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>get off from work (corpocuck job)
>too tired to draw
i thought it was just a meme but now i understand, this is awful
Didn't read, post sauce
>Based fujoshit
OP that's why the best artists are all doing art full time instead of as a hobby in their spare time. They have no time, energy or motivation.
You need a less demanding job and living arrangement.
Work for a bit and invest in a van. Live out of the van. Penny pinch. Work only part time, the bare essentials.
>do less at work
>spend 1.5 hours getting tasks out of the way while relaxing (i.e. cooking and eating dinner while doomscrolling/watching anime/watching youtube videos)
>do some art practice for 1 hour
>play video games for 1 hour
>do some more for 1 hours
>finish final tasks of the day
Learn to live a frugally as possible and lower your work hours
A significant amount of normies expenses are completely unnecessary
dogshit advice from a total retard.

Make sure you're staying physically fit and staying hydrated. I worked 10 hour days at a restaurant and managed to draw even though I'd come home and just sit on the floor for an hour. Use all your free time for art, you don't get big blocks of time like on weekends. Use the 15 minutes on the train or 30 minutes while you eat lunch like i did. You make time if you really care.
>30 mins
Draw before work. Problem solved
>less demanding job
>physically fit

why not both
> Get ideas while at work
> Too tired to even do them at home
I used to work 2-11pm
Id draw on my lunch break and after work.
Took about a year for my Patreon to beat my work paycheck
caffeine helps but careful not to lose too much sleep
Exert all that effort to being stellar in your own field (your current job) and work towards having your own empire. Drawing is only a hindrance to you at this point. If you loved it enough you won't put it aside as a hobby. Just choose another hobby that's relaxing and fun. Forget abt art.
>caffeine helps but careful not to lose too much sleep
caffeine is a trash drug for me. only good when I've had some decent sleep. if I'm tired and drink coffee I just feel like shit.
definitely not a meme
you have 2-3 hours a day of real(tm) concentration juice and you blow most of it out at work
yeah really. at work i'm programming and writing documentation and i think "this is easy" but when i get home i just don't want to do anything but scroll. maybe i'll mindlessly doodle for an hour or two but i'm not actually studying

slammer dogs, can read it on mangago

>Make sure you're staying physically fit and staying hydrated.
this is probably it too. ironically when i was working retail hell at a mall, i always had enough energy to come home and draw. now that i'm stuck at a desk all day i just don't
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>now that i'm stuck at a desk all day i just don't
Yup. I work at a place that's split 50-50 between brainless labwork and pretty intensive office work (arguments in meetings, decision making, designs themselves) and days where I'm forced to do the latter are always far worse
This but with an EE degree and part time job
>at work i'm programming and writing documentation
This is your problem. Like the other anon said, you're blowing your mental load on your job
Try to avoid scrolling as soon as you get home, going on a walk beforehand or making dinner can help relax your mind before you do some studies at night. The hardest part of a routine is getting started
>t. also programs at corporcuck job
>OP that's why the best artists are all doing art full time instead of as a hobby in their spare time

Someone disprove this crab, I refuse to accept such nihilism. Besides, if that's true, then the only "good" art youd see would be very niche fetish art.
You gotta stop giving a shit now, anon. Don't offer to help anyone. Give excuses when help is offered. Don't go above and beyond. Remember that everybody is looking for the office chump to throw work onto and exploit, even if they don't realize it. Avoid any corporate events. Don't get involved in anyone's bullshit. These jobs want you to actually fucking care and they'll stick all the emotional energy out of you if you let them.
>Took 8 posts to give out the best advice and it's completely ignored.
Your brain is more active in the morning than it is at night. You're most likely to be productive with the first thing you do in the day than at the end. Especially with something that is as mentally draining as art.
>Someone disprove this crab, I refuse to accept such nihilism
Why tho? There's really good artists that do art as a hobby like WLOP but he's the exception to the rule, not the norm.
It's logical that the more you do something, the better you're, so pro artists that draw 8+ hours everyday will be exponentially better than someone drawing in their free time when they have spare energy.
It's not really nihilism, just a fact.
I'm not so sure about that. There's been studies that have shown there's a cut off point for learning optimization somewhere around 2.5 to 4 hours. So long as a person is cutting out social media and other distractions, they can wrangle together 4 hours a day of conscious learning.
A lot 8+ hour a day artists are spinning their wheels chasing random impulses instead of focusing. A surplus of time is not necessarily a good thing, sometimes urgency and precision encourage accelerated growth.
Never heard of this guy, but this seems to be a matter of taste here. To me this is incredibly generic work and nothing id ever consider "good" beyond raw technical proficiency. Honing your realism skills to this level also seems pointless as a hobbyist with the advent of AI. I mean people can like what they want, just a very limited definition here.

It's self-serving to my opinion but this seems more correct.
>be me
>work in construction
>moving heavy shit 8 hours a day with a 30 minute lunch pause
>coming home from work
>go to kickbox
>come home
>1 hour minimum of drawing
you have no excuses, it's the damn internet algorithm that is frying our brains.
Just close the tech and pick yourself up from your table, start drawing,just let the pen do whatever, eventually you will feel in a mood to draw, it's even kind of relaxing, it just takes mental fortitude.
This is why artists have always been vagrants and wanderers who lived on the peripheries. Bohemians and counter culture weirdos, poor people, etc. Live light and only do the bare minimum to stay fed and have a room to sleep in. You don't need most modern amenities or entertainment, they are largely distractions for plebs to escape from their discomfort of their own skin anyway.
>There's been studies that have shown there's a cut off point for learning optimization somewhere around 2.5 to 4 hours.

that's cool, yeah that 1 buzzfeed study that 1 time, but in practice it's alot different, art progression doesn't work the same way, you could draw 8 hours and finally get a good piece have a breakthrough that's happened to me a ton of times. & it's not as though we are studying or learning and pushing ourselves that entire 4 hours of drawing, we're just drawing and painting most of the time repeating shit we've already done.
also no one in the top % of anything is doing it for 4 hours a day, so there's no argument.
It's not the physical toll, it's the mental and spiritual damage. I've been in offices pushing paper and I've been outdoors doing physical labor and I'd pick the latter everytime. Office work has a way of crushing the individuality and artistic curiosity out of you that's hard to explain.
then pick physical labor duh
>just a meme
Oh, you can't imagine how bad it is. But corporatecucking is my only skill and I need it to pay bills and taxes. I have to slave my life away being a corporate cock sucker and knowing that every day is bringing me closer to having my as replaced by ai or an Indian which is going to do the same job with 1/5th the quality but half the price because corporate shit just cares for the bottom line.
I have no skills like wood working, construction, lawm mowing, welding and so on. I cvcked myself with science, math, physics and programming and I have to complete with Indians and AI creating stupid corporate software that is making the world as a whole worse. As >>7161344 said it's the mental burden knowing that you are doing something that is stupid, useless and no one really wants.
you know drawing is mainly a mental activity right? being mentally shot is way worse than be physically tired.
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Use your morning mental energy to draw a lot before heading to work. It doesn't matter if you're mentally fatigued then after work hours.
I work as a developer, so I can shape my work hours pretty much how I want, so I usually draw for 2 hours in the morning, then start my work around 9.
i'll probably do this when i'm put on a hybrid schedule. then i'll be 3 days out, 2 days in, which will make it much easier
I had a spell where I was working 4PM-midnight and it was way better than the usual 8AM-4PM, or even 12-8PM shift.

I'd wake up, draw with full mental energy with a sun-drenched room, go to work with 2 meals in my belly, then sleep as soon as I got home.
I'm unfortunately a morning person but I end up wasting that energy at work
I’m having a crisis again. Seeing my coworkers with kids and mentioning things hinting at their age made me realize I’m among the youngest of them despite being 30 while these people must be mid to early 40s. Like dude, I’m wasting my life away…
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>get job as "part time"
>made to work 6 days a week
>already half way through the year and only two art projects done
Something about my brain isn't working
something about this world doesn't work

Morning time is really the best time to get work done

I think I should just quit anyway. I was waiting on government assistance to be a caretaker as a way to convince my boomer parents to let me semi neet but I’m not seeing a point anymore in waiting. Hopefully they just fire me so I can get unemployment. I just want to draw 16 hours for real this time and I’m going to cut the internet off so as to not make the same mistakes.
>corpocuck job

is it manual labor, or do you sit on your ass all day? If it\s out door labor, I understand, but if you're a pen pushing fat corpocuck. You need to explain some things to us about how it effects your motivation to draw.

Example. Mining coal hurts my hands, and gives me carpal tunnel, I can't draw.

Not them but I used to work in an office (several even) but the longest one I worked at they had the same 5 songs blazing over our head every single day, week after week, month after month year after year. It was literal torture. For a stretch of a period they played Michael Jackson and I love MJ’s music but not every single day come on man.

And so, there is this thing called metrics. And meetings that could be solved with just 1 email, but you’re forced to be cramped in a small room to discuss what the “client” (the lady making all the $$$ off the slaves) wants. Right, back to metrics; you’re constantly compared to the top performer and the top performer refuses to shed light on their process. They think it’s a game and are proud to earn that “commission money” (an extra $3 on their paycheck totaling $15 an hour btw). Constant threat to fire you. Office gossip, high school 2.0. Etc etc. And I didn’t even get to the customers you’re dealing with all day on top of that.

Sure, I work from home now. But it’s still shaving away my time on this planet doing a task that even a monkey can do. I feel so devalued and replaceable. I should be a subject matter expert but nope, only people who kiss enough ass get the privilege to be my executioner. I’m tired of it.
So it's very psychological. I get it. Half of it is probably your own delusions. So you're looking to ad value to your appearance to help with your devalued and replaceable stigma.

Picking up an trade will do that. You'll make people happy. But you'll be dead by 5:00 and have no reason to draw, except on the week ends.

You must have loads of content stored in your brain. You could be making comics.
thats literally why I mentioned sleep.

One coffee sometimes before noon would be enough to give you the little extra momentum in the afternoon/evening hours and still be able to go to bed whenever you want

but if you can do it without, even better
It is. I’ve wasted away my 20s all for what? Working in an office going through all of that. I was in the office from 8AM waaaay before any supervisor was on the production floor. 8AM and leaving at 9PM on fridays and looking back they probably never paid me for that shit. They took advantage of me because at the time I had no car so it wasn’t like I could go look for another job. It was just down the road from my house which made it convenient. I did have other jobs that I had to get on the bus (and getting on the bus is its own torture I can talk about) or I had to ride my bike out for miles and miles…making a paycheck, only to then give what little money I made for “rent” to my parents at $12 an hour (every job I had paid this little). 10 years out the window for what? It’s little wonder why I don’t have barely any will left and want out completely to just work on my art.

I’d do gig work like doordash part time but I’m so afraid of the future of gig work and the expenses it entails but if immigrants are coming here making it doing that I don’t see why not. Just need only a few hours a week to cover basics.
every job* before the pandemic. If it wasn’t for the elites intentionally fucking up the world my life would still go on like that. It’s crazy.

All depends on how you see your life. Can't say I've lived at my greatest potential, but I don't look back thinking I should have done this. I'm happy where I am, even though I've made big mistakes.

> WASTED 20's

I get it. I was chasing a dream that never existed for 10 years. But at least it served as some form of motivation. Now I do art to get things off my mind instead of finding a career or vain purpose for it.
Anyone doing it full time right off the bat means that they are extremely good and got plucked up early or their parents have money.

Everyone else is working.
I have heard "You should have been an artist" so many fucking times. I'm in my late 30s still working a 40 hour a week job in retail, and I have been working this way since I was 15. Most of my artwork has been doodles or drawings of pets and people for family and friends, but it is depressing to realize that in my 20s I thought some guy with big connections in art was going to see my stuff and get me into the business. What a fucking idiot I was for thinking that, I should have dedicated more offwork time to setting up job opportunities, but I was always so tired when I would get off from work, I would want to watch a movie or play vidya with friends.
I regret listening to people and not just quitting my job on the spot and taking a longer break for myself in between jobs. I had about a week in between my last job and my current job and it's just not enough to refresh yourself. I feel like I started this job burnt out already but luckily I think I'm the only one who feels that way since I've been getting great feedback at work so far. I just fucking wish I was doing that great with my art instead, you know? I'm bringing my sketchbook with me to work starting tomorrow and taking my lunch, those meetings where you don't actually know why you're there, and those awkward 15 minute blocks between meetings that are too short to get real work done to actually draw. I just keep reminding myself the amazing paycheck is worth it in the end since I can buy whatever art supplies I want, but it's getting hard to buy into my own bullshit when half the shit I bought hasn't even been used yet. Sorry to blogpost. I just had to get this all off my chest.

This is not how working a salaried corporate job works. You don't have hours. It's not the same as the wagie life, for better or worse depending on the week. Some are light, some really have you earning that paycheck.
at least ur a not a degen neet who banks everything on making it, its pretty awful to draw poorly and be giga depressed for months/years not drawing
1. Quit job
2. Go on disability for bad back + anxiety
3. Draw for as long as you want
Worked for me
another day in the wage cage

Is there really no way out? I'm trying to find alternatives.
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I'm DEAF and I don't qualify, despite losing my last job and not being hired because of it.

I'm only "50% disabled" according to lawmakers. I'll need to go blind or chop of an arm (yes that's how they rate it) before I qualify for "income assistance"
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Could you live on $25k/yr after taxes?
"Live" as in being able to not die on the street and becoming a fentanyl addict? Yes. Living comfortably with a roof over your head and all its amenities? No.
single, not married, and not 1 medical emergency or car crash deep? yes
>get off from work
>strong desire to make use of what little free time I have to draw

>be neet
>choosing to draw instead of sitting and staring at the wall is an impossible task

in one scenario you're going from working to having fun. In the other scenario you're going from doing nothing, to working.
Finally a job opening that I've been waiting for popped up and it's at least 100k/year. The perfect day job. There's no reason for these bastards not to give me the role with the experience I have.
This. It is impossible for caffeine to "give you energy", all it does is make you burn through the energy you already have a lot faster. Sleep, nutrition, and staying in shape are what actually give you energy.
yep, that's the thing with caffeine. If you sleep like shit it would be the worst thing to drink. You end up even more tired and you'll lose focus quite easily.
you're telling me, I do CAD and my brain is already melting by 4 (I get off at 5) and then on top of everything I need to find time and the will to do something creative

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