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hurry up so I can do another durge run
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Saarfield also had a reportedly successful launch, and the Fallout show is apparently a hit.
Both of those things regardless of what you think the successfulness was, used paid/incentivized reviews and bits to shill the everloving shit out of it.
Remove any bias and it's obvious that those had shilling, cause they obviously suck, not so easy with BG3, and yet that seems to be the standard of the industry now to shill and use social conformity and low standards to sell shit.
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The game is frontloaded, go ahead and give an example outside of act 1. Acts 2 and 3 are blatantly unfinished
If you can’t provide a citation to such a claim then why make it you Jew?
side with the raiding party at last light

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Why did she break the Elden Ring?
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Pawg plans are a mystery
Getting tired of using your mom and sister already?
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Is this the thread?
>anon says "You're confusing overweight trash with nice toned thick women, white men like that"
>replies with disgusting ridiculous plastic bimbos
no one thinks thats attractive

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>No gyro
>No trackpad
>No battery included
>No extra stuff like haptics on shoulder buttons/LEDs/microphone/speaker/3.5mm headset jack
>More input delay
>Rougly the same price as a PS5 pad

Why would anyone buy this over the PS5 pad for PC? Genuinely curious.
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>PS4 controller
>never use; battery dies in two hours
>Xbox One OG BT Controller
>Still working on same batteries for months
there's nothing to get, you either tether yourself to a cord or you don't, simple as. oh no, stupid gimmicks aren't in a perfect controller. All it needs is alps and its perfect.
Feels great. Simple as.
>No trackpad
>No extra stuff like haptics on shoulder buttons/LEDs/microphone/speaker/3.5mm headset jack
I don't give a fuck about any of this. The lack of it is probably what makes the battery last so long.
Controllers are for games that don't emphasize aiming. I've tried getting steam's input to work as a gyromouse for 90s first person classics and it just feels wrong.
Once you use back buttons, you can't go back.
These are fantastic, I don’t own this particular brand but anything similar is awesome.

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Have you ever fallen in love with a video game girl?
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>> 673816381
>Implying any version of Kanna is flawed or wrong
For shame anon, for shame….
>Nice picture, but no.
What the heck does this even mean?
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Edge my beloved
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She is perfect
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>All she has on her are the clothes on her back and $100. Can she cope?
She definitely can. Even without crazy superpowers she'd still be very athletic and in good shape, and she's quite used to roughing it. The only thing that might get her is all the legal red tape around hunting. She'd try to hunt someone's livestock and get the cops called on her.
>Waifu also has your name and address, but no phone number or email. How fast can she get to you?
Depends on where she starts out. She's used to traveling long distances on foot, but the world is a big place. If I charitably assume she starts out at a random point in the US that isn't where I live, it could take her anywhere from a couple hours to a couple of months.

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What's the last time you met Mario in the magic world of video games anon?

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no friends or family
i live off disability neetbux and eat fast food and pass out in bed all day

i dont even like video games or anything at all
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>i live off disability neetbux
I envy you so, so, so much. I don't mind working on itself but the fact that you're dependent on others' goodwill to be fed.
I wish I could earn a living without being dependent on a company, clients or customers.
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literally me right now lol
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op again
im thinking off killing myself because its too long now i dont fucking do anything

teres nothing to do

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Today is the day, Jesus Christ be praised!
>Less than 9 hours until the DLC trailer
Make sure you slaughter a Cuman for Christ
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I take it you're just pretending to be retarded.

He was an apprentice and would have likely been so for at least the best part of a decade. Not to mention his dad was supposedly a master and Henry is regularly seen to be a 'clever lad' who picks things up quickly.

A smithing minigame like the potion crafting would be great.
Is Prag confirmed or was it just speculation?
Its a sequel not DLC. Play it now
nothing about that is known so far but we will have Kuttenberg instead 100%
I thought he was trying to trick me and refused to drink. Don't trust those Abrahamists me.

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So... What are they?
They are just girls with halos that are bulletproof and can handle high caliber guns?
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I love lolis but I don't want to sit through boring dialogue.
>shouldn't of pecked me student, simple as
Maybe for the sake of shilling her. She is very popular.

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What's the name for this phenomenon?
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thanks anon. Pirotess is not made for rape
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of course not

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/v/, I had a wonderful dream where I was beating a women I hate to death with my bare hands, blood and screams were everywhere

my question, are there some games for this exact, specific feel?
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It's my favorite 'jak. What's wrong with it?
OP is a reddit cuck retard. Go back.

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Are you buying Stellar Blade?
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I think that IGN fruitcake that had a meltdown said Stellar Blade would make the chuds kill women or something.
People have been saying "vidya gaymes cause le violence" for decades, somehow it's only rolled out and dusted off these days if sex is involved but still sticks to our feet like dogshit occasionally.
Love who you love anon. A man should be free to love another man
If I wanted to fuck someone with mental illness I would just fuck a woman.
Look I don't care about trans people I genuinely don't. All the more power to them. However don't expect me to play pretend with them.
Do i get to suck her futa cock?

Bros how is it not a SINGLE pirate or nautical game made in all these years has EVER surpassed Black Flag?
A fucking Ubishit game from 10 years ago
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Surpassed in being shit? Yeah, that's not happening.
Asscreed and Sea of Pixar are the only pirate games I can even think of.
>muh npcs
how about playing with friends
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funny even ubisoft couldn't surpass itself, doubly kek when you think about it

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>/v/ suddenly fancies elfs and brown women

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who are the muscle guys, her harem? advisors? servants?
(don't just say yes reatrd)
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Hey thanks.
Out of ten!
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Ur welcum.

Why is Nintendo allergic to Hard Mode? And why are they obsessed with making already east games easier?
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>Apple UI
I don't have a problem with the easy mode it self but mario rpg having one is one of the most pointless additions ever. The base game is already one of the easiest fucking JRPGs in existence. It desperately needed a hard mode more than anything
Their audience doesn‘t want hard games so why bother?
Some Nintendo games do have hard modes. Why it isn't more common among all of them, is another thing.

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Why do you find this funny?

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I got 1000/1000 in CoD 2, MW, and MW2 and 1250/1250 in Oblivion on 360 if that counts
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>fucking mahjong
Mischief Makers if you count S-ranks. The times for those are so insane that even the world record speedrun missed a few.
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>100% requires an all collectibles speedrun
Suck my dick, Hollow knight. I beat your faggot hour-long gauntlet, I'm not doing any of that shit on a timer.

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iPhone users are learning about emulators for the first time lmao.
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You can't. The moment something becomes public knowledge amongst normies on the Internet, you've already lost. Ever heard of Eternal September?
Avoid doing this >>673817237
Won't say why, but rom sites will be fine.
There will be some unexpected developments.
Panicking will hinder the progress of these developments.
Just relax and business as usual.
I cant stand modern emulators because the fucking shader compilation stutter makes it unbearable
Thank fuck I already got all the romsets I needed for my hacked wii and a 10+ year collection of bookmarks of obscure emulation and hacking websites. I've got more links than a femboy thread.
>iPhones last way longer than androids
Apple has enough brand loyalty to disregard that with their planned obsolescence.

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How many people do we have to kill to make this stop
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Who said anything about one spyware being good and other being bad? All spyware is bad.
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enough money to hire a social media guy to aggressively shitpost, I want that job, honestly
I'm not sure what you're asking, opera used to be it's own thing, now it's a chromium fork.. are you asking what the company should have done since no one gave a fuck about opera? if that's the case I suppose this was their only real option besides desolation of the company
I know, but I'm not talking about using it, I'm talking about maintaining it for income
Calm down there, Derek Chauvin.
kek, trannies shilling
calm down Ching Ching

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>game has incredibly deep combos system
>but it doesn't matter since theres a singular optimal combo for every situation
why do devs do this?
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Because its cool and changes how the game feels. +r feels different than bb feels different than mbaacc. Wall/floor bounce limits, proration, and pushback can all significantly effect how the game is played.
You dont just automatically learn every optimal combo for every character for every situation. Alot of them are really fucking hard or specific and even if you did, it might be more practical to use x combo for different oki, meter gain, damage etc

t. lablet
sure but there are a LOT of situations out there
it isn't just
>oh I hit with 5B
>oh I hit with 5B with 50% meter and my opponent is in the air and it was a counterhit and I'm midscreen and I'm up against Ragna and my opponent is at 40% life
you dodged?!
It kinda does not help that somehow corner carry is just stupid fucking easy. I feel like the problem is they could have made starters matter more in the range of combo you can go off of, I guess? But for some reason I feel like no matter what, a good starter tends to unfortunately (or good in this case) cover what you want out of a combo. Damage? Corner carry? Oki? You get them all in one.

I don't know how you solve this problem. Or if it even needs fixing.

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"Get yourself killed."
wow rude
>Remastered became impossible to play online on PC because hackers found a way to kill Andre as soon as they enter a player's world
Funniest shit I've seen in a while.
Preegay be queerful or something
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>bearer of the curse, seek misery
what was her problem?

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