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What is it like to be a tranny here? Would it be worth moving?
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it is the worst experience ever and i am leaving forever first chance i get
It’s fine if ur in Austin lots of trannies here and it’s pretty progressive so like people stare sometimes but they don’t say slurs usually. Outside Austin it’s risky DFW is ok but anywhere else I wouldn’t recommend. Honestly unless u got like a good job lined up down here it’s not worth it the state govt hates trannies and they banned hrt for minors recently so they might come after all hrt in the future
miserable empty place and the cities that are there are mostly urban hell and are getting worse and worse
Bull fucking shit
Liberal cities are anything but
Good luck being a tranny in Houston or Dallas without Chicanos or blacks hate criming you
Also forgot to say it’s hot as hell 9 month out of the year so unless ur comfortable wearing revealing clothes it’s tough

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wow he's attractive, I would like to look like that.
Trying to lose weight as 5'5 and 125lb but they say its bad to go under 1500 calories/day what do I do
> see a twunk on Instagram
> want to rape him
What to do anons?
shalluv is this a good book of Doré's illustrations?

is cameras being everywhere. He used to be able to cross-dress and go on late night masturbation walks with little fear of getting caught. While he wasn't specifically trying to flash anyone, he would if he stumbled across a solo woman. There was no fear she'd have a phone to whip out and record him.

Simpler times, /tttt/
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phone cams should be banned, you young ones don't know what you missed out on. I used to jack it in my car wearing my wig and makeup and drive to to some hot girl and ask her for directions to some made to address. When she walked up to my car window I'd pull the blanket off my lap and start jerkin. Instant hard cum. Nowadays I have to jerk it quietly in women's restrooms it's so oppressive and less fun. It takes forever to get aroused enough to cum being on hrt, but I've gotten used to the smell.
Did you tell him he's dead wrong? This is the absolute Golden age for exhibitionists. He can lurk outside any public pool, wait for the girls' swimming class to end, then spend the next hour fully nude boned up in their locker room.
>It takes forever to get aroused enough to cum being on hrt, but I've gotten used to the smell.
That's why the committed cookers, like the one who went viral at Planet Fitness, aren't on hrt. They're old school transvestites who can get rock hard and shoot ropes.
My friend recently told me about a time a trans friend of his was riding public transit and turned around to find a homeless guy jerking off to her and now it's a brainworm that iwnb pretty and passing enough to have a disgusting moid expose themselves to me in public:((
This is AGP asf you really have deep seated internalized misogyny if you think its feminine and validating to have creeps jerk off to you in public. Your mental view of womanhood and yourself are obviously malignant, and I really ask you to spend lots of time on reflecting and addressing this

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prev: >>35660005
qott: what hobbies/interests do you have? do you frequent any other boards?

What to do if I am questioning my gender? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo1
What is Gender Dysphoria? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo2

HRT Information: https://rentry.org/mtfghrt
For additional HRT information, please visit >>>/lgbt/hrtgen

Fashion Guides (Videos): https://rentry.org/mtfgfashion
Basic Skincare and Makeup: https://rentry.org/mtfgskinmakeup

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disc? I'll watch u cry if u want







do you ever feel like you're perpetually living in the end of something
you've missed the main event, these are just the traces of it
the dregs
I have gone on living when I should have stopped
I don't use it because it doesn't work with tor
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Mtfg has fallen far indeed, anon-sama.

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Is r/ftm the most fembrained place on the internet?
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I don't know enough about you to say why. I think what makes you a man is a complex thing, it's like a track that you're supposed to go down but other men will push you off to make themselves feel better and (in their eyes) more masculine.
Does being bisexual count? I'm bi and have my own fetishes but don't consider myself to be gayden
It sounds really harsh when you lay it out like that, but I can't say you're wrong. That kind of sexual economy stuff (supply and demand, material exploitation, transactional nature of relationships) I feel isn't talked about as much as it should for something so important.
>Does being bisexual count? I'm bi and have my own fetishes but don't consider myself to be gayden
I'm just some little loser freak on the internet, what's my opinion matter? Actually bi trans people tend to be more valid though I think, and straight usually tend to be the most valid, and gay tend to be the least valid, it's not universal though but ugh. Trans women have the same problem where a lot of "lesbian" trans women don't feel valid at all they literally just feel like men to me, gaydens are usually the same way. I'd see a bi FtM that actually tries to look and act like a dude and who sleeps with women as a man for sure though if they were remotely passing
Ur opinion doesn't matter but I'd like to hear it. I honestly think strictly gay trans people are weird...

1. Do you like learning? Tell us something cool you've learned recently
2. Do you have any special interests/stuff you're really nerdy about?

Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (lesbians). All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads.

Discord: https://pastebin.com/P644WESi

Old threat:
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She is Argentinian but her family is 100% European. Her father was an English banker (living in ARG) and her mother was a Spanish aristocrat.
i drinka da beer
Do Eastern European anons look like this?
>tfw slavic ancestry and i look like this
me on the right

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I hear trans girls on this board don't shower that often. is that true?
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I shower twice a day because I like my body now and the warm water feels good esp when I'm stoned.
Need to sniff her nutsack
honestly this is the most offputting thing about being a chaser. i shower daily, and when i hear trannys say they stink it's a boner killer
booo get out and leave the stinky girls for us
I dont shower for two or three days because my partner likes my natural scent. Once I feel gross ill shower

post your art or crafts, even if it's shit. i sometimes post on /i/.
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thank you
looks really good, i hope ill be able to define shapes like that one day. praying for you to draw again one day as soon as you got your life back on track
It's Eulr and Star unit from signalis
Pastel 2022
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I know what you are, Astrid.

This is really good because it persuaded someone who was prepared to die on the hill that hyperpop is shit to listen to more hyperpop,

Is there a better place in the country to be trans right now than PDX?
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as a tranny, i love homeless black drug addicts
go fuck yourself in the ass with a taser, normie
>straight trannies
>more normal
normies shut the fuck up and die challenge
this board is for real losers only
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I refuse to leave the Appalachia area
i somehow don't see a single visibly trans person in nyc lmao

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There is nothing better on this planet than a hands free estrogen orgasm. That is all lol Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk ;)
pinkpill me on the hands-free estrogen orgasm
how is it achieved and what is it like
even if you don't pass and likely don't have the sexuality to have one?
My defense is that self actualization through hormones and surgery is rad idgaf what motivates you to do it

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whats your taste in men? do you like them with big boobs and sweat and musk and stuff?
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I like them with fat hairy cunts and great big tdicks. Ough they all want cock… I’m doomed…
fat, hairy, nerdy, autistic, literally a basedjak meme
Like trannies?
Because trannies are twinks with DLC
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dawg, does your poon still SLAP hard or is it crusty
gotta think of the kids
im a gayden sorry

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guess letters and whatnot
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i have never seen a ftm wear an undershirt like that or glasses like that and pass
>>35677042 cisbi or cisles with turbo autism
het mtf

>is just what I look like
femfaced anon, didn't realize we were posting mental self images and not being honest

saving for fms
damn sorry ab that. hope fms will serve you well poonbro
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lainmoder mtf
over 25 mtf
under 25 mtf
mtf. Try tretinoin.

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Hello how was your weekend?
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Tacos and dnd with friends does sound like a lot of fun yummy!!!
I'm sorry, I hope I didn't come off as an asshole.
Nope. You did not come off as an asshole to me at all.
Sat inside by myself like usual.

Hating myself and having no self esteem (justifiably no self esteem. I am ugly af ) sucks
It was finally warm enough to start my garden so I did a lot of yard work
Imm finally having surgery tuesday and am excited and also nervous
But also I'm a chronic weed user and they told me no weed no alcohol no melatonin in the days before surgery
So now I cant sleep

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Trigger warning, SA;

Does anyone else suspect very very early sexual abuse that you’ve blocked out?

>mtf, whole life I have felt very alien from peers, a lot of fear toward adults
>yet the best friendships have always been with those older than me
> have experienced all kinds of states of being, from very overweight as a teen to very small and extremely fit as an adult and everything in between
>whenever I experiment with fasting or dietary restriction I become extremely feminine and a lot of weird symptoms come about until I have a complete breakdown
>become extremely sensitive to any new sights or sound, extreme flinching/startle response that can become debilitating especially when in public spaces
>regress hard into a very young state when feeling safe, like age 2
>was with a partner once and had a lapse where I felt very young but didn’t communicate it
>immediately snapped into a very strange trance
>rocking back and forth while they’re inside me feeling like this is the first real sensation I remember, like I was trained to love it more than anything and always go back to it. Like my entire purpose is to be a vessel for men, and that I’ve been trained for this life purpose specifically

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maybe you should just tell us all about it
I mean I blocked most of mine out, but I remember the tail end of it. That must have been 8 years ago now. That bastard grabbed my tits and claimed to be innocent! What a fucking bullshitter. And who would believe a tranny?
An older boy (not even sure how much older at this point, tween or teen I think) who was the son of my babysitter would "play a game" with me when i was maybe 4 years old where we'd touch our tongues to each other. When I was under 10 I was very androgynous.

wouldn't be surprised if that fucked me up
It didn’t happen as a kid but i got roofied at 20 by a friend of mine. I had two drinks he poured me, blacked out pretty quickly after and woke up naked on the floor In another room with him nowhere to be found. Last thing I remember was laying on his bed and him grabbing hold of me.
He told the story to me later and said he only sucked my dick but obviously didn’t say I got roofied.
It was weird though. It was unlike any black out I had ever had. Usually i might recall bits and pieces and it felt so overwhelming going into the blackout. One second I was there and shortly after I was totally gone.
I dont know what really happened. Tbh i know I never will. I do know he later was caught raping someone else that was a mutual friend of ours friend.
I was kn denial about it for a long time that it was really rape. I convinced myself it “wasnt a big deal since I don’t remember” but desu that experience really fucked me up and turned me from a normal person to a complete hypersexual degenerate for a solid 8 years to cope.
Hes a meth addict now and apparently schizophrenic too. Last I heard he was homeless in Oregon but he could be anywhere
I sometimes have wondered this as well... There are various reasons but I'm so messed up emotionally and idk sexual trauma feels plausible as a reason

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I am a boy. does anyone want to talk to me?
hi boy

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