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Forgive me if this is more a /v/ question, but how come the Mortal Kombat series never received the acclaim and legacy that Street Fighter and King of Fighters did?:
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They fucked up so bad with MK3 they had to speedrun Ultimate to fix it. Overall the game wasn't bad but the quality jump MKII had over MK wasn't there and where the fuck is Scorpion and the other ninjas?
The polygon 3D era was the last nail in the the coffin in my opinion.
Because faggots like the above took gimmicky shit like blood and killing opponents seriously
I remember those discussions I had with a buddy of mine.

>me: haha yess Cage & Sonya are going to get together!
>MKX showed them divorced -_-

>me: ooooh MKX is going to be about Raiden/Cage/Sonya trying to save their friends from hell!
>MKX skipped all of that in favor of kombat kids.

MK is dead to me, they fucked up too many times.
MKII for life though.

The story is presented better, but both are wonderfully entertaining movies.
The series just wasn't that good after 4.
Every single PS2 release (minus the spin offs but they weren't proper fighting games) was really mediocre and just wasn't that fun compared to games like Soulcalibur and Tekken.

Why is she so sassy?
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I would wreck her butthole so bad.
I have a ridiculously intense sense of nostalgia for this game. I don't know why but it was a really cute and comfy game. it was fun exploring the underworld, it's kind of like a Metroid vania in some ways. the characters are cute andcharming
Won't stop me
Tron was literally made by human men.
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I am curious about Bon Bonne. Is he a carbon cyborg too?

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They call THIS the king of the jungle? What were they THINKING!? When I imagined the shark encounter in the original, I expected something similar but maybe a little goofy yet still intimidating/scary -- but this is a fucking joke. The REmake shark encounter is so much fucking better, particularly the rotunda like design of the area. Anyone who says RE1 > Remake is a contrarian, flatout.
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Don't worry, the same book says Yawn weighs 23,000 pounds.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Fucking zoomers.
Coomers should be hanged,why the fuck do you need the characters of your video game to be naked,antisocial freak.

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What if we put a cathode into a vacuum tube haha
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But if I use an old linux program for the capture card and have OBS record the video on the desktop.

The shield displays correctly.
Does the first program record in 30 fps? Does it understand the difference between 240p and 480i?
The first program is OBS using the supplied drivers from the capture card in windows. I don't know why it sucks that much.

The recording in linux, works without drivers but I can't *directly* record from the capture card for some reason, it starts spazzing out.
The shield uses flickering for fake transparency: one frame shows the shield, the next one doesn't. That means the Windows setup is recording at half the frame rate of the game and only captures the frames showing the shield on. Check in the configuration if the program is recording at a different frame rate.
I'm going have to check in the morning, but I've tried messing with the framerate options in OBS to no positive result. I also don't know why it looks lower res.

I'm going to bed.

Why does Leon's RE4 model from GameCube still look absolutely phenomenal considering how old the game is?
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it doesn't look better than silent hill characters that came years earlier
Cause he has a very detailed model used only for the cutscenes
First of all, it's DVD's, not CD's.
Second of all, the data density on mini DVD's is exactly the same as regular ones. You can burn a mini DVD iso onto a regular DVD and the gamecube can read it just fine.
They Silent Hill'd it.
Or metal gear solid 2/3,retro konami just mogs crapcom.

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Advice is also greatly encouraged. Anyways I'll start. I can't beat Mario 3. I should be able to since you get a 1UP every 3 stages and you get loads of free items as well, but whenever I sit down and try to play it I somehow manage to get a game over and can't get passed world 2.

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>more or less acknowledged as one of the few retro VN kamige

What went so right with Fate?
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tsukihime was better. people using the word kamige always have the worst taste.
Kamige - games that have a legendary status within their genre. There aren't that many. MuvLuv would be another contender.
Why does Umineko's superiority keep making Fate fans freak the fuck out?
If fate is kamige, tsukihime is kamige and you should have grouped it in.

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>mogs Luigi's Mansion
Did Rare do it on purpose?
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What the heck is on his right arm?
>Luigi's Mansion
It's called "Hotel Mario II: Luigi Mansion", you dummkopf.
They only made this game for the title pun
I was an Xbox only kid for a while and never saw or heard of this
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From a story standpoint which Is actually better silent hill 1 or 2
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you mean this? this is the latest one i have, not sure if it's been updated since.



SH2 torrent:

>SH2:EE project's home page:

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thank you, I had some serious SH craving.
I don't give a fuck about James, and even less about Mary, just whack that bitch with a pipe.
>Dahlia is a cult membe
I like both but SH1 has a more solid writing. The main reason why people remember SH2 more fondly is because it has more memorable moments.
SH1 has a pretty basic premise but it quickly does a great job at being engaging and mysterious enough, it has great characters like Alessa and Dahlia and there is a good amount of little details that add a lot to the story and characters.

SH2 is iconic and the story is fairly good, but I think it has more flaws than SH1.
In my opinion, the characters is the most obvious flaw. Sure, they are interesting, but there is a lack of contrast between them. There are 6 (or 5, if you count Mary/Maria as one) characters: James, Angela and Eddie are people with tragic stories who ended up murdering someone, their circurstances are different but they are written using the same resources, Maria and Mary don't share the same past as the other three and didn't commit murder, but they are also tragic characters. So much tragedy and sad backstories makes the player get used to it, so it gets to a point in which nothing is surprising, which isn't good for a story, let alone an horror/mistery one. Laura is the only one who offers a real contrast between the characters and we don't know much about her, she's almost there just as a tool for Mary's story. Compare that to SH1's cast and you'll se the difference.
There's also the fact that every character in SH2 is unlikeable. Even Mary and Laure are protrayed as such. SH1 offers a balance between likeable and unlikeable characters, which is always needed.

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What Frankenstein monsters have you assembled?
I am laughing like a madman that this shit actually works after failing to get it working on a personal black and white CRT. Apparently I need a $30 RF converter so fuck that.
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>I need a $30 RF
Now I am also laughing. I was just cringing. If you explain plugging a toy into a TV is """assembling""" something which will I be doing? Did you put the batteries in all by yourself or did daddy have to help with that?
What do you believe the word, "assemble" means, zoomie? I'm the one laughing, here.
>If you explain plugging a toy into a TV is """assembling""" something which will I be doing?
Does this thing play like ass? I got one at a thrift store years ago and never actually tried it yet.
It plays identically to the arcade version you would see in bowling alleys.

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Previous Thread: >>10861021

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Decided to go all-out with "speed over size" optimizations. The ROM is getting pretty big now, but at least the frame rate is more tolerable. As a bonus, this also improves rendering quality. Oh, and this time, I've included multiple versions with different render settings.
ROM download: https://files.catbox.moe/keqpd7.zip
GBMode7-v4_short+halfres runs like Sonic CD..
Rad. Had fun with the fastest, shortest one. Didn't realize you could strafe until now
In Super Mario World ROM hacks do you guys prefer traditional/conservative style Mario levels or crazy gimmicky levels that seem to be common?
Personally, I prefer gimmicky non-kaizo levels. It gets REALLY boring playing the same NSMB-style levels over and over again. Even Mario Wonder mixed things up with level design via the Wonder Flower.

What happens when you have a Famicom kusoge that's barely known in Japan and is in fact much more famous to Americans? That's A Week of Garfield. Nobody knows why someone decided to make a Japan-exclusive Garfield game in a market where the property is little-known but there we go. Control Garfield through seven platforming levels each representing a day of the week fighting various enemies and acquiring health and power ups. The basic weapon is kicking an enemy but you can get the other weapons through acquiring ammo for them. Best weapon is the pie which shoots exploding shots (huh?) There's also a lasagna whose graphic was clearly drawn by a Japanese guy who has never seen a lasagna in his life. If the title screen didn't have a 1989 copyright date you would swear this thing was from 1986 because it looks and sounds so backward for when it came out. The horrible part about this game is that enemies instantly knock out like 50% of your health so you will die very quickly and there doesn't seem to be any way to actually defeat the bosses (however there is a cheat code on the title screen that lets you start at any of the seven levels you want).

It's a matter of debate as to whether A Week of Garfield was meant for a North American release or not especially as the game text is all in English. It could well be that it was skipped because Paws, Inc. had pretty strict Q/C standards for Garfield products and the game may have been considered too shitty for their approval.
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But there’s just so much licensed crap out there, so why this one?
But you’re right, Garfield himself is memed
Yes, anything to push your retarded agenda. Garfield games, first and foremost, are prime examples of proof of your retarded PC MASHTUR RACE ideology.
There aren't too many Famicom games based on US comics/cartoons which were never released in the USA.
I was the absolute biggest Garfield nut as a kid.
My pet theory is that it was meant as a North American exclusive but the game got rejected by Jim Davis or somebody else for being a piece of crap so they were stuck with it and had no choice but to do a Japanese release so they could make back their production costs.

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As a kid growing up in the 90s, I didn't know the Neo Geo AES existed.

A game console that cost $500 and games that cost $250? Where was all this even sold? How could that ever become a sustainable market compared to the SNES and Genesis?
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i knew there was a console but i didnt realize it was just the arcade games at home. i dont even remember knowing about "snk" i just thought the company was neo geo and they made both a console and arcade games like sega.
>A game console that cost $500 and games that cost $250?
I think it was actually $600 for the console and $200 for the games.
>Where was all this even sold? How could that ever become a sustainable market compared to the SNES and Genesis?
It wasn't meant to be competitive. It was originally created as a rental-only unit and then later sold at retail. Most places didn't even bother carrying it.
Some of the puzzle games and a couple of the sports games are pretty dope.
Japan, anon. It was popular in Japan. Same with PC Engine
>Is there anything else worth playing on here that isn't a fighting game or shmup?
I hope you like Bust-A-Move

This didn't exactly age too well and should be left in 1994 where it belongs.
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This gave me psychic damage.
I think that is purely drawn from the Japanese manuals and marketing and maybe some stuff like the old Mario manga. I dont believe for a second that Wario was never a "tough guy treasure hunter" in his conception for his first playable roles, when his old art has him as a muscled up dude flexing.

I do think there is a good balance possible. You can mix the tough treasure hunter with the gross out stuff and the weirdness. Treasure did probably the best representation of the character and style with World, drawing on little bits of all past games. I would have no problem with the Wario Waft showing up in a World 2 as an attack it would fit. Why sackyoureye decided to completely ignore the non Ware version of the character and make up a bunch of shit will forever remain a mystery.
There was at least some thought behind that, though. Chuck Jones played a big part in shifting Daffy's character because bitter Daffy played better off of Bugs Bunny, which created some absolutely brilliant shorts, namely the "Rabbit Season, Duck Season" trilogy. Also, "zany" characters were simply becoming less popular as there was less you could do with them. They were one-trick ponies, and as the writing and humor in animated productions became more complex, so did the characters.

Of course, you have the angry fans who think Chuck Jones "hated" Daffy and changed his character out of some sense of personal spite or whatever, but those people are retards who take everything too personally. Daffy basically shifted from being a dime-a-dozen archetype into one of the first characters of his kind.
Why is one of them dressed like a... an urban youth?
>muh AI
Holy shit I'm smarter than all of you.

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By who?
That's what I'm saying.
>illiterate grue who couldn't find the trap door in the white house

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