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>no 50/50 rate ups
>a currency that lets me skip stages that I've already beaten
>cute girl with pink hair (preferably a huge cunt personalitywise)
>has pity/sparking
Does this gacha game exist? I wanna pick something up.
>>1642859 (OP)
I'm not super well versed in gacha, but I think Horizon Walker fits mostly in what you're looking for, at the very least it has a fairly reasonable pity system and no 50/50

I dunno if you'd call it pink (more .. lilac?), but it also has a girl who's cursed to have no filter when she speaks, and her abrasive personality comes across pretty clearly

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Why does everyone hate the level up system? You can get plenty without microtransactions and it makes useless plants more useful
>>1626559 (OP)
Plants from Jurassic marsh and level up system update ruined PVZ2's balancing and now Popcap is comprised of devs who wanted to make PVZ be like the Gardenscapes game.
>>1626559 (OP)
>makes useless plants more useful
It also strengthens the best plants, and they benefit the most from buffs, no matter how incremental, which is why universal buff systems don't really do anything, it just shifts the gap but doesn't close it
>>1626559 (OP)
it wasn't necessary before

EoS has been announced! The game shuts down on Dec 18, a week before Christmas, but there's still time to take on challenges, read some stories or save pics of your favorite gals. There are also four final events out now with the last farewell side stories.
Anons are working on backing up story cutscenes and art, it'll be posted here when (if) it's done.
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well there it is. thank you and good bye, Lucy
can't believe I'm shedding tears for this very niche gacha game
Farewell, Producer. At least I can remember Belphegor and the other sins by looking over at my figure case, but you and the riders will forever be stuck in this dead game.
man, seems like even this thread is dying too
It at least needs to stick around until somebody shares that art archive
It's still very much a work in progress, I think it's just one dude working on it and he has a shitload to upload. But here's the prototype website, it at least has the art for the Sins and Virtues:

There's an eternal thread for Pikmin but no teppen threads? Is the game dead or something?
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Bass Ex skin
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New set site page and free pack QR code

That looks like some bullshit
These gooks are really going to salvage Donte and Vorgil?
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First soldier new chapter this week
This months banners (datamine):
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does chocobo color matter?
no, it's just aesthetic in this game, only the type(Field, Ocean, Montain) matters
not sure to save one of each color in that case , if something in that regard gets implemented
At this point I mostly play to collect Yuffie's costumes, this game is really boring.
No point in playing after you get all the achievements and lvl 10 summons.

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How's your team coming along?

Launch Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMO1MHoRX0g [Embed]
Feature Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JayO6KgbBeQ [Embed]

>Official Site: https://soc.xd.com/
>Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2526380/Sword_of_Convallaria/
>Apple App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/sword-of-convallaria/id6451019582
>Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.xd.ssrpgen
+126 replies and 10 images omitted. Click here to view.Showing all replies.
If you check the bosses, they each have a Strength In Numbers passive, reducing damage by 20% for each surviving ally (including fellow bosses). You'll want to kill all the minions first. Once they're dead, kill the Lightning boss first, then the assassin boss, and then if the Candlelight boss is left alone, all she'll do is cast her buff on herself even if you have level 1 characters right next to her. You still have plenty of time left, so feel free to drop a Ragnarok on groups of enemies each day to wear them down.

The best trick with UD is to put your flying blade armguards and roaring flints on your weak characters, toss them in and use these gear skills to deal some percent damage. The minions have no resistance to it and while the bosses have 75% resistance, they still take a lot of damage. This way, even your unleveled characters can do significant damage and throwing a few waves of them at any minion will guarantee a kill.
Be wary of Lightning, who has high speed and can move to cast Phantom Storm on turn 1 and wipe your characters from their starting position. To counter this, take a defender, position them at the far right and since they outspeed Lightning, move them up a few steps and they'll eat the Phantom Storm. It'll be easy if you do all this, just might take a few days. Good luck!
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Thanks for the tips. After taking some time to wear down the regular enemies with my shit squads, my A-team managed to take the win.
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Nice, congrats!
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Young Rawiyah is way too cute.

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Does /vmg/ know of any idley, adventure, super casual mobile games?
I just started this and it's super charming and chill, would love to hear more suggestions.
>>1637154 (OP)
I'm trying out GoGoMuffin rn. It's alright so far.

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Anyone playing this god game?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JvBFayqqIk [Embed]
limited kanon
fuuga and blue

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did you get in?
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I just played for 2 hours on my phone running around doing mini games getting whimstars and ingredients ignoring the story, the art and music is gorgeous and sucked me in outright, never cared much for genshin or other games like this

Of course it doesn't matter what tier a character is, what matters is their unique and special abilities no matter what supposed tier or rank they appear as. I believe every character is valuable and has hidden potential. Even the so called low rank heroes could have some special power that gets revealed later in the game once you've spent enough time with it, like a Magicarp just waiting to be appreciated for all the time and effort you've put into holding on to that character. I haven't found that to be the case with any of these games but you never know.
power creep will make sure that doesn't ever happen
>>1639574 (OP)
Honestly for Mobages there are only like 4 Tiers in practice IMO.

1. "Good out of the box"/Meta Defining Game Changer.
2. "Good with 'Investment'"/Deliberately Overtuned Whalebait.
3. "Good in a Niche"/Good in specific gameplay Set-Up (AKA F2P Memery).
4. "Do not use this if you have options"/Filler that you burn or Sell enmasse.

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grand cookie games just started

Never bake shit like this ever again
The OP needs improvement, would like to know what's happening in all games, especially with:
>Ovenbreak: elderberry cookie and taurus cookie, along with the "snakes and ladders minigame
>Kingdom: the three sisters(?) green team mousse cookie, pudding a la mode cookie, and choco drizzle cookie with their new costumes along with the last dream or last winter(?) for moonlight cookie and frost queen cookie respectively
>Witch's Castle: poinsettia cookie as the first christmas-themed exclusive cookie using a epic-token based roll, also overhaul with the furniture mole delivery service and other dailies like completing stages consecutively and using firecrackers, bombs, and colored bears in a stage
>Tower of Adventures: snow globe cookie as a neat new light attacker with peach cookie as a fire healer
So far. Anyways all the best and happy holidays
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All of that and more in >>1636521 for ALL Cookie Run Discussion! Now, Go there!

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Hello /vmg/. I am going on a trip for a couple of weeks and will only have my phone to play vidya on. Are there any good mobile games you'd recommend I pick up?

For some context, I have a Galaxy Note 8, so these would have to be Android games. I'm not a huge fan of gacha games and would prefer paying once for the full game. Also the game being available to play offline is a huge plus. Looking primarily for RPGs, but anything you'd like to recommend is welcome.

I have PSx and DS emulators to fall back on as a last resort as well. Any good games from those libraries you think are interesting (and play well on mobile) would be welcome.

Thanks in advance!
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huh, good to know. Thanks
Yeah, it's amazing how much it sucks and how greedily it's monetized. It plays a ton of ads all the time - they can be disabled for a fee, but only temporarily. There are p2w powerups for PvP. Doesn't support alternative inputs. Won't run without internet access. You have to grind to unlock other modes including multiplayer.
There used to be alternatives, but The Tetris Company had all unlicensed Tetris games removed from the store. Some, like Falling Lightblocks can be sideloaded from other sites.
What genre do you like?
Racing i can recommend some like monoposto, fx racer, N3Rally, Apex Racer, FR Legends, Static Shift Racing, Cafe Racer, #DRIVE to try out
>>1616157 (OP)
Cookie Run, any of them!

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I'll just leave this here.
Mech Arena https://link.plrm.zone/sdlgo/ja9pj

I don't know what else to do with it.
Basically, if someone uses my referral code I get ice weapons.
>>1638841 (OP)
I've been saying the same shit about her the whole time yet everyone always lusts for the retarded shadowheart.

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the giantess gacha is getting a global release, any anons ready for this?

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I've got this one set on the home screen and if you trigger the snowball + see-thru shirt animation there's literally no way to undo it. I don't need her showing off those nips 24/7 in the snow, it makes me feel cold, dammit. It also locks out like half her idle dialogue (assuming that's not just bugged to never play anyway).
Also, something about that left leg...
You get ascended Iliya for free if you do the login event
Already got her; I’m talking about whether it’s worth it to get more copies of her to level up her skill rank. Though honestly I might hold off on that if she reruns again.
i don't think she's worth it, her only useful passive is crit cap up, 50% (additive), and an okay passive in applying silence to all allies attacks, only useful in pvp and some high end mob stages i guess
Why do Transcendent Reverbs have to be so fucking hard to find?

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Previous: >>1625410

Your source of the juiciest dramas about gacha games. Anything goes---your sentiment about the gacha industry, schizo takes, conspiracy theories, MTL screenshots from obscure Chinese forums, or just random gacha related topics that don't fit in a specific general.

Come on in!
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I haven't played a second of ZZZ, can you explain to me why you think it's combat is better than wuwa? For reference I've played almost every character action game (bayonetta, DMC, metal gear raising, etc), and almost every hunting game (monster hunter, soul sacrifice, toukiden, freedom wars, god eater, etc). If it has good tech like dodge offset, meaties, roman cancels, and stuff like that I would be interested.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdu5yLO9lkc&t=3463s [Embed]
There's a youtuber here that compares the dodge of Genshin, Wuwa and ZZZ here. It's just the dodge and not the combat but it's a good start on why the combat feels a lot more fluid and better.
The combat in ZZZ is way faster, feels more fluid, isn't held back by exploration since it's a combat game first and foremost instead of an open world exploration game and has a lot of endgame challenges for those who want a challenge. Just in case, the endgame challenges are for players at the endgame. Not for players at level 10 that just started since a lot of people think that the game is going to throw them off the deep end five minutes into the game.
So, the dodge "feels" better and that's it? I looked at the combat and every character plays the same, it's literally 1 button mashing and occasionally switching characters. It's worse than dynasty warriors (and that's the simplest, most baby game I can think of). Thanks for the effort anyways bro.
np, my bad for trying to reason with a kurocuck
hope you enjoy mintpicking and seething endlessly about hoyo
The future looks bright Ananta bros

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