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Amerikan build quality ?
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Based americans saving house construction costs
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You know it could very well be brick under the plaster right? Red brick is seldom used anymore. You use picrel or something similar. People just don't like how they look so you cover them with plaster and then sometimes play around with patterns like in OP's webm
i dong get it why is he removing those parts
Yeah its dumb but its just cosmetic
Why does looking at it give me the shivers? I feel like I want that to be done on my skin
Maybe i'm touch starved

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Why couldn't Madagascar become a superpower?
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France killed all their educated people.
Should be 100% javanese, who tf bring africans to that island
place is filled with negroes
It's not as bad as some african countries but not great either. They still have tribes that will spear you directly if you meet them.
It still needs to be in the periphery of civilization. maybe if it were off the coast of India or something it would have a better chance of being superpower

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We got cucked by Iranians, but we don't care. We still use these beautiful words to this day regardless.

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How do you get a gf in your country?
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you talk to them first
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How to hold conversations with them?
most time i talk to girl on language apps their responses are really hard to respond to like cant get conversation going.
you have to be sub 80IQ to get a girlfriend unironically. women prefer retards to 4chan-posting intellectuals.
built for BKC (big Korean cock)
you bonk one over the head with your wooden club and then drag them back to your cave

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Why is there a little part of Russia here? What is life like there?
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>What is life like there?
they're actively working to frenchify the area so not even a trace of German existence in this land survived
i don't know
Back when baltic states were part of USSR and Kaliningrad was directly connected to the rest of Russia + Poland and East Germany being soviet puppet states Kaliningrad was a perfect spot as the main military base for the Baltic fleet, so I guess Stalin didn't trust to populate it with Poles/Lithuanian and instead opted for ruskies so that he will have absolute control over the main military base. Also probably took it for Russia to mog Germany as losers because Kaliningrad was the place where Prussian autism started. Now with whole o Baltic, Poland and Baltic states being in NATO it just sits there awkwardly but still serves as a military base with nukes that can reach most of Europe.

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>be average russian
>wake up, check phone, putin has conquered another house
>get up, eat delicious blini made by babochka
>get ready to go to work, choose which one of your three brand new ladas you will drive to work
>central asian guest-worker see's you, runs up, starts kissing your shoes and complimenting your country in fluent russian
>go to work in gazprom office, boss informs you that you will get a 50000 ruble raise due to new deal with china
>spend your day shitposting on int and playing dota on company time
>come home, go to store to buy superior russian offbrand lays and cola
>uzbek girl at check out offers to suck your dick
>go out in the evening to hang out with your friends and curb stomp effeminate men
>also russia is big and has TIGERS

you cannot suffer in russia
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Ктo o чeм, a pyccкиe кaк вceгдa o ...
Bce пocтoяннo дyмaют o тoм кaк бы выeбaть кoгo-тo в жoпy, a пpoпaгaндy ЛГБT пoчeмy-тo зaпpeщaют. He пoнять pyccкoгo paзyмa.
you would be too if you had to live in poland
I live in a bigger shithole than you THOUGH and I am not angry :| most of the time....
It shows

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Wo isn unser etschinkenspicker?
Wer will das nicht?
bin geimpft und grünenwähler
qöq na die TAAAAAASHEEEEEEGAAAAA welches zisch?

the global golden moral standard
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because white influence is still palpable. once the blacks and hispanic zoomers/alphas takeover you'll begin experiencing massive competency crises and south-africa style failures
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Which god
This, they need to take in competent Indians and Asians again
nice fanfiction
I hate to not pile on yanks but you're literally saudi, when you stop fucking kids and goats and murdering anyone with a frontal lobe you can join the rest of the world xx

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I can't stop eating
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Damn, I weigh 72 kg at 184 cm. How tall are you fat ass?
same fate bruthar
t. Old skinnyfat
That's not even fat
i cant stop smoking weed
I'm the opposite, I keep dropping weight

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Live your myth in Αθήνα, Hellenic Republic
woah its just like the blade runner movie with that guy that is literally me *kicks chair at mother*
vgh Mars
We had a Mad Max watch party yesterday, shit was cash.
>*kicks chair at mother*

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there is reason why japan has very low death rate.
are americans stupid?
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The US is a place with a very rigid political structure, only 2 parties which are essentially the same, which take turns in powers and things keep getting worse. In a situation like this, frustrated Americans will find the smallest thing they can fight over and make a big deal out of it, in order to retain some sense of control.

Actually nevermind, this applies to most of the civilized world. We know nothing can actually change so we fight over petty shit. Americans are the worst though, that's why most wacko stuff like plain earth theory originated there.
Most people did during the peak of covid
.t worked at walmart during covid
>plain earth
Sorry, big ESL moment. I meant flat earth.
Jap schizo I love you. I want to turn you into my little yamato nadeshiko (male). I want to hear your stifled moans of pleasure as I caress your smooth skin and stroke your silky hair. I want to dress you up in a kimono and deflower you.
All these recent japanese posters are vpns.

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What has your experience been with them in your cunt?

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black people whine that they are the biggest victims of racism
but is it true that black people in the west are actually racists?
i heard that they bully asians a lot at school
bro who cares
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>but is it true that black people in the west are actually racists
minorities don't have any power and thus cannot be racist

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I can dedicate my boyhole to this lad
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Black americans are already partially white
He's clearly White. Dude has a caucasian skull and less pronounced negroid features. You should look up Saka if you want to see what actual black footballers look like
>He's clearly White
Yup, currently the whitest man in Spain
He is doe. Real bantoid negroids look like animals. Tell me with a straight face that Steph Curry is the same race as pic related kek. You can only cope
I suspect you give free blowjobs to sub-saharan men

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POV: You are a white woman
*in your country*
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Just before this a 30cm BBC fucked her while choking and punching her so she could not walk.
Chad only. You will never have this.
Have what? All my gfs are cuter than OP's img and they cosplay for me
yeah right, your harem if you will.
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Way too much paint.

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