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It literally means "you aren't allowed to directly interact with nature as a living, breathing human being as your ancestors did, you have to treat planet Earth like it's a museum and you're just an unwelcome guest". It's the most extreme and bizarre shit I've ever heard, and the people espousing this philosophy are always the most un-buschrafty neon red and blue polyester clad yuppie urbanites who are the most dependent upon industrial society and agriculture which together constitute 99.9% of the total human threat to the global ecosystem. These people literally think some guy in the woods cutting down a tree with a hatchet and taking a shit is some kind of existential threat. Presumably they also believe men can have babies.
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that kind of shit is said by retards who dont understand that human beings are part of the natural cycle, and not outside of it.
"All huminz are equal" faggots will point at this poster and say he is wrong.
However, barely sentient retards should stay IN and just watch their shitty goysloppa instead of annoying actual humans. They don't even enjoy nature anyways. This is why every piece of woodland should have a schizo axe murderer.
That's not what this means you retard. It's a sentiment for normies who need to be told to clean up after themselves. It's like how you have to remind kids to look both ways before crossing the street. It's nothing more than that.
Pretty much this.

You are right

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I'm going to California for the first time this summer, going to visit some historic mining towns and climb some mountains and hug some redwood trees.

Other than the popular tourist traps, what are some lesser known places I should hit along the way for camping and hiking? And I mean real camping, not a gated bus stop full of fat people who bring their whole house with them.
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No, keep the windows rolled down, now the monkeys are smashing windows of cars driving by and grabbing literally anything out of them, even garbage.
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Anon, how does that even make any sense.
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Not sure where in the Sierras you're going, but Bodie is really cool if you're gonna be on the Eastern side. The road up there can be pretty nasty though, gravel that gets really washboarded in the summer, no big deal with a truck or SUV but I'd be hesitant to take a modern sedan up it, especially since there's pretty much no cell coverage.
Don't even park your car for five minutes in any city, esp. San Francisco. It will get "bipped" and all of your stuff stolen. I grew up north of there and the only times I've been back were to take the kids to Stinson Beach, where we'd rent a house for a week. Wife and kids would visit San Francisco, but I'd stay at the beach with some wine and weed. Stinson is cool, the neighboring Bolinas is full of bums and billionaires, but really cool, where the locals still rip down the direction signs to it. This area is still the same as I remember it from childhood, grew up there in the 1960s, 70s. The rest of Marin County is a traffic jam, last time I was there. Avoid the weed growing areas, as it isn't really "legal" without massive taxes and restrictions. Most weed grown in CA is destined for out-of-state black markets. Lots of spooky looking tweakers in the grocery store in Garberville, for example. Good luck, have a fun trip, but keep an eye out for trouble.
Oakland has some of the best mountain biking in California. No sarcasm.

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I really like doing vie ferrate and I'm lucky to live in a place full of them. The problem is: I'm extremely scared of heights. As soon as I go above 5 meters of height my legs start shaking, my palms get sweaty, I start hyperventilating etc. It's always very tough to get it under control.
Any climbing anons out there scared of heights, how do you conquer it?
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Wow and you did that just by talking about it occasionally?
you know what, you are right. I thought about it a bit more and I remembered this one time when I had to wait over 10 minutes for a middle aged woman to get over a 5m tall wall. The via ferrata was overall an easy one but apparently it was her first one ever and it was way too technical for somebody like her, at the time I thought "she shouldn't be here"
Right, I had a similar experience last year where I had to wait a long time for some dumbfucks to climb up stable granite rocks in perfectly dry conditions. Me and this other group were laughing at them and asking why they decided to do this route in the first place. Super annoying and they were dicks as well. One of us should have pushed them off the mountain lol.
If you want to fast-track confidence then fall training is the way to go
>Pristine, demanding, natural environment
>Install ladders and cables so people not knowing any better can swarm it at the risk of their lives, all for the sake of money
Crowding of the Alps and lakes is giving me AIDS.
I think a terrone even fell to its death from a ferrata to a short while ago.

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Does /out/ ever have those mancamp threads anymore?
It always seemed so comfy the idea of a bunch of us living in tiny houses in the woods .
Seems like now with starlink we could all have internet as well
Or would that ruin the whole idea?
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Seems ok to me
>I enjoy wallowing in mental illness
yes we know, that's the problem.
Why exactly are you here then?

He’s not evil though. He was too good to his own people to be evil. Evil is Stalin, mao, and Polpot who abused their own people.
>got Germany into a war it couldn't win.
>literally a massive faggot

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What is your favorite color of Azalea?
Have you seen any wildflowers of note this Spring so far?
I personally love a deep dark purple Azalea but I haven't found one in bloom so far. This is Cinnabar and it caught my eye from 20 feet away.
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Planning on a backpacking trip with friends next month for a total of 5 days. We will be on an island with no amenities and we are only allowed a backpack on the ferry ride (aka no coolers, rollers etc). I have never done backpacking before only car camping. Food is the most concerning thing to me, I have a limited diet so I cannot eat fruits, nuts/seeds, most vegetables, and anything with high fiber. Which leaves me very little options.
should I just be packing a dozen freeze-dried meals? I will be with a group of 8 people but they are not likely to share food, only supplies
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Three people will have burners and propane, so we will have times when we will either have community meals or have to borrow someone elses.
Ive considered ramen, knorr noodles, PBJ packets, tuna packets, basically anything with low waste, since there will be no trashcan on the island.
Have IBD and an ostomy bag puts me at severe dietary limitations, moreso than when Im at home, because if I get suck on an island, Im fucked.
dry cereal
Jocco molk, bring a 12oz shaker and divide the scoops into ziplocks with some whole milk powder. You don't have to divide it, but I'm never out for more than 5 days and don't want to bring the whole bag. Whole milk powder helps with the monk fruit used as sweetener, which is too "sweet" for me(my only complaint).

Some freeze dried meals are ok, a couple are actually good(also expensive) most are a chore to eat though. They never fully re-hydrate, don't get anything with biscuits or macaroni in it...ugh, yuck.

The low fiber is the hard part. I eat a lot of fruit, nuts and granola on hikes. Think about jerky or biltong and hard salami or other preserved meats. Fresh eggs from a farm don't require refrigeration as will last several weeks. I bring quail eggs because I have quail.
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It's 5 days on an island, anon. I've done 4 days with just a bag of sour worms. You need to be more concerned about water, but for the sake of the question I'm going to assume you have an ample supply of it.

You really don't need much food for 5 days even if you're hiking a bit. You can be in a calorie deficit and still function and feel perfectly fine. Forget cooking big meals it just takes up space. Can you eat rice? A pack of uncle ben's rice with a pack of tuna is amazing. All you have to do is boil the package. Ramen is another great one that you don't actually have to cook if you don't want to.. Honestly don't over think it.
Any time someone spells it "thru" I disregard everything they have to say. It's worked out great so far.

I am planting a few san pedro cactus in my garden, it's a beautiful plant. Will it attract law enforcement attention?
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I ended up doing it. I love my little cacti.
I was on a job in florida for a year and rented an apartment. There was a black dude that had, I swear to fucking god, several of these growing in pots on his fenced in first floor "deck" space that were all over 10 feet tall.

Someone had to explain to me that dude wasn't a gardener who loved cactus.
>The US government penalizes overreach
you must be young
My dad, and later mom grew that stuff for the better part of 40 years. My mom still has my dad's original clippings from the 90s growing at her place.
Aside from a few stoners most have no idea about this cactus.

Bro you don’t understand what liberals are like. I have had code enforcement to my house 17 times and cops twice in the 5 years I started gardening.

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New USDA zone map has been released: https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/

Koppen Climate Map: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/K%C3%B6ppen_World_Map_High_Resolution.png

Search terms:
Agrarian, Agriculture, Agrology, Agronomy, Aquaculture, Aquaponics, Berkeley Method Hot Composting, Cold Frames, Companion Planting, Composting, Container Gardening, Core Gardening Method, Cultivation, Deep Water Culture (DWC), Dry Farming, Espalier, Farmer's Market, Forest Gardening, Forestry, Fungiculture, Geoponics, Greenhouses, Homesteading, Horticulture, Hot Boxes, Hügelkultur, Humanure, Hydroponic Dutch Bucket System, Hydroponics, Keyhole Garden, Korean Natural Farming, Kratky Method, Landscaping, Lasagna Gardening, Ley Farming, Market Garden, Mulching, No-till Method, Ollas Irrigation, Orchard, Permaculture, Polyculture, Polytunnels, Propagation, Rain Gutter Garden, Raised Beds, Ranch, Rooftop Gardening, Ruth Stout Garden, Sharecropping, City Slicker Composting, Shifting Cultivation, Soil-bag Gardening, Square Foot Gardening, Stale Seed Bed, Sugar Bush, Truck Farming, Vermiculture, Vertical Gardening, Window Frame Garden, Windrow Composting, Alpaca, Snail, Toad, Trumpeter, Turkey, Worm

previous: >>2710237

Spring is here.
Hope you got to enjoy the eclipse.
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Diatomaceous earth is a non renewable resource so you should use it sparingly
A spider mite? You can start by giving it a nice soap wash.
pore* autocorrect got me
It works really well.
Thanks for this input. The size, color and season match, however the pics of the spider mites that I was able to google indicate the mite species that invade pears in my whereabouts are "hairy" and have a distinct head.
Meanwhile I double checked all the pest listed as troublemakers, and it's quite likely that I noticed newly hatched pear psyllid larvae, even before they turned dark brown and reached their 'armored' almost round shape.

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These men are heroes
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you still 1) didn't realize that you were talking to multiple posters 2) based your whole off topic rant on insults rather than anything of substance and 3) can't answer this question (>>2721934) without making the preceding assertion sound stupid. I hope you have a lovely weekend indoors. I'll be doing R2R2R tomorrow.
LMAO touch some grass tubby
>he uses 4chan looking for substance
Ask me how I know you don't go outside kek
Southern rednecks don’t catch smallies, smallies don’t live in road ditches and swamps. Also, Florida has 10x the population density of Minnesota, never mind Nevada, so of course the fishing is ass.

Looks dangerous for the middle of nowhere but super fun. If someone posted this as a reaction vid that’ll totally blow your mind, Reddit would be hyped for it.

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To keep it brief, I'm in my late 20s and my circle of friends have typically been indoor types that prefer to do things indoors, like watch movies, go out to eat, or play video games. Perhaps it's just my friend group, but I have this impression that people around my age can't be bothered to go /out/ beyond a mile or two long hike--and even then it's a struggle or just an excuse to smoke weed in a different setting. I can't imagine getting any of my friends to seriously gear up and go out on a camping trip where they have to carry their back to the campsite. Girls seem more into the idea, but in reality they'll just slow down my pace (well, a lot of guys would too).

Why do you guys think this is? We're in the best shape of our lives, somewhat, and it feels wasteful to spend it all indoors.
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I take weed before every hike.
>t. refuses to go /out/ because he would rather play vidya
I have perfectly legal and free places I can take people camping and they still make excuses, but "consequences" isn't one of them
>in reality they'll just slow down my pace (well, a lot of guys would too)
Maybe they just don't want to go hiking with you specifically, anon.
I'm glad it's not just me. I enjoy the occasional game once in a while but these days I just can't find the time for them and my friends don't seem interested in doing much /out/ activities.

Yeah I know. I pretty much stopped immediately after high school but my friends are regular users.

Lucky you, sounds nice. I'd like to do a weeklong backpacking trip one of these days.

What does that even mean? What are you pretending to be? It sounds like you don't even like going outside, why are you here?

Every woman I've gone hiking with has been fine if it's less than three miles, but I want to do long, several day excursions on the ridge. I think I'd get pretty annoyed after several hours stopping more often than I'd like to. I always let the slowest ones set the pace, too.

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outings doesnt require friends or company, infact its best done alone.
i never had problems getting someone to come along, but they always do something i dont like. talk all.the time, waaay to drunk, never agree on my campsite, walk to fast/slow, complain about weather...
so i just go alone and tease them with snaps instead.
would rather find some female company than bringing any of my male friends hiking again. dont care if they do it for instabook and facegram, atleast they do it.

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What do you guys hunt with? Whether its small or big game
What kinds of guns/bows/knife equipment do you use/recommend
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look into the overall weight with whatever glass you're also thinking of getting for it. also depending on species and location, which magnification and other feature ranges are you getting with your scope.
for fun?
or do you only do things based on their actual benefit in a survivalsituation?
The absolute state of this faggot board
If Zombie Deer Disease / CWD / CJD is so dangerous and hard to detect/cure, why don't we just exterminate deer and be done with it, instead of letting it live and brew into an Extinction-Level Event?

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Can any of you autists name this boot? It has no identifying markings on it. The label on the tongue has worn off.

I found them at a thrift store. The soles are nearly worn through. But they’re extremely light and flexible. It feels like wearing a sneaker. I’d love to buy a new pair.

Also general boot discussion. Any suggestions for a lightweight combat style boot?
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Why would anyone buy used boots? Yuck. Did you pick up some used underwear or sheets too while you were there?
Bought to identify you sperg
could be a converse. look at their zip boots.
post your used underwear I can identify that too.
some Thoroughgood 8 inch lace ups in a round steel toe are good all around boots.
a lot of these hiking boots are so gay they'll fall apart rather quickly. at least for me, I'm hard on gear.
it pays to have 2 different styles of boots at least so your feet don't get warped around one pair and how they fit. rotate them out for each trip and maybe you find some are better for some outings etc
whoops should have said Danner is another good pair of 8 inch leather steel toes.
and of course Sno Seal for waterproofing.

Monocular or binoculars, /out/?

Also, dedicated general questions thread.
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Did you get the liner?
does a Pentax Papilio make sense if I want to look at landscapes from mountain peaks more often than at flowers and insects? And does a 8.5x make so little difference from a 6.5x that the wider FOV would be preferable? I might want to look at ibexes and distant climbers too occasionally so I'm afraid of regretting it if I'll get the version with the lower magnification
t. zero experience with decent binoculars
>Stupid Questions
here is mine. 3 weeks camping no shower except those body wipes and swimming in the lake. Should I continue with no shower? I dont smell.
Not that anon, but depending on the website I see the 'liner' advertised as a standalone roll. Poor man's choice, it seems like.

For me that sounds alright. I live in a piss country in Europe where they get anal about setting up day fishing tents and shelters. This seems like an alright and comfy workaround.
Yeah like anon already said, the liner I'm aware of is basically a more simplified version from what I've seen. My experience is with their full version. I'm not sure how the liner version compares exactly. The full version uses climashield apex as insulation. The lite version just says polyester and looks like its quilted instead of the continuous sheet that climashield is, so I don't know if the warmth is the same. It looks almost the same in function other than maybe the lack of the front pocket.

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The purpose of this general is to encourage people to go /out/ and find cool fossils and artifacts. This thread is also a place to share our own collections and things we find when we are /out/ hunting.

Rules are as follows,
>To just post and discuss fossils and other related geological subjects.
>When you post about a fossil in your collection, please label it with what formation it is from, what it is, and where in the world it is from.
>If you don't know where it originated or the species that is ok, just label it as so
Helpful Links
Geologic maps of US states (usgs.gov)
A Beginner's Guide To Fossil Hunting - Fossil Hunting Trips - The Fossil Forum

classes have finished for the year and work has slowed down so hopefully I can keep this one alive. I've made some amazing fids in the past few months that I have been gone and I hope to see what all you have found since the last thread as well. First fossil of this thread is a Placcticeras sp. about 9.5 to 10 inches in diameter was super stoked when I found it. Upper Britton Formation of the Eagle Ford Group, Denton Co. Texas
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Why is this board so slow?
>BX-15 and a 3-9x40 VX Freedom in Leupold rings
Based setup. Silenced?
t. unpaid Leupold shill
Trust me, you don't want it faster. I remember when it got faster during covid. It turned to shit. People took allllllll the fucking bait. It fucked the "board culture" or whatever you want to call it with all the tourists and trolls outnumbering the actual users. It's slow, sure, but you don't want to have it faster with more retards. It just buttfucks the usefulness and frankly how nice it is here. More people and faster is not always better.
the number of people interest in something is inversely proportional to the iq it requires
Yea, silencerco spectre II

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If you disagree you are wrong.

First it should have a blade between 6"-8" long. You need a long blade for a myriad of tasks, but primarily you need it for splitting, for rapid carving with the spine braced against your knee (critical for making things like wedges), and for combat effectiveness. This puts the overall length at 10"-14", which is the maximum length for concealment/EDC, which is the whole purpose of a survival knife.

The knife shouldn't weigh more than 16 ounces. More than that and it's probably just going to be clumsy for most tasks and too redundant with a hatchet. The knife should only have enough heft to easily cut down poles 1"-3" in diameter or cut someone's fingers off. If you don't have a saw for some unfortunate reason, the way you crosscut bigger trees with the knife is to baton it across the grain like a chisel, you shouldn't be relying on chopping heft for this. The point of balance should be around the index finger in a high grip.

It must be made of carbon steel or low alloy tool steel like 01, 52100, 5160, etc. Stainless steels, especially "super steels", are useless garbage that trade every single desirable quality of steel like impact resistance and sharpenability and fine grained edge just for slightly better edge retention, which is something only inexperienced people care about. The heat treatment should be rather soft. The knife should be indestructible and easy to sharpen with anything, with edge retention being a distant priority.
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I must agree with you on this; if for some reason I was limited to carrying only one knife or a very light load then yes I'd carry a knife that I could ruthlessly baton across the grain with... but if I knew before heading out that I'd have to manufacture enough firewood for a week long camp (a fairly common occurrence) or if my survival truly depended on using fire to stay warm enough, I'd carry an axe (and probably a saw) in addition to a knife. I'd carry a tent and warm sleeping bag too.

It's those in-between adventures in which carrying a large knife might save your bacon -- fast and light cross country travel but with a possibility of an unplanned bivouac -- but this is also when I'm most likely to adhere to the "light is right" principle and carry only a razor blade.
I can see that, though I don't care terribly much about weight, but prefer simple, I want to carry only what I need, no luxuries, no duplicates, if that makes sense.
There are cases where i will bring a smaller knife, for example when hunting or fishing, and I will take a folding saw if I camp in a tent in late fall or winter.
Have tried bringing a hatchet, but I don't think it brings enough to the table for me to carry it over a leuku, if I really need something beefier to chop with, I'll bring a real axe or even a chainsaw.

When my pack weighs 45lbs, saving 80 grams in my knife is roughly meaningless.
looks like a boring version of the Gerber StrongArm
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Does this count? Lol. This is such a a shitty Friday.

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