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I'm a beginner tanner, I've been practicing by tanning a few hides, never seen this before though. I noticed the skin is striped? This was a wild black tailed jackrabbit caught in the West Coast USA. Is this normal?? I researched it to death, and I can't find anything about what can cause striped skin in a jackrabbit. It was a healthy looking rabbit, very responsive, no lethargy or anything like that, just wondering if this is normal or some sort of disease?
This is pretty normal anon AFAIK. Rabbits have really really really thin skin, almost as thin as a bird's, and that means you can see the coloration of the skin through the interior. If you ever had a multi-colored dog with spots and parted its fur in different locations, you'd see that some spots are pink while others are black. That's what you're seeing here. Sometimes that matches with the coloration/pattern of the fur, sometimes it doesn't. Don't worry about it; completely normal.
I'm afraid that this is a classic case of rabbit AIDS. Please go get tested anon.

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Why does the North East have so much SOVL bros? Vermont and New Hampshire are the best states I've ever been to in this country.
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No it isnt. Meth is a rural West Coast thing, and a southern poverty thing.
Yes, it most definitely is. I see them camping on railroad tracks which have needles everywhere, and walking around town having meth psychosis and screaming at things that aren't even there. Meth is popular here now.
I would consider NH too, but too many scumbags from NY and MASS are moving there. Maine doesn't tax military pensions though, so I might end up there if I stay in long enough. Everyone from there has been the most friendly person I have ever met, their seafood is supreme and the gun laws seemed normal when I looked them up.
Could be meth, but fentanyl can cause psychosis also.

"In the northeast, fentanyl tends to be combined with cocaine, while in the south and west it is more likely to be mixed with methamphetamine.

"We suspect this pattern reflects the rising availability of, and preference for, low-cost, high-purity methamphetamine throughout the U.S., and the fact that the Northeast has a well-entrenched pattern of illicit cocaine use that has so far resisted the complete takeover by methamphetamine seen elsewhere in the country," Friedman said."

yeah too bad they vote to flood the country with immigrants. Go fuck yourself bradley you fucking faggot

So my friend from uni who I used to do easy /out/ trips has invited me to come visit him (moved to USA) and go camping all over the mid west and Western US for a month. I recently got a job but told them about this plan and they okayed me starting later so I literally have a month straight of camping.

I am actually spooked about camping in dense woods in places like Pennsylvania (where we start), Michigan, Minnesota, even Black Hills in SD. I feel like out west it's more expansive and even if forested it's not as creepy (maybe I'm wrong).

But I legit think I might blow it because I'm creeped out by the woods. Is it actually that creepy? I've done camping in UK and France and wasn't really afraid but this is my first time doing backcountry camping.
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You see an alligator. I see a fine wallet and key fob.
That a 12+ foot grizzly, or in euro trash that a 3.7 to 3.95 meter tall bear. True fact after they killed off the grizzly faggots move in.
how did he manage to immigrate to the us?
you can still die from a bear attack in Frisco, it just takes a while for your white cell count to drop deep enough...
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If a grizzly want to eat you

Any of you guys like kites? Started with a $20 dragon kite from costco, had a lot of fun and then went to REI and bought a Prism Zenith 5 for like $50 and I've really been enjoying it. I bought the Synapse 140 from the same brand, a dual-line parafoil, but that has been giving me a bit of trouble and I've only gotten it in the air a couple times; I'll likely need to wait for a better wind day to get a hang of that one.
Also any kite recommendations or tips? What brands should I look at?
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Any advice for avoiding neck strain and/or staring at the sun? I just got a 1.8m foil kite and it's a blast to fly, but I gave myself a kink in my neck flying it for just an hour or two yesterday. Didn't help that the powerzone was directly towards the sun lol
i forgot these existed
brings me back to being five and bringing kites to the neighborhood park on a windy day
although now i wonder why flying a kite would be fun
if you haven't flown a kite recently i suggest you do
it's just fun. i feel like i appreciate these simple things even more as an adult
Kiting as a hobby is probably more than what you think it is. Look into stunt kites or power kites, lots of fun to be had; even with more simple kites like OP posted.
kites are so fucking based

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New USDA zone map has been released: https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/

Koppen Climate Map: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/K%C3%B6ppen_World_Map_High_Resolution.png

Search terms:
Agrarian, Agriculture, Agrology, Agronomy, Aquaculture, Aquaponics, Berkeley Method Hot Composting, Cold Frames, Companion Planting, Composting, Container Gardening, Core Gardening Method, Cultivation, Deep Water Culture (DWC), Dry Farming, Espalier, Farmer's Market, Forest Gardening, Forestry, Fungiculture, Geoponics, Greenhouses, Homesteading, Horticulture, Hot Boxes, Hügelkultur, Humanure, Hydroponic Dutch Bucket System, Hydroponics, Keyhole Garden, Korean Natural Farming, Kratky Method, Landscaping, Lasagna Gardening, Ley Farming, Market Garden, Mulching, No-till Method, Ollas Irrigation, Orchard, Permaculture, Polyculture, Polytunnels, Propagation, Rain Gutter Garden, Raised Beds, Ranch, Rooftop Gardening, Ruth Stout Garden, Sharecropping, City Slicker Composting, Shifting Cultivation, Soil-bag Gardening, Square Foot Gardening, Stale Seed Bed, Sugar Bush, Truck Farming, Vermiculture, Vertical Gardening, Window Frame Garden, Windrow Composting, Alpaca, Snail, Toad, Trumpeter, Turkey, Worm

previous: >>2718306
Fruit thinning allows your plant to allocate its resources more efficiently. Each leaf is a source, and each fruit is a sink. If you have too many sinks, the sources will not be able to provide.
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My park planted pumpkins are yellow'd and half dead. not sure why. Maybe too much water.
Yeah I'll harvest the seeds asap
kek I thought the same
if you collect the seeds you can try growing your own variety
OP y u no link new bread

Even if they crossed (which they cant, they're two different species), you'd only have problems if you kept seeds and tried to grow them.

Your concern is however unfounded

I heard Europeans find our forests to be woefully underdeveloped, our grasslands astonishingly mundane, our swamps horrifically useless, our plains ridiculously boring, our badlands pitifully impractical, our deserts outlandishly dangerous, our mountains hilariously unusable, and our canyons disgustingly red. Is this true?
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This is the first time I ever heard this. I'd love to visit all those New England landscapes and experience those Age of Empires III new world aesthetics.
One day I will go, however I'm also very stingy and need to work up the courage to spend money on plane tickets lol
a grey, depressing, globalized, completely overrun by niggers, arabs, latrinos, chinksects, poojeets, instathots and white woke sjw studentesse di scienze politiche shithole

the Alps are lovely thou; you are so lucky to have them nearby. i regularly visit my parents in Quarto Oggiaro just to take day trips to the nearest mountains for free

t. entroterra sardo
Australian here. There are large desert areas of both our countries that are just shit. A place like Death Valley is unique and has interesting features, but most of it is a barren hellscape with very little life. Those interesting features are few and far between, it's incredibly exposed, everything is a muted dust colour, and it's dangerous, except not even in a fun way, just in the sense that you need to overprepare and overplan everything. The Nullarbor has the same problem.
tx, yeah I dont like Milan much although if you want to go out with ppl it's good, assuming you have ppl to go out with :), which I currently dont have.
but yes having the alps at 1/2/3h it's good, I imagine ppl living south that mostly cant do shit here, the appenines have some places, mostly to the center south, but the alps are way better
what do you do in sardinia? theres no jobs there
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>with ppl
lmao even
why would anyone do that

i can't even imagine hiking with some other lazy cunt, expecially because i make my own weird routes, i go off trail, during workdays, nobody would do that

>the appenines have some places
highly recommend Ronco Scrivia, Borgo Val di Taro and surrounding mountains in late october. both have le train for milanese niggers like you to reach them

>what do you do in sardinia?
i live where my ancestor have lived for 3000 years. I kinda fell for the Sizzi etnonazionalismo meme, but mostly already had an empty house here and i was tired of seeing niggers everywhere anywhere every time
>theres no jobs there
jokes on you, everyone is benestante. literally everyone has a new car, restructured home 'n shit. even in my nowhere interior mountain village. in small villages if you have the right connections you can find every little job available with no effort, word spreads like fire.

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Alright /out/ with turkey season wrapping up for most of the country, how did we do this year?
Ill start. I harvested my first bird in a decade of hunting them. I got it done in the Cleveland National Forest in San Diego county
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Turkeys wander across my property all the time. I kind of want to shoot them, but I feel like they'll stop showing up if I do.
saw a shit ton, didnt get any, because im retarded. coming from southern illinois
I hit a turkey yesterday morning on my way to work. Female. Car was fine, micro scratches in the paint. 2022 Trailblazer. This isn't an add but I'm just sayin'.
My neighbor said he saw a motorcyclist collide with a turkey going 100+mph so he stopped to check on the guy and he had fused with the turkey; it was completely embedded in his chest cavity.
This was by Cleveland National
The Shawnee is a tough place to kill a bird and all the good state sites get hammered during the first few seasons. I’ve had success over the years in some select spots but I spend pretty much my whole season dogging the crowd.

Good to know there are other anons shit kicking in the oak woods. See you around. :^)

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I'm moving to a new town that is much flatter than my hometown. It was struck by a pretty major tornado not long ago and it's had me on edge since I learned about it. Even if it's relatively unlikely to impact me, I naturally want to plan around such things. What can I do to keep myself safe short of buying an actual storm shelter (I would in a heartbeat but I'm a rentoid for now)? Is there anything I should look for in a rental property that might make it better for riding out a storm? It may sound ridiculous, but would wearing armor help protect from impacts/flying glass?
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Maybe? The biggest reason for a bathtub is the floor beneath it is structurally reinforced to hold a minimum of 1000 pounds of man tub and water. So it's generally one of the last areas in your house that's gonna go. But for a real ripper that's not gonna matter and you really need to be underground.
your mom needs to be underground
You're gunna wanna get rid of the chicken wire and put something solid like wood or steal around it to protect from glass, but as other anon said there is a reason the bathtub is suggested. The difference between a bomb dropping and a tornado, the bomb isn't going to pick that shelter up and toss it half way across the county like a twig.
No this idea is terrible. If you don't have a storm shelter or basement, good chance you are dead. Welcome to the midwest. Nobody gives a shit and lives in single story trailers and they will call you a pussy for worrying about it. Then when a tornado comes everyone dies.
Go check out the FEMA site. They may even pay to have a saferoom built for you. Also stock the room to last you a few days and put a bucket in there for the bathroom incase you end up trapped inside. It's a good practice where if you have to use it to text family or a friend that if they don't get another text from you by the next day to send help.

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I met some frens while rock hunting today
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they didnt want to cross the rubicon though
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>hunting rocks
you retard rocks can't move and you can't kill them
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Just behind this pretty lady, and her calves was the only crossing within four miles over shoulder deep water.
kino, but I'm getting /an/ vibes from your posts. don't let the farmers catch you
they look like sheep-cow hybrids

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Seriously why tf are people like this on the LT and AT. I tell people my legitimate name and they always surprised when it’s my real name.
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Nobody can ever surpass /out/'s waifu.
>your trail name is now the last tool you used coupled with the last meal you ate.
I'm Torchburger, nice to meet you brother.
fuck off,
>t. hannah barron supremacist
Lucky blue moose here.
Knife Pringles reporting in

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here's your ukrainian national park
>inb4 gateway arch
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We cut all those down when we got here.
Well what was left anyway, the maoris got in first using fire to hunt Moa to extinction.
I’d like to say for building or something, but 90% was just burned so we could have farmland.
Hey at least we brought deer, possums, rabbits, ferrets, hares, rats, mice and wasps to compete for resources with the birds that were left. Previously the only mammal was a bat. Pfft!
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>We cut all those down when we got here.
No we didn't. There are still a few left and that's why the laws are so strict.
>Commiefornia does manage to get a few things right once in a blue moon. Protect those oldgrowth forests comrades.
California's forest conservation retardation is why their wildfires are so fucking bad. Forest fires have been a natural phenomenon for as long as forests have existed and are very important for forest growth, as they both return nutrients to the soil, allow new healthy growth, and prevent future wildfires from spreading uncontrollably.
>No we didn't.
There's less of them left than apple trees in a small orchard.
Are you talking about that one specific tree or old growth forests in general? There are many old growth forests remaining in North America, let alone Commiefornia.

Dudes I went to high school with now have house, wife kids truck dirt bikes side x sides and fuckhuge camper trailers

I'm fucking disgruntled
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Can't get a conventional loan for that. Appraisal inspector would never approve it. Without financing, goodbye home.
mommy and daddy
fuck no
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This right here. The amount of motherfuckers in Canada who fit right into this description is insane. They dress with designer clothing, always have a Starbucks coffee with them at any time of the day, latest car/smartphone. But that's not even the thing that really pisses me off about these fucking people, its really the misplaced sense of security in themselves that they have, not realizing that the only reason they have such high self-esteem is because they never had to break their backs working, and even if they did "work", it would be some summer job that they know they can quit at any time because they have rich or well off parents to fall on. The level of optimism these spoiled shits have is only protected by their parents finances. The moment their parents (for whatever reason) lose their financial stability, they will rope themselves due to the sudden realization that they will have to actually work and probably not even manage to get the lifestyle they used to have (seen cases like this).
Turns out I'm rich, and all the people I thought were rich are in serious debt.

But here's the thing, they're all having a great time right now, this very second and I'm living off tinned food.
They're counting on inheritances to clear their debt, some will get them. I won't inherit shit, so all said and done they might end up having a better life than me.

Economics is a scam, we should just gas the bankers

How do you handle feelings of loneliness and vulnerability when alone and /out/?
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also being afraid and alone is part of the fun
How poignant thank you for that. Now I'm an atheist.
That's why I go /out/
I just accept that I could die, like any time in life.
>How do you handle feelings of loneliness and vulnerability when alone and /out/?
Bitch, the reason I /out/ is because I feel lonely and vulnerable in modern society.

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whats your EDC?
for me its a sheffield 16 in 1
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Based honest poster
My EDC. Shield plus, buck bantam, mini Gerber multi. I also have a couple of the metal card multi-tools in my wallet. AAA battery powered LED flashlight.
Nice camera bro!
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What is "large" ?
>Top 2 = large.
>3rd = pocket size.
>Bottom = toddler size.

Do you guys bring any instruments with you when you go /out/? Im considering picking up a naf, harmonica, or small travel guitar to maybe jam a bit when im camping overnight.
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I bring a guitar when doing my yearly STALKER larp
i just cant do it. nurses always told me i had a fat tongue so maybe thats it
Come on anon, you can just play single notes without using your tongue and still have a lot of fun. As long as your tongue isn't so fat that you choke on it, it's going to be fine.

Please give it another chance.
Would I be a dick if I brought an alto sax or something
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Surely you aren't suggesting anybody drags "university-level stuff" and "way more pro stuff" with them on a hike, nor is that price range what I would recommend to a "beginner" (the first post you replied to). Especially not when they plan on taking them /out/side.

You can get alright, playable, decent-sounding violins (well, fiddles), guitars of any sort and banjos at a price range where it isn't a huge pain in the ass and the wallet when the rain and moisture eventually and inevitably gets to it (i.e. less than 300 bucks). Pic related, 270 bucks new and plays like a charm.

As you said, steel-string guitars are even easier to find in this respect. I have a 12-string that I couldn't have paid more than 150 for at the time, and a Soviet-era parlor guitar that I picked up on the cheap (50 bucks lmao). Both sound fine and hold up well outside.

I'm going to ignore the brass band and drum comment for obvious reasons: not /out/.

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