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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vrpg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/.

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Remember to do your interdimensional laundry
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Since saying no doesn't get me Emps recruitment it was definitely the wrong decision
We"re running out of stuff to talk about quickly huh?
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Any idea what this patch is about?
How do you get the passport achievement for capitol city?

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Welcome back.
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try google
Lurk the other boards, stupid newfag
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>has G*ts sword in pic
>asks others to bend over
silence bottom bitch or else i call donovan again
Check the link in /vg/ monster girl game link
Go to black souls section and there it is

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Let's settle this once and for all.
Is it worth playing?
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>The ESG points need to be there.
>But also the sales need to be there, or else choppy choppy.
The wages of sin are death. Live by the sword, die by the sword.
why did you include my post (>>3470660) as saying it was boring, I said I like the setting you speed-reading idiot
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Microsoft isn't done amputating its studios. Every developer under the microsoft umbrella is living in fear.

I could have done without it desu.
Utterly forgettable game that is never great (or horrible) at anything. I see it as a good thing mostly because it paved the way for the isometric rpgs renaissance.
If you have trouble falling asleep, they are useful to have in the backlog.

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What's your favorite rpg-related music track /vrpg/?
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>be me
>a kid
>had no idea what i was doing
>got constantly destroyed by flying gargoyles thingies
>spamed healing iteams and spells
>finally got through

best grind ever, finall cathedrall was almost a breeze in comparison

tho second stage of pic rel destroyed me again
BG1-2 (and even ToB, even though it's Inon Zur instead of Michael Hoenig) probably has the highest quality of orchestral works I've heard in a video game; it's on another level compared to the competition. One thing about it I appreciated back then was how taverns being the hub center of every area, they'd each get their own specific, zone related song in BG2. Kinda like how a character gets his own theme in movies. It sets the tone just right.
The witcher series (mostly 2 and 3) is a good contender as well. One of the few games where the music track feels tailored to the game's universe rather than just made to fit in any game of the genre.
Both have a lot of good titles with very few forgettable ones.

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Not Etrian Odyssey though because I don't have a handheld that can play the games that ain't on the switch.

Vaguely looking for something that scratches the same kind of itch that Aidyn Chronicles does, where you can customize characters in your party to a large degree, even if they're named.
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You are one of like twenty people to have done so.
I played it but got filtered because I got massive overtime when playing it and forgot about it.
I mean, Etrian odysseys 1-3 are both on the Switch and PC, though you probably have played all three
They haven't brought the other three or whatever the number is to the switch. While I feel 1 is definitely haunted by its age, they are all excellent games for what they are.
i only played EO1 and wtf do you mean "highly customizable" like lmao lol what
Elminage Original

Just started this game. Made my party
>Human Paladin
>Horc Barbarian
>Halfling Thief
>Elf Bard
>Half-Elf Sorcerer
>Human Priest of Tyr
This a good party? I literally just got past the character creation, it won't be a big deal if I have to restart
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After growing up doing the classic six man comp, lately I’ve enjoyed doing variations of the stereotypical four man fighter/cleric/thief/mage. I tend to do this nowadays even in games with a six man limit. Fun to do paladin MC, cleric, bard (dex skill monkey moonlighting as thief), mage. Depending on the ruleset, I’ll either have the paladin and bard as frontliners, with a squishy cleric and mage in back line, or paladin and tanky cleric in the front, with the bard with a bow as a sniper.
Why are you recommending IWD2 EE in a thread about IWD1?
are you literally me?
>get four dudes together and throw some dice around?
sounds gay as fuck
BG2 is consistently ranked as one of the best games ever made
rpgs are rpgs, it doesn't magically become more pathetic to play them just because you're playing icewind dale instead of final fantasy
Hory sheet

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I always wanted to get into this genre more, 20 years ago I played BG1 and BG2 but I never really got into DND as a system. Recently I finished BG3 for the second time on tactician and I had a blast. I had to learn as I played because I never tried tabletop RPGs before. I started reading about the Pillars series or Pathfinder, but I don't know if it's something I would be into. I am way more interested in the characters and story rather than the complexity of combat. Are they any good ?
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yet to play bg3,but here is my retarded take based purely on what you said you are looking for
>I am way more interested in the characters and story rather than the complexity of combat
Planescape Torment, high int wis and cha for more interesting dialog choices
Disco Elysium
Arcanum, play as mage w/ starting hurt spell

both PF and PoE are great for the combat and related systems first and foremost
personally I find the writing in PF games to be subpar overall but admittedly I hate the setting and half of companions with a burning passion, so maybe that's just me
PoE suffers from pacing issues and episodically from "walls of text" exposition
come to think of it PF games suffer from even more severe pacing issues
but do they have great world building ? i want to be immersed in the world itself
>great world building
yep, this is your safest bet
Planescape Torment
Disco Elysium
I think Pillars of Eternity is the way to go for what you are searching. It has expansive worldbuilding and a few really good companion characters and the main story has multiple layers of depth to it once you get into it. Granted, it has an issue of a slow start and even though I am very much a fan of the game, I was filtered by it initially.

Other option would be Dragon Age Origins. I think its certainly a must-play for the genre and it would probably be easier to get into than Pillars, as it is both more cinematic and is more or a traditional hero's journey. Most of the companions are also great. And even though the sequels have issues, they are worth a playthrough if you like Origins.

Finally, I would suggest Tyranny. Its the same engine as Pillars, but it takes some new spins in terms of gameplay that make it more fun. It had a troubled development, so it isn't as in-depth as it could be, but I still found it to be a great game over all.

I wouldn't recomend Pathfinders initially, as the story is weaker and depth of gameplay takes centre stage. Rogue Trader is way better for story, but it suffers from the same underdevelopment problem as Tyranny, which *might* be addressed after 2 years of patches.
Poe has good moments, but is a lackluster overall.

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Why was Undertale Yellow so much more succesful than the other fangames?
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there is a mod called dust devil which adds a feisty five genocide battle, so that might be worth checking out
Question, erect remixes? Even if theyre for important songs like clover vs zenith martlet or clover vs pacifist ceroba.
by "rewriting" i was mainly referring to narrative and not code. i'm modding FNF (which was made in haxeflixel) but I am adding an overworld state mostly from scratch. it'll play almost like a rhythm game RPG
i'll have to ask composers about that when i'm getting the music for the mod. not a bad idea though
I’d be a lot more proficient with UTMT by now had I known that all it took to add a new thing was to right click on one of the lists. Wish they’d put that in the Manuel.
What if the game had a Weird Route that involved performing specific actions to manipulate the Wild East characters, make the Feisty Five fight lethal, and get Starlo chasing after you culminating in a boss fight? Maybe even a final boss with its own ending, though that might be too much feature creep

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In case you haven't seen the new program:

I wanna see what you schizos will whine about now
>inb4 persona
>inb4 2 ez
are my guesses
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Digital Deluxe is 70 and it contains all DLCs afaik
vomit inducing, i'll wait i guess.
try buying anything else high-profile for 70 bucks all DLC included at launch lol
Don't know about you but everything they said in that video sounds fantastic, including the fact that they just outright let you skip straight to the new story instead of having to play the dogshit original one. The only thing I have to complain about is
>Still insisting on cube dungeons
>Day 1 DLC
no one cares about this tranny slop

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I have been playing the pixel remaster of this and so far it is the only Final Fantasy game I have played that doesn't completely suck.
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stop sperging out just because I said your favorite game is not that good. lol
My mother had it because it came with her blu-ray player.
I tried all the FFs but they were mostly pretty bad desu. 7,8,10,13 are the only good ones.
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>I tried all the FFs but they were mostly pretty bad desu.
FF games were good at release but they all aged like milk.

Dragon Quest games on the other hand were aging like fine wine.
Only played XI so far but it was good

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>Have played through Underrail about 12 times now and have all of the achievements
>Find out, after 600 hours, that there's a fucking locker in the arena with all of the drops from the fights you've been in
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imo the thing that keeps builds engaging is character. And what I mean by that is funny/gimmicky shit that you find fun. Build around Balor's hammer. Build a max evasion/dodge character. Do a unique weapons/armor only build, no crafting.
OP being a banga as usual
>I have tried to do a new playthrough of underail for like a year now, whenever I try to start this game again I spend 3 hours staring at the character creator stressing out about every point until in inevtebly just close the game.
Be like me and make all builds you have even the slightest interest in. Make it to depot A, beat depot A and either leave it there or play it
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I killed the first two nagas and started shitting myself waiting for the other two to do something while trying to sneak around waiting for my cooldowns to go away only to realize the game only sends 4 on dominating.
My own retardation aside i finally can stop relying on distortion to deal with mechanical shit.
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Stealth+lockpick+hacking+traps+throwing, pistols or shotguns? Some crafting maybe, is evasion/dodge necessary for this? What stats are most important? I'll try to build something and post it here for you to laugh.
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something like this with pistols maybe

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Sci-Fi with magic isn't represented enough in CYOAs. No, superheroes don't count.
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Is that just a mockup or a legit game?
>may be playing you
no she 100% falls for you along the way
senpai best girl
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Puzzles that you need to solve in order to see an old image, like in those old flash games.

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What is the greatest JRPG of all time?
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I don't think it's too bad, honestly.
that's what everyone thinks about their bait posts
Trails of Cold Steel 1 and 2

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ITT we post shit games some people pretend to like just for the sake of being contrarians.
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a game is more than just the system
IWD offers nice world/levels to explore, an interesting backstory, and a feeling of true adventure
>an interesting backstory
Are you for real?
>there's a demon doing demon shit and you need to go kill it
Let me guess, you need more?
Not really. Aside from its forgettable sequel it was the worst received out of the infinity engine games.
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>inb4 muh no story idiots
picrel. Yes I'm for real, it's pretty good
how far into the game have you progressed?
backstory is doing that morrowind thing where you learn about ancient stories that affect game events and I love that shit, severed hand is probably among my top gaming sections/levels evar for this alone
it also helps that the sidequests are often directly related to the main plot, not just some random "save my puppy" fetch shit

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