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Better game than Pac-Man.
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>it's a platformer
it's more of a side-view maze chase game I reckon
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That nice an all OP, however
You're a nigger
Pretty sure you can bump into the walls to immediately go back down in the bonus stage. Should be 1 or 2 places where doing that to break the trampoline should be quicker.
Oh shit I didn't think of that. Thanks!

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This game is jank as fuck but I kinda love it
>Come on, let's fight
it was always better than Commando, not gonna like.
2 player co-op is always fun

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Did it deserve the hate it got at the time?
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because the first half of MGS3 is crawling through a cave and the second half is an auto scroller
Nta. Not sure what you mean yet, people were upset that they had to play as raiden but most people just got over it and adapted to raiden. You had to play the game diffrently was the main concern in the circle of people i knew that enjoyed metal gear. Also, which mass murderer in metal gear is your favorite?
Think if the Last of Us part 2 didn't leak, but the entire games media was in on the scam, in retrospect it was awesome, they fake screen shots and out right lied about the game. but then it was seen as more of the same shit coming out of Japan, pretty boy characters like Raiden were all over games and anime in the early 00's, Konami was seem as just following a trend
This is kinda why I put it down and never picked it back up again.
Raiden sucks. Big fat cock. Then he goes on mission. To suck big fat cock. Then he goes home. To suck big fat cock. And doesn't even take a paycheck!
I experienced MGS1 first via its demo, but I played through 2 before going back to play through 1. I was already spoiled on the swap to Raiden before playing, and while at first I found him disappointing compared to Snake, he grew on me, especially after the mindfuck in Arsenal Gear.
That being said, 2's end sequence being so off the wall made me pretty ambivalent to 1's story. To this day I still don't really give a shit about Liquid.

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This jump is literally impossible, and I can't go back and change my character without getting a game over. Still a great game but it feels really primitive for how late it was released, so many other games let you change your character on the fly
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What game?
Cock-o-run for the Family Computer

>he doesn't have a dedicated flyer as the 1st PC that can jump up the whole screen and float
when is the pc engine version going to get released?
Never. Japanese hoarders are the final destination of hoarders because they do it for patriotic honor instead of money. Consider it gone forever.

Jak & Daxter was originally a 3D open world Crash Bandicoot game. Sandover Village could have been filled with a friendly version of the natives from Crash 1. Jak spins like Crash. Eco power-ups could have been masks. Keira is a young female mechanic who builds large devices and vehicles for Jak, just like Coco Bandicoot does for Crash.
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It's not one or the other kind of thing. There's so many more options with design.
Not that guy, but for some reason Mind Over Mutant attempts to be a semi open world.
I remember playing it as a kid and having fun exploring the world. It was fun seeing it change over the course of the story, too
>I cannot stand that green dude with the big chin.
Captain Qwark is a shithead for most of the trilogy, so his design is actually perfect.
It's actually impressive how they managed to make him look like someone who can pass as super charismatic, yet still have a super punchable face.

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dkc 3's haters are full of shit. the game is far from being even bad
played it years ago and had lot of fun, the stages were unique (just like previous dkcs) but so were the bosses, way more challenging, and the bonus stages, way more fun. the extras were very cool, not only there was your typical extra world (and a hard one) but also there were these things called banana birds, all super fresh and cool. Collecting them all felt solemn
now I'm play the gba because I wanted to hear the new music, and fuck, it even has more mini-games and stuff than the snes version!!
both are gorgeous game, they offer more replayability, challenge, and aren't linear

there is literally nothing bad with this game. it is childish compared to the serious ones? perhaps, and it's also more fun, lively and charmful. that doesn't mean it doesn't have creepy, dark, majestic things
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me and my brother found it funny whenever he threw a tantrum. we just happened to have watched 2003 hulk few months ago when I played dkc3. we foud it very funny because it reminded us of this
Only GBA fags do this, though. Literally no one tells people they should play Donkey Kong Land 2 instead of Donkey Kong Country 2. And I'd rather play Land than any of the GBA games, as it has better graphics and music.
I agree. The snes originals are better in every way. Although, it's worth checking out DKC3 on GBA due to the changes. DKC2 isn't better.
From someone who would rank DKC2 as one of the best 2d platformers of all time, DKC 3 is average at best and definitely the worst of the original series. It’s not the worst game I’ce ever played but its a noticeable step down in a lot of ways. The level design taking a big hit is the biggest factor. Its kinda sloppy. Feels like they were learning. Whoever made these levels just wasn’t quite as talented as the peson or people who designed them in DKC1 and especially DKC2. Probably Greg Mayles, who was busy making Banjo at the time.

In DKC2 almost every level had a gimmick or a twist to it. DKC3 tries to be the same way but the gimmicks are less engaging in my opinion. Less creative and more annoying. If you read the credits it becomes obvious that Rare put the B-team on this project while the A-team was working on n64 titles.

Kiddy Kong is a terrible character. One of the all-time worst and cringiest. The whole 90s baby thing never really worked ever in my opinion. Dixie’s still cool though. Changing the enemy designs to all look stupider was a bad move. They switched out Rambi for a stupid fucking elephant. This art and character stuff is subjective, but I did not like it.

Canada is an ok setting, but a lot of the levels looked the same. In DKC2 you could go from a castle to a beehive to a bayou, while 3 was mostly Canada forest or snow.

The new open world concept level select was fine, I could take it or leave it. The Simon Says game is the blandest of bland filler. Of course any composer that isn’t David Wise is gonna sound really bad in comparison, the DKC2 soundtrack is one of the best ever.

The saving grace of DKC3 would be that it has the best boss fights of the original series. Most of them are pretty fun and a few feel inventive in the way DKC2 levels felt.

I’d recommend the Donkey Kong Land games. They’re surprisingly good. I liked the precise and sometimes diffiucult platforming of DKL1 enough that I’d rank it higher than DKC3.

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beep bop bo
This game is what Earthworm Jim 3 should have strived to be like.
I loved this game, but not as much as I love beans.

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Advice is also greatly encouraged. Anyways I'll start. I can't beat Mario 3. I should be able to since you get a 1UP every 3 stages and you get loads of free items as well, but whenever I sit down and try to play it I somehow manage to get a game over and can't get passed world 2.
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Silent Hill 1. Not cuz it was scary, or cuz it was hard.

But that one puzzle near the end about the creatures and their leg count filtered me so fucking hard. I managed to get all the others up till that point.
I find most platformers on the older systems to be a humbling experience, even the Super Mario games. I remember having so much trouble with Metroid as a child.
There was a theatre that had an arcade section and two of the cabinets was Metal Slug 1 and later Metal Slug 2. Anytime I went to go see a movie I would bring coins to dump into Metal Slug and see how far I could get. Eventually I pirated Metal Slug 2 om the PC and played it on there instead. That game kicked my ass and I don't recall ever beating it.
Not so much me, but Mario Party games always filtered friends and friends of friends. I have definitely made people cry because of that game and even an intense grudge which lasted years lmao. One time my best friend at the time, his brother and his brothers friend and I were playing Mario Party 4, the game was about to end and my best friends brother stole a star from him at the end of the game, taking away his victory. My best friend turned the N64 off before the game officially ended, started crying hysterically, and then we watched on as he tried to hang himself in his closet while crying profusely and yelling. He never succeeded and we made fun of him for the rest of the day.
Wouldn't that just be Shinji's mom? Although the bootleg allegation then goes in the other direction.
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Super Metroid

i couldn't figure out how to get to kraids lair
>Mario 3
Play more defensive. You don't have to run like sonic. It's mario!

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gonna FUCK you up
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I have a vivid and fond memory of playing Streets of Rage 2 with my best friend in I think summer of 95 (maybe 94) while on vacation with his family, and making jokes about this character being a redheaded stepchild.
i have it on my desktop
will post tomorrow after work

also abadede is based
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epic angle
Good man.

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How does /vr/ feel about Crash Bandicoot Wrath of Cortex?
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>mum wanted me to jak but i refused until she begged me to
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For me, it's Solar Bowler
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I played this and a bit of Crash 1 and I liked WOC better, so much later on I learned this was "Hated" and was also not developed by Naughty Dog, but I like this one a lot, and the music is good too, dare I say, it has the best Warp Room music
Isn't that just the theme song?

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i was playing this old videogame, when i noticed both werewolves and vampires attack in open daylight, how is that posible?
you didn't account or the time difference when moving across time zones.
because they're actually just zombie werewolves and zombie vampires

there's no law that zombies can't come out during the daytime

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What Frankenstein monsters have you assembled?
I am laughing like a madman that this shit actually works after failing to get it working on a personal black and white CRT. Apparently I need a $30 RF converter so fuck that.
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lmfao. Rich, coming from a retarded faggot who thinks an "in-line resistor" that's part of the power cable is some sort of "hackery". I'll never understand how you dumb zoomies can be so addicted to (You)s that you'll spew the most ridiculous bullshit and then double down on it again and again. Did it never occur to you that OP might not be a neurotic anal retentive snowflake who needs you to simp for him, and might just want to have a laugh?
>unironically that official Nintendo of America plug n play N64 device for US hotels
I genuinely can't image how lonely of an individual you are, and it is not due to you being a class above everyone else.
You honestly have aspergers and it prevents you from properly socializing even at a child's level.
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If anyone was having fun, they certainly aren't now.

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Can't go wrong with Jetta Maxx and Shadow Yamoto in Eternal Champions, as well as Riptide in the Sega CD sequel of EC.
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>reading comprehension
Eternal Champions SegaCD is a sequel and it's bad because of the load times all over the place.
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I guess now you can look at it that way, but when it came out and it was the only way to play games like Snatcher or Popful Mail in the west it was a big deal. And I didn't have a PC good enough to run Wing Commander well which made that a fun option. I'm not going to pretend it wasn't a flop, but the Lunars alone are excellent enough that the endeavor seems worth it to me in the end. 32X.... that's a different story.
Is there any competitive scene for Eternal Champions, like on Fightcade or somewhere else?
if you're not being a piece of shit and using an animal to jab infinite, Senator in CD is the most fucked character ever in a fighter, Red Tape and Ban are the filthiest fucking moves ever

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Post games that push their consoles' capabilities as hard as possible. Don't argue about whether the games are good or not, I just want to admire audio-visual spectacle.
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yawn-inducing bait
that song isnt even in that game, it´s in gta 3.
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Perfect Dark can drop below 10FPS pretty regularly and really pushes the N64. It probably should have been a GameCube game.

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wow this controls terrible.
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Explain it, I beat the game and found the controls great and responsive.
They are responsive and they work pretty good. At least the dpad controls are fine. But it's not fun to move around as croc
Once again, how? The game gets pretty tense at times with platforming, especially in the later stages.
I mean, yeah. I was playing a new game today that's exactly this (Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom) and people absolutely love the tank controls. Presentation is a big part of a game's feel, and a good example of both gimmicky controls and presentation working together is Jumping Flash. Nobody minds that it's a first person platformer because you're playing as a bunny robot thing.

But you see Croc and it's perfectly reasonable to assume he can just walk left or right. Really they could have gotten away with it if they just stuck the guy on a skateboard, but I guess hindsight is 202/20

That all being said, I'm only going to give people so much leway. Crock plays fine for what it is, and removing the tank controls removes the one unique thing about it, even if they make no sense. Same thing that happened to Star Tropics
To be fair it does take an IQ of 100 to understand tank controls.

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