it, and then have it play together with the first instrument with then both playing stuff from their solo sections.
You CAN repeat yourself too much, but if you never repeat yourself your music is just going to sound like noodling. It might be really good noodling, but still. Classical composers would just repeat entire sections, you aren't Mozart but you can get away with developing an idea a few times in a 3 minute piece.
If I'm going to put my work out there I need an artist name....
how tf do I choose one that is good
Sit down and write/type everything that comes to mind. No hesitation, just stream of consciousness. After about 15 minutes, look at the list and see if anything stands out. Say it out loud. Imagine you had to tell someone attractive that it's your artist name. Would you be embarrassed? Would your friends make fun of it?
guitar layer testing ignore lulz (ableton amps x airwindows midamp no new strings still xD)
probz stole from sonic youth idr


The kick drum sounds like it is in a different room to the rest of the set. I don't know how to fix that, but maybe someone else can help you.

lil house track i made today, thanks for the listen frens
UH (uh uh uh)
EH (eh eh eh)
Thoughts on public remix contests? Do i need to make EDM bangers to have a chance to ever make it? Where do you find big names hosting contests? I only ever see contests hosted by no names?
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the url callout sheesh
mac, my beloved...
Why would you make this?
I really love this. I do think the vocals are just too far beneath, even by shoëgaze standards. Great fucking riff though. This is the kernel to what could become a fucking great song
it's like tweaky audio stimming for me

xoxoxo i'll add it to my list of riffs to use when I finally get around to recording my shoegaze project for seriously actually lol
>On the bass, is it out of tune in general or out of tune by comparison?
i mean it sounds like it's in tune with itself, but just overall too low or high. Obviously maybe the bass is fine and it's the other instruments that are out of tune, but it sounds more like the bass.

Just put a guitar tuner VST on your track, isolate a specific note which you know is supposed to be an A or C or whatever, and pitch the instrument until the tuner says it's dead-on. You can do it by ear but it's just safer to do it that way honestly.

I *think* that kick drums in jungle/dnb are usually more trebley than they would be in some other electronic genres, and the subbass is the one that fills the low frequencies.

So just put an EQ on your kick (or general drum) track and take out some of the lower frequencies until you feel it clashes less with the bass.

Although sometimes it might actually work better for your specific track to have more low frequencies on the kick and less on the bass, so you could try that as well and see which you like better. Hell, maybe you need to take some bass out of both, it's really easy to have way too much in your mix.
Anons do you have the link to that music shitpost thread? You know which one, with that horrible vocaroo
This one? >>121757645
No, i mean there was a thread on /v/ where someone posted vocaroo of gaming soundtrack which was rejected and it was very bad

quit music
my dad died at almost the same time that steve albini died. idk if this is a sign that I should quit lol. i wanted to show him some music i made but he and i werent close and i havent made anything im proud of yet
>i wanted to show him some music i made but he and i werent close and i havent made anything im proud of yet
Same as when mine died.
Be strong Anon. It sucks but it's part of life.

super choppy demo, def needs vocals
nice man i like your creativity. very nice melody and harmony. I will say the chorus and verse are good and hit like they should, but the form is very unconventional and therefore, to me, unsatisfying. I want a groove that is consistent and a form that I can latch on to. like its very creative and loose and thats cool, but I think it would be taken to a different level if it followed a traditional form. some juicy bits in there, trim the fat and fix the form
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This talentless nigger faggot needs to die.
thanks dudes


made another lil house track, felt kinda shitty today so it's been nice to produce.
Fuck every single one of you
Never see any metal in these lately

made this yesterday about Aldrich from Dark Souls 3, trying out some new black metal stuff

i have 12 core cpu and 32 gigs of ram, and ableton is still slow as fuck, it's always buffering shit for no reason
it's also installed on ssd, and everything is running from ssd
beat needs way more variation, some ghost notes, drags, etc.
Can still keep the core beat, but add some toms or something to decorate it a bit.

might sound better if the transitions are more gradual, like have next clip fade in or something.

based. add a few more vocal tracks to double up a few lines here and there and more background ad libs

drums need some reverb to fit the vibe. a section or two with a different beat would also be good

great chords, sounds like deftones. record for real and it's kino

needs some light background ethereal chords to fill the empty space

good sampling, definitely a bit of vocals needed

very nice, a few more similar sections (some lighter and some heavier) and it would be a great track

needs a bit of filtering to still be gritty but not quite ear-rape, definitely some screechy vocals too

nice, sounds like Takanaka. bass needs a bit more lows
did you turn hardware acceleration on
cant hear shit
how do i do that? i'm on windows 10 btw
its in the settings i dunno
you mean audio link doesn't work or audio isn't good quality?
ya way too much reverb
on the vocal track?
yeah im trying to figure how to make it sound "spacious" without just drowning it in reverb
whats the app for making mixes
how do i find the correct bpm for my song and how do i align everything properly?
google tap bpm and tap the tempo
fucking around with odd meters.

this is just variations of 11 (4+4+3, 3+3+5, and 5+5+1)

sounds kinda catchy so I wanna make it an actual song but idk what kinda thing would sound good here besides the 3 instruments
oops forgot link: https://vocaroo.com/17KISOxgWlSZ
Get some of this groove boyz

Why does everything I make sound retarded, even when I use scales and shit
I feel like my songwriting/composition and "vision" just sucks
don't take it too seriously, and you will get the hang of it with time
make retarded things for now
any1 here actually posting their music out there?
how tf do I come up with an artist name that is not generic
name yourself lil nigga
i am not black
lil white nigga
what do you mean "use scales"?
thats like saying "i use notes and rhythms in my music"
like pairing specific modes to specific chords, like jazz shit?
this: >>121815914
just make musical shitposts and fuck around, then once something sounds good, develop it further.

Eventually you'll get into proper music writing where you have a complete idea from the start, but for now this is the best way
I've been fucking around with Ableton for about a year now and got the basics about beat making. Now what are the hottest scenes and type beats right now that I could focus and would help me build a fanbase?
>hottest scenes
>build a fanbase

make some hyperborean post punk tranime techno dsbm/nsbm microtonal jazz beats
If you’re a beginner, focus on you I, IV and V chords. Play any combination of them and you can’t go wrong. Or you could just google common chord progressions
>If you’re a beginner, focus on you I, IV and V chords. Play any combination of them and you can’t go wrong.
Basically any set of chords can sound good if you play them in an interesting way, but I feel like not enough people recommend starting somewhere simple. Harmonic progression is one aspect of music and frankly I think people massively overemphasise it on the internet because it is the easiest musical element to analyse for youtube content.
That being said I think we could safely recommend trying a 2-5-1 in a major key to a complete beginner. I think people should learn to think of harmonic progressions in relation to voice leading but there's not a lot of good ways to explain that short of sitting down together at a piano.
New to the game, thoughts?
https://vocaroo.com/1IJk5XiKFwIZ riff idea that just came to me
Starts great, forgetting the 80's song it reminds me of. Kim Wilde/ Laura Brannigan but downtempo-type beat. Off-beat snare/ hat needs to come in quieter and build up in volume is really my only gripe, sounds like some really cool menu/ intro music from a newgrounds game who's name you don't remember. Transition at 3:02 also needs a better segue.
I dig it. I can't really hear the guitars (if there are any). If it were me, I'd move the guitars up to the front of the mix and put the organ further back.
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Trying to make vocaloid doom metal about robot maids.
Good feedback, thanks
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I reworked the beat some based on feedback from the thread. I added a bridge, added some vocal chops/swells, and I tried to fix the arrangement a little bit. I'm pretty happy with it. Don't know if that accounts for anything, but I was bobbing along. Sampling is fun.
muh nigga. except...
fr, sick of him just rehashing the same shorts all the time
are you using an open tuning? what shape is that chord that ur playing and then hitting the low string
very nice overall

learn fingerpicking/alternate strumming patterns and it will be the next dire straits

the chords sound sex but the lead is weak asf
the slides sound kinda goofy and it needs way more distortion i think
and yea the drums
it sounds like a brazillian metallica drum cover, like a guy is hitting buckets of paint or something
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airwindows amps
kinda wanna... face tat it.... *paper rips*
kinda in the mood to make some deep house akin to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVVGw97rFhU

any pointers?
Do you like this quick beat I made in like 5 minutes? :)
I found taking a nap helpful when I'd feel suicidal
the sound >>121826793 in the intro is that more of a lead or a pluck? what would you guys say? it sounds to me like some kind of organ
my attempt of copying it, for now
i'm not sure what to use to fill out the blank space there obviously is
a bass would be too much i think

the guitars are mostly just doubling the organ parts to add more texture, but yeah I'll add more clear guitar parts.
My 日本語 is 弱い
How do I get into hyperborean music?
you have to feel the vibe
Post good example please
Reminder to get out of your bedroom faggot or you'll never make anything good
How about antidepressants? I take them, it works.
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I made this years ago, the initial idea was to make a song inspired by the loop-based themes from fighting games, in this case in particular, it was supposed to be a song used in the training mode, but ended up being something entirely different

how do i make a pad sound with a mono synth? is it even possible?
Anything is possible with enough effects. Depending on your set up some things may be less practical than others.
This is the exact same thing twice, the first time had the effects turned off. I'm not even good at this stuff, someone who is could probably make a million pads with a simple wave and plugins or pedals.

bump happy friday to my fellow neets
Which hurts more, being told your music is dog shit or having it ignored entirely? I feel like being shit on always has a chance to tell you what to do better. Getting ignored just leaves you wondering where to go from there. What do you fuckers think?
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that drum intro was a bit long but I liked the rest. I was expecting something shuma gorath fighting game sounding tho.

Good effort B+
if we are being honest here, if your music is bad to the point people say it's dog shit then you'll also have plenty of people ignoring it entirely, and if people are ignoring your music entirely then there's a high chance they think it's dog shit or bland at best
>being told your music is dog shit
This assumes that I'm (you're) actually bad and not making music to somebody else's taste.

I'd 100% rather be divisive and told i'm bad than legitimately make bland music.
"the opposite of love isn't hate it's indifference" or whatever
this aint bad, I liked it.
It needs vocals, the instruments were kinda weak, but I got over that.
Overall good song, but missing vocals idk.
hi I am relucant 2 post here, sry guys. :shh:
I would like some feedback if that helps
I'm a little tired of people asking me to mix better but --
What do you think?
Hi, this was alright, but when the bass kicked, I felt like I wasnt being rewarded for my time; new sounds were introduced later on at 1:39, but the majority was too ambient for my taste.

There's potential but its being stretched around by too many unique sounding things.
Most of the music I post on /mu/ is deliberately a joke in some way but no one ever laughs.
I'd rather be hated than ignored.
Ahh, the imbred approach.
Weird projection anon.
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If I get a cardboard box and line it with those foam pyramid panels, would it act like a budget vocal booth? Will my neighbors still hear me screaming like a deaf child?
i keep coming up with good ideas on my guitar, recording them—usually it's a four bar loop—but then not knowing what to do after that. making songs is very overwhelming
Stop stopping yourself at 4 bars like literally just keep writing bro.
Lead into the next section with with playing dynamics or a different rhythm even.
Doesn’t even have to be a chord change or chasing the voicing/extensions.

Figuratively punch through the wall with your ideas: don’t just stop and think you can come back to it, come up with subtle variations and expansions on the idea immediately
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Anyone have a working torrent for the East West Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra in the OP's pastebin? Seems like kickass is deadass.

i think someone already talked about the bass but i wanted to give you more feedback about the bass, i think it needs more harmonics, maybe you could get that by adding a layer that hits closer to the mid range, or adding some distortion and separating it on another channel with a highpass eq or a bandpass on the low-mid frequency, i was listening on some crappy airpods and when the guy says "let the bass hit" i couldn't feel any bassy instrument/synth sound. i thought this sounded like a fun idea
>spotify puts lyrics behind a paywall
>pays artists even less now
Why should i EVER go to spotify now
(sry mybe this is not the place to ask this)

Anyone recommend or has had good experience mixing with the ATH m50x?
not at all.
you shouldn't
1 (one) sale on somewhere bandcamp is worth like 1000 streams
I've heard of people getting +100k streams and earning $100 or less
Holy shit. I needed to see this
I wonder if I'll start making music after I force myself to exercise for a month.
Fingers crossed...
She glossed over and crossed up like a million different concepts in that clip, but the point(s) stand that laying around isolated all day will make you feel like shit (duh) and behaviors/habits are addicting.

That said, it’d be more effective to just make a habit of doing music every day instead of doing something completely unrelated like exceeding and hoping the prospective good feeling will carry over.
Not saying you shouldn’t exercise or make other good habits of course though, lol.
Is there a small chance of getting busted when using warez VSTs?
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I'm going to get jacked like my boy Gryz (check his before pics; from geek to chic).
It's all so exhausting.
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I did not expect that sudden pang of panic wtf
https://vocaroo.com/1bWQq1Xn0tnV messed up some highats before exporting was too lazy to fix it up i like the melody maybe someone likes it.
I need help making this song more dynamic
Any tips on the production, overall?
Finally got around to trying out pianoteq
Not anywhere near as good as keyscape
Unfortunately keyscape doesn't have sustenuto support, which makes it seem like it's not a serious software for performers, which is very sad to me
Anyway pianoteq sucks
>Anyway pianoteq sucks
For sure. Fuck modeled pianos.
>Keyscape doesn't have sostenuto

^ mix/master critiques on this? trying to submit to distributor this week

not hugely in love with the composition or the progression or anything. i assume you're a bit new, and looking for the kind of validation that'll keep you going on this long arduous journey. and i can give that to you -- i could see a song like this making the guilty gear soundtrack if it was produced and recorded to a high level. idk! just keep going lol, you don't need anything from me

mixolydiannnnnnnnnn. idk can't comment on it, it's not finished

sus2 is cruise control for cool, sounds nice


editor's note of the week: i wanna make an honest woman of dasha nekrasova but she just got cast in that a24 film with chris evans. her star is rising and my music just cannot keep up with her. god help me
i made some vocaloid. i want some mixing feedback

can anyone recommend me a VST that can realistically emulate the sound of an electric guitar?
What gives you the impression that this is the place to post about your obsession with this woman, or that we even care at all?
Hmm, today I think I will make a track using only sounds from my casio VL tone.
>can anyone recommend me a VST that can realistically emulate the sound of an electric guitar?
The short answer is no because no such thing exists.
The slightly longer answer is that only really straightforward, slow picking of individual notes translates well to a sample library and can be played in a somewhat authentic sounding way. So unless you plan on making lo-fi to study/sleep to then the guitars aren't going to sound right.
I've used meticulously sample violins and they have dozens of articulations at multiple velocities for every single note. I don't know if any similar electric guitar libraries exist, but from the way most people talk about guitar libraries I imagine that they either don't exist or simply can't be done for some reason.
lil visualizer and instrumental test, makin a mixtape
would it be smart to cut out all the profanity and whatnot out of the pictochat area before i release the whole mixtape visualizer down the road? not sure if that would negatively impact any possible career i might have in the future
>Chad musician
>Printed sheets
>Didn't even write the dots himself
Simple as.
Is it that bad
Agree with others it needs some lower end vocals or something. I like it a lot though!
It isn't bad it's actually fine the problem isn't that it sucks it's that why in the shit would anyone care about something that just doesn't sound bad?
Music is not an easy thing, really target an audience with something. Really be scientific about it, really nail the vibe. Imagine where does this music gets performed, who is paying for it, what do they want, design it, give it to them, and make them pay for it (musically and financially)
It's not easy
Anyone know where to buy (or not buy..) stem files of songs?
I hear all this talk of stem files but it just seems like they aren't available anywhere?
Completely agree with the first sentence but the rest of your post gives the worst fucking vibe bro wtf
why would people sell you stems of their music lmfao just extract them with ai retard
Ic you're still struggling with the professional reality of the music business. Eventually you'll appreciate the audience instead of just blindly making whatever happens to blow across your preference
This might blow your mind, but not everybody who makes music has the exact same motivations, philosophies, and ideas about music as you, let alone life.
I make music to glorify god, why do you make music?
Post your music.
kindly go shitpost on /pol/ for your underage giggles
>He doesn't make music to glorify god
I just want to hear his righteous music.
new. need to figure out the bridge https://voca.ro/1f6LwEk2HXhN
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still contemplating the

been learning jazz by myself for a couple of years and i think it finally clicked.
plugins used:
UVI Kontr (Bass)
EZtoons Keys
Addictive Drums 2


bonus points if someone recognizes the tune
really cool anon
re-working a deep house project:

ideas welcome
vocal down, kick up, please don't do that to your hats and rebalance your top
thank you
also forgot sidechaining the vocals lol
hey guys, guitar tone questions:

i'm looking to get a metal sound for my guitar, i usually record clean and use at most eq and compression and reverb which i have all that with stock effects on ableton, but for higher gain stuff i haven't had much luck with these, including the stock fx called overdrive/pedal.

what vst do you recomment me to get a typical metal sound ? i'm kind of lost between the options... i'd like to have as few settings as possible, kind of just plug and play kind of thing
Neural DSP is one of the paid go-tos, with Gojira being the obvious pick.
I still use pedal but overdrive is pretty meh on guitar imo.

Unironically this is more of something you should search reddit for answers about.
thx anon
bass too overpowering at 0:33?
vocal too sibilant?
>with Gojira being the obvious pick.
Not into metal. Why is Gojira the obvious pick?
Is it because they're known for good guitar tones or is it because that specific plugin is better than the other Neural DSP ones, regardless of how their reputation compares to the other bands on Neural DSP?
That's girl from ipanema so uh where's the melody? You don't wanna hear my old version of this tune it's completely smashed
I've found that you really can distort most sounds quite a bit before it becomes audible. Upside to that is controlling peaks and pulling the quiet parts up from the bottom. Clippers are a seriously great tool that I think more people need to try using.
Mix on whatever headphones you are familiar with. If you know what good music sounds like on those m50s, start there. Then you'll be more informed on what gear you might need later. Also, check mixes on phone, earbuds and car (since you probably already have all these). That'll give you a good idea if you're aware of how each of those systems sound.
Not a genre I listen to so don't take my opinion too seriously. This sounds good, but personally I'd make it a little brighter. Low end feels like it could be attenuated in the 200-500hz (?) range and then try saturating the high end a bit.
Rest of it sounds balanced, loud and clear to me. Listening on a pair of HiFiman h3-5xx's if that helps.
>vocal at 0:33 too sibilant?
Not at all.
NTA but think that the vocals can be more forward. Somewhere between this and the last link you posted imo.
Highs sound great.
Are you doing any EQ to that kick drum? Sounds like it could use some mid-high end to me.
>Somewhere between this and the last link
damn okay
>Highs sound great.
>EQ to that kick
i do yeah in the mid-highs actually, wanted to give it a bit less emphasis for the bass but you're right gonan revert that
thank you
Happy to help anon. Post another link if you want and I'll check it out.
For the kick, I think you could saturate the second or third harmonic to give it more body. Maybe balance it with an EQ to let the higher end come through more? I'd mess around with it some. I like where it's at but I think it could have some more energy if that makes sense.
i'll look into that
might take a bit though
any ideas on how to give it more energy? i agree
>any ideas on how to give it more energy?
I usually saturate my kick. Go to plugin is NewFangled Saturate, but use whatever you like. Can also try just balancing it with an EQ shelf. Couple dB boost over a large frequency range can go a long way.
Might be worth trying to making the ducking a little snappier too. Sometimes I find having those frequencies that you're ducking come back quicker can help blend everything.
Another random idea I had - keep the kick the way it is in the intro/verse part and when it drops bring in the re-mixed kick with more mid-high end.
see >>121865732
cool asf anon. please keep doing your thing.
Try to solve the depression first and then concern yourself with hobbies.

Unless of course the hobbies themselves alleviate the depression
yep. perfect gif.
Depends on how much you want to spend. Every one of them are going to have strengths/weaknesses.
I've been using an MPC Live 2 for a while now and absolutely love it. Pretty much end-game sampler for me desu.
Whens vocaroo gonna implement a f ucking dark mode
When is 4chan going to add an "Embed Vocaroo" feature?
cheers anon i'll check those out then
might take until tomorrow though and post the update
ear fatigue kicking in
never. there were imageboards with more features such as a radio thread or being able to upload mp3, wav, flac, etc, but features aren't enough to make people switch
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remember when you could embed audio into your threads
i remember
That would honestly elevate this piece of shit website
Just fell asleep lol
Thanks bro, appreciated

Both, ish
Neural DSP is known to be among the highest quality plugins of its type, and gojira caters to metal, as all of their plugins have a target sound.
Iirc there are like 2-3 other contenders and maybe one of those is another common name for “the best” at high distortion tones?
It’s been a while since I looked them up
>>Didn't even write the dots himself
I know it's just an arrangement, but I'll count it. He has a handful of others. I'm not sure if he has published any purely original pieces yet.
Love this one too. Especially those distorted half-steps that blend through each other with a bit of grinding dissonance as the notes transition.
Bingo. Didn't expect a reply. I'm playing the melody on guitar, it's kind of a backing track for improvs too. Maybe if I get an audio interface one day I will record the guitar melody. I do would like to hear your version.
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>some people spend all day looking at a computer at work..another screen is the last thing I want to see when I'm making music!
Thank you
Dogshit means it clicks with something but isnt good enough.
Ignored means nobody can relate with your magic at all.


>not hugely in love with the composition or the progression or anything. i assume you're a bit new, and looking for the kind of validation that'll keep you going on this long arduous journey. and i can give that to you -- i could see a song like this making the guilty gear soundtrack if it was produced and recorded to a high level. idk! just keep going lol, you don't need anything from me

Wow cool, ty
Anyone else get from people?
>"I would listen to this in the background while I work"
>"I would listen to this while I fall asleep"
b u y m o r e g e a r anon, you know you want to.
as a complete baseline, could I just go through Rick Snoman's Dance Music Manual front to back?
Yes. Did that in my first year. Highly recommended for a beginner.
thanks. I guess the question now is the DAW. I use reaper to record bass and guitar for a band I'm in.. should I stick with reaper and just throw a bunch of VSTs at or, or switch to something that seems to be more meant for electronic music - like Ableton?
If you want to get into electronic music, Ableton is 100% the right move.
Get it here
Anyone here had experience with Behringer's dynamic mics?
There's a chance that down the line my mate and I will be setting up a drum room and it would be nice to mic it up for our bands demos rather than resorting to patterns/robot sounding programmed drums.
Atm I'm thinking just 4 mics for the kit: kick, snare, and 2 overheads
I'll likely invest in more later on but i want to keep it reasonably small right now. Would the Behringer mics (SL 75s) be decent for overheads? I'll probably use the SM58 i already have for the snare
It's not 100% the right move you stupid fuck. you're a dumb fucking faggot if you believe that
Any DAW is going to work desu. Download demos and try them out. Long time FL Studio user myself and can fully recommend it.
For VSTs any of the popular DAWs have great stock plugins. Think a lot of people immediately download as many flashy plugins as they can find online but you're better off in the long run learning the stock tools and then downloading anything extra you need when you know you need it.
I've had a Berhinger XM8500 for a while and it's fine for vocals for what it's worth. I get a lot of floor noise, but I think that's my shitty interface. Don't do serious recording with it at home so just haven't bothered upgrading any of it.
I'm not too familiar with recording drums like you're trying to do. Is there a specific sound you're looking for from each mic?
Retard. Holy shit.
>Is there a specific sound you're looking for from each mic?
Not really, I'm pretty inexperienced when it comes to what 'colour' different mics tend to provide, as most of my recording experience has just been bass + guitar right into the interface. I'm mostly just wanting affordable stuff that gives me enough to work with, without needing to shell out on the really high end stuff that I don't have the production knowledge/experience to use to its potential anyway
At it's core i'm just looking for decent, if cheap, microphones that would give me a good 'picture' of the drum kit
thanks. I'm just gonna stick with Reaper since I know it decently for recording actual instruments. and your advice on just sticking to stock plugins in appreciated. the problem with EDM production in general is it just seems so daunting since there is so much out there.. and so stick with the basics first
>no argument, just seething
when you pour your heart out into your art and nobody gives a fuck...that stings...
when someone says my music is dog shit, well, at least that person gave it a listen and taste is very subjective...somebody's trash is another man's treasure...and there's also a chance that person is just jealous

so, yeah...i have no audience or someone who appreciates my music, and i often wonder why i keep making music...but during a creative hiatus, i have this strong urge to make music again and i must express myself creatively or else i feel like shit...so, i make music for my own entertainment and because i enjoy it too much and i realized i am not entitled to an audience because it's simple stupid music and nothing special anyway...fuck, even in prod threads i rarely get any (you)'s
You're making your life needlessly difficult based on bad advice that's completely not practical and based on Internet memes that actual producers don't follow.
Just because you can technically maje any type of music in any DAW it doesn't mean that it's the optimal choice if you care about gaining skills and not wasting time.
You're just a retard shill for a trendy daw, this dude doesn't even know what kind of workflow he would benefit from. Just stop talking or better yet kill yourself
Some boards have different file types that can be attached. Would be fun if we could attach midi or something.
>Long time FL Studio user myself and can fully recommend it.
I'm only just now figuring out the patcher. The fact that the patcher can run instances of the patcher is knowledge I would probably be better off without. I've done nothing but make pad instruments for the last 4 hours.
Good times. I wonder if I can make a patch that will play an entire track live when I hold down a button.
I literally gave him a link to pirate it.

Yeah, the DAW that everyone in electronic music switched to is just popular because it's trendy

He's way too new to itb electronic music production to be able to decide what's good for him, even after trying all of them out.
He can always switch later when he's more experienced.

Using what everyone is using for his type of music is going to be far more beneficial for a beginner, since he's going to be watching a lot of tutorials and most of them won't be with Reaper and its stock plugins.
Actual producers use everything, from stock to freeware to paid plugins. Telling him to limit himself doesn't benefit him.
He should just get Ableton, Serum for learning synthesis, and maybe Kontakt for real instruments, or Omnisphere if he wants a ton of preset sounds of all kinds.
If he just gets a few staples to cover his bases and doesn't waste all of his time hoarding unnecessary plugins, he's going to be much better off than just limiting himself to stock shit for literally zero benefit.

You're not nearly as intelligent as you think.
Retard lol
I was getting depressed and hating everything and then I listened to this
Now I am happy and inspired.
God bless.
Saying it's "100%" the right move is retarded. You should just try out demos at first and see what workflow clicks with you. You could try Bitwig, which is similar to Ableton in some ways, so Ableton is not 100% it
See >>121877870
There are other options that are also good, but Ableton, at least for electronic music, is at least slightly better than the alternatives (it has the most tutorials, M4L plugins that other DAWs can't run, higher chances that a potential collaborator also uses it, it's the "lingua franca" of DAWs that's the most likely to be referenced when discussing DAW-agnostic topic, etc), so why go with the slightly worse choice when Ableton is at worst an equal choice, and it's the easiest to acquire?

Its biggest advantages are the grid and the modulation (arguable considering M4L), which aren't nearly as important for a beginner compared to what I mentioned above.

>You should just try out demos at first and see what workflow clicks with you.
If I'm getting into video editing and asked for NLE recs and got told "try them and see what fits your workflow the best" I would download all the programs, open them, click around, and quickly realize that I have no idea how to judge the differences between them because I don't have the required knowledge abd experience, let alone a workflow, and immediately conclude that this person should be never asked for advice on anything ever again.

hey anon
saturated the kick a bit, automated the eq
vocals a tad louder now too hopefully
I can’t stop the bass from going into the red unless I lower the volume but then it’s too quiet. Do I just lower all my other tracks?

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What do gender neutral singers sound like?
Imagine Sanic
Im not the anon you responded to, but I fucking know that feel.
Ive always enjoyed making music. I thought my music was pretty decent too, especially when I compare it to what else is out there or popular, but then Im like, fuuuuck, I cant get nobody to listen.
Bet you could find some mics in your price range and then some videos of someone recording on them. Should give you a good idea of how each of them sound.
Yeah if Reaper is working for you why switch? If there's a specific functionality you're looking for then definitely look at other DAWs. Again, demos are the way to go for trying all of them out.
I'll stand by that statement about stock plugins. I used to have a million plugins and when I actually sat down and learned how the basic tools of production worked, stock plugins made 95% of those downloaded plugins obsolete.
Yes! Patcher is one of those things that I didn't know I needed until I started using it. Don't forget you can save your own presets with it too. Has turned into an essential part of the mix stage for me.
>I wonder if I can make a patch that will play an entire track live when I hold down a button.
Run the experiment anon lol.
Couple old, unfinished Tech House Projects:

Proj 1

Proj 2

Any of these worth investing more time to finish them?
>reaper switch
I think the biggest argument at this point is there there are so many more tutorials out there for Ableton and so I'd have more of a library to learn from. but anyway I do plan to stick with Reaper.
>since he's going to be watching a lot of tutorials and most of them won't be with Reaper and its stock plugins
I know what you're saying but there's tons of Reaper tutorials online anon. After a certain point, I'd argue that you shouldn't be watching many, if any, tutorials anyway.
>Telling him to limit himself doesn't benefit him.
It does though. When you're first starting out there's too much to learn. Not worrying about what hot plugins to use narrows focus to a smaller set of tools that make up the fundamentals of music production. For example, I think time is better spent learning HOW a compressor works instead of WHAT compressor to use and all the nuanced discussion around something as deep as compression.
Also, I never said he shouldn't download third-party VSTs. I said he should learn using stock before downloading or spending time and money on third-party plugins.
Do you promote your work at all?
This is definitely true but there's still so much content on Reaper that it doesn't really matter. Do agree that some DAWs are better suited for different workflows though. Think you're smart for sticking to Reaper. Can always pivot to something else if there's something you're looking for.
bros how did they done did it make this tune such a fucking banger
Pretty much exactly what I had in mind anon. Sounds much better imo. Bet you would be able to hear the kick much clearer on smaller speakers/shitty headphones too.

I'm hesitant to suggest because I like where you have it, but maybe push the vocal down 2-3 dB to balance it in the instrumental. If it were my mix, I would at least try it and see what feels best.

Overall good stuff anon. Sounds good on a pair of speakers I'm using too btw. Great stuff, keep it up!
i'll try that!
now on to making it an actual song then
So uhm, new Bread Ting ?

new bread ting mon irie ibiza vibe

Responded in the new thread:
It's not. It just sounds cool and deep so why not. If you're really depressed you won't be able to make anything. You need lots of energy if you want to engage in a creative act. Having been depressed in the past is helpful though.
You should get your basic needs taken care of first. Art is what you do when you're bored and have nothing else to do.

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