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Is a 1.5 hour commute (to and from, 3 hours total) normal in your cunt
work from home master race here
I do 45min (1.5h total)
Black girls . . .
don't know, but i would never accept that.
my comunte is 11 km, 22km in total
i would never accept to work more than 25 km from home

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panas gan edition
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SEA's crab in a bucket mentality; the successful are punished
Filial piety is more like Japanese's the nail that sticks out must be hammered down; promoting societal obedience
It's similar but different
the successful are chinese
Lambo? More like Lesbo because they're GAY!
It's not.
If I were to put into words, it's an appeal to mediocrity. Basically, it's to tone down the subject in question, understating its value to average, neutral
Here's in practice
>If you're succesful, you'll get cope comments like "it's because his parents a rich."
The part that's being understated is someone being successful, then his parents wealth are more emphasized.
>And if you're not successful, you'll also get cope comments like "all that matters is making your parents happy bro"
The part that's being understated is his failure to be successful. The topic was quickly changed, softening the blow by mentioning how happy his parents are.
>The fuck is wrong with indogs and their twisted filial piety
I will further comment on this later
how to get big tits gf

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Do people on /int/ lift weights or do you guys look like shit?
Based calisthenics Chad here
Dominican’s dream girl
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>meanwhile in real life

Why do Korean men and women hate each other so much??
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>Korean women are goddesses
>Their men are autistic 5'2 midgets with 3 inch dicks
Sad. I propose we give Korean women refugee status in Europe.
But, wouldn't it be some kind of Korean version of what orthodontics is to in NA?
I've always thought that there is no way that as much as 50% of the population need orthodontics for pure functional reason.
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Imagine all the female korean refugees when all the korean men are conscripted to fight off kim jong uns big bombs
we absolutely need to make sure they come here and not to other countries
This meme smells like whitecope.
Korean women arent importing africans to replace korean men and the korean race will exist in 100 years unlike us.
Lets be honest for once whitebros
Surely, orthodontics will not create miserable consequences, but ppl in the west seems to have the similar mind of being "normal" as much as Korean ppl in some aspect.

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Why are these two so butthurt at Russia all the time? muh ussr muh stalin, well stalin also killed czechs and hungarians but they arent that butthurt
>well stalin also killed czechs and hungarians but they arent that butthurt

he didn't really, whatever communism did there it was done with hands of their own communists.

meanwhile in Poland and Moldova (which was part of Romania back then) it was actually Russians under Stalin who did everything bad
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sir, care to explain?
I'm not butthurt about russia, I understand there may have been some historical friction between our countries but I don't dislike russia or russians in general.
I hate Germany, Ukraine and Lithuania too much to be Russian

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sjuk i huvudet
du ja
nog om dig
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Fällor ska ha bautakukar på 18+cm och spruta som en majonäsflaska

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>The Salian Franks spoke a language (or several dialects) of Low Frankish, known as "Old Frankish" (or "Old Low Frankish"): it was they who had imported this language into Flanders by settling there before their conquest of Gaul, which gave rise to Flemish. The Merovingians thus spoke Low Frankish, although they had also adopted the language and culture of the Gallo-Romans.

So Flemish people are the ones who speak a language that looks like the most to old frankish language. But which Flemish is the more like old frankish ? West Flemish ?
somehow related:
Charlemagne is 1000 years later than Salian Franks. He is mixed guy in addition, one of his ancestors was Gallo-Roman

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Extremely tiny microscopic dick energy at display here. Even Samsung can't make semiconductors smaller than this. How insecure are Koreans that small dick sign is basically their version of "nigger"

I imagine every Brazilian flag is posting from here. Anyone else?
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Physically fit with smooth skin puts her above 85% of similar age women here
tan lines.... erotic....
her bitchy attitude makes me hard
So what exactly went wrong with brazil
Brazilian Portuguese has no word for suffering

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>people go to india
>everyone gets diarrhea

How the fuck do Indians live there? Do Indians also get diarrhea every day?
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I shat a lot when I visited Delhi but it wasn't food poisoning. I think it was just the amount of spices they used that produced a laxative-like effect in my gut.
Quite a number of Japanese tourists the last time I visited India. And for whatever reason, they all insisted on dressing like a stereotypical tourist in India with elephant pants, hippie accessories, scarfs and turbans. Probably their media hyping up India as some exotic destination and how dressing up in this way is the right vibe.
That's weird because westerners and Japanese people eat Chinese and Korean street food without a problem.
Um, no...
Well anon most of our street food is unhygienic, Indians just eat from restaurants those street food is mostly for labourers
because non bharatis are pussy faggot weak

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do people enjoy venison in your country
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CWD spreads through everything
same + fish
replace red meat with beans and lentils a few weeks ago
i dont dare say if i feel better if its just placebo but i don't feel worse
my wallet is much happier too, i feel like red meat prices have doubled in the last 10 years
>t. Clueless cityfag
We genocide like 1/3 of the moose population every year, but they are still slight increasing, can you even imagine what it would look like in 10 years without hunting? You could not even drive here without hitting a big starving sick moose everytime you got into your car, they HAVE to be shot for their own sake
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if you had to be murdered
would you prefer to be murdered on the street without you knowing or seeing it coming
or would you prefer to be locked in a cage for 5 years first and fed slop knowing each day could be your last?
i dont hunt myself but i do rent out my land to hunters and have sometimes met them after they have shot something and they treat their food respectfully and dont waste anyhting
nutrients? where do you get creatine, taurine, or glycine for example? also not vegetarian

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ikke fri i morgen udgaven
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protter også
det er sjovt
Drikker 1 liter proteinmelk til kveldsmat. Godt.
2008kcal idag med 200g proteiner.
Wicked shredded med 3% kroppsfett i Juli.
tror snart tråden skal vaskes på 60 grader sådan som det lugter herinde
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>only 3 years abroad
>come back home
>forgot names of objects I used to use daily in my native lang
/lang/ sisters wtf is this?
i love fat women
basically what's good about women is grabbing the shit out of their soft lumps of flesh
fat women are the logical conclusion of femininity: maximizing soft lumps of flesh

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is it just me or we got some multi year trend of increasing heat? how do you deal with the heat my northern hemisphere bros?
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this aint italy bruv
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i think ive tried it and it was good
corn with butter
Checked quads. True

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