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I just dont fucking get it. I've been drawing for 2ish years now, studied countless books and improved in various areas of drawing the body, can draw arms, legs, feet, heads, and even somewhat convincing hands


the moment I get to drawing the torso I have no fucking idea whats going on, and it ends up looking like a elementary kid with down syndrome drew it. How the fuck do you contruct a female torso, and no dont point me to heh le do figure drawing, I can dump this thread to image limit of my figure drawings, and regardless of how accurate my studies are, i still cant visualize the underlying structure of the female torso

Im thinking its fucking over, i just want to draw busty anime girls in ntr situations
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I just based my method here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqxPHew5bGQ
infinite, because loomis heads wont get you there
thanks, anon
don't wanna be that guy, but do you have a blog? Everyone seems to call you simon but I have no idea who that is
Anyone have any more books that have good female torso explanations? Post an image or two thats in japanese (can be shit handwriting) and ill translate it in exchange for a good recommendation

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>three months into learning to draw
>practice drawing a lot but of pretty narrow set of angles and subjects
>step out of comfort zone and try to draw something wildly different
>it turns out horribly
>erase attempt and close sketchbook in shame

any paintings for this feel?
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his sir is this true that I need to study right to learn to draw like you? Good evening from gadha kind sir
good evening sir. yes, I studied the skeleton, the muscles, and the flesh. I copied Goku at least twice too.
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fun shape though
keep going
try to have fun with it
kek, i love this board.
So whatever happened with Proko and that other guy Jeff Watts? It's all over out there?

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Do any of you use your art to further important political movements, like a free Palestine or democratic socialism? How do you draw inspiration for that work! How do you make sure it’s seen both by supporters and, more importantly, opponents? What makes for a compelling piece that influences others?
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I'm an artist, I draw and people followed me for art and that's why I followed other people.

If I wanted to support a cause I would do things that actually mattered, posting pictures of Sonic with Palestinian flags isn't going to do anything other than making people roll their eyes and ignore or get me some selfish pity likes (out of guilt, not actual appreciation for the art, mind you)
nothing of value lost.
I guarantee you that none of them is any good. Their mind cannot be committed to art if they think about pronouns and flags.
average /ic/ art skill
why is almost every artist a virtue signaling faggot?
mental illness runs high in the art community. not everyone has the cool mental illnesses.

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>just realized I have basically no original content of my own, only studies and cheap imitations
It's over.
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After 3 years of drawing the only thing i'm capable of is filling my canvas with black and white doodles for hours but never actually making "finished" work.
But you still need to make artwork that aren't studies in order to apply what you learned. You have to fail in order to succeed.
I don't think a work is necessarily only a study or only the application of study, but regardless you can apply your studies in unoriginal art (say a portrait from a reference photo).
Well, it looks pretty nice actually.
I've never even tried to draw anything I want to draw, because I don't know how to structure an attempt at it and can't imagine a process that would lead to the result I want. I can't really even picture the result I want, for that matter, as while I have a subject in mind, I can't extrapolate from it what a drawing of the subject might look like. Even as a kid, all I ever managed to do is copying other people's stick figures and square+triangle houses and such. My best effort at producing something of my own was mindlessly scribbling and being disappointed that this didn't magically create my desired drawing.

I wish I could learn how to doodle. My starting point was using a series of mental measurements to produce copies of other people's work, and I haven't managed to expand from there. It seems like most resources aimed at beginners expect a starting point of silly doodles and try to teach how to copy, but I'm trying to go in the opposite direction and haven't had any luck.

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Retweets do mean everything
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No, bots do. >>7155873
My advice is make the most of it. I only have 50 followers, but I have mutual with a big following who retweets my shit semi frequently. I did a coloring of one of his sketches and my inbox has been getting new notifications all day. I even got 3 new followers. However, prioritize your own skill, do some fanart, and utilize artist discord servers. If a big artist has a discord server, join it and share your art. Also try to foster your own COMMUNITY. Like make a small discord for your followers. Retweet their stuff, build bonds, etc. Being a good artist with no bonds can only get you so far.
Exactly, Kids take shipping way too fucking seriously, Thinking its a holy war crusade or some shit, There is alot of these fags on twitter to the point they have their antis army and shit, And hate on ship thats a rarepair, So if your someone who does alot of shipping especially unique ones instead of whatever the fandom ships, And especially if its a proship or "problematic" Expect to have an army of little niggers marching at you screeching at your profile in masses, Quote tweeting in huge amounts only to be gone later. You need to be a jew and take advantage of it, Any publicity is good publicity. So whatever pisses them off, Gets you good attention. These fuckers operate like a hivemind. A good example is them having middle eastern flags and a watermelon. They are Brain Dead Roaches
Literally me
>retweets and likes are how things get seen
>artists with big followings won't retweet art
>noo it's the websites fault, it's not the artists who wont retweet!!
why do you fags always come up with excuses?

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So, how would you honestly criticize my current work and how much will getting into an "6+ hours of drawing everyday" schedule alongside studying fundies, drawing from life and studying other artists constantly improve my skills in the spawn of months?

Thus far, I've been drawing for around 2/3 years, purely for fun without properly studying anything (outside dabbling in early dab lessons/early keys to drawing/early perspective made easy but quitting all of them due to my past lack of will), for around 2/3 hours per day max and spending months and months without drawing anything.
Despite having fun again drawing recentely and seeing slow gains purely by rote, I consider myself an extremely mediocre and lazy artist, and sometimes I wish my art didn't look so amateurish.

Now I feel like I have the potential and confidence to significantly improve my current skill level (pic related) in a short amount of time and get rid of the amount of shortcuts to properly get me in a mid/high intermediate stage.

My goals are mainly regarding making my art more dynamic and significantly less stiff, significantly improving my figure drawing, human anatomy and perspective knowledge, learn how to draw appealing and expressive faces, make things like clothing and hair more "realistic", learn how to properly draw backgrounds, learn how to do competent and complex NSFW art, learn how to draw mecha and vehicles better, and, just in general, evolve my art style into something significantly more detailed, complex, appealing, and technically proficient than what I currently do now.
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You can fix taste, but it takes work and willingness to abandon the weird shit you like that nobody else does
Gabe doesn't want to abandon his autistic deviantart look however which is why he thinks he can just brute-force "grind" his way into a strain of deviantart autism others will respect (but he's also too lazy to commit to that)
>it takes work and willingness to abandon the weird shit you like that nobody else does
Does striving to draw in a more stylized art style regarding proportions and shape similar to manga artists like Hiroyuki Takei or Kazuki Takahashi counts as striving for "weird shit that nobody else does"?
I know my current art style isn't even born out of trying to copy them but rather out of lacking in draftmanship, master studies and practice, but I feel like taste is subjective for the most part.
who tf is gabe
apparently OP is Gabe

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Do you consider Picasso traditional masterpieces more impressive than the art he made when he tried to imitate the art of a little child?

Or do you admire more when Picasso dropped the complexity and focused on simplicity?
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This, he was a grift by his father who blossomed into a grifter himself
The more I look into this, the more it does look true. Idc so much about that cringelord, but more about the art historians that are so hellbent to twist history in a way that it fits modernist ideology.
I'm stealing that opinion, I like it. Lots of potential.
I loved both.
I was introduced to the classic masterpieces as a little kid, and they stirred my imagination, and I ended up making a series of drawings for a while that bounced off of the feels and little puzzling ideas that cropped up while really looking at them.
years later when i saw his more traditional work, i loved it again in an entirely different, more technical way, but the level of soul i felt from both was very nice, and the same.
i like just about all the old masters’ work tho, especially when you place them in the context of their movement and time. i also like when you place picasso and all the outliers on the historical art-y timeline, you can see how much humans’ve played around with and tried to break through the limits of plateauing ideas in each age of what art was accepted to be, to see if they could expand it further i to some new and interesting spoke. kinda like the history of humans’ art journey’s a mirror to the jumps and plateaus of individual artists who stick with it and try more difficult things with more experience
>tldr; i like them equally
>Picasso was reacting to the advent of the camera, and the fact that people didn't need realistic art anymore.
A realistic painting is very different from what a camera produces. In fact, exactly replicating life is but a training exercise for a realistic painter. The problem is that to people with no proper training can't see the difference.

One example among many: landscapes; no-one will ever paint a Bierstadt from life, and a camera will never produce a Bierstadt. A camera can get closer with fancy digital manipulations, but we're venturing away from photography, and definitely away from what photography was by the time of Picasso.

Anime pretty much falls into the heavy stylized category: that's pretty much every form of art but Western realism (trad Chinese or Japanese paintings, Western middle-age, you name it). I don't mean to be dismissive: I enjoy all forms of art. Some things are more conveniently expressed with the stylized approach of anime.

>Or do you admire more when Picasso dropped the complexity and focused on simplicity?
Simplicity isn't the correct word here. There are very good realistic paintings which are nevertheless simple. I think "lazy" is more accurate. "Experimental" or "original" could work too if we wanted to be more generous.

The way I see it, Picasso is just a guy who found a way to get fame and money with little effort. Some of his work has some merit, but it's not worth all that noise, nor those extravagant price tags.

I've spent some time reflecting and observing on these discussion boards. There seems to be a negative attitude here where some people can't stand to see others succeed. Only a small minority will achieve great things while the majority will likely complain without taking action. It's a harsh reality.
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At least I don't behave like an idiot who believes in nonsensical crap in order to do something, like a theist faggot, you drawfags who think that will someday make it are definitely not better thanthe most retard christfag.
Science is there to put gorillas like you in your place, for instance.
So kill yourself you worthless incel
is that a young mads mikkelsen?
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Post work faggot or you're picrel
Nta, but why are you so full of hate and what does religion have to do with anything? If you don't want to do anything worth doing in life and it's so cringe to dream, you might as well lay down and die yourself, without telling others to commit suicide, you fucking idiot
>There seems to be a negative attitude here where some people can't stand to see others succeed.
ironic that you're also here making this thread about how no one else will succeed

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>No asian genes
>Will never be able to draw like this
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none of them are from pixiv
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>japanese beginners
meanwhile western beginners:
You missed the point you idiot
New wojak just dropped

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Every time I come across her paintings on twitter I feel like I'm being fucking gaslit. They are so in-your-face in their symbolism yet everyone pretends as if it requires a ton of deliberation to understand it, or it has no meaning and is just garish. Nobody calls it out for the heavy-handed amateur squibbles it is. What the hell?
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I'll second that on the mere fact that it's actually somewhat appealing.
The only african art I like are those big tribal masks because they remind me of the old tales of the crypt/creepshow stories
There's a good possibility you're both right, I just saved it at some point because I liked it, and called it african statue because... well, it's meant to look african.
The actual point of my post still stands though (that traditional African art is alright with me).
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can he say it
It's a pro-choice feminist artpiece, she says it right there.

Do you find being hypercritical of your work useful in improving? Or is it a useless trait that should be phased out
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Just wanted to say, those are some nice breasts you did.
I think hypercritical by definition is an excess of critique that hurts more than helps. There's no scale of how critical is too critical, but if you've gone from considering it being hypercritical rather than just critical than you should probably take a reel it in a bit.
>I know somebody who would say "it's shit" or "I hate it" every single time they posted something

I can't stand it when people do this.
op pic is the hottest thing art I've seen all year gahdamn
You can say that again. The art itself isn't that good but the subtexts are boner inducing as fuck

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I got the idea to use color palettes ripped from album covers as a way to cheat having to pick my own colors, so far its a massive pain in the ass, but a lot of fun. Ive only listened to 3 songs from this album, go ahead and call me a poser and a fake fan lmao, but I love the cover art and decided to have a go at it since i suck major ass at dealing with complementary palettes. Hopefully this thread doesnt die immediately lol, post drawings using colors from album covers, music videos, band posters, etc !
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Album Cover I did.
bumping for later
now try this
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Sounds like loads of fun!
I'll need at peast 2 days though

Anywhere for physical art in different mediums? This seems like a digital art board

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I am not exactly a furry but I did nut on Lola bunny and Judy hoops a few times and I kinda like drawing anthropomorphic characters. I also watched beastars once.
So my question to experienced furry artists out there is what do I need to do to be noticed by furries and get commissioned? What sites should I go to post my art? Is it true that furries pay all types of artists and that the demand is very high even for non extreme work?
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sounds gay. unless they’re all women?
oi vey tkd
I want to breed that bunny
I want to breed you UwU
You missed the boat, man. Most furry artists that get paid a lot usually comes from them having like a dozen whale clients who will drop a ton of money, even ones who don't have it and run up their credit cards.

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