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Has anyone bought these Titan 13 figures? are they worth buying?
the titan13toy website charges about $21 for them, i know there's worse quality ones for cheaper, but i just want to know if you guys think these are worth their cost especially for posing and reference use obviously.
i know you could use stuff like 3d models in CSP but that's a whole new program to learn just to position it and then you have to draw it. I would prefer using something like this that i can move freely.
I am wondering if it's worth it because i do spend a big amount of time looking up references for use in pictures. The issue is, the more i think about it, the more i realize i'm looking up references not for how the body moves in terms of joints, but moreso for how boobs or a butt would act in a given pose.
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First off, there's a defacto standard:
1/12 bjd doll (Ball Joint Dolls), come in various """tastes""" and they're basically a better barbie or ken doll when you want realistic proportions.
They also make them with anime proportions and you can get them seamless if you pay up.
So unless you want to draw a robot there's no point in buying something some fag on the internet 3D printed.

CSP 3D models are used for tracing and sometimes not even that. It's how 99% of slop posted on /d/ is created. The EX version can basically render you figure and all you have to do is add detail not present in the model or the environment. It's one step removed from using AI in terms of pumping out content without skill.
Forget to add 1/6 bjd are more of a standard and the scale action figures and barbies have.
There are also ones that have more joints so most poses are possible.
What's the point of this? Why is is better than a $1 wooden puppet?
You should try this thing called drawing from imagination, it costs 0 dollarinos.

I have one of these and it's fine.
Holds poses well and comes with a zillion tiny accessories. Make sure you get one with a stand included, though.
Makes it easier to photograph.

I'm planning to get a few of these too, in a bit. They have a lot of those on Amazon

See what you can do in a set limit of time. Pic related don in about an hour and a half.
What can you do in between 1 and 2 hours? Post results here!
Get to drawin!
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Youre too kind, friend. I appreciate it! I'll do my best not to burn out. Right now, for several years really, ive been suffering the opposite of burn out. Like I want to draw, but i just cant get the lead out and just do it. So these have felt so relieving! But thanks for the warning, I'll keep on top of it!
Back again, friends. And might I say, i have not had this much fun drawing in YEARS! How long I have wasted by simply NOT drawing?! I feel like a bit of my old self again! Back when I loved art and drawing.
Anyway, this one, if i may be honest, i did not keep track of the time. I would say maybe an hour and a half. But i had so much fun feeling the form, and hatching in the textures and everything! It is not finished, but I am so glad i started!
And yes this is the coomer meme. I always wanted to make a short comic with him, virgin, and chad duking it out in the most action packed way possible. I feel like that may be sooner that just a dream now. Good night /ic/!
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Little over 1.5 hours.
Thanks, but no, that's me in the past. Drawing that way always fills me with the dread of it being a fluke afterwards.
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Hey guys, just so you know - Windows has this nice little built in timer that you can find by just typing "timer" into the Start menu. It hovers on top of windows as well
Back again with another sketch. My quickest yet, at only 20 minutes. I unfortunately i didnt make much time, but i didnt want to leave the day without having drawn at all.
Thank you friend, wonderfuly work yourself. I see that you like drawing that elven child, is she part of a project you are working on?
I feel like i should have known this already. Thank you for your recommendation, friend!

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How do you go about shading a line artwork?
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Reminder to report, sage and hide schizo thrads.
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I got a positive response so here's the first thread for studying Figure Drawing for All It's Worth by Andrew Loomis. Here's a basic schedule for the first chapter, but feel free to ignore it and work at your own pace. A schedule for the rest of the book will be discussed later.
Start by reading the first 32 pages. Don't worry about copying the drawings yet. Pay attention to the basic proportions pages. When you're done, got to page 38.
Pages 38-49: 2 weeks. Take your time learning the mannequin. Try drawing it in various poses.
Pages 50-56: 1 week
Then spend 1 week going back and studying the pages that were skipped.
Don't just copy! Try redrawing Loomis' drawings from memory after your initial copy, and take note of what you got wrong. Apply what you've learned to photo reference and try inventing figures from imagination.
The book:
And here's some refs:

Good luck!
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Not really happy with how these came out but oh well. Even on an ipad digital still feels weird. Hopefully I won't take as long with the next page.
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i also did this pose from imagination and im happy with it >>7156283
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just messing around today, trying to push acitons
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more experimenting, gotta stop ignoring gesture but its so fucking boring to practice

Is copying, and understanding, Bridgman's over and over actually valuable?
I heard some artists talking about it, what do you guys think?
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Will copying bridgman help me draw hot furries?
He is probably the faggot that started a thread saying he got better by not drawing always, yet never posted a shit
no, because i'm not a narcissist and don't need asspats. the bridgeman hands guy is also a furry. you should be ashamed of defending him.
shut up bitch nobody cares
Are you what people call a crab?

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Why does drawing traditionally or in a sketchbook calm me while doing so digitally fill me with stress?
Anyone else have this dilemma?
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Love seeing your posts pop up in random threads. I know you've got less time to draw now due to a work/life situation, have you learned how to make it work yet?
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It's been a tough April at work. The two group leaders were out sick for over a month,and only one made it back,so I haven't drawn much from the exhaustion. I have bounced back, and this is my latest finished work, and presently I am working on something similar. I want a tshirt design,just for myself to make a prototype of,so what time I have to draw has been leaning in that direction. Anything I put to paper is a win.

To me at least.
And this is the present work,a whimsical design and experiment.
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I'm the opposite, sketching on my PC feels great because I can erase quick and easy, but if I do that too much on paper it ends up being a mess. For lineart I stress the fuck out when doing it digitally for some reason.

>Bad anatomy by a artist I like
>Bad anatomy by artists I don't like
>They're a hack
You troglodytes do this with everything and I hope you all burn in hell for it.
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bad anatomy is a faggoty nitpick at some point. If the art looks good, it looks good, and the i dotters just have bad taste
OP is a retard
>unanimously agree on anything besides the fact that youre a nigger
OP is 100% a nigger
There's an aesthetic to good and bad.
OP must be underage to be this retarded
Why do you care at all about anatomy being unrealistic if it looks good? Are you training to get a job in medical illustration? It's literally insignificant otherwise. If it looks good, it is good. It's art, not mathematics. If you want it to look good and be realistic or accurate, then you can do that. If you want it to look good and be cartoony or unrealistic, you can do that.

You guys see everything as a pissing contest, it's so sad to see people here value social hierarchy over the love of art.

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Previous thread: >>7146185

>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Ask Vastian for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site instead of posting in the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going!
>Maintain your streak and you too can become the LAST ARTIST STANDING!!
>Have fun!

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The paintover challenge is rape. It's as mind fucky as someone leaving a complex comment on your submissions.
Yes, some peopel like rape, but most will have a hard time dealing with it. It's no wonder it's only recived one submission, and it isn't even the creator of the challenge who submitted it.
This challenge at best is only for people who know each other and are friends. No way you do this to strangers. Icky challenge to say the least.
i need rape from another dad
I love ulala's style so much
rape is my jam. i don't care which dads jimmies I rustle
tableguy is trash. and who tf is ray?

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Thread to study the male body. Post your art, discuss artists, and post resources related to the subject of cute boys and handsome men.

Some resources:
>English Youtube channel with tutorials about ikemen/anime boys:

>Do not take the bait or derail. Don't be a sperg.
>Don't fight about different male body types, ikemen/twink/bara. Nobody cares.
>No femboy/trans/traps/futa. Go to /salt/ for that.
>No shota. Go to /lsg/ or /ssg/ for that.
>No tits, no coochies, no female body ratio.
>Females are welcome so long as the image remains male focused.
>Don't sperg if a feminine male (not femboy) is posted, ignore if it's not your cup of tea, keep in mind the nature of stylization and simplification in anime and cartoon art styles before you choose to derail the thread, though crit is welcome like always.

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why brush engine in procreate feels rougher than csp brush engine?
I feel like brushes in procreate have more variety when it comes to things like weight and rotation making them more natural-looking than in CSP.
Very pretty coloring btw, me likey
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this nerd again
I get some dork vibes from this guy, what a cutie
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i like the composition (overall) anon. like i feel the doodles complete it

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How many anons here are actually "classically" or "fomally" trained in an academy or by a teacher who belongs to a noble lineage of art? I see so many insanely skilled painters here, who just drop their art in the draw thread and never give advice or reply to any other anons, and it makes me feel like they have access to knowledge that the rest of his don't have. The video courses, artbooks, and advice given in the various stickies of the generals here don't even seem to be able to help a day 0 beginner cross the bridge towards the high quality stuff I see those anons producing.

I don't know. How important is it, in your view, to just go and subscribe to a school like Watts Atelier for 2 years and to just not come back to /ic/ until you're really skilled? For those of you who are really skilled, how did you get there?
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draw a kangaroo from imagination
>brent eviston
Is he really that good? I have an instinctive revulsion towards him because some anon kept shilling him for 2 years, but I'm open to changing my mind. If possible, could you post your work? (just a sketch is fine) What makes him so much better than other people like Loomis and Steve Huston?
I'm not sure an "art institute" counts as formal training because it's useless and I ended up teaching myself 99.9% of the time off books.
I heard similar stories from others, including people that went to art college so it's not just bad luck.
Nowadays they're more interested in making money than filtering or expelling bad artists so you end up with self-taught artists as graduates.
>What makes him so much better than other people like Loomis and Steve Huston?
No way in hell he's better than Loomis or Huston (or Vilppu-sama)
Don't get me wrong, he's good, really good but not that good, those 3 are literal art Gods.
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There's a pantheon of Art Gods that teach and Vilppu is the numba one by far, not a single other artist, not even Watts can come close to our lord and savior.

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why do 80% of characters face towards the left?
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He makes no snese. No matter what way a chracter is facing, you can still make the pose in a way where you'll have to draw more ")" curves.
What he said makes ABSOLUTELY no sense.
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wtf is this sorcery oO
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this made me curious, so i tallied up all the characters i've drawn in the past year. (n/a = front-facing or looking away from the camera) i'm right-handed btw
why does it matter?
left handed and i overwhelming draw facing right. i can find 1 left facing and 4 front facing out 20 sketches sketches ive done

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do this
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Nice, did you made it with a marker pen?
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I did this for a howie in the beg general
I did it with a “micro fineliner” pen. I think the brand is Leto? Some Chinese shit I got on Amazon.

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This makes me nauseous
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I only did every exercise once, only more if the exercise itself actually demanded multiples, and I got enough out of the book. Don't get begtrapped repeating nonsense and move on after finishing.
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i concede. you win
Fun With A Pencil by Andrew Loomis
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Ok, I'll dig it out again
No, but shilling it on here like some kind of religion is.

I drew this pic when I first started drawing. I got sick of the crabs pushing their favorite book instead of actually answering questions. Ironically, copying that hand was a good exercise, so whatever
This, however you don't have to copy other artists (master copies.) It does save time however. No need to figure out shit through trial and error when you can just copy some shit here and there in a tiny fraction of the time and effort.
Instruction books are good for artist block. If you can't do anything at all, come back to it. Hell, use it as negative motivation.
>If I don't draw something original or copy something on my own, I have to do chapter 5.
Honestly, just draw whatever is in front of you as accurately as you can. You can always learn from it and you can always do a better job.

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do they really all have a damaged visual cortex or something?
theyr art is always ugly in this wierd samey way that i cant express into words exactly
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It's almost like we should've never let bankers become more powerful than kings.
It's only led to self-hating commoners pursuing power to power's sake no matter how self-destructive it is, and dragging us all into their madness.
they do make art, it's mostly of shitty political cartoon art or a variation of stone stoss. Those garbage drawings are the same veil of tumbler horseshit.
Real right wing artists don't share their art online, it's their hobby not a perfomance like it is for leftoids.

Chuds do draw shitty wojaks and gotchu comics but they're not right wing they're just contrarians. If we were in a right wing zeitgeist they'd be drawing troony comics instead.
They hate appeal and love glorifying ugliness
Americans are a ngmi race

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I did it bros. I managed to draw two intersecting planes from a vertical length, and also learned to find a height from a perspective length in 2 point perspective.

I still don't know very well how to rotate in an intuitive way, since that should imply moving both VPs and Measuring points in exponential proportion over the horizon. Tell me if I'm wrong, but to simply rotate a given angle I should project that angle from the station point towards the horizon, right?
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Sorry for the fuckhuge resolution.
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Congratulations, now pick up perspective art book and draw some scene from it. Pic related is from
>Framed Perspective, Volume 1: Technical Perspective and Visual Storytelling
good shit keep going

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