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Draw this in your style
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whyd you make it smaller
not enough bisexual men here
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beg reporting in

Personally, what would need to happen for you to hold your head high and say "I am a great artist"?
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Why would it convince me? Someone that didn't use something in the past means they'll never use it? You haven't addressed anything I mentioned. If anything it would convince me otherwise, how can someone drawing that long not catch that the foot makes literally 0 sense in the sketch?
If I personally liked anything I produced and /ic/ snobs also liked it.
The first is achievable, the second is not.
I deliberately shit on art here that I genuinely think looks good, but it depends. I always play contrarian.
When I draw everyday, and notice myself not hiding that from people. I'm gonna start carrying a sketchbook everywhere ( I work a normal non-art job, so this would really feel weird to do now ) as the last time I kept a sketchbook was waaaay back in the 2010s when subway sketching was a trend in my city).
killbind yourself you retarded ape

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Why don't anons talk about this more? Isn't it one of the best ways to "make it"?

Less competition as only have your countrymen to compete with, or even just artists in your city.

Actually able to charge a fair amount because third worlders can't come over to tattoo your clients

Is a scalable business as you can open studios and hire other artists, has an exit strategy so when you get older the business will be able to run itself kind of like a barbershop. Coomer on patreon will stop earning money the second he drops drawing and be irrelevant, plus no pension etc

Won't be under threat from AI unlike digital or concept artist etc, so will always be a need for artists especially in countries where lots of people have tattoos like America and Britain

Irl networking with other artists, clients and can maybe get tattooed gf, patreon artist is stuck inside house all day and can only network with other coomers.

Can actually be proud of the work you do unlike those forced to draw coom to make a living. Before anons say you don't have to draw coom to make a living. all I see is coom artists making it on patreon or pro concept artists.

Some of the points also apply to traditional gallery artists. I think it's come full circle to where trad is again the most viable way to make it as an artist, although you can still do tattoo designs in digital so your skills would carry over.

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you'd have to touch my ballsweat to prove a point here, though
Tattooing is hard to learn, even harder to master.
>Is a scalable business
No, most of the time not.
>seems like the kind of job where you have to deal with the worst kinds of people
Not as bad as one would think. Especially if you are already established. Even most whores and thugs have some respect towards you. It can be bad and annoying, yes, but with time you will sort out the worst degens before they come over.
>Can tattoos artist draw or do they just trace?
The good ones yes, most of them not.
>Is HIV such a big issue in the tattooing scene?
Not at all. I mean maybe if you're tattooing fags and junkies. HIV is dangerous in the first 6-10 weeks after infection, after the your immune system lower the concentration of virus in your blood, and if you get the right medical treatment the concentration in the blood is nearly zero.
If you follow even the simplest hygiene protocol you are safe. A tattoo is a very superficial procedure. You have to be below iq 85 to fuck it up.
>respect towards you
Well, i guess they respect more the procedure then you, getting your ribs tattoed for 5-6 hours is not a joke, you can't just pretend to be hard, you have to go through it. I guess most people intuitively understand the power dynamic and don't try to fuck with you too much.
many new graduates from my province's top art and design college end up tattooing in the city.
seems like their isn't much other work for them here
Give me an opportunity.

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>get off from work (corpocuck job)
>too tired to draw
i thought it was just a meme but now i understand, this is awful
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>caffeine helps but careful not to lose too much sleep
caffeine is a trash drug for me. only good when I've had some decent sleep. if I'm tired and drink coffee I just feel like shit.
definitely not a meme
you have 2-3 hours a day of real(tm) concentration juice and you blow most of it out at work
yeah really. at work i'm programming and writing documentation and i think "this is easy" but when i get home i just don't want to do anything but scroll. maybe i'll mindlessly doodle for an hour or two but i'm not actually studying

slammer dogs, can read it on mangago

>Make sure you're staying physically fit and staying hydrated.
this is probably it too. ironically when i was working retail hell at a mall, i always had enough energy to come home and draw. now that i'm stuck at a desk all day i just don't
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>now that i'm stuck at a desk all day i just don't
Yup. I work at a place that's split 50-50 between brainless labwork and pretty intensive office work (arguments in meetings, decision making, designs themselves) and days where I'm forced to do the latter are always far worse
This but with an EE degree and part time job

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I am learning how to shade characters who are nude. I can't find the source of this book unfortunately. Anyone know any books that tell me the shading principals from all angles?
takuya's kakikata
That's a child bro. Please get help.
symbol shading

Post your favorite / least favorite painting resources, your reviews of them.

Not line drawing, but anything about values and color.

Things I know about:
>Richard Schmid
>Harold Speed
>Andrew Loomis
>various schoolism lectures
>Med's Map

What resources were most helpful for you? Which ones did you not like? Post some studies that you did, following those courses too, if you'd like.
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I meant to add Sinix and Craig Mullins to the more obvious ones, also Tiffanie Mang since OP asked about color:

Here's the most useful stuff I've dug through over the past ~6 months, vaguely in recommended order of watching but you'll want to go back and forth to see where you're heading. A lot of these are based on portraits and still life but you'll eventually learn the subject doesn't matter (portraits, figure, still life, your own original illustrations).

Morro (Digital painting)
- I would consider Morro as a bridge between Bucci and Mullins.
- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWlOdihvL2_9JkM6ycZVZXcIXyWWxZQ7b

Daniel Ibanez (Loose digital painting, 'emulating' traditional)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtYisjwXmRk
- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUuRcU19WlxbZlM-wxu3EC_fzvD0jz07_

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Thank you anon, this is wonderful stuff. I'll be bookmarking and revising these links over the coming week
Nonsense thread.

Also, if you want to take this pill sooner:
>you'll eventually learn the subject doesn't matter
>If there's anything like "secret knowledge" in art, it's gotta be in the books of the past masters. I've been specifically looking at Richard Schmid and Harold Speed stuff, along with Arthur Guptill's books and whatever other old, "traditional" books I can find.

I strongly recommend you check out the following lectures:

thank you so so much again. I search for these things over and over again on youtube, but the algorithm keeps spitting out the same videos for me, and it's hard to find obscure gems such as these things. Thank you

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>What model did you use for this?
Looks like something from Sketchup to me.
tell em the name of a supermodel
are those air canada kneepads

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what is a good resource on digital color, and color theory as a whole?

How do i draw juice thick women?
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Any recommendations?
Learning anatomy and integrating it into stylized art, what it means >>7159545.

also. morpho fat and skin folds can help
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feel the form
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All the knowledge i know so far
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Tummy + BOOBA + Thighs, Apply necessary thiccness to other limbs, feel the FORM

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Why do people pretend like this?
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9d chess move
You can't fool the audience if you don't have one
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The implications are grim.
You always want to talk to an audience, even if you don't have one. It's incredibly demoralizing
How is it demoralizing when you haven't even worked hard to get one?

Can you even justify being embarrassed if no one is there to witness?

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No one is reviving the thread and I think it's so sweet that /ic/ has a space for this, so I guess it depends on me now
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here's my actual attempt at it but I can't really get beyond the rough stage and make it look like actual plants

I'm tempted to try this myself but I don't wanna go insane
No problem!
Thumbnail looks good so then it's just the detailing work from there on, probably best to use some brushes specific for foilage.
It might help to do a weeping willow study
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>try to draw a bush
>it looks like a crappy christmas tree

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What is the key to using asymmetry in character design tastefully?
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You could try looking at a bunch of asymmetrical designs and study them, try to understand why you like their asymmetry, or at least what the creator was doing.
Asymmetry by itself is already nice, breaks the balance and gives the figure more dynamism, but beyond that, what is going on in those pictures, for example?
Almost all of them have something going on in one leg mid-thigh (a band of some kind, high boot, etc.), then the opposite leg is usually clean until below the knee. Not only this creates asymmetry, it also creates a rhythm between the legs, because the eye will first notice the detailing on the higher one, then move onto the lower one. The viewer gaze no longer sees the figure in a vertical line from top to bottom, but zigzags left to right. I'm sure if we could see the rest of the models we'd see this applied on opposite sides to create even more of a wave.
With the examples you provided though, one already does this: the blue pants one (4th 2nd row), where they have some kind of holster on the thigh, then an eye-catching knee guard on the other leg, then back again to the right for the low cut boot.
Yes, balance. With organic flow.
I honestly hate Genshin's character designs. Majority of them had way too much fluff, textures, ornaments, details, patterns and whatever the fuck those things are that it became annoying to process them visually. It's like back in the days of chinese mmos where all the characters are from some shitty cultivation-styled chinese dynasty designs with way too much details that nobody could remember.
you can't seriously think these designs are good
so much useless pointless shit tossed onto the character, i can't look at half of them and tell what the fuck they are or what they're supposed to be outside of "distinct and colorful enough to draw in gambling weebs"
As they say, if the design serves its intended purpose, it's a good design.
If the purpose was to attract the attention of affection starved gambling weebs and rob them of civilization's worth of sperm, they did a good job.
I theorize weebs like shit like this because their dopamine receptors are fried from too much internet and anime emotions.

What's your preferred canvas size?
3500x2000 or so
At the moment, I like using an oversized canvas (such as 5000x5000) and cropping it if I decide to focus on a particular drawing/project.
If you're talking about physical media, I prefer smaller sizes, something around A3 is as large as I'd want to possibly go.

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It is 2024, and AI Art is now mainstream. The normies on Facebook and instagram love it.
Almost nobody gives a fuck about "AI art is theft", and corporations like WotC, Blizzard, Disney, Anime studios and art studios are now using AI art in secret.
I saw a skinny metro california guy "taking a stand against AI art theft" and it was the most cringe shit ever. Even if img2img is theft, the consumers don't give too many shits.
It was a nice run everyone, but the public has sided with AI, it has won.
We fought, we lost.
Now we rest.
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I don't think that was the own you were hoping for, ESL-kun.
Smoke weed and masturbate to cartoons.
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> t. so.ylent slurping bugman
> work is for money, art is for fun
Meanwhile every single proompter paywall their shit on deviantart.

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>artist significantly less skilled than you has 5 times more followers
It hurts, ngl.
I busted my ass grinding fundies yet some fag who draws like a toddler can get 30k followers from his scribbles.
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If I posted AI art I wouldnt care if it got likes or not , so there's that.
They might draw like a toddler, but at least they don't act like one. Are you seriously complaining about only having 6000 followers? You poor little baby! I'm so sorry you don't have more people feeding your ego! Please don't cry, here comes the airplane! Vroom vroom
That how it be at times anon
>idiot doesn't understand how social media works
>blames god

many such cases!!!

Sell out harder, spread your cheeks wider for the corporate dildo, that's a good little goyim. You will do as you are commanded.
You will post to social media
You will dedicate seven hours a day to staring at engagement graphs and trend chasing
You will automate bots for your revenue stream
You will prompt flavor of the month

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