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fuddie down bad he started replying to himself
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Linkies are so fucking annoying, not even maga trump niggers are this competitive
lmao fud c u c k
>chainlink bagholder pretends to fud, replies to himself, screencaps his own posts, and creates this thread
not buying your bags chainjeet
nobody in the history of 4chan has ever replied to the wrong post OP, ever. This is real.
Gotta love how these spammers are getting starved for attention now.

Chainlink Hackathon Idea Cultivation v1:

ITT anons will help me come up with a hackathon idea for Chainlink's upcoming hackathon.

The hackathon is on April 29th to 2nd of May.

It has an occult theme this time and the hackathon is called 'BLOCK MAGIC': chain.link/hackathon

Now we all know about Chainlink's occult background. Because of this I believe this hackathon will spark some true success stories from it. As a result I need some ideas. Almost everything has been done before.

I am a pro at frontend design/development. Fullstack really but my specialty making cool animations and designs for modern responsive web apps (dApps). All this to say that no outlandish idea is off the table.

- Brainstorm ideas
- Ideas have to incorporate Chainlink's services:

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well get to work fren :^)
Anyone with an idea for this? I've been looking into dynamic NFTs that correlate to a rental property.
Would need more details as to what your original project is to figure out which Chainlink services you should use.

Or you can just read the different Chainlink services they offer and choose whichever you can incorporate into your project.
Ok, about the project: I have some rental properties that I'm willing to rent for USDT, DAI, even Bitcoin. I want to make smart contracts to integrate into the payment system.
The value of the rent should change based on the feautres of the property, and that is why I might want to use dynamic NFTs,. They allow me to set onchain, the aspects that might change the price of the property.
There are dead mans switch solution already existing, but I am not trusting some centralized email provider with my keys. Or any other crypto solution that is not 100% trustworthy. I trust only Chainlink, theit middle name is TRUST and I guess someone should use that trust and make a solution for a dead man switch (although I don't trust my kids, if they get one time payment, they will sell it right away, that is why I proposed automatic rule payments). I would pay 1 link for each payment (when Link is above 50$ or $50 if it is below). I am expecting LINK to be above $1000 by the time I die, but you never know.

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What went wrong?
Time for Marv and Peepo yet? What's next?
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APU bros
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Wagmi fren
>shit's been fluctuating between mid-20's and mid-40's for days
>fuck it, $20 is $20
>sell when shit hits 45 again
>it rises to 55

Fucking kill me now please.
It's ok fren. Don't fret too much.
incredibly bullish if you ask me
Apu is destined for 50 billion marketcap

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alright bro bros any of you alive still on /biz or did the jannies purge your ass

regardless my big bets are really on

eoy billions or tits up
>750k in crypto
the fuck are you doing nigga, put that shit in an index fund
Unless that's not USD.
why not any apu? explain
$4chan combines all the memes meaning apu. really I plan to sell most next pop offs to rotate back all the profits into $4chan as the bitcoin of memecoins still being under $100m.

could be fucking retarded or genius

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are hero nfts there worth selling or buying?
cheapest one is 7$
Dogecoin to the Moon
$1 coming soon
but the moon isn't real. it's just a dome reflection of the earth

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>Nothing happened
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>Halving with ETF
>Runes update launched, Satoshisync and Magic Eden already there ready to host the first runes projects
>Record rewards for people trying to push their blocks through (total of 34 btc or 2.5 million)

>Nothing happened
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>MAGA TRUMP stays strong
>Nothing happened
Trust the plan, two weeks to flatten the curve.
lel nothing celtic, druidic or magical about crypto

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Actually Kaspa is my #2, I hold them 67%/33%
Aw man, I wish these monarch slaves would stay away from my LTC and XMR.
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why. spoonfeed me one or two reasons why xmr is going to mega dump and ill sell. give me a good reason to go all in on super.
imagine her without fake brows and makeup and just the stench of cigs and meth sores. bleccch

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>Chainlink Mainnet was announced on the 30th of May 2019 at Consensys
>Chainlink have a joint slot with SWIFT on stage at Consensys on the 30th of May 2024
>soon we will free from this mortal coil
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You said swift moved on retard. Nice goalpost move
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it's magic
have sex
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its been a while...
anyone know what vidya sergey played as a wee lil nigga

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Daily reminder that Bitcoin is an IQ test.
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Yeah there are multiple like really clear metrics that if you use are just guaranteed money but they have a longer time span. If you just by < -1 and sell > 1 (if at all) it's basically free get rich it just requires a slightly longer time view. Literally just buying the obvious lows is all you need to do
What a shitty chart. Were hitting 400k at peak. Maybe 250k worse case scenario like multiple black swans and a world War that causes a reserve currency fiat change.
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Every chart is not only an IQ test, but a patience one, that's what Dexview taught me
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The real IQ test is if you bought alphakek
I bought in 2022 and sold in 2024. I'm happy with my 3x. When bitcoin crashes I'll buy and forget about it for another few years.

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>Thread Theme: https://youtu.be/4cn_woPvjQI?feature=shared


>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

>Educational sites:

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VIX short? What's the feces here?

I'm long equity TLT and some TLT August calls, because I think the stock market is going down the shitter and they will cut rates in June.

Tesla, looking battered down here with some good support. Not a bad entry here unless the rest of the market takes a shit which is likely as we get close to May.
vix short still from yesterday, want to close around 15.5, I think correction has ended and line must go up once more
Long term no short term maybe. If options what strike and expiry.

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i dreamed about being extremely wealthy when i was a kid. i am now 27 and dream of owning a shoebox apartment one day
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I work a chill part time job and live with my parents and sister's family and I get to chill and buy my nephews toys and buy myself mcdonalds and video games and contribute a little to rent and talk with funny people at work, life is pretty good even if I am not wealthy and I doubt your life is much worse you probably just don't appreciate what you have
it's ok anon, the ones turning 27 ten years from now, will be dreaming about not having to eat bugs for the 3rd lunch in a row, but instead get healthy nutritious mealworms delivered to their pod for a change.
The whole “should be mine” bit is cringy bro, ngl. The whole story just sounds like a lack of self reflection.

My country is about to ban smoked produce because it supposedly causes cancer according to a very questionable study. It’s wild my kids will never know what certain produce used to taste like. Artificial “meat” is just around the corner as well.
you and everyone else
i only say 'should be mine' about a few married women i am in contact with at work because the chemistry we have is so on point, it's tragic af

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Hey bros, did you notice the PONKE coin? I think this is very undervalued. It's a meme coin that make jokes about to be rich with crypto
i noticed this coin a few days ago. way too high to buy. you (I) need to wait for a dip

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Post your bags that you have acquired in the last two months of a short rise in the crypto market.

I'll start:
KNS on arbitrum
LOBO on Base
PWIF on Base
DUCK on Tonchain

Waiting for the next uprise of investors interest, holding the bags.
Big fan of DGB on base, as well as GMC

KnS/AVI are god tier
Based with KNS but it seems to be the only not meme you got. Hope u got a big bag.

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Imagine fomoing in with $220k and closing out for a loss of $89k. Brutal.
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I think it's either rich dummies or people who just won a shitcoin lottery and now have a lot of capital but no actual critical thinking.
Btw he's now all in on SHIB with $126k lol.

This is his wallet for anyone curious.

its crypto man. It drives you nuts. All you have to do is buy and hold apu. Never sell a single one until valhalla is reached and even then only in small amounts for things you need. This is correct and wholesome meme coin culture.
buy gamercoin and this wont happen to you ; )
not satoshisync?

Guys the Halving didn't do anything. Should I just cut my losses and sell for my Dream House? I'm not certain the halving will help and I figure this is still close to ath that it's a good time to buy a nice house that's a good investment too. What do you think?
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Gf if three years
Based then. But for most people its more than needed.
Sell but don't buy that house

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Heard a lot of KNS from 4chan. Thanks for sharing, somehow I was wondering if anyone could help me to setup a node. Wanted to set it up before mainnet and before altseason. Do U think it still makes sense or am I too late? Anyone able to calc the rewards+- for me if I run a node eventually with a Katana NFT if I am able to grab a cheap one.

How come no one is talking about this? Not only is kaspa going to be the fastest chain, but its also has Rust, a much better programming language than solidity, and tokens and smart contracts should be done by Q3. Its going to be the most advanced blockchain in history. SOL baggies are going to cope and dilate when their chain crashes and they can't bridge out.
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Avalanche is more advanced tho.
You a real one. I have seen for quite some time fighting other chains always with the same avax images. Remember when you were beefing with Solana months back. Respect the hustle
>muh rust
No ones talks about it because faggots on this board were talking about the same shit 2 years ago faggot ass bag holder
Chia has lisp and is more energy efficient. No one cares

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>it's a telegram-app of course it requires its own blockchain coin

why are crypto investors so gullible?

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The yield curve is inverted and you're laughing
>nerd shit
Not even gonna tell you to touch grass lmao touch ass nigga

Anyone else feel like crypto has become "less exciting" to normies and the era of crazy returns is nearing a close?
Normies gonna have to buy BTC over 100k, kek

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