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New trailer just dropped: https://youtu.be/4TmccWDP1V4?si=7ZuIfCy8XXU3glkm

Cherno sure has a lot of character development. You rolling?
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If it's just an item that you get, then no. I've never even thought to need it before. This is literally the only time I've ever encountered the situation of Katya getting cucked by the ice phase of the chinese new year boss. I also chose multiple buffs that eat your own HP to deal more damage, so it was ultra fucked. This has never been an issue for me previously, but I will no longer bring 5* Mauxir and I will instead bring 5* Cherno or 5* Haru
I learned my lesson when soloing with Frit and they added Fiend to normal PL. The elemental resistance is pretty awful unless she rolls Spark. In Katya's case, the Yin-Yang buff might do the trick?
Still, not the greatest idea to count on orange buffs showing up to carry the run instead of having backup plans built into the team itself to cover whatever the mode can throw at you.
What pillars? :)
What are your secrets?
Skill Spark (extra stacks of damage for skill hits)
Fritia II (get 4Frit support for using any skill and +300%)
Aptitude Break Defense (-50% ballistic but +400% for aptitude effects)
Cost Order/Strike/Ahead/Random on 4Frit (she won't be needing the hp off-field anyway unless you call her in at the wrong time)
Anything else that contributes to skill damage like Shooting Imbalance/Vulnerability, Cost Cycle, or counts towards the atk incentive

4Frit's support turns any gun into a skill+aptitude spitter. Spark makes skill hits hurt like hell. Aptitude Break Defense makes aptitude hits hurt like hell. 4Frit's unique buff gives it easy uptime and also makes it hurt like hell. You might not always get all the parts of the trifecta, but it'll spiral your damage out of control once you're aware of what to use rerolls for.

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Anyone playing this game? I started this game recently and been having fun with it but have no one to talk about it with
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Really nice game
Wish it was more popular
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can someone explain what the rice is for? I thought it was like stamina, but when I put them on auto combat in the dungeon, they kept fighting despite having no rice.
Rice is basically your stamina yes
Used for Slime/Goblin and Hunting grounds

They can still fight with no rice but you're not getting rewards
The combat seems good like it's simple enough to not be a chore but complex enough to be entertaining

Who is hyped I can't wait to play cod warzone on my ipad and phone.

It runs ok on my rog ally.50-60fps 1080p. I wonder what it will look like on a phone.
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or blue archive
I reinstalled it and I come to find they filled the game with bots just like CODM. What the fuck is Activision doing? No wonder I got bored a week ago. I sense there were bots a week ago but this just confirms it.
I tried it on my ipad pro m2 and it wouldn't even let me play it at a lower quality. Everything lagged and felt slow and sluggish. How are youtubers playing it at a lower quality and moving so fast with it on their ipads or gaming phones?
Just load the game without the controller and once you enter the lobby, close the game, connect your controller, and reload the game. I do the opposite so that I can end up in lobby with controller noobs. They're a lot easier to play against.
It runs fibe on my m1 ipad

Have you ever played a mobile sports game before?
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yes, kino game
i had fifa for my ngage
does that count
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The Stadium. I love it.
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Finally after all the tears and struggles, A Happy ending Dazu

And it was the Biggest Win! Against one of the faves- /vp/. I Wanna Be The very Best. Like no-one ever was.

Thought that /vmg/ couldn’t win that. That You Can’t win

But there was no Falling Down back to fetus this time

Cause today, today was a Winning Day

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I tried installing Baseball Highlights 2025 because I liked the boardgame and there was a phones only digital version, but my phone is too new for the app.

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New supercell game just came out. Thoughts?
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No, both are absolute crap. I don't understand why supercell has such massive hard-on for autochess mechanics. People got bored of that shit years ago.
It's giving me TFT vibes, and I think it would be great idea if they head in that direction but make it in an arena. Similar to Arena in League of Legends. I hate Supercell for making it pay to win where skill < money.

I like how strategy can emerge in this game though, for example going Goblin/Hog and rushing your neighbour, buying their chests (get numbers advantage) and potentially killing them.

It's a big time investment and you can lose so it can often go wrong.

However maybe its because the game is too fast paced, but my the rush playstyle buying goblins/chickens/hogs to rush, gets outscaled extremely quickly in larger "team fights".

There were cases where I'll have fusion Chickens, Goblins, literally losing melee fights to other ranged fusion characters. Not Shelly, like Bo, Dynamike, I don't own Medic so i don't know but it seems to counter my comp.

The games mechanics are very simple, the skill ceiling is there but low, ranged characteres can technically space/kite ranged characters but the game makes it very awkward and janky.

The game has potential, but I think it's gameplay mechanics, like it's builds, balancing, PvP mechanics, pacing, it all needs A LOT of work.

Also the gatcha pull system is very weird, I almost never get Colt if I go Goblin/Chicken starter.
The PvP feels like it's designed to encourage players to avoid it unless their squad is at least twice the size of their opponent's
Also fuck fusion keys and fuck whoever came up with that idea
Have you gotten any 3* units yet? I can't even fathom the grind needed to reach 4* since they will constantly be introducing new characters, too.
Only chicken lol

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Pole Dancing Event

Shake phone in time with your raifu's dance to increase her tips!

Daily limit: 60 tips
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I did a 150 point mission and got 60 points, for example. But the HOC mission before that gave me the full 180. Can't see a pattern to it.
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GFL2's WA-Chan, the 3D models look very well-made.
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>pnc x steins gate
>gfl x ghost in the shell
>kimie's event side missions are tower defense
What's even the point of having well made models if the girls literally cannot wear the skins you paid for in the lobby?
Also no free camera mode during gameplay so you cannot see them properly either.

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Thread for MonmusuTD as well as other Kumasan games.
>Twinkle Star Knight
>Girls Creation
>Flower Knight Girl
>Mist Train Girls
Also other DMM tower defense games.
>Millennium War Aigis
>Oshiro Project: RE ~CASTLE DEFENSE~

Next chapter in Monmusu is coming along with the shop girl who is in fact Mammon.
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>>silva alt
>>brown megabooba mommy
>Gem saving mode is officially engaged.
Quite literally me, specially because idc about the new units' bedrooms, much less meta influence
The Silva is a youkai that will likely appear with the Nue youkai. The question is whether they'll jew her up making her paid only
Does Kuromi's MR shred apply to bosses? I'm guessing no, but I will test it later.
I love my sideboob wife Seren
I was hoping for a new OP since the current version is quite shit.
Debuffs always work unless explicitly made immune. Pushkinia is like the only thing with debuff immunity I think.

Are you still waiting for goblal?
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>implying they need consent
They're rapist.
>big titted bioroid jumps on your dick
Consent is self-evident in that situation.
That’s the thing, we just don’t know. The sidestory plays it as comedic with her believing that but we have seen bioroid ghosts in the end of Wristcut’s chapter.
Um anon that was a hallucination. No one else saw the ghosts.

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So why aren't you playing this game. You don't need translations. It's autochess with priconne leveling.
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>those eyebrows
its like a separate being lives on the forehead
i thought anons liked uggos
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>licking bamboo launchers
shes pretty cute might r00L
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New character

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Who is the best demiurge? and why is it Stella? Did you collect your event Stella skin bros?
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I vote for this "nun". Either her, or the chocolate bunny. Or the new bride girl.
bros /e7g/ is making fun of us....
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definitely dianne, she has the lewdest default outfit

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Buu lost. Cooler lost. GODhan won.
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Bruh look at this fetal alcohol syndrome ahhh nigga
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>they're still going
GODCCOLO chads won
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Why are people shilling to skip the anniversary? i haven't kept up with dokkan shit since last year.

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Why do you play gacha games?
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Only started AFKJ because it was day1 and if I ignore the whales I can progress at a decent pace until they inevitably introduce powercreep heroes that make anything prior obsolete.
Same as other gachas, as soon as I hit a wall for which I need an exclusive unit, I quit.
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I like low effort games. I also like beating the odds. I also like seeing hot anime girls in revealing clothing and (if it's a 3d game), will attempt to upskirt the ones with wide hips.
this but unironically
Day 2
Is #compass just alive in Japan but has 0 reach outside of it? It seemed like it was super dead from the searches, but the guides are near instant on JP sites, they just got another Collab and new char and the queues are near instant in JP timezones.

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Is Reverse 1999 any good or is it an asset flip of Star Rail?
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>Asset flipping from 3d game to 2d game
Anon are you retarded?
bros were getting labedled as pedos... https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/1bxhfxv/pedophilia_is_rampant_on_this_hellsite_and_im/
Did OP give it a try?
Has the translation (both in the text and the voiced lines) improved at all since launch? I dropped pretty much immediately because it was unbearable.

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Mirror World Madness, the newly added event is almost over.
How did it go for you? Was it fun or way too challenging?

>Upcoming New Heroes Banner:
Eshean / Hofmann

Coming soon:

>SP Almeda
>New Covenant - Vidar
>Forbidden Battleground
>Guild Dimensional Expedition
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Slowly making some progress, got Frigg 10-3 today. Had to spend a decent amount of resources to quickly build young jess (4*) but it was a pretty smooth fight. It may be time to start looking what ragnarok stages I can cheese with Frigg, even though he's not maxed yet.
Young Jessica ends up surprisingly useful in a lot of gimmick challenge stages that lets her use her personal buff on other people, so it was definitely worth the investment.
Really? More than just that fight? I'll keep that in mind, might as well build her all the way in the future.
There has definitely been stuff in the past like that, but I'm having a hard time remembering if it's just older events or permanent stuff. She might be fine for stuff like that at her current level, since it's hard to say that she'd be more useful in PvE in most situations than some of the other long range mages. But if you have time to build an extra character up, go for it.
3/5 challenges done, not so bad, was able to steal some controllers. I'll give challenge 4 a shot but my Odin is quite weak so I don't expect to go with shisuka strat. Challenge 5, fuck that!

Speaking of the event, there is no hidden missions or anything like that like the last one, right?

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Nussy is a japanese solo dev who makes roguelikes with high replayability and interesting progression mechanics
Buriedbornes 2 released recently and is available on Android, iOS, and Steam
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So... items that you unlock as rewards for example leveling up a faction are ONE time only?

you only lose inventory items if you die or abandon the run
you should take a crow skull if you want to be sure you won't lose something rare or that would cripple your build if you lost it
Stay safe out there and switch app windows every now and then, these games are so good I got the UI burned-in the screen
Where do I see the list of TMs availables? Also, do TMs only appear f it's a move someone on the party can learn?
>load up Buriedbornes 2
>see this
first Stellar Blade and now this?

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