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>20 million pre-register on china
so it's flop on global ?
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Wise or Belle?
I don't think they'll add any (You) pandering to this game, and I can already smell the shipfaggotry. A male MC might be just for the usual fujo fantasies. Which is weird, because they're basically going for the same public as their other games. Do they plan to continue competing against themselves and cannibalize their other games' revenues?
They both have a huge amount of screentime. It doesn't really matter who you pick, you'll be listening to or looking at both of them, all that changes is which one controls the bangboo and thus what they say. Pick whatever you want
Characters are sex but
>story and world aren't interesting
>writing is okay, tending to subpar
>TV gameplay absolutely sucks balls, has potential to kill the game
>we see combat once in a blue moon
Maybe they'll want a gamemode with more combat, but overall I'm not feeling the game. Even if all characters were uncensored I'd still hate a hard time sticking to it.
This game isn't really targeting a large female audience, or at least not one hoyoverse games usually appeal to. The lack of shoujo pretty boy, besides Wise I guess, shotas, femboys, or cute lolis kind of gives that impression. So no, I don't think there's THAT much character appeal overlap between ZZZ and other hoyo games.

Are you still waiting for goblal?
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Interesting. It's almost like that turns it into a VN.
I wonder if it would be possible to remake it in RPG Maker or some similar easy engine and just have a fan-built version that doesn't need DMM to play. Hell, unless the gameplay's something special to begin with, it might be better off as something like Monmusu Quest or some other big-party game since there'd be no point in having a gacha for offline.
We have to wait and see. Valofe is the kind that heavily monetizes, slows down updating or stops updating outright. With rare exceptions that still survive.
LO isn't high maintenance. Though it isn't a heavy earner either. So we are in a gray area.
You can expect maybe 2 events per year, and a new monetization scheme for new outfits and packs (basically more expensive for less stuff), until they get back the money Valofe paid and then maintenance mode with zero updates for a couple of years then EOS.
do you think it will continue on dmm?
The moon head guy would look at Khan ass for a minute and immediately sold tue idea of collab with LO.

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Mirror World Madness, the newly added event is almost over.
How did it go for you? Was it fun or way too challenging?

>Upcoming New Heroes Banner:
Eshean / Hofmann

Coming soon:

>SP Almeda
>New Covenant - Vidar
>Forbidden Battleground
>Guild Dimensional Expedition
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I've been spending some time developing the covenants, just unlocked Odin today. I remember reading somewhere that you don't have enough points to max out all the covenants. Which are the less usefull ones that people generally leave incomplete?
Heim, Frigg/Freyja whichever one has the AA shit, Vidar. You do need some in them for their Ragnarok enchant bs whatever the fuck you want to call it, but usually Thor and Odin are summoned immediately on turn 1 so they need to be maxed. Frigg/Freyja for mages is usually summoned early too, Baldr sometimes gets a delayed summon but sometimes is needed immediately.
I believe you can max all but one or two if you get all the balls from Ragnarok. Vidar/Freyha are what people usually don't max.

For Ragnarok, you should max Frigg, Odin and Baldr first for their rush strats. Follow by Thor > Heim.
If you do Apex you will max Tyr and Loki later as your stats stick depending on the match.
Gotcha, thanks anons.
>Archanfel in first multi
>Sho in second

Woah. These guys any good? Didn't get a chance to read into them much.

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What the fuck was Hypergryph thinking? why is the whole meta of the game determined by this bitch now? dps higher than trashter the holungday and more versatile...
>be me, work at HG
>need new whale bait
>make a unit with higher dps than surtr and deployaple 4 times as much
>players somehow fine with this
>cool day
Are arknights players just retarded? is that it?
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I got him in the first 10 pulls. I maxed him out and yeah, I felt like the resources could be better spent.
Then again, I'm a a point where my team can beat pretty much any challenge. I have nothing left except trying out new units and/or collecting them.
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I hate these little shitters so much. After a dozen attempts at H13-4 I finally nearly got a clear only for one of them to slip by and fuck my shit up.

My skill issues aside, how have the hells stages been for you lads?
I cleared the stages and don't have much to say about it but can you even fucking imagine one of those fucking things suckin yer hog?
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I got 2 of him in 40 pulls, but I it was just excess pulls, so it's nothing I worry about, even though I admittedly probably won't actually use or need him, so he remains at E0 L1. I've saved pretty much everything I've gotten in the last 6-7 months outside spending 30 pulls on Typhon and 11 on Jalter (I got Eben and Carnelian on Jalter too, which would be really cool if they were actually good), so I'm planning to spark Skalter on the Virtuosa banner and get Degenbrecher when she comes, in both cases I have enough to guarantee getting both of them, even if I need hard pity.

After that, I'm saving religiously again in preparation for the R6 rerun to get both Ash and Ela. Which according to the calculator, even taking needing hard pity to get Degen, Ash and Ela into account, I would have enough time to guarantee getting them and still have roughly 50-60 pulls left to spend on other stuff (Probably Shu, as Ray is not limited). And that's my plan forward for worst case scenario at least. And if I don't need hard pity for everything, I got even more to work with, so I'll see how it goes.

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Pole Dancing Event

Shake phone in time with your raifu's dance to increase her tips!

Daily limit: 60 tips
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I had to skip the tutorial. It wouldn't let me advance through it because "Full resources not loaded" or something. The only thing that work was to click the SKIP button UwU
Why is the proxy only deploying two echelons at night but 3 during the day?
>sf capture causes a fairy damage effect banner to pop up
>have over 350k intel samples for some reason
mica spaghet
>sf capture causes a fairy damage effect banner to pop up
It was always like that

>have over 350k intel samples for some reason
HOC rework, chips and other stuff are kill and converted to samples
>It was always like that
I never got it before.
>HOC rework
Just went through it. I kinda miss the chip arranging.

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Thread for the best gaycha out there. Now in English!
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Hint: The in game meat icon is covering up his erect penis head
>That just sounds like you not having any taste in anything, pretty boring.

Not the anon who posted but that's an incredibly L take. Having a more broad taste doesn't mean you don't have any and is the completely opposite of boring since you always have many options to choose from. Only having specific and narrow tastes is what's boring however and also annoying since these people always whine about shit whenever a banner has characters they don't like.


I dunno why someone like you who hates furries and only into borderline bishi fujo/yume-bait like Touken Ranbou characters would even bother playing bara games. You're literally not the target audience.
This for crave specifically
This for all DMM porn games

It gets updated monthly and there are graphics in there to better illustrate how revenues are. Basically it has ups and downs depending on character populsrity but you can't see any significant rise or decrease since release. Just the same, which, for a gacha, is good enough.
I was saying these games make very little money compared to other gacha games, the revenue you posted is basically EoS tier outside of Fanza. The best selling gay gacha, Housamo, has lasted for what, 7 years now? Any non-gay gacha game that would have gotten the same amount of revenue would have been extremely lucky to even make it to their second year of being alive. That's why I'm saying it's the devs that make these games last longer more so than said "furfags"
Is it me or are Fanza games, outside of some bad cases, long-lived in general?
That aside, we are dealing with games that are (production-wise) relatively low-stakes. Doing 3D graphics makes costs balloon, and action gameplay can easily turn into chaos for the server, which tends to be the single biggest cost for online games. Seen from that point, its easy to micromanage the gaycha budget.

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New supercell game just came out. Thoughts?
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Paola collapses every single game she touches. She collapsed brawl stars ,it finally started to heal when she left now she collapsed whatever this is. She's a failure
So far the game feels like a clusterfuck for adhd kids especially when it’s the last min for the round
Clash Mini should have made the cut, not this sad excuse of a "game".
No, both are absolute crap. I don't understand why supercell has such massive hard-on for autochess mechanics. People got bored of that shit years ago.

All my favorite Dolphins are Gunners
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Should have specified, I'm strictly on about SP upgrades. Not sure how outdated chinadress Michiru and swimsuit Nacht are but I'm not sure of they're really worth upgrading for extra SP damage
At least get them to sp2/3 so you can uncap their levels to 85/90.
The SP damage on defenders is insignificant, but it's important if they have a buff attached to it which increases at level 2. The rest of the stat boosts from sp levels are kinda whatever, unless it's related to enough sp charge increase that saves you 1-2 actions on the way to 100%.
God, so many fucking UR dupes.
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Works on my machine

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What we do here is go back
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Bro your Idunn? Your Raphael?
Boss Cleopatra doesn't have barrier break, you don't need an ailment cleanser
what panel is ishtar mine is 2
4, but don't use the almighty skills you will be punished for it
The buff is going to be added after the event ends

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Our Thread revives.

As of today:
Final Episode of Nanasuta
More Daily 1x Rolls
New Karakuri singles out song
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No change to the birthday accessory this year, shame. Nice that they put the new BDS together with the old BD though.
I much preferred it when they sold birthday gacha tickets by month in 2020-21. I bought a ton of those back then. But more importantly, they need to find a way to deplete the spark gauge differently for different cards, because BD should be 100 and BDS should be 200. Maybe make perm Ps 100 as well.

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Only a few days left of the 7th anniversary. Asteria event coming soon.
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expect an oav or anime series based on Arise with some remasters or ports in between
nta but what was up with the 2nd Marcus? When i first saw Marc with a new haircut, i just thought it was a redesign for the new arc at the time.
That's just Junior's Mark. They probably redesigned him so you can differentiate the two or maybe it was to suggest Junior has different fashion sense than Phil.
both probably, because his outfit has some bifrost inspiration to it. (and while he has memories of phil's childhood, everything hes done himself has been either sticking by mercuria's side or working with bifrost once theyre their own faction..)

makes you wonder how close our karia might be to nevan if she got bigger.
>Felt no regrets rolling everything in this gacha
What a weird feeling
Maybe I did have a feeling that the end is near and it's not like any of my favorites will be getting new stuff since they're all decked out

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>2 characters per patch
>They're both powercreep
Every time
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Go back
Do you have Ruan Mei? If so you don't need Robin. The rest are probably possible to get if you squeeze every jade out of the game.
I lost my 50/50 on ruan mei
Damn. Well if you get both Aventurine and Robin you at least get a really good and fun team.
>triple relic event starting tomorrow

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I’m p,ayolaying flash party on my rog ally and it is a nice experience.
I like Sophia, she is really cute.
Are there any other mobile games that have pc ports? Any games you recommend?
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cute Sophia!
So far, been thinking about >>1409788
regarding Fallout Shelter (is okayish, pretty chill) and Metal Slug Defense (DLC with the cool units is paywalled, instead of just passively collecting medals through online tournaments or daily logins.) My fave unit has got to be the Native Birdmask (He's DLC-locked) fella, very spammable and great with collecting POWs.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links
Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel
Mega Man X Dive (Offline on mobile but Offline "version" on PC, better than the mobile version)
Geometry Dash
The Room (Awesome single player game and 5 games i guess)
Genshin Impact (Even i hating on the weeb and gacha culture, this game got me off-guard, awesome music and art, good story and gameplay)
Dead Cells
Slay the Spire
Hitman GO
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Among Us
Marvel Snap
Bloons TD6 (Nice game)
Fallout Shelter
I wouldn't reccomend x dive to anyone
Just buy one of the collections
X dive is for the crazy fans that want fanservice
Mutant Mudds
Rebuild 2, Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadville, World Box

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flipper friends...
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Loving Shirano blowjob.
At least that's the comic I read.
3 years of english flipper...
For those who haven’t checked the announcements, we’re getting some pretty crazy stuff next month, like four more Pick-3 events and additional Meteor units.

There were rumors that they would be skipping the Celebration event, but I'm really glad they're going through with it. All the free shit will make for a super memorable EoS party.
I'm glad Kakao ran this game well.
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speaking of Droids, World Flipper artists are still making art even to this day.

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[x] Touch fluffy tail
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To my untrained eye, these vocaloid cards seems pretty bad.
The only things that seem worth chasing dupes for are the kagamines and miku, maybe kaito if you roll 4 somehow
Yeah I'll be damned if I'm going to roll on a 10-stone machine for a 10% chance of getting something from the event. This is disrespectful.
>think I could kuroyuri loop through modern content
>try the supergravity quindecillion malice title challenge
>super reincarnation lu bu hits me through my LS shields for 600k on his first turn
What in the god damn
Welcome to the new dungeons. Massive HP checks that require a ton of Team HP awakenings and an active skill shield.
>and/or an active skill shield

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