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Opinion on using anki cards to draw?
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the question of what to draw is always there, which is what anki helps with

i doubt anyone who doesn't take a course will have a schedule. all of my study materials and inspiration is scattered, so what i end up doing is just studying whatever image i find online that i like. anki can help to be more organized

leave this board once in a while, will you?

i think the answer is clear

Might as well just make a stamp brush and get it over with.
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That's probably the most convoluted way to give yourself assignments each week that I ever seen. Really, you can just read the books (or courses) and make notes for assignments to do each week, and save youself, idk, an entire day each week that this method demands.

Like, really, Anki isn't made for that, so why use it instead of a good ol' exercise diary?
>no buttocks
What's the point?

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long story short hire a artist for a commercial work told not upload anything online till the official release and the fucktard post shit on patreon and gets pissed when I chargeback.
the great silicone network will get rid of this meatbag nonsense soon
Learn to prompt. Don't waste time with artists.
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What you need to do is let people use their imaginations.
Just draw a simple outline your subject, and one's imagination will fill in the rest.
This is an example of the NYC Skyline. If you squint, you can see the Statue of Liberty.
That's prob more to do with people with no work ethic/everything is "fair use" crowd being employed
promptards are honestly are gonna do that more T B H. I swear I wouldn't trust a person who only experience was prompting before anything prior to not fuck up in some way
Though you prob need to am in group/studio who can be trusted more so than relying on randoms
Learn to kill yourself. Don't waste our time.

>Animation Thread Discord

>51 exercises to try

>basic programs


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Which software did you use to animate this?
What animation software do they use?
that sounds horrible
pencil2D opentoonz and flipaclip are free too
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>browsing booru
>spot the hardest image imaginable
>check source
>"Page not found"

Why do they do this?
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100% of the people seething about masturbation got mutilated at birth
It's not my fault the rabbi did that to you, bro
> but once I have them I feel a mixture of embarrassment, shame, and obsession with growing the number. When I realize I still can't interact with social media in a healthy way,

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I mean I get part of what you're saying but there's no need to act like a retard about it.
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I don't get how people are still this clueless about the internet or getting offended over people's reactions to their art. Don't bother posting in the first place.
Yeah, how dare they expect decency on the internet. Don't they know humans are trash? Let's all be trash. Let's eat trash, and talk trash, and sleep in trash, and treat each other like trash.

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Post your work and I a /beg/ will give you as much constructive criticism as I can
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90s bikes had a specific style, i personally cant wait untill the curent retrostyling (currently copying 70s bikes) finally reaches the 90s. Although i will still likely be on a cruiser rather then a crotch rocket unless the rocket looks like
>pic related
I hear you no need to yell at it me
But thank you for your explanation
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my newest piece!!
We got now The thing and the Predator, we're just missing the Alien
Nice but a bit too loli for my taste
Her right hand is bigger than her left which should be impossible at that angle
You also drew a foot very pointy and the other very round, you need to get that sorted out and make them st leat look similar
The bridge on the glasses is also very asymmetrical
Also I don't think you should portray light by just making a layer drawing white on thr parts and lowering visibility. Instead the bright parts should have a brighter base color
For example you did that with the eyes but complete neglected that on the hair. Also drawing white over the eyes on a different layer makes them look like they are encased in glass
You also need to work on the tail more. Pronounce the flesh and it's shape more, the way it currently is it looks very flat especially at the base

I went into this thinking i only write a sentence or two bjt I ended up finding more than I thought
Anyway keep up the work

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What is the best framerate for pixel art sprites?
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thanks, many here have been kind to me as of late, thank you
12fps is my favorite
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i love this one

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General dedicated to posting and discussing art of either:
1. Manmade objects, vehicles, tool, weapons etc. (of any kind and any historical era, as long as they fall in the ballpark of "technology") and fictional derivatives of such
2. Objects,vehicles, creatures etc. that aesthetically fall into the visual space of mecha/robot/artificial/cybernetics etc. regardless of level of realism.
Helpful to mention the level of realism, if any, you are taking into account in the art.
Old general resoruces (hopefully these ones aren't empty):

>Scott Robertson's How to Draw

>Scott Robertson's How to Render: the fundamentals of light, shadow and reflectivity

>Cache of /m/ artbooks (Patlabor, Gunbuster, Muv-Luv, etc.)

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Are there any resources on designing mechanical forms? I don't even know what to look for
there's probably textbooks and other educational material for industrial design and vehicle design, likely good place to start
polite bump
have another one
Love Halo designs that embrace camo and other realistic kit on spartan armor. Looks great anon.

the video made sense to me but his work is still permabeg tier
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>technically proficient, but no taste
man, what an indictment. but you're so right. so many anime-style dudes from that pocket of the internet have like no sense of aesthetic whatsoever. which is nuts, because they like anime, which is heavy on the aesthetics. just not very creative i guess?
any underrated teachers who have great taste ? I'm thinking very aesthetic stuff like Krenz, and even Aldoori and Sinix to an extent
They don't understand that the anime aesthetic is calligraphic in nature. It has a set of rules (and anti-rules) that need to be followed for the recipe to work.

Since the average westoid is fiercely individualistic about muh style and western education puts these ideas of "pioneering originality" in their heads, these types of anime fans draw 'individualist' anime styles that are extremely bizarre. They lack an understanding of what makes anime aesthetically interesting to begin with, and deviate where they shouldn't deviate. It was actually far worse in the beginning, like with that how to draw anime book and the memes it spawned.

This doesn't mean that anime style is a monolith, far from it. But most westoid artists who try to cross breed anime into their style are doing it ass backwards. They're copying the copies of copies and running them through a western beauty design sensibility (pushing novelty and de-idealization of symbolic representations,) creating truly hideous abominations that are repulsive to look at.

Sycra is a weird case because like that anon said, he is technically proficient and clearly skilled. He seems able to shift around stylistically a lot as well, and he's at his best when he's making things that are more westoid derived. It's when his weeb impulses kick in that everything turns into a pile of pointy nonsense. It's like he internalized the western cartoon design philosophy about exaggerated shape design (mainly triangles) and tried to smash it together with anime, which follows the philosophy of exaggerated IDEALIZATION. These two modes of thought are incompatible and so his work looks like the work of a genetically spliced together mutt.

Ideally if someone wants to learn how to draw authentic looking anime, you have to do what the japs do: learn calligraphic principles, and consume from past styles in that culture, then discard all western design sensibilities.
I can’t put my finger on why I don’t find this art particular impressive or pleasant. Does anyone know what would make it better?
I don't think he looks at reality enough. He seems to design things from a limited visual library (maybe because he doesn't like to 'copy',) and so everything he makes seems inbred in a weird way, or somehow generic.
I think he leans too hard on the shape design to carry characters especially. There's a distinct lack of interesting accessories, details, and function. It's all just kind of superficial, pointy candy.

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Figure drawing is a fun and good way to get better at drawing humans.

Some free resources


Might as well check archives and active /ic/ threads for references.

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Where are your gestures? Are you just drawing figs without them or what?
can you explain your questions? Not sure I get what you're asking
figure drawing class cancelled because the model is on the rag again
They should just tell people to bring a red pencil, no need to cancel.
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I can't live with this kind of shame, I'm off to complete sudoku.

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why do people who can't draw well do tutorials on youtube?
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APHMAU, DREAM, DHAR MANN, Gotham chess, dramawhore Jschlatt , even the wannabe mrbeast with blond hair, Jesus Christ YouTube is more astroturfed than I thought. Insane. They have so many YouTubers and dramawhores

Even shit like scammer payback.
No dawg they even own asmongolds otk network crap.

The amount of gigajewing in insane, never in my life YouTube would be so fucking astroturfed.
That is too depressing, so many companies being under one banner, the amount of god damn, I really felt like YouTube should be regulated the amount of clickbait and drama nonsense is insane but that looks like a giga monopoly. Like lol, most of the richest YouTubers are a part of their group, even their companies as affiliated.
Like man this stuff should be regulated.
It takes a máster two hours to paint an industry tier splash art but the average is 12 hours
He's on the higher tiers of useful knowledge for putting paint on the canvas. Personally, I don't like how rigid his recommended approach is but it's useful for beginners who have no direction.
Most "artists" aren't artists.
Of course more "art tubers" won't be artists either.
I hate this uglycore art style

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What is the consensus on Vilppu here?

Is he the sort of teacher you should prioritize as "God-tier"? (as many people seem to depict him as) Or is he more of a secondary resource to you?
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maybe, just maybe, those anons are criticizing his teaching method? Just think about it a bit, anon...
its almost like youre replying to different people with different opinions(that never happens btw)
I'm trying to remember what he said about wanting to help his students but they're afraid of saying what their weakness is.
Art instruction is multiplicative, no matter the order there'll always be gains unless you multiply by zero not drawing at all.
The simplest things are the hardest to master.

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>What's a webtoon?
Webtoon is the ancient Korean art of scrolling comics. Instead of traditional manga/comic pages, panels are spread out individually for easier reading on cell phones.

>So they're just spliced manga/comic pages?
You can do that if you want, but they're fundamentally different for a few reasons. For example, panels tend to be drawn longer to fit phone screens, and traditional 2-page spreads are not possible to fit in scrolling format.

>Are there standard page sizes?
Technically yes, but it depends on which platform you post in. Naver Webtoons uses
800x1280px, but the site automatically splices & resizes images anyway.

>Do I have to make it in color?
If you want subscribers, yes.

>Why would I make one?
To be rich & famous, of course. All jokes aside, the pay is low if you're lucky enough to get hired in the first place, the deadlines are more brutal than the manga industry, and the average reader age floats around 11. But as a novel medium with a growing industry, it may still be worthwhile enough for you to experiment.

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intended to reply to
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I've been working on a webtoon for over a year now, decided to play it safe with romcom BL shittery for my first go. I'd just like to know a few things from anons who have more experience working with the webtoon site specifically. I know they censor content on their platform, but do they give you shit if you post NSFW on other sites? Also, do they give some kind of written contract if you manage to get a Webtoon Original? How is the experience overall when it comes to working with them?
Webtoons and Tapas outright encourage you to state "hey, the uncensored versions are available elsewhere," or to say "you can get it privately as a subscription reward" etc etc etc. Just dont mention the competition's name directly, they may get you for that. It's a stupid game, but with payment processor rules and S. Korean laws as they are, it's where we're at.
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Latest page I did. I don't dislike it but of course it was better in my mind.

Cool paneling work.

Captcha: 4SH0

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Thread to study little boys. Post your art, discuss artists, and post resources related to the subject of cute little boys.

>Do not take the bait or derail. Don't be a sperg.
>Only post SFW shota, link NSFW and suggestive from catbox. Don't post real life references.
>Don't fight about different male body types, shota. Nobody cares.
>No femboy/trans/traps/futa. Go to /salt/ for that.
>No tits, no coochies, no female body ratio.
>Don't sperg if a feminine male (not femboy) is posted, ignore if it's not your cup of tea, keep in mind the nature of stylization and simplification in anime and cartoon art styles before you choose to derail the thread, though crit is welcome like always.
Previous thread >>6791154
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To be sincere, I know next to nothing regarding color theory (much less about digital painting), but, from what I can gather, when applying three-tone shading to an opaque surface, the latter's color palette (values aside) would be mainly influenced by three factors: the base hue, the color of the lightsource, and the predominant hue of the surrounding environment.

On this subject, the Youtube videos by artist Marco Bucci have been extremely helpful in giving me a new awareness of the different properties of color, as well as of the manner in which they simultaneously interact with both light and shadow:



Roughly summarizing the content of the few videos that I have watched so far, in order to establish a three-tone color palette for a character's skin, you should start by determining its base hue (i.e., that of the halftone areas), and then proceed to select the color of your lightsource.

After that, with respect to the color of the highlights, it would have to be a somewhat intermediate/transitional hue between the base one and that of the lightsource.

If, for example, you were to pick a yellow hue for the latter, depending on its intensity, the color options for the highlights on Beelzebub's skin could go from a reddish pink to an orangey yellow.

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I forgot the mention that there's also the alternative of color-picking highligths and shadows directly from references, and then making adjustments to the hues and values according to your personal taste.

For example, in the case of Beelzebub, you could use scans of the original colored illustrations by Toriyama, screenshots from either the game or the anime, or even photographs of figurines.
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>Toriyama coloring
I don't recommend it. Most mangakas in general suck at this
The face of the vendor shota on the left came out looking very cute: the overall layout of its features has a harmonious quality that makes me remember, once again, this portrait of Damien from back in February >>7050815

In comparison, however, the faces of the rest of your characters would require a bit more tinkering in terms of balance.

For instance, the lower half of the face of the taller shota in the middle of your drawing feels quite wonky.

The most glaring problem is that the orientation angle of the area in question doesn't fully match that of the rest of the head: while the upper half of your character's face is depicted in a near-profile view, his mouth conveys instead the appearance of being in a fully lateral position.

My advice is that you double-check the alignment of your character's facial features in relation to the vertical axis of his head.

Given your predilection for designing shotas with relatively jutted mouths, I feel that examining the old-timey Disney approach to head-construction would come in very handy >>7104758

For an example of the application of said method, take a look at the following production drawing from "Pinocchio" (1940). Notice how both the nose and the mouth of the titular character are in alignment with the vertical axis of his cheek mass, as well as the manner in which said axis relates to that of the skull:

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>Finally making over 1000 dollars per month on Patreon passively
>not counting the money I make from Commissions
Bros...We're all gonna fuckin' make it
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If true
Im glad for you.
I like seeing people succeed through their own work and sacrifice
I don't know why you think that's cherry picking, I could find 10 more if you want
They're fake. AI isn't popular, every video game/fandom reddit I see has banned ai from being posted because its so strongly disliked. AI enthusiasm is driven by a few devoted death cultists, big corpo and many brown scammers and bots.
It's disliked by the gatekeeper class (I.E, those with actual taste and knowledge.) Never underestimate the stupidity of the masses. These are the same people that eat at McDonald's every day, doom scroll and binge vidya in an attempt to feel like their lives have value. AI is a perfect drug for the worthless, and as the old adage goes, 99% of everything is crap, and that applies to the species.
Find yourself a gf sir

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