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Where exactly do you expect more money to pump your bags to come from?
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VCs? After the AGRS devs published their findings in boolean algebras both NVIDIA and OpenAI have been talking with them to put some pretty pennies into their pockets for research and development. Its a matter of time before AGRS becomes the new TAO
with my main RWA hold it's going to come from normalfags who don't even know they're using a product built on top of crypto
Yo mama
Satoshisync shitcoins, probably
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As per usual, normies. They always pump my bags and make sure my wallet stays full. Im not even kidding here. You go to pinksale, you buy any type of high-marketable launch and you have an easy x2 each time if you know how to time it right and pass the frontrunning bots, it's amazing. It might not be enough to make you rich but it is enough to allow me to NEET

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bought them in 2022, forgot about them
See how it says $0.00? That means they're worth $0.00.
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aren't those the Crypto Pizza files on the blockchain that were rumored to be true?

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sure would be nice if link would fucking GO UP. jesus. if I knew it was gonna be this painful of a slog I would have dumped everything at $50. we all know it's great, the whales have fucking bought huge ass bags, what are we waiting for
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Sorry sweaty the team has to dump tokens to pay for Stacey's salary

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Should have switched to PEPE, couple of days back, even that dumps less than Doge...
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blocklords just made a partnership with Engines of Fury, I was expecting a partnership with Final fantasy or CiV, but what the heck is this?
>farming drops on some literal who coin instead of farming bnb
(You) are doing it wrong.
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I said it before, when kobasu doge dies he will pump. Until that happens, I recommend you wait for $LRDS.
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>He doesn't know.
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Nobody can predict the future, you just took actions based on what you know, I took a fat VINU bag and I don't feel bad about it, try to see your decisions not as a mistake but as something to build on

Is btc the only crypto you need to hodl? Are people still hodling?
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2040 and that snail will still be climbing towards 100k, if /biz/ still exists by then
Kek say that to the 10X I made already on QAN
I don't hold a single sat. Anyone who can't settle with a 2x during the bull probably doesn't hold it too.
Why SUI is under the radar?
It’s the safest hold, but a safe investment is basically the antithesis of a lucrative investment. So it’s great if you want an easy place to put your money and see consistent long term growth.

If you want to see short term massive growth and you know wtf you’re doing, invest in memecoins. Most people think they know what they’re doing because they have gotten lucky on one or two shitcoins, but if you want to make a true 1000x you need luck, conviction, and the ability to spot a winner and also spot the scams. So if you don’t know what you’re doing, invest in BTC or become my exit liquidity.

Broke and basic ass mumus. NGMI

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Should I close my position and go back into crypto? I bought in at $165 last year and I have a feeling this shit is going back to sub-$100.
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FUCK. Pulling the fuck out tomorrow.
nah man, they TOTALLY deserve to be valued 50% more than Toyota. It makes sense. Everyone will own a Tesla and everyone will have them be robot uber drivers while they work. There is literally no downsides. 10x is fud.

you are a fucking dumbass, enjoy the haircut
I sold all my tesla shares today and rolled it into eth you can thank me tomorrow
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do it dude, you don't need to think about it too much and it doesn't require so much micromanagement, there were several times I had something good to eat just by looking at the VINU chart for 3 minutes
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wouldn't reccomend (personally)
it performed so badly last year that im honestly considering qutting investing altogether, or maybe waiting until gravity labs releases to come back

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Hello biz. I am now in my 8th month of working at this office job. They match 401k up to 5% I think. Thing is, I only take home 300 dollars a month after all my bills.
Should I invest now or wait until I pay off my car? I have 25 payments left with 0% interest 330 a month so 8k~
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Others have said it, obvious choice is the match. If you think about inflation being 6% each year over the next 2 years (likely more in reality even if the CPI data would suggest less), you'll be repaying the loan with dollars worth marginally LESS than now with each successive payment. Use inflation to your advantage. If you have a 0% interest rate, get the free money from your company.

Also: don't worry about securing a home loan until you have plenty saved up for a down payment, your emergency fund intact, and (hopefully) until interest rates are cut OR home prices fall.
Ok I will match the 401k minimum atleast for my 401k. I will keep renting until market is better or I get paid more.
>you can only withdraw once you're 59
Are you gonna live to 59? With health? Don't be a retard
Ok, I will live to 59 and not be retarded.
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Now you listen to me, Zoomie faggot.
5% match is 5% FREE FUCKING MONEY.
Do we ignore free fucking money?
No, shit for brains. You take it.

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One week until link will beging the biggest face melting run you have ever witnessed. You are not ready for whats about to happen.
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copium = $20
reality = $9
hth :}
I only talk to white people, OP please respond
>u-u-ur not white...
cope, stinkie
you're not, stop talking to me.
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Chainrink isa decentralized borokchain orakru netuwok buirt on sorana.[3][4] the netuwok isu intended to be used to faciritate the turansferu of tamperu-proof datah from offu-chain sorses to onu-chain smart conutrakto.

Seems like just yesterday it was the hot new crypto in town, rocketing towards $20. Now it's just over $11. Would now be a good time to buy? I wanna get in on a new-ish crypto like this, and TIA is the newest one available on Kraken I think. Infinite max supply though :/
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seems like it's speedrunning through an entire market cycle on its own
It's been quite a ride. Glad I sold at $17, but my gut is telling me to buy back in now.
It's gonna be $0 by june
You're gonna get dumped hard by baggies that are in desperation for a bit of extra exit liquidity
Everyone is always so bearish here. TIA is already up 4-5% since posting this thread though.

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HBAR is satanic. Don't touch it. It's designed to be humiliation ritual of crypto. Strong Saturn symbolism - very semitic.
Leemon and Mance are Christian you heathen
>Saturn worship symbolis,
>Satanic monetary gains
>Christian founders
>Techno-accelerationist corporate endgame
God only knows if HBAR is good or not, I stopped trying to understand it

Anons, does the BRC-20 network still have a good long-term narrative? I'm thinking about buying Ordi.

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Do your parents or family know you own crypto? How was your relationship with them changed since you told them you own crypto, or that you have a large holding it? Does your family have access to your keys if something happened to you? Is it worth telling them about?
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what thoughts must cross your parents' heads when they remember their son at one point in time had 100k and lost it all out of sheer greed, or worse, over pledging alliance to some random internet imaginary coin.

my disgust at my own son would be immeasurable.
I would take that to the fucking grave and not tell a souls about it.
That's nice.
My mum know, and she receives complains constantlyfrom me whenever the price is down
told my parents to buy btc at 3k dip, mom called me stupid

I hate her fucking guts. never have believed in me for anything. dad def mad he listened to her, fuck him too for enabling that cunt my entire life.

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Give it to me straight, is there any hope for LINK going forward? I unironically have 26.5k LINKies and I'm losing hope.
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No there isn't. Why would there be hope for a project that has failed multiple times to get with the times?
this is all you guys have left by the way. staking. link knows it has nothing and no one cares about iccp so they just became hex.

you are marching to a sub $1 price point.
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>no one cares
pool's closed
sorry FUD cuck
maybe try posting this over and over again every day for another year and see if something changes?

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NVDAbros, I...
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why not nvida? they make new gpus still and the new ones are releasing this year
cuz they now know that they cant inflate prices of their cards on brand alone like apple does, literally amd is better in the quality/price ratio.
still, at the pace they are going right now they will start selling stand alone gpus like consoles to pair up on desktops.
That's the nature of stock values and crypto chaos theory, some dude farts somewhere and btc drops.
>nooo you must use a million dollars every trade otherwise its a gamble heh checkmate poorfag chuddie
post folio gains

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HBAR bros, we're goin to Sizzler tonight
Not just tonight, the next 30 years

>robotaxi unveil in august
>cybertruck is a huge success
>fsd continues to improve
>optimus is in the lead for androids
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Am I gonna make it bros, also have 31 ETH, 200k ROSE and 350 LTC. Listening to "all the above" by Transatlantic right now, shit is so cash.
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This is a bait thread social engineered specifically for people to post feet.
only if people keep exploiting niggers in fifth world countries in modern day slavery.
Pic related
This is why you aren't supposed to trust independent data indexes lol

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So was this a meme coin all threads about XRP vanished was it all Indians spammers?

Any idea what happened was it all a scam?
xrp has been out for 12 years and they still have to pay people to use it so idk senpai seems kinda sketch desu
their baggie cult moved to /bant/ along with several others
I never saw these so called "Indian scam coins" everyone keeps talking about. Technically all these obamadogesonic420 shitcoins are going to zero eventually and the same coins that were talked about before email verification are talked about now.
>Maybe the real scamcoins were the /biz/natches we met along the way...

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Looking for houses in my area... anything under $200k? 55+. You know it.

I have no sympathy for boomers. TBD is necessary and desirable.
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I should be allowed to discriminate by age for jobs if they are allowed to discriminate by age for housing
it would free up housing supply for the rest of the market bringing prices down. fuck boomers
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>takes all the wealth
>slams door on next generations
>suck it zoomers
Wrong. It’s a good use of space while not requiring the addition of more schools. I’m also fine with developers paying to build new schools, but asking current residents to pay taxes for new people to move in.. yeah fuck that bullshit.
Total Buzz Determination.

Let's not fall into the easy pitfall of confusing class warfare with generational warfare.
Yes, the capitalist class is on average significantly older (and whiter (and maler)) than the worker class, but it is a red herring.
Focus on the real issues, comrades.
>moves to scottsdale

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bros i really need help. the crypto to US payment method i had just shat the bed. What other ways can I get a US payment method? pls bros help someone out just this once.

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