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i wish i was a cute swedish twink sometimes instead of a filthy brussels rat
this but i wish i was a japanese twink and im am*rican

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Basically, at the start of my childhood, my country didn't recognize K, Y and W as letters in it's alphabet?
Why? I don't know, you saw them all the times in names, foreign names, family names, brands, etc, but for some reason they weren't considered part of the alphabet, therefore they were taught way less than the rest of the alphabet.

Therefore, during my entire life I've pronounced Y as "Ypsolon" (For gringos: "Eep-so-lone") instead of "Ypsilon" ("Eep-see-lone"), and apparently, for some reason, unlike every other letter (Except for H, K, and W) you don't use that letter in it's written form, so it's actually written as "Ipsilon".

Does this make me appear as an uneducated bumpkin?

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>Gaza completely demolished. Population that's left alive squeezed into area currently being exterminated. Death and destruction passed point where recovery impossible under best conditions.
>UN: Okay, we'll let you be a country.

W-welcome to the board, Palestine.
Does that mean the attack by hamas was a declaration of war then? I mean, they are a ‘country’ now … would kinda justify anything Israel does cause its not domestic terrorism anymore.
Is Gaza a separate country now if so wtf
they were always intended to be a separate country why do you think the 1948 borders were drawn up by the UN

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Did you know the king of England (PBUH) made his own town called Poundbury? He thought modern architecture was too cringe and said we need to RETVRN and made an all new town in traditional style.


Do you like the King's town?
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yes, one detail I know about it is that the streets are fairly wide but the city is full of sharp corners to prevent speeding, It's an interesting mindset and far more sensible than the notjustbikes r/fuckcars way of thinking

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we need more NorthEastern travellers edition

Previously on /flag/: >>196172757

>do (You) like going to places, taking photos and blogposting about it?
Welcome to /flag/ + /extraflags/, a lovely general for users to blogposting about our trips, discuss flag collecting, ExtraFlags, and autistic activities while funposting.

>What is Extra Flags?
ExtraFlags is an open-source userscript that lets you choose regional flags, like states and provinces, to add the already existing national flags on /int/, /pol/, /sp/, and /bant/.

Instructions and video guides for installing ExtraFlags can be found here: https://flagtism.gitlab.io/Extra-Flags-for-4chan/
Requests to add or change flags can be made here: https://gitlab.com/flagtism/Extra-Flags-for-4chan/-/issues

>Collecting flags? Filling maps?
World template: https://gitlab.com/flagtism/Extra-Flags-for-4chan/tree/master/maps/World.png

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as seen from my shitty $100 redmi phone
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I waited in a field two hours like a moron, then suddenly out of nowhere the northern horizon became slightly red. In person it was a very weak phenomenon but my phone photographed even the segments
I can't believe i managed to see the northern lights from fucking Sardinia. I knew it was technically possible but holy fuck.
I also think i was very lucky because it literally lasted 5 minutes and then disappeared again

I am in Oristano rn btw, i often come here for reasons so usually i don't even bother changing the flags
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gratz my dear fren

Let's talk about Switzerland, the soul-sucking black hole of Europe. This place is like the void itself, sucking all the life and personality out of everything it touches. From the sterile streets of Zurich to the blandness of Geneva, Switzerland is where dreams go to die and souls go to wither away. I'm telling you, there's something eerie about this place. It's like the entire country is stuck in grayscale, devoid of any real emotion or passion. Even the cows look like they've given up on life. So here's to Switzerland, the land of empty promises and soulless existence. Let's give it up for the most joyless place in Europe.
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>le italian

switzerland is already small so its like two cities
i got it on /lit/ also kys
thats even worse
Swiss German is pure SOVL thoughbeit

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Caption this.
What do they get out of makingthese kinds of threads?
>Turkiye population: 85 million
>Balkan peninsula population excluding Turkiye: 40 million

The future is Neo-Ottoman
Actually it's 34 million, tatars are turks.

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when was the last time your country pranked another country?
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sex with mizrahi girls
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אלוהים עשה עליכם מתיחה
I assume OP is disliked in the /isr/ general too
immensely, also notice he never replies to anons who call him out on his pathetic behavior
he won't reply to me nor you and instead he'll just wait until someone else posts so he could reply him back and bump his thread
stick to sheilas

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Is it possible for young people to buy houses in your country?
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they already exist thougheverbeit, just need to pay for land and utilities (legally mandated septic tank)
Idk about Europe but if you saved 5 dollars a day for 10 years youd still come up short on buying a nissan versa
Almost impossible. If I buy a house I'd die before I finish paying.
The government finances homes at low interest rates for 30 years, but they are not in good neighborhoods.
With organization, it is possible to buy a small apartment in the medium term.
Very poor people may eventually win an apartment by lottery in public apartments built by the government, there is usually some form of corruption involved at least in part of these draws.

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O Canada! Our home and native land!
True patriot love thou dost in us command.
We see thee rising fair, dear land,
The True North, strong and free;
And stand on guard, O Canada,
We stand on guard for thee!
Le temps qu'on a pris pour dire : « Je t'aime »
C'est le seul qui reste au bout de nos jours
Les vœux que l'on fait, les fleurs que l'on sème
Chacun les récolte en soi-même
Aux beaux jardins du temps qui court
Gens du pays, c'est votre tour
De vous laisser parler d'amour
Gens du pays, c'est votre tour
De vous laisser parler d'amour
Le temps de s'aimer, le jour de le dire
Fond comme la neige aux doigts du printemps
Fêtons de nos joies, fêtons de nos rires
Ces yeux où nos regards se mirent
C'est demain que j'avais vingt ans

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>Our home and native land!
shut up or trudeau might change it like australia did
He already changed it once for wimminz during the "#MeToo girlpower" era. This was before the "100 gorillion featherheads died in schools but there's no bodies" era
You're hearing voices again. I wasn't even talking, I was typing.

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I could also cherrypick and claim that koreans are black or that argentinians are italians
sudacas aren't white, you need to be anglo saxon and protestant to be white.
Koreans are black though?
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>Texas is now considered canonically Latino
i am amerindian

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Mexicans hate nature and greenery. They keep cutting down trees and covering untouched land with ugly malls and suburbs and now the whole country is at least 35°C in all states and we are also running out of water

How is the relationship between man and nature in your country?
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I see your country has been bitten by the "progress" "infrastructure" "development" bug as well.
No one does. I never hear anyone say anything negative about them.
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>If Americans are white, then the white race is the most anti-life.

that's true, USA had campaings literally supported by the goverment to eradicate every single carnivore that threatened timmy and his gateway community.

the only reason why the jaguar is considered extiparted but no extinct in states is only because of mexico, they hope the jaguars that live in the northern states of mexico move into the US just like what happened to the black bears in texas where they actually repopulated the area.

at least here there's a chance there's still brown bears in mexico that survived the massacre.
I have plenty of negative things to say about them
>boomers are just white mexicans
at last i truly see

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Eдицiя Biнcтoнa Чepчилля

Пoпepeднiй: >>197047226
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Ha дoбpaнiч
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na dobranicz
What do Ukrainians think about Chinese people? As a Chinese woman, what would happen to me if I want to Ukraine by myself?

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Omelett med kyllingfilet til kveldsmat. Godt.
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tími til að spila cyberpunk

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DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.
Japanese speakers learning English are welcome, too.

Read the guide linked below before asking how to learn Japanese:

Archive of older threads: https://desuarchive.org/int/search/subject/Daily%20Japanese%20Thread/

Translation requests, insults, politics, reddit posts, lust, learning method / eceleb discussions: >>>/jp/djt

Previous Thread: >>196966480
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i get it, but i still don't like it . i suppose this is just the angsty noob in me getting skill checked
lump (on my back)
It's not over yet.
its cancer

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