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Does this count as an anime art style?
I'm pretty sure this is called "Kemono" art style
It's called filthy degenerate art
Nice ballistics but I prefer smoother thighs
I came across a few of those Japanese furries while reading manga so I guess.
>this is called "Kemono" art style
Kemono is just furry but anime style, they're cute unlike western furries but they're part of manga and anime culture.
>Picrel is very common in modern manga

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Looking for quotes to share with art buddies. Share your best art quotes.
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>there is no rule that says you can't apply your knowledge OF THE FUNDAMENTALS OF YOUR CRAFT to your retarded anime scribbles
You're right, there are no rules, but the ones that say it are my genes
The pain passes, the beauty remains.
>Art is stupid, don't care lmao
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Franco is better
Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.

-Pablo Picasso

the video made sense to me but his work is still permabeg tier
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any underrated teachers who have great taste ? I'm thinking very aesthetic stuff like Krenz, and even Aldoori and Sinix to an extent
They don't understand that the anime aesthetic is calligraphic in nature. It has a set of rules (and anti-rules) that need to be followed for the recipe to work.

Since the average westoid is fiercely individualistic about muh style and western education puts these ideas of "pioneering originality" in their heads, these types of anime fans draw 'individualist' anime styles that are extremely bizarre. They lack an understanding of what makes anime aesthetically interesting to begin with, and deviate where they shouldn't deviate. It was actually far worse in the beginning, like with that how to draw anime book and the memes it spawned.

This doesn't mean that anime style is a monolith, far from it. But most westoid artists who try to cross breed anime into their style are doing it ass backwards. They're copying the copies of copies and running them through a western beauty design sensibility (pushing novelty and de-idealization of symbolic representations,) creating truly hideous abominations that are repulsive to look at.

Sycra is a weird case because like that anon said, he is technically proficient and clearly skilled. He seems able to shift around stylistically a lot as well, and he's at his best when he's making things that are more westoid derived. It's when his weeb impulses kick in that everything turns into a pile of pointy nonsense. It's like he internalized the western cartoon design philosophy about exaggerated shape design (mainly triangles) and tried to smash it together with anime, which follows the philosophy of exaggerated IDEALIZATION. These two modes of thought are incompatible and so his work looks like the work of a genetically spliced together mutt.

Ideally if someone wants to learn how to draw authentic looking anime, you have to do what the japs do: learn calligraphic principles, and consume from past styles in that culture, then discard all western design sensibilities.
I can’t put my finger on why I don’t find this art particular impressive or pleasant. Does anyone know what would make it better?
I don't think he looks at reality enough. He seems to design things from a limited visual library (maybe because he doesn't like to 'copy',) and so everything he makes seems inbred in a weird way, or somehow generic.
I think he leans too hard on the shape design to carry characters especially. There's a distinct lack of interesting accessories, details, and function. It's all just kind of superficial, pointy candy.
the horns are too try hard i think

Opinion on using anki cards to draw?
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Might as well just make a stamp brush and get it over with.
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That's probably the most convoluted way to give yourself assignments each week that I ever seen. Really, you can just read the books (or courses) and make notes for assignments to do each week, and save youself, idk, an entire day each week that this method demands.

Like, really, Anki isn't made for that, so why use it instead of a good ol' exercise diary?
>no buttocks
What's the point?

To all the would be artist, please don't let your art become content. You'll burn yourself out chasing trends. If you want to make money then Invest in yourself. Go digital, make a patreon, grind commissions, make porn. But always keep in mind that art is always best when you're doing what you personally feel passionate about/interested in.
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nice self report as a miserable loser with nothing to bring to the world but hate and bad vibes.

Sorry your life sucks bro, you aren't better than anyone because you choose to hate everything.
>you aren't better than anyone because you choose to hate everything.
But it feels amazing. The feeling of hate is almost like believing in God.

Gay (bad)
You're lecturing people on things that the real niggas already know. You deserve criticism. Just because I hate most people socially doesn't mean I'm miserable
Yeah that's called being immoral. Congrats retard you discovered doing bad things because it makes you feel good. 85 IQ moment.

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Moai drawing: Continuation thread
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fascinating effect while only needing little detail. I'm still wondering how or if you constructed it and if it could work monochrome
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Could work in monochrome but I feel like it doesn't look quite as nice without the hue shift

When you say how I constructed it? Basically I drew a moai shape over a blue Background and added wave ripples


LOL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvogPJv1wOU
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i've never drawn a moai before, how did i do?
Now draw him bigger.
Silly Anon, skeletons aren't real. But it's a nice drawing of that definitely not real thing.

I've spent some time reflecting and observing on these discussion boards. There seems to be a negative attitude here where some people can't stand to see others succeed. Only a small minority will achieve great things while the majority will likely complain without taking action. It's a harsh reality.
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is that a young mads mikkelsen?
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Post work faggot or you're picrel
Nta, but why are you so full of hate and what does religion have to do with anything? If you don't want to do anything worth doing in life and it's so cringe to dream, you might as well lay down and die yourself, without telling others to commit suicide, you fucking idiot
>There seems to be a negative attitude here where some people can't stand to see others succeed.
ironic that you're also here making this thread about how no one else will succeed
>Only a small minority will achieve great things while the majority will likely complain without taking action


>There seems to be a negative attitude here where some people can't stand to see others succeed.

True dat
Personally, the struggle for greatness is more appealing to me then greatness (dont get me wrong I would like to become a great artist).

Ever since starting to fire on all artistic cilindres I am much more focused and motivated on my job and require less sleep and deal with sleep deprivation better. I have an easyer time resisting my vices (if im drunk i cant draw)
And If I fail
So what, many others have failed before me, im not the first , nor last, or special.
But if i succeed, then i made it and can prolly show others how to do the same.

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I got a positive response so here's the first thread for studying Figure Drawing for All It's Worth by Andrew Loomis. Here's a basic schedule for the first chapter, but feel free to ignore it and work at your own pace. A schedule for the rest of the book will be discussed later.
Start by reading the first 32 pages. Don't worry about copying the drawings yet. Pay attention to the basic proportions pages. When you're done, got to page 38.
Pages 38-49: 2 weeks. Take your time learning the mannequin. Try drawing it in various poses.
Pages 50-56: 1 week
Then spend 1 week going back and studying the pages that were skipped.
Don't just copy! Try redrawing Loomis' drawings from memory after your initial copy, and take note of what you got wrong. Apply what you've learned to photo reference and try inventing figures from imagination.
The book:
And here's some refs:

Good luck!
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just messing around today, trying to push acitons
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more experimenting, gotta stop ignoring gesture but its so fucking boring to practice
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Solid forms on all of these, really should catch up

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Why You Should Copy Anime:
Naoki Saito: https://youtu.be/8jsZGeaWkhE?si=6HZIvG9Bx3y9qoHs&t=12
AnimeShijuku: https://twitter.com/animesijyuku/status/1717415459778347358
Krenz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbKqIJcIUCw
**Strive for quantity AND quality.**

Anime Studying:
>Copy anime references exactly and draw them from memory. Use illustrations, screenshots, anime figures, 3D models, etc.
>Don’t copy recklessly. Use construction, color theory, and other fundamental concepts to rehearse a drawing process that you can later easily manipulate for original artwork.
>Post all of your anime studies. Post even when you’re told not to. Create an art community that actually draws and improves together instead of just talking about it.
>Number your attempts and link to your previous posts.
>Critiquers should lead by example by posting their studies.

General Anime Style Discussion:

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Today's studies.
Shirow used a mixture of traditional and digital quite often. He also took reference photos of textures he found interesting when he was out and about, which he spliced into things like leather, metal, etc.
iirc, he said he made a lot of sketches digitally, printed them out, inked them trad or painted them, and sometimes went on a weird loop from trad to digital to digital to trad. I think he even spliced in marker and paint textures he had painted on a spare sheets and photographed or scanned to achieve exactly the look he wanted.
Wow, that's crazy! I definitely have seen the textures in some of his works now that you mention it. Anywhere I can read about his process?
I don't know where you can get them online, but some of his artbooks have a lot of commentary.


This is the one I remember reading. I have a copy of it but I've not been through it in ages.
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I did it bros. I managed to draw two intersecting planes from a vertical length, and also learned to find a height from a perspective length in 2 point perspective.

I still don't know very well how to rotate in an intuitive way, since that should imply moving both VPs and Measuring points in exponential proportion over the horizon. Tell me if I'm wrong, but to simply rotate a given angle I should project that angle from the station point towards the horizon, right?
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Congratulations, now pick up perspective art book and draw some scene from it. Pic related is from
>Framed Perspective, Volume 1: Technical Perspective and Visual Storytelling
good shit keep going
wtf is this? I hate it
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Ignore Pawell he's a schizophrenic. Here's the actual page from the book, it's a good book.

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Is studying art that's as heavily stylized as this right off the bat when I don't even have much figure drawing experience or anatomy knowledge worth doing, or it's better I study realism first and foremost?
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useless demotivation porn

no, you don't really have to. Things like anatomy and perspective are subjects that you study so you can fall back on the knowledge if something doesnt look quite right or you need to problem solve in your art.
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just draw already gabe
damn is that copic or watercolor, either way great rendering in the medium
My goal is to draw.

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When I normally draw, I get something like the left. The vertical line looks almost perfectly vertical to me. But as soon as I flip my canvas, the vertical line looks ridiculously tilted like the right.

I'm assuming to most anons looking at this, both faces' vertical construction lines have the same tilt angle.

So is it just because my actual eyes aren't centered properly? One of my eyes might be a bit higher than the other, does this mean my art is always going to be fucked? Or do I just lack practice?
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when doing digi horizontal flip regularly, it's a good shortcut to have. If your drawing looks fine from regular side but weird when flipped it's because your "eye" is coping and filling in to make it make sense. We humans do have a biased side and percieve a more forgiving image on one side than the other when looking at a facial shape.
Have you ever had this happen though, when you flip it, fix it, and then flip it back and it looks bad but just on the other side, then fix it, and flip it and it looks bad again, etc... in terms of efficiency it seems a bit rough.
>Got a HUGE monitor and started drawing left of center.
>Grabbed a second monitor to hold my references

You mean on the huge monitor, at first, you had something like

> drawing | reference

and then you got a second monitor so your huge monitor could just be

> drawing

and the second monitor could just be

> reference?

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but what are the Breast Exercises to Improve Symmetrical Drawing?
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holy shit anon!! nice curvy sex goddess. perfect clock booba. my only piece of criticism is that the facial expression is a bit too neutral and doesn't particularly convey any strong emotion.
thank you for creating this bro. if you don't mind, buroggu?

See what you can do in a set limit of time. Pic related don in about an hour and a half.
What can you do in between 1 and 2 hours? Post results here!
Get to drawin!
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Back again, friends. And might I say, i have not had this much fun drawing in YEARS! How long I have wasted by simply NOT drawing?! I feel like a bit of my old self again! Back when I loved art and drawing.
Anyway, this one, if i may be honest, i did not keep track of the time. I would say maybe an hour and a half. But i had so much fun feeling the form, and hatching in the textures and everything! It is not finished, but I am so glad i started!
And yes this is the coomer meme. I always wanted to make a short comic with him, virgin, and chad duking it out in the most action packed way possible. I feel like that may be sooner that just a dream now. Good night /ic/!
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Little over 1.5 hours.
Thanks, but no, that's me in the past. Drawing that way always fills me with the dread of it being a fluke afterwards.
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Hey guys, just so you know - Windows has this nice little built in timer that you can find by just typing "timer" into the Start menu. It hovers on top of windows as well
Back again with another sketch. My quickest yet, at only 20 minutes. I unfortunately i didnt make much time, but i didnt want to leave the day without having drawn at all.
Thank you friend, wonderfuly work yourself. I see that you like drawing that elven child, is she part of a project you are working on?
I feel like i should have known this already. Thank you for your recommendation, friend!
Back again, with another half baked sketch, and it took about an hour. I am a bit frustrated i didnt get the time i wanted to really hammer out a drawing, but at least i did something i suppose.
The intent behind it was what i imagine 621 from ac6 would look like. I am not familiar with the particular enhancement augmentations and what they look like in the series, but i imagine it to be plug ins that help connect the users nervous system to their mech, hence the need for wires, especially since 621 is a type 4, an older model.
I love the game and the bosses in it, even if they give me a spanking. Im not a hardcore fromsoft player, i only have beaten the first third of bloodeborne. But ac6 is the easiest game from them ive played and the most rewarding without ripping my dick off. I think that is in large part to the 3 dimentional movement, and the missions are short. I dont have to worry about losing all my progress and currency to a cheapshot at low health, i merely have to start the mission again, and i dont have to commit hard to a build that i dont know i will like or not. It is the most fun i had playing video games in literal years. A shame i wasnt able to express that feeling through my art today.

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Brushbox for organzing brushes
Could you explain further? I'm interested.
I really like all the new AI features. saves me a lot of time, so I dont have to draw so much, and can play more video games.

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>be begfag
>looks at reference
>looks at shitty proportions from drawing
>try every book method, still retarded
>try blind contour grinding
>still retarded
>line quality is shit too because of fear of inaccuracy

When will it click?
OP here, I've been studying for 2 weeks and am trans if that matters
>OP here, I've been studying for 2 weeks and am trans if that matters

Op here, this is not me.
Both of you, get off my thread
do this
if you're on trad just overlay your paper on the screen

you'll crawl in the sewers before you can fly like an eagle

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