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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

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We're tweaking the email verification system that we've been trialing over the past month. In order to post on /biz/ you will now have to do one of the following:

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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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It’s actually more fun to watch the chart in overnight trading and pm.
Classic N pattern rocket
They also say men can be women.
gonna get called 5min into the next trading day.
Man, $100 end of the week easy

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could of made a quick 300x by buying gme at $10
instead bought chainlink at $13 and has done nothing
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No one but redditors thought GME would pump again
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Could have*

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I thought burgers were rich
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Enjoying waiting 3 months to see if you have a disease
It's all about location. Just settled on a prime piece of land in the LA ghetto where I have to carry a gun and since wood doesn't do shit to stop bullets I just used cardboard instead saving myself money and time.
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its all about that brick and mortar grindset, the "i have 500k i won from the recent flur.ai pump and now im going to buy a home that will host many generations of my bloodline".
people living a debt based fiat system still think they are "wealthy"

will they ever get it?

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>Have a good slave
>He makes 80k per year
>Low maintenance of 10k for food, quarters and maintenance
>70k profit per year
>Expect a ROI in 15 years
>A single slave is valued at over 1 million
>They can reproduce but it takes another 14 years until they can be put to use
Even if slavery were legal, you wouldn't be able to afford a single one. Slavery is immoral because it concentrates wealth
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I was a military officer. In the past you were able to file resignation any time, but they changed the rules while I was in. They denied my resignation and forced me to work under orders another two years (I pissed off the detailer after pissing off my bosses and they worked together to screw me over). It was really petty on their part but the experience was really eye opening for me.
Navy. It would have been better if I was enlisted because at least they have an expiration date on their contracts. I could have been stuck forever.

We really need to change how those contracts work. If someone wants to quit, they should just be allowed to quit. The military doesn't do jack shit useful anyway, and it would force bad leaders to either get kicked out or shape up if everyone who works under them would rather take an OTH discharge rather than keep working.
What are you even talking about?
life is not minecraft nigger

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Instead I got greedy and now I've suffered 3 years of hell bagholding one of the alts that isn't recovering. My life is a genuine living hell and there's no end in sight.
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You can right your wrong, DCA into AAST maybe you will make it
No, I mean how much capital do you have in total as of now
Sorry meant to say this to >>58467181
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I already accepted that i will never be smart enough to analyse the market by myself and started using flur ai to predict the market, my bags are up 45% since i started using it and my brain is smooth and comfy having accepted the reality that im a bum
I’ve been seeing you comment this shit under every thread. You could at least try to help your shill by giving points as to why it would be useful. The fact that your stupid group wants full control over my wallet, the fact that your site has zero past performance and the fact that your roadmap is absolute garbage proves ur a scam

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Here we go

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What are the business implications with this years Romeo & Juliet?

How do these films turn a profit?
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What sucks in karate kid has a lot of potential but ended up being meh
Ah yes, thanks to Hollywood accounting, no movie has ever made money. Sucks for all those actors who were promised a cut of the profits.
Thank you for bringing up this great point.
Agreed. I'm not going to defend the remake, the original was clearly better.
Just throwing a few big names on screen isn't enough to make a good movie.
>be hollywood
>buy your own tickets, receive your own money back
>air movie to empty theaters
>zomg records smashed best movie of ALL time
That nigga gonna rape the little femboy lmao

>>What do you do for a living?
>I provide liquidity to financial markets, help with asset price discovery and contribute towards making financial markets more efficient.
How does that help society?
by judiciously allocating capital to aspiring entrepreneurs in developing countries

>the most bullish fundamentals and partnerships in crypto
>the most bearish price action

Why the discrepancy?
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nobody wants us to make it. We lose.

What the fuck is Sergey doing?
1% away from losing another rank
kek baggies

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Email verification went away and like clockwork tons of LINK fud that wasn't here while we had it nonstop again. Really makes you think.

Well, board was cool for a bit.
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LINK is such an efficient cryptocurrency that it FUDs itself by going down in price continuously
Bro, the board was stone fucking dead.

Total fudcuck death.
So wait? Jeets are back? No more email verification? Thank god. I missed them.
FUD will continue until price improves.
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That brief interlude showed us that there are actually only something like two or three people behind 99% of the fud.

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Hello frens, let's discuss APU
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been waiting for a dip for days man and it just keep going up, fuck this, im going all in
hory shit
It's going to dip. And then I'll buy.
image provided without commentary

Jannie containment thread edition.
Why.... Does le jannies not like us :(
This is just like any other shitcoin now. Most of the faggots shilling now are poorfags who really really needed this to go to 100 million or whatever. The launch was doomed from the moment you let that tranny front-run most of us. Not one of the 100 or so broke cliquey niggers from your secret club could be arsed to write a couple of lines of code, and not one retard out of the whole mass of yes-men could be arsed to suggest a presale, which would have ensured all of the conditions the useless faggot who schemed all of this expected a bunch of strangers to meet, were actually met. So keep shitting out AI-generated goyslop only third worlders might find mildly amusing, and keep shilling on your no name Twitter accounts, I'm sure it'll be alright! Congrats on that floor, seriously! Just hope the three or four people making the big buys don't realize this and end your puny chance at not being broke in a couple of sells, that would suck...
That's not very frenly of you Ser. But still, thanks.
hey look its the guy that got made he missed the fair launch because it wasn't in his time zone. Set an alarm like most of the Americans did next time buddy
I no longer like soup. My new favorite food is $IHOB pancakes. And I still think UBPS mails stuff.

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This should exist
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It would require some engineering effort, but it's not categorically impossible. "I" am not doing anything as I have no programming skill. It's just an idea.

Ultimately, I think that "most people play games to earn crypto" thing is inevitable in the long run. I'm just kind of jealous that I was born too early for that.
unfortunately, it is actually categorically impossible
I've been playing gxds unchained for a while now, and while the game has some problems (namely its sickly combination of pay to win and win to earn) it does actually mint tradeable nfts.

I see no reason why this couldn't be scaled up to something more complex than a card game.
turn-based games are well suited to transactional gameplay, that won't scale into a real time environment. I can also tell you that if your game has any sort of popularity, there are already bots that have optimized gameplay strategies that simply farm rewards all day long constantly. I'll also mention that you as a player have no way to tell if the developer, who wrote the entire codebase, is anonymously running bots themselves to farm their own rewards and sell them into whatever liquidity is provided by players
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that should be the most Retardio(tm) thing I've ever read my dude

Everyone knows his name. Everyone knows his voice. Everyone recognizes his awful attitude and his floppy nose. What makes you skeptical about Handsome?
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Seeing people on /biz fading Apu and then seeing them fade $SQUID is quite interesting.

CTO's are the new meta. Squid's community is as active as many communities that have 20-30k+ members

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your children will hate you forever for squandering their future inheritance by gambling on useless crypto vaporware, you tard
looks like it's confirmed then. it's over
chainlink is comfortable in its cave located squarely in the 18th rank
$40? Bullish

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It's called the "glass floor".
>failing company hires a female CEO
>female CEO is then blamed.
>White male CEO then takes over, and "turns things around"
Why does this keep happening? EXAMPLES:
Marissa Mayer: yahoo,
Carol Bartz; Yahoo,
Jill Abramson: NY times,
Ellen Pao: Reddit,
Linda Yaccarino: Twitter,
Patricia Russo: Lucent,
Jen Oneal: Blizzard, etc.
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>women aren't super heroes

who said this?
female CEO is thinly veiled sell signal
basedboys and white knights are bagholders

everything's right in the world
If this is true why haven't they been able to naturally dominate these positions?
>Glass Floor
did they forget to clean it?
Exactly. Men are literal childre and throw tantrums whenever things dont go their way. Look at gender ratio in prisons. Women get shit done

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it's good to meet girl in park but better to park meat in girl.

will we have summer crash or solana summer?

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>305 million shares outstanding
>187 million traded yesterday
>196 million traded today
>T+2 regime; individual shares aren't supposed be able to trade for 2 days after a trade to allow for settlement
Also aren't like 100 million wrapped up in DRS and funds that can't just sell on a whim? What is going on?
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It's over

For the shorts
They cant do shit against is lmao
mathematically impossible
Kill yourself faggot shill
So if you own the float over nine thousand times (9000), why can't you apes even drs the float one (1) time?

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