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How to roll dice: "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the email field rolls 2d6. "dice+5d42+23" rolls 5d42+23. "noko+dice+2d6" rolls 2d6 without showing the roll in the email field.

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Please post all quest threads on /qst/


Quest threads that are posted on /tg/ will be removed.

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Gorgon Tank Edition

Previous Thread >>92567156

>What is Project Fourk-Hammer?
Project Fourk-Hammer (provisional name) is an experiment to see if the 40k community on /tg/ is interested enough to come together to homebrew a fan fork edition of Warhammer 40,0000's 3-7e Era, primarily inspired by 4th Edition. Think Warhammer Armies Project but for Warhammer 40k's Fourth Edition.

>Why are you doing this?
/tg/ complains about modern 40K constantly. At least one /tg/ anon has already succeeded in producing a viable alternative to 40K in the form of OnePageRules, however this is not satisfying to many since it is too shrimplified and lacks the flavour and identity they love, or once loved.

>How can I contribute?
Post in the thread things you want to see in your idealized version and respond to other posts making proposals, or present material you have prepared such as rules text or art. The project is looking for someone who will commit to acting as a maintainer, which means compiling and editing discussions, effectively a secretary position.

>What has been done so far?
A summary has been prepared here: https://pastebin.com/pdx5GmYd

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Why not just do what we had back in the day? Small terrain hides infantry-sized creatures, large terrain hides monster/vehicle-sized creatures. Creature width should be determined by the base, for consistency.
It's not really nuhammer if it's something older than 4e.

Besides what does it matter.
A steel legion army lead by the generic commissar is exactly as /your dudes/ as a steel legion army lead by yarrick.
Lame. Special characters were fun options in 3rd/4th and were hardly the autopick choice they became later, it was much more common to see tooled-out generals from the standard lists - especially for codices that gave players lots of choices like Chaos 3.5, why take Abaddon or Typhus when you can bring your bespoke Chaos Lord? Much better to give players more interesting choices for /theirguys/ than just outlawing special characters.
>We do, in fact, get to veto things, and named characters are done.
I don't remeber there being a poll. And if we can just veto things, I'm vetoing your asshole right now.
If your "themed" army is only "themed" because you are running a specific named character, it's not a themed army. You just want to run the named character. You just want to play Marvel nuHammer.
Named characters always being allowed is just primarchhammer but traveling 5 over the speed limit instead of 10

Why is it always dwarves, elves, and orcs?
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The examples you gave are just monstrous races.

Already exist in Europe
Already exist in Europe, and can hardly be considered a race
>Stone Monkeys
I have no idea what this is.

Any furry race.
>The thousands of other different YouKai

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Betrays my low IQ? Guess Im smart then, thanks
Literally Pendragon.
You can use Hate as a power-up.
Look at how many little mechanics you have to input into this fantasy Race for It to barely feel unique
There is where my original point stands.
Have one human Race and one "special" Race. That way they feel unique because, yes, you are right, nowadays even the standard races are Just "reskinned" humans.
>not Hacidic Jew dwarves.

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Do you think he cries himself to sleep every night or is he over it?
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Dani Carr. Google her. I can't be bothered to explain.
So was it cheating, a Harvey Weinstein situation, or Dani just sent nudes unprompted?
AFAIK everyone involved is an asshole and they're trying to make the other side look like as much of a prick as possible, so it's probably just cheating.
The court docs said that Brian was asking for nudes and Dani sent him topless pics because she was afraid for her job. Beyond that I have no idea what the fuck happened.
>really made it obvious what kind of people they all were
Or alternatively, what kind of person *he* was.

Work in Progress, "Pile of Shame" Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

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Hardware stores in my vicinity no longer sells cork and biggest "bottle stopper" out of rubber I could find is 32mm in diameter. Any suggestions on what could I use to pin metal models designed for 55mm bases instead?
I wouldn't even know what to charge the guy. He asked me if I'd do 2 moderately sized minis. With my speed it would take me around 3 weeks with 2-5 hours of work every day. I'd be painting for myself in that time anyway so I'd be making extra money for something I'd be doing with or without the commission. Not that bad of a deal but I doubt anyone would pay me an hourly rate of $15+. I'd probably have to charge like $100 for each model which is obviously not much for ~30 hours of work
its weird to see how much money people are willing to pay for honestly pretty bad comission jobs, its like the ebay pro painted meme but its actually true for some reason
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Yeah I've seen the ebay listings for some atrociously painted minis at like $300 or something
What would be a fair rate for pic related? Let's assume I'd agree to a fixed price, not an hourly pay. It's one of the minis he asked me to either paint or sell this exact one. How would that compare to actual commission services? I think it qualifies as high tabletop/low display standard or am I overplaying it?
>ebay pro painted meme
I'm new to painting and I was looking for minis to practice with on ebay and encountered "pro painted" stuff. On inspection it was no better than what I am currently able to do and they were trying to sell them for like 7-9$ a figure.

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You can choose anyone from the real world to add to your party, for dungeon exploration. Who would you pick?
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Infinite water supply
That one friend from high school I explored an actual urban dungeon (abandoned and squatter occupied then abandoned again subway maintenance tunnel) with when we were shitfaced almost getting trapped there and coming out at a completely different part of the city after an hour or so of randomly bumbling around in those damp corridors. Never met someone again who crawled into random dark openings at forlorn building sites or industrial ruins with such a natural drive. Curiosity to that extend seems like on of the most important feats for dungeoning to me.
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>dungeon exploration
Marvin Heemeyer as main tank
Blackbeard the pirate as party mapper, strategist, rogue and occult support.
Michael Aquino and Allister Crowley as wizards with machine guns.
Pope Alexander the 6th as party cleric, rogue and party financier.
Vlad Tepes as DPS and strategist.
Peak Michelle Pfeiffer in Catwoman Costume as torchbearer.
Werner Herzog as party face and Klaus Kinski as the wildcard
My irl homies for the rest.
Nothing may get accomplished but the journey will be exceptional and I won’t have to worry about party cohesion.

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Have you ever had PCs fight over an NPC's affections?
It's great when it happens, it caused our first TPK. The rogue got the girl in the end.
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>And a LOT of dead harpers.
I need to hear how your PC Terry Davis’d those Luddite bards over a woman
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>lots of dead harpers
Harper deaths always bring me a great amount of joy. A smuch as I'd like to know the full context and story of their demise, just knowing they met their end is enough for me. Fuck harpers.
>I need to hear how your PC Terry Davis’d those Luddite bards over a woman
The best part is she initiated the hostilities by throwing a fucking axe in a guy's face while he was trying to speak to her and they STILL jumped to defend her.
>halfing girl (actually a zhentarim agent that has been behind the entire incident they are investigating so far) wants to use the party to kill some harpers who are on to her
>she approaches the one who us always hitting in random women (horny sorceror) and says that some bandits robbed her and stole a family heirloom and if he can get it back for her she will help them collect the bounty on them
>he immediately agrees and starts flirting with her
>evil elf wizard gets involved in trying to score as well
>paladin and dwarf fighter know something is up but are outnumbered (it's a party of 7) so they decide to do some detective work instead
>the party is now unsure but the wizard and sorceror both want to score with the halfling girl so they convince they other characters to go along with it
>the rest of the parry go to where the "bandits" are camped, but they mess up their stealth attack and the harpers try to greet the zhentarim agent
>she throws a fucking axe in his face
>the party slaughters about a dozen harpers
Hang on it gets worse...
>I describe her quickly searching the bodies and taking something, she says it's the family heirloom and they just go with it
>meanwhile dwarf fighter and paladin have been asking around and have managed to confirm that the bandits where actually harpers
>the party has an out of character conversation about whether they should trust her but the sorceror and wizard players are too set on scoring to treat her with suspicion and are competing to be on her good side
>she decides that since they are still hopeless rubes that she will get them to clean up another loose end and murder a necromancer she had been paying (the plot of the game up until that point had been finding him)
>party meets up with the other two who are now extremely suspicious but aren't willing to do anything until they know who she is
>the party arrives at the next town and she directs them to the necromancer (none of them seem to question why she knows where he is) and during the fight she literally stabs them in the back with level 5 thief backstab damage and steals one of their horses, leaving the sorceror and the ranger both on death's door
>she rides off in to the sunset
Fucking idiots.
Same campaign had a character die mid-coitus with a disguised green hag (she got away and they burnt down the inn in the process) and an assassin who wanted to do a solo mission get tricked by a gnome in to standing in an alleyway while he cast hold person on him from a scroll and then get robbed, and then a female half orc sorceror (new character that session) arrived, beat up the gnome, used reduce person on the assassin, and returned his shrunk form to the party in a burlap sack.

And before you ask. Yes. She detected as evil. Yes the paladin told them. But so did half of the fucking party, so we established that detecting evil was about intent and not necessarily action so the paladin didn't just smite half the party (he later WOULD smite the assassin character and kill him in a single hit)

As a DM, I have long ago (About 4 years now) stopped assigning fixed hitpoint numbers to monsters, as I find them to be counterproductive. Instead, I have a general concept of "how tough" a monster is and how long a fight should last, and then use the damage rolls my players make as a general metric for "how hard" the monster is being hit. This is entirely informal and fungible. If the players are shoveling out enormous amounts of damage obviously they'll be one hit killing the mook enemies in an encounter, but for anything above that level I just have a general track of how much damage its taken and when it'll be bloodied or severely wounded.

Does anyone else use a system like this? I haven't had any real issues with it in my campaigns.
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But it is like just scaled up hit points with an extra layer of improv instead of calculation. Besides, it makes maneuvers such as aiming meaningless due to inconsistency.
>bragging about pretending to play a game
>make up cool stories
You're just playing house, you girly bitch
As if your first post wasn’t enough to clue people in on your profound retardation
I find that kind of unfair to the players really. Though, yes, for them it would change nothing because they dont know, what really is the point of rolls or stats If you are going to arbitrarely decide it all?
You are really just deciding to waste their time because you judge it appropriate.
If It Works for you and your players enjoy It, good, keep up, dont let me change your mind, but It doesnt sit well with me.

Empire Edition

Welcome to /wbg/, the official thread for the discussion of in-progress settings for traditional games.

Here is where you go to present and develop the details of your worlds such as lore, factions, magic and ecosystems. You can also post maps for your settings, as well as any relevant art (either created by you or used as inspiration for your work). Please remember that dialogue is what keeps the thread alive, so don't be afraid of giving someone feedback!

Last Thread: >>92465527

Resources for Newfags: https://sites.google.com/view/wbgeneral/
Worldbuilding links: https://pastebin.com/JNnj79S5 (embed) (embed)
Fantasy map generator: https://watabou.itch.io/medieval-fantasy-city-generator

/wbg/ Discord: https://discord.gg/JCjYYb2E (broken)

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I'd need a map legend. I assume this is a topographic map?

Anyway I think it suffers from 'lonely island' syndrome which a lot of fantasy does, which is the setting is an island continent rather than connected to a larger continent. Which I think removes a lot of interesting things you can do with geographic natural barriers as it's pretty easy to sail around locations, and a lack of strategic straight crossings. Maybe add a 'barrier continent' on some of the corners nearby. Outside of that I think the plethora of lakes is good, but mayb the continent should be larger in comparison to them. I think those inland seas could also be a little enlarged. And I think the outlines just look a little rough.
Hex Width: 84
Hex Height: 96
Some of the map Features are scaled to on 60-75%. This particular map also has Hex Orientation be set to True Rows, with a dimensions of 80x110 hexes iirc.
I uploaded this to Owlbear Rodeo as I find its map adjusting tool superior to Roll20’s, but had to deal with compression and poor image quality on mobile devices. You may have to fiddle with the hex height on your VTT of choice as it may not entirely match up with the hex grid.
There are even not!Nords and not!Imperials fighting each other!
both "bays" wouldn't be called like that by anyone living in that world
That clearly a massive sea in both cases
bothers my autism
I was thinking of drawbacks to magic that wouldn't make it any less cool.
And then I realized, wouldn't the ability to completely shape nature to your whim make a Wizard *really* arrogant? And isn't Pride the first and worst of all sins?

So what if the drawback of Magic isn't some stupid game mechanic, but instead the negative feedback loop it traps its users into?
Why, it would basically create a perpetual supply of Lucifers and Demiurges. Would-Be gods that think they can make a better world than God...or at least destroy this one if it displeases them.
It's normal to take pride in your work, even if it's just conceit and your "achievements" are meaningless
Shaping nature with your magic wouldn't be any different than being proud of humming a song in a funny way.

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Shockwave edition

>Cyberpunk 2020 vs. Cyberpunk RED?
Cyberpunk 2020 is the second edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that focuses on simulation gameplay and has a black trenchcoat aesthetic.

Cyberpunk RED is the fourth edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that is set after Cyberpunk 2020 following the Fourth Corporate War, focuses on more balanced gameplay and is more streamlined but has less content.

>Cyberpunk Rulesets (The Vault) (May not have all updated rulebooks, check official sources for updates)

>Resources for RED:

>RED free-DLC and extra content

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you could use Carbon 2185 if you like D&D5e mechanics
Tell him he acts like a cunt privately. If he continues to do so, tell so publicly. If he still is a cunt and nothing gets through, kick him out.
You are healing the setting with your every bastard action.

We are in agreement. Honestly, Rtal could do a lot of heavy lifting for their module\lore writing if they just create a corporate character who does something horrible because it was mildly profitable. Then continue their writing as is. Like that soda machine module that came out? All it needed to go from what it was, to exciting, was that the person who put out the soda machine had no sense of right or wrong.
>reading edgerunners inc sourcebook from 2020
>premade netrunner named tick
>basement-dwelling nerd, ugly face with deformed spine and walks with a limp
>copes with this by using a nice guy act to try and befriend everyone he meets
>when this goes wrong he'll hold a grudge against them for years
>described as "racked by loneliness and inadequacy" and is willing to do illegal shit for the sake of impressing people
>has a COOL stat of 8
>if a /g/entleman knew how to code

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>What is Exalted?
An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.
Start here:http://theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial:http://mengtzu.github.io/exalted/sakuya.html
It’ll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?
Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on /tg/. good luck

>Resources for Third Edition
>3E Core and Splats

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Wait, so is Merela a 2e invention then? I recall that she choked a primordial to death barehanded.
tl:dr, both dev comments of how he's supposed to be and the lore really don't match the stats

I don't recall if she's a 2e original, but I think the fact that she killed a Primordial bare handed was
1e never really went into detail about the Exalted who fought in the war, but 2e's DotFA did cover some of them, it's where the details of her Primordial killing feat comes from if I recall correctly
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Does your character have his own action figure /exg/?
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>It's a problem when the best point of reference for how powerful something should be only exists in Grabowski's head and not in the mechanics given for it
Yes, exalted has really bad power scaling.
It is like Hashirama from Naruto.
I'm not sure in this specific instance it's a power scaling issue. If the Ahlat write-up is flat out missing traits it's supposed to have then it's a... I'm not actually sure what to call this other than stupid
That said, yeah, the power scaling is an issue. I think pinning down roughly where everything's supposed to be early on would've helped

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rent free
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more like from 3.5 to Shadow of the Demon Lord
Point is, the catalog had been around long enough that the “muh first page” argument made no sense
Worse -- toxic holocaust yuri based on a gacha game

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Modern Meltdown Edition


>Official News:
Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house


>Current meta, complete with deck lists

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There is a direct correlation between how many white mana symbols a creature card has and how often the art is replaced by these basketball monkeys.
Linden? Oprah ass blackie
Grand Abolisher? Fat and black knowledge Dayum Drops
Archangel of Tithes? Shaniqua Maximus
JOTC has a sick and vile fetish with blacken maxing white mana cards now.
the only cards in the deck that don't cost 1-3 mana are the 4x emeria's call and thus even if you turn on collector's cage there's a 70% chance all you're getting is another weenie

if you can stick that swarm of weenies then again, you already won the game. its the opponents job to pick them off with removal, counters, sweepers, etc, any kind of interaction. Heck, if they just have bigger blockers or a bigger board and you got your 30% chance to hit an emerias call, whoopdeedoo you got 2x angels without haste, your creatures are still ineffective that turn since they just get blocked, you have to untap to attack with a couple angels which still isn't necessarily a lethal threat
the best thing the deck can do is luck out to fizzle a non-exile based sweeper with it
>if you can stick that swarm of weenies then again, you already won the game
you are free to continue to believe this if you want to
>This deck that's 56/60 cards identical to white weenies and ran 4 suboptimal cards and sometimes loses to burn by taking damage from its plains managed to place in an underplayed league

If someone went 5-0 with a sorintell list that ran 4 copies of Queen's Bay Soldier and otherwise was just 56/60 the same as the bog standard vein ripper sorin list, would you be saying thats the next big meta card?
You're likely replying to the same guy who was trolling about Nucropotence being bad yesterday.

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Four feet and below edition

>Previously in the Mortal Realms:

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


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Round base.
Clip off the edges so it the square sits flat, if you care to keep the diorama
Cut through corners and cut off the bottom walls, leaving only the top he's standing on
damn thats a lot of info
No, no , no , no. You clip the square parts off and stick that to a round and terrain paint like Astro granite or green stuff the edges out and hide the seems.

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