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What's the opposite of a glowup?

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Explain to me why they couldn't have just put an
>are you a faggot?
question in the character creator? Like why the fuck not have an
>I'm into men
>I'm into women
>I'm into both
option? What benefit does it have to have wyll, gale, halsin and astarian try to rape you all the time? the only argument I've seen are
>what if you realize you are a fag midway through the game
which you could just have an option to change it since you can respec and change your appearence at will anyway and
>this is great now straight men are uncomfortable about guys trying trick them with magic tricks so they can rape them
like it legit makes gale, wyll and halsin's characters impossible to like. astarian is whatever since he was alway always gay and he puts a knife to your throat and tries to rape you in your sleep so he was always getting killed. But because the other guys try to rape you and you can't be friends, I see no reason to see the rest of their story and make sure to durge gale's hand off and to chose decisions that end with wyll and halsin dying.
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>monkey pox is super deadly and dangerous
>oh wait, only gay men are getting it from gay sex
>wait, why are there more young boys and dogs getting it than women of any ages?
>oy vey shut it down
that and
>we need to shut down everything to stop the spread of coof
>telling gay men they can't have anonymous orgy with no condoms, what is this, communist china? That is unconstitutional
i certainly hope that's not your character in the back OP
i don't think they needed that, but instead to have better responses to character inquiries there needs to be a difference between
>Yes, I am attracted to you romantically/sexually and actively flirting or responding to your flirt
>No, You are not my type and/or I don't swing that way, but I still want to be build a close friendship, lets be bros
>No, you are not m type and/or don't swing that way. I'm not really interested in hearing your life story thanks, lets keep in vaguely professional
>No, and who the fuck do you think you are for thinking you could talk to me like that, you disgusting creature

Even the devs admitted that shit with Gale was WAY too easily fucked up and had to patch it to be less easy t fall into the relationship/flirt path. Lots of other things end up in this issue as well - its not a new issue to games with choice but its particularly bad in BG3 when it comes to relationships. Also, I'm rather annoyed they didn't have any romance capable small races. Even a shortstack dwarf should have been far enough for reasonable people to realize there was no pedo implication, but it seems they were too afraid of wackjobs on xitter.
This was a large contingent of up until recently where the zoomers growing up with tumblrite flags for everything feel you have to be performative, aggressively LGBT+ as your personality or else you were not being "proud / strong and brave etc". Sure, there were always a handful of "flaming, John Waters-esq" stereotypes or the "butch lesbian with a hatchback 4WD who either rescues animals, makes some sort of rustic creative project like chainsaw sculptures or homebrewed beer, or works in technical theatre - either way, she's go a huge fucking keyring and a leatherman on her belt, flannel shirts and cargo shorts", and were very active in the LGBT community, but even they mostly just wanted to get on with their lives and weren't obnoxious.
You probably have, you just didn't realize they were a fag unless they said "my partner/husband" at some point.
nah, fags always loudly declare their homosexuality

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You can just say a game is bad. You don't need to draw a comic illustrating an analogy to do that.
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why he pac man
Wow food analogy AND poop analogy at the same time very impressive

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If you spend 200+ hours on a game and give it a negative review, your review can't be trusted unless the game has suddenly changed. Only stupid people would play a game they don't like.
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Barring the "sudden change" clause, that depends on the game. A $2 indie story game will present its core content faster than a $100 RPG. However long it takes to experience the core content.
>these apples are shit. these oranges, however..
I did this for Hitman 2018 because I encountered a technical issue that wiped all my unlocks. The game itself was fine until that point.

You don't even need to invoke that, you just refer to the "only stupid people" caveat.
I wouldn't trust a heroin addict to give me an accurate review of heroin, what's your point?
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Is surpassing such a game even possible?
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what do you consider good gameplay and good graphics?
Atleast you're honest and own it and don't just seem to arbitrarily dismiss "moviegame" I might've wanted to talk to you further but I don't think it's worth it on /v/.
You're a God of War clone. Ha ha. Got 'em.
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You genuinely wouldn't get it. I'm trying to imagine what its like to not enjoy the atmosphere, setting, story, music, spectacle because
>the gameplay is simple
Sotc at its heart is a puzzle game. So expecting like "Metal Gear Solid" or "Devil May Cry" gameplay from a non Action game is already a failure on your part.

Well whatever. I know you'll just say TL;Dr because reading is too much work. So at least enjoy this picture of Superman. He's my favourite.
Superman is a jewish golem made by a jew to fight back against the antisemithic chuds, i don't understand how any non-jewih person can like him

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Why don't kids today like pokemon games at all?
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All the 3d assets except the Pokémon are done by pajeets
Pokemon is coasting off people playing the original games with varying degrees of sunk-cost, consumerism, lack of standards and porn addiction.
Because pokemon sucks!
you mean americans?
they're groomed that way
what are you talking about? pokemon is still very much popular with children.

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You had to be there
I remember losing so much money with this shit kek

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Let me tell you something, I fucking LOVE indie 3D platformers
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>why are you attacking while running
attacks are for combat. you have an assload of moves for momentum.
why are you hitting attack if you want to go fast?
>all lowercase poster
Every time. Won't even bother replying.
do you also mash stomp for no reason in other sonic games? you shit for brains retard.
the shift key is wasted on you.
He's still going, he's retarded.

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Reminder that this kino 3ds hidden gem is getting a sequel this year
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I played this game but I don't remember a single thing about it
I played Rune Factory 1 and the dungeon farming (both the standing in front of a literal monster spawner machine one-shotting the monsters that come out until you get the mat you want, and the literal patches of farming soil in the dungeon you have to use to grow eggplants for your wife felicity outside of season) was so awful that it turned me off from even looking at the other games in the series. Do they redesign the dungeon crawling in the later games or are they all like that?
but its a shameless animal crossing new horizons clone? no thanks
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here's hoping the multiplayer in the next game is a little less restrictive. I'd love to be able to run through the entire campaign with friends

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>spend a year+ revamping
>it looks the same
what did they mean by this

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They'd just scale them up. Just look at Kirby and Olimar in Smash, they're like plenty times bigger than they normal are.
>Make all the play models bigger making them look like shit compared to the stages built around their size

Wow epic update bro
I thought HB's main mascots were Yogi, Huck, and Scooby.
>Spend a year remaking
>Show slowed down footage first
>Do some weird marketing stunt with the characters being hockey players and showing 5 seconds of footage.
I genuinely don't know what they're thinking
Do you think parries will make Iron Giant more viable?

was it good?
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>witcher 3
>god tier
but the entire base game is fucking dogshit
>god tier
watered down combat mechanics that moves at a glacial pace in act 3
retarded as fuck marvel-tier plot
not a single likeable party member to speak of
what kinda sucks is the frame rate on 360 was fucked. Especially on the mini games where you had to time a hit a moving dot, but the movement of the dot was choppy as hell. Still its a very comfy game. Plus I liked getting good with guns and blasting the heads off people.
Though it triggered my autistic brain that there was no more teleporting and now "quick travel" was a loading screen saying your character traveled for 3 months and something days.
I can't really remember it very well because it is fucking unplayable basically. Why they have not given it a PC port is beyond me. I do recall vague memories of playing with one of my internet bros running around a snowy village area. That's pretty much it.
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I liked it quite a bit back in the day, but I can see why it wouldn't click with everyone.

It wasn't very deep per se, combat was simple, and most choices just boiled down to whether or not you're needlessly evil to someone at the end of their questline, but it had a good sense of dry humor and decent atmosphere in how it all progressed.
Kill yourself, bot

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I love catgirls
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They're all beautiful
Cut your dick off yet?
This.If you're gonna attention whore just go all the way
Liking hot chicks makes me gay?
Playing tranny fantasy makes you one.

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There’s been a lot of talk recently about how the console business isn’t growing. That roughly the same number of people are playing them now as they have since the days of the PlayStation 2, with the actual peak being in the Wii era. But then there’s a lot of talk about many things lately, with the entire video games industry turning itself upside down as if at some unseen signal (okay, it was probably Christmas hardware sales).

I don’t know what’s going on and I think the problem is neither do publishers. Although I can’t imagine that all this happening just months after Xbox’s purchase of Activision Blizzard is a coincidence. Many said it would unbalance the whole games industry and that seems to be exactly what’s happening
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>Reader's Feature
Good idea, it's just one rando's rant.
This but I just play the same old multiplayer games over and over and the only new games I buy are indie games

t..35 year old boomer
me too anon. I'm glad Divers came out when it did, I needed a reason to go back to 4 player co op games. God I miss l4d2
It turns out you can only dumb things down so much until you've capped out on the lowest common denominator.
We can't frag n00bs like we used to, but we have our ways. One trick is to play matches that don't go anywhere, like the time I joined a 24/7 16k 32vs32 no AWP dust2 server in the community browser, which was how you joined matches in those days. I had replaced all the player skins with Touhou and Vocaloid characters, which was the style at the time. Now to buy guns AND ammunition you had to spend money. "!MONEY" for $16000 you'd say, otherwise you'd be playing catchup with a USP and a knife and no armor while everybody was running around with M4s and AKs.
Now where we? Oh yeah, the important thing was that I had installed anime girl decal mods on my guns, which was the style at the time. They didn't have in-game weapon skins cause of hostility to microtransactions. The only thing you could do was download mods off gamebanana...

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Indian guys rape so many 3 year old boys
>ok babe, now pretend like you're malcolm holmes and you just saw me pick up a star bottle cap

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The beacons of /v/! The beacons are lit! OP calls for LOTR game discussion!
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>sale only on Steam
Kinda wanted it for console to play on my couch, but I cant pass up 90% off
I played a few dozen hours, hit max level, beat the whole game and even got an entire army of Ologs set up. It's good fun
Does the multiplayer work over steam or do I need some additional registration?
i never did anything but boot up and i can access all the online features fine
Nice. I've pirated it before, but maybe it's time for a replay.

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I've been waiting for you...friends.
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Me too "put gun on the table"
Time they made a move
It's a classic.
Is this one getting a remake too?

Calling all hunters! Post your favorite
>Armor Set
>Guild Girl
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>Pukei-Pukei Hammer
>Pukei-Pukei Armor
>Sunbreak Princess
>Ancient forest(Where Pukei-Pukei sleeps)
Any more questions?
4U was peak MH so you're good.
But I never even got to G-rank. I'm still working through High rank.
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lost babel
ukanlos x
tanzia clerk
deserted island

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Do crowns count? If not I gotta give it to Mario
As for your image though I'm taking Terry's hat
I'd take the hat, if it worked without wearing it,
but since you lose the form and power upon removing it, then it's worthless as a mere gust of air can flip a cap off your head.
So, without permanent perk, I will choose the quarters because I can at least fund a game I like with that money
It's secure enough to stay on during rising tackle so it shouldn't come off unless someone grabs or shoots it. Still that will give an ordinary human at least a chance against you in a fight if they know your secret.
I typed "cash" thinking it would all be isekai shit that would make me lose my friends family and lover.
The problem for me is that it would make me paranoid and possessive,
never get in to situations where it can come off, or probably never take it off to begin with.
I'd sleep with an eye open for anyone trying to steal my precious hat, and avoid people, wouldn't even go outside during rain or wind in case the hat gets ruined or blown off.
So, most of the benefits would be lost on me because I'd be such an weener about it. Like some Scrooge McDuck with his crappy first coin

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Today is my birthday, for my party show me your favorite Party Member in any game. Who has your back or carries your party?
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We need more OP cowboys in vidya
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Takes the series-wide classic moveset and pumps it full of roids.
I really love Alvin but Gaius is gnarly.
We also need more OP cowgirls in vidya

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me brushing my teeth in the morning
is that a real Sniff-it type?

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