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or live long enough to be the villain.
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i imagine it will just hit you with link page before it lets you play from then on
as you sperg out and hold back tears the same way you see your five o'clock beard?
I wouldn't know because I didn't read the fine print. I bought it and saw the login screen and said oh that's gay and then made one and was done.
>This is blatantly false

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>heh, rent free
This isn't a win that you think it is. Your parents are ashamed of you, strangers are disgusted looking at you, all validation you recieve from other equally mentally ill and porn adducted men is fake, you live in complete delusion and the only course of action left for your dickless and twisted mind is to just kill yourself.

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Modern gamers simply don't want to be punished, ever, with "I just want to relax in my free time" often being cited as the reason

Does that mean it's now bad game design to make a punishing skill-gated game, or should game design ignore the circumstances of the playerbase
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I google big boob and get 12 trillion results
If you don't have any difficulty levels you have to design your game around the worst player you want to be able to play your game. Offering a more challenging experience to people who managed to get a score on the IQ test is good.
Making difficulty levels just hp/damage modifiers where enemies become bullet sponges that 1shot the player on higher difficulties is bad game design. Lazy devs doing a poor job at designing a game mechanic doesn't mean the said mechanic is inherently bad.
>you have to design your game around the worst player you want to be able to play your game
No you don't
>Offering a more challenging experience to people who managed to get a score on the IQ test is good.
No it's not
>Modern gamers simply don't want to be punished, ever,

Elden Ring exists.
*ding ding ding*

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What do we think of the latest Fallout game? Only actual Fallout fans allowed in this thread
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No its its own game like a sequel to fallout 4
Ok so I'm not insane this game does have awful controls
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Real fan here.
How bad is the AI and input lag? I tried it once a year ago and holy shit, that plus the MMO bullshit really put me off. I would love to explore the 76 world backported into 4 but man
I feel like 90% of people shitting on 76 have never played it and just watched an Internet Plagiarist video 6 years ago

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>anti-consumer corporations like sony and ubisoft are going to get absolutely fucked by the EU
Thank you EU for protecting my rights
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It's somewhere in there I can't find it though. Holy shit they weren't lying when they said the EU is bureaucracy hell.

>What if the dev wants the game to be available for limited time? Maybe for artistic reasons? Or some weird marketing.
Then don't charge money for it?
I'm sure a company would rather avoid having to provide refunds for a game released years ago, hence why it would be better to just allow the game to be played offline or provide community servers so the publisher doesn't have to worry about maintaining them.
I actually did that with Economics and it opened a whole lot of opportunities because I quit having to hire accountants for some legal shenanigans and did it myself lmfao.
>the EU is completely transparent
It's a double edged sword. Hard to gauge whether on balance it's good or bad. Depends on the country. Europe comprises some 30 completely different countries.

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I, too, liked it when Cloud told Aerith he loved her in every universe.
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>a SIDE character
He's practically a SOLDIER anyway.
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wrong picture
this is stupid. How many people marry the person they knew in kindergarten?
But that person is not talking about the game, only complaing that Aerith threads have more replies and keeps posting replies kek

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First game was better but second game had the cuter Lili model so I call it a draw.

Everybody sleeps on Rhombus of Run.
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ayyyyyyye nice
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Is that a fish's asshole?
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anon where do you think caviar comes from
hint: it's not the asshole

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>having arachnophobia
>play videogames
>spider appears
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or thalassophobia options
I always thought it was normal to not like diving deep into open ocean with no idea how many giant whales are lurking just out of sight, but apparently it's a phobia
as if any of the weak faggots pretending arachnophobia is a debilitating disease would ever punch a spider instead of running away screaming
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>try playing around with fungal shits since it sounds fun
>oil into toxic rock so the robots now all bleed stone
>snow into whisky so the 3rd and 4th area are going to completely fall apart
>blood into diamond, like the first one but worse
is fungal shifting a complete meme and not worth doing at all or am I just unlucky?
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This is such a stupidly simple lukki remover
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>you can stack double/triple/whatever spell
If you like Noita I highly recommend Magicraft, it's an unapologetic combination of Binding of Isaac and Noita made by a Chinese dev, but it is legitimately good
Just make sure you count them properly. Each x cast also eats a cast so two triple spells for example adds up to five spells after them, not seven or six.

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With a release on Steam on March, alongside Dragon's Dogma 2, people feared the PC port of Horizon Forbidden West would get overshadowed by Itsuno's latest work, but apparently it did sell a lot.

According to Circana’s Mat Piscatella, the game was one of the U.S. market’s top ten best-selling titles during the week ending March 23, which is quite a feat considering Horizon Forbidden West wasn’t even among the top 100 a week prior.
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it's actually pulling dogma numbers now
>This piece of shit sold at least 10 million copies
Proof gamers have no taste
More like DD dropped to Horizon numbers
Thanks PC bros Sony needs the help.
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Went to check because I couldn't believe it
fucking hell that was unexpected to say the least
A fucking port nonetheless

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>have this desire to play code vein
>have a look on Steam
>it's cheap
>have tried the demo before
>had fun, felt easier than regular Souls games
Should I play this? Do I need the deluxe edition?
Was I correct to feel it's more gentle than Souls?
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>no, they are the exact same
dont lie to me bro.. im gonna download this now and try it... perhaps im a much better player now as code vein my very first soulslike game
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You can even storm parry projectiles
The longer the wind up animations, the longer the parry window
>The longer the wind up animations, the longer the parry window
ohhh, i didnt know this before. always thought these capes were bad and was not meant for parrying at all. thanks anon!
It's hard in annoying sort of way.
It's fun and certainly worth playing if you can get in on sale.

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how's the grind?
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For me, it's doing tutorials and completely forgetting everything I learned when I have to apply them.
>forgetting everything I learned when I have to apply them.
That just means you haven't learned
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Almost finished with new weapon.
ragdoll, you just need a really good skeletal physics asset. adjusting limb weights and restrictions goes a long way.
Just go with Spelunky approach.

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>try to install some game
>this shows up
How do you respond without sounding mad?
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I might have to try this again and reroll. I got some girl with fat milkers instead of this flat goddess
Dunno, I never tried rerolling because you get so many fucking pulls when you start you'll probably get her by playing normally anyways
Ah, that's good too. Really if they get them to you pretty quickly.
I mean, it all depends on how lucky you are, but I'd be surprised if you don't get her by the time her banner ends
Why would I play your girl collecting game over other girl collecting games?

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450 sfw
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336, nsfw, animated
500 pcs lewd

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Ok this class is retarded
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Actually he's just Australian, common mistake.
I had fun with all my frens in the party /v/an last night. I hope to see my frens soon.

It had been over 10 years since I played, and it's just as I remembered. MLP fanfic mic spam stacked on top of Dracula at 200 dB.
Not at all.
>ITT: Skill issue
You are just bad at shooters if you think the sniper in TF2 is OP.
Wrong, pure fiction.
Only /v/tards that hate sniper have massive skill issue with shooters or people who have massive but fragile egos.

Do your part! Refund Helldivers 2, for freedom and democracy!
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No guns?
because he has a tiny dick
they WILL be and what does gamepass matter?
Pure unfiltered 100% concentrated primo autism.

are you feeling ashamed of your words and deeds yet?
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Yeah I know. Once the youtuber starts whining about it I click off and look for a better video
>such iconic design, everybody would remember her character because of her iconic knee caps and creeper camo shirt

these retards have zero clue about good character design.
I want to lick her tummy and fuck her throat
soul vs soulless

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>right click starts double clicking
So what is the current status of gaming mice?
I haven't bought one in 5 years. Is the Logitech G series still good?
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take it apart and clean the little clicker buttons (usually white) that are right under the left/right click hats with a qtip and alcohol, just wipe away any grime while pushing into it and making it click. thats the usual reason for them going bad rather than the spring in the button
i had to borrow a mouse recently and both buttons plus the scroll wheel were messed up because of all the dust and tiny crud that had gotten into everything and it worked fine after cleaning
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It will work on any component that requires two pieces of metal to touch together to complete an electrical circuit.

However, sometimes mouse scroll wheels have a tiny camera and light that peer through gaps in the spokes on the wheel to tell if the wheel is being scrolled up or down, similar to how a Nintendo64 thumbstick interprets/reads the X and Y axis.
If your mouse wheel turns out to be one of these, you can either hit it with some 99% isopropyl alcohol or some compressed air to clean the dust out of the holes, or it might be that either the light or sensor are totally fucked and unfixable, in which case you would probably be better off buying a new mouse unless you want to learn how to solder.
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I had the wireless model o and it sucked. Now I'm using this g502 (got it off aliexpress) and it's been good for a whole year so far

how long have you held hope for a game to come out?
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It's one of the few good things with /v/ only faggots would hate this
My HEROS Spigot, Ayin, and James...
The town bike of the Limbabs...
>drake post
Never reading, always plapping

I don't get it the praise for this. I forced my way to episode 6 and still don't get it. The cowbow dude is the only good part honestly
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>fallout 2 fans talking about the point of Fallout
People who are mad about NCR being in a rough state probably did not think too much about an alternative - if NCR continued on the path to dominance and prosperity, there would not be a wasteland at some point. Civilization is the "end goal" of the series - once it is fully reached the setting becomes something else entirely. The world and story New Vegas builds is fundamental to the creation of the show's depiction of California. For this story to take place in a believebly "apocalyptic" wasteland in California, the NCR can't be around, and an interesting way to do that is by having Shady Sands destroyed. The bombs fell again, and we're now in the post-post-post-apocalypse. Avellone liked it. Sawyer liked it. Tim fucking Cain liked it. Civilisation on the advanced level of the NCR does not belong in the Fallout universe. Period.
Please chill out.
It's just typical adaptation of "nerd shit" made by people who hate anything nerdy and just want to "subvert it" while checking shit off a list so that normalfags can clap because they recognize "nerdy references". Enjoy your slop, but don't come here crying once they drop a mandatory episode with weird projecting about "relatable" family issues and lovey dovey faggots
>turning their nose up at a tv show
>when half of FO2 is referencing tv and movies
90's popculture>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>modern "culture"

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