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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

Looking for books online? Check here:
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Recommended Literature
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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

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>Inb4 just do it!
Many people try, many people fail. What are these grinders doing different? Any literature written on sigma grindset?
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You should perform a challenging task followed by a reward such as a cold beer. Now you associate difficult tasks with a cold beer. If you drink the beer before performing the tasks, hire a tranny to peg you as a punishment. It's that easy.
He' going to end up becoming an alcoholic with a liver disease who has a tranny fetish.
>sigma grindset
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>Books on grindset?

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>Just follow your own rational self interest, bro
Isn't it in someone's rational self interest to have a functioning society instead of being a greedy capitalist pig who disregards everyone and everything save for their wealth and power?
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I always confuse him with Leonard Peltier and Noel Ignatiev
>tfw you kneecap your own cult because your fuckboi dumped you so you have to apply for welfare under a fake name so you don't go bankrupt
You don't say? Lol
You didn't read her
Just once I'd like for a Rand hater to actually read even half of one of her books
I've literally never heard an argument against the themes of the book that aren't from someone who clearly hasn't read it or are as low depth and zero effort as >>23328612

I ask its detractors to name five characters from the book, what they stand for and either a criticism of why it was implemented poorly, or why they as a conceptual representation of an idea are wrong. They won't. Hell, I'll start them off. Ragnar Danneskjöld is poorly fleshed out and I'd take away like 2 of the sex scenes to see more of how pirates like him rise up in times of economic woes. See its EASY

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What the fuck, it's just a love story
Spoilers in my next post but I'm massively disappointed
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I've been thinking about this lately, and I think the main reason it's dried up into irrelevance (outside a specific breed of litfag) is because the whole 'This looks exciting on the outside but is hollow in the inside" hook has dried up. Over the past hundred years the media image of "isn't it FUN to be rich?" has escalated to the point where Gatsby might as well be that neighbor in the slightly-fancier house down the street.

Gatsby is """rich"""? Where's his superhero hideout? His Hollywood friends? His private zoo of tigers and chimps?
*sigh*another plotfag filtered
Citizen Kane does basically everything better and I'd even go as far as to call it a better novel, since it adopts novelistic conventions.
It really does. That and Fellini's 8 1/2. I feel that movie needs to be mentioned too.
None of that has anything to do with the last two thirds of the book being generic love-triangle soap shit

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>death or glory depends to the whims of a bunch of gods who bicker and change their minds like high-school girls
>lmao nothing mortals do matters
>now heres a two page detail on the cows owned by some random Trojan captain that the extremely OP faggot diomedes killed
Seriously what the fuck is the point of this? Im thinking slog city.
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The contrast provided by the carefree squabbles of the gods serves to highlight the value of the lives of mortals. Their lives matter more, because they are short and full of hardship.

When the two of you say that "nothing mortals do matters" because of gods being more powerful, you have it exactly ass-backwards.
Any time atheists write about religion, they reveal themselves to be retards, there are no exceptions. You've just repeated the Christian critique of polytheism and presented it as Aryan wisdom. The problem with paganism was that they replaced God's status as the provider for all with petty, finite beings.
>petty, finite beings
NTA, but come on. When is Yeshua coming back? Two more weeks?
you're not part of the group that should be reading this and the fact that you can is a fluke of the system in the same way asking "will it orange?" is linguistically possible but not intended or meaningful
/tv/ might be more your speed
zero people explaining how OP is wrong

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>claims that Confucius wrote the Spring and Autumn Annals
>nobody checks for 2000 years
Aristotle claimed that heavier things falls faster than lighter things and nobody checked that either for more than 2000 years. it is just polite not to check what the great minds claim
What proportion of academic references do you actually bother to check in those endless bibliographies and footnotes?

Everything about China is an ABSOLUTE LIE fabricated by the Communists in the 20th century.
I know that this is chink rage bait, but you do know that Westerners have been interacting with China since the 16th century, right?

Likewise fabricated by the Allies in the 20th century.

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It's interesting that Chesterton seems to be something of a writer's writer. A lot of the great writers of the 20th Century held him in high esteem, especially his short stories, his novels, and his poetry. All the Inklings loved him, especially Lewis and Tolkien. Gene Wolfe loved him, too. Even Borges loved him.

Have you found Chesterton to be a great writer, /lit/?
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>Have you found Chesterton to be a great writer, /lit/?
More like a 'very fun to read' writer. His ideas are absolutely cancerous though.
>His ideas are absolutely cancerous though.
how come? what ideas?
Yes it's my favorite of his fiction but I'm biased because that was one of the first serious book I read in English (ESL obviously) as a teenager because it was referenced and one of the basis for the story of the videogame Deus Ex.

Chesterton got plenty of hate from his trashing of most of what was fashionable in his lifetime, and sometimes today. He was strongly anti-socialist, anti-fascist, anti-feminist, anti-semitic (but pro-zionist to solve the JQ this way), anti-racist, anti-imperialism, anti-eugenics, etc. Of course he was right but he was (deliberately and playfully) making sure there was something to fume about for almost everyone.
I love his writing style and I find him a very enjoyable read
Napoleon of Notting Hill and the Man who was Thursday rank among my favourites and the others are really good too
I think books like Heretics and Orthodoxy are worth rereading every couple of years to see how you'd approach his ideas this time around
He doesn't really argue his case though, his approach is entirely intuitive and rhetorical
I am not even a Lewis fan, that is remarkably unfair and low. It is also ignorant. His mother died when he was nine years old. That boy had a very hard childhood.

What are your favorite memoirs?

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Post and Discuss Books about history, all eras and locations welcomed
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Does this guy gives source to all his jew bad claims?
I have his “Out Of Italy” which I plan to read down the road

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/wwoym/ write what's on your mind
high trust edition

previous >>23324263
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On the other side of my backyard fence is the street, it's currently the middle of the night and I was just taking a piss in my backyard, as you do, and right after I finished pissing, I heard a couple turning onto the street. They were walking with their young child and they were all talking, having fun, whatever, but I stood there in silence and just listened to them, they had no idea I was there, I was less than 10 feet away from them just listening and existing. It felt good for some reason, to know that they had no idea that I was there and that I was listening to everything they were saying made this weird but good feeling rush through me, I don't know why. Anyone else ever experience this or can explain it?
just had raw tuna for the first time & I feel amazing
Yup. I developed a love for this very young, I'd literally hide in a bush on my front lawn, like a cartoon character, waiting for people to walk past. It's so peaceful to know you see them bit they don't see you hehe.
I desperately wish I could get a do-over, don’t you?

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Temple by the Sea edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous: >>23314259
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good boi
Fritz Leiber WAS a talentless hack
wow, you guys are retarded
Post your bookshelf
the anon from last thread who warned me about the latest first law trilogy it seems like you may be right. I've been trying to push through but I give absolutely no fucks about these new characters, dont know why the author moved on from all the plot lines and characters he got you hyped about in the first 6 books

>Highsmith [author of the Tom Ripley books, and Strangers on a Train] proudly called herself a “Jew hater” and referred to the Holocaust as “the semicaust”, claiming that its genocide had not gone far enough. Her attitudes to other races were just as foul. “She was an equal opportunity offender,” one friend said. “You name the group, she hated them.”
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she had boobies
I wonder how she came to hate Jews. Pity she didn't write a Mein Kampf type treatise on the subject.
Yes, I see.
I tried watching Ripley but I got too anxious and stopped
You should watch till the end. There's a fun cameo in the last episode.

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Has anyone read this book? Thoughts on it?
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Pattern recognition is literally the metric to measure IQ, retard. You are not smart. You are a retarded loser with no value, and have to gaslight yourself into thinking you're smarter or better than others in any way.
I disagree, because Rogan is a dumb motherfucker who has a very large audience, and that large audience brainlessly regurgitates everything he says. He is too stupid to realize when he is wrong, biased, what qualifies as good or bad evidence, or when he is contradicting himself and his brainlet audience defends him when he speaks confidently about matters he knows nothing about. If he just talked about simple things, like whether or not a gorilla could beat a bear in a fight, I wouldn't care, but he now has opinions on politics, science, nutrition, ethics, and other concepts that his meathead audience laps up. His fans are completely and utterly insufferable.

At least with Lex, while he is popular he is not as ridiculously mainstream as Rogan so the odds of you encountering someone on the street who rattles off some meaningless platitude they heard from him is comparatively low
Crazy how hard you're failing to grasp such a simple point. Interacting with retards is easy. It's also painfully annoying and boring, so you wouldn't want to. How are you missing what he's saying so hard?
How many times does the voice in your head tell you that you are a pseud chud anon?
Normalfags are crabs. You don't have to go around putting on airs, you can simply act naturally (read: actually use language properly, break down problems into math and methodologically tackle them, hold icky opinions on politics or social events, not like watching sports) and that's usually enough to trigger their insecurities and get them to hate you and actively plan to ruin your life. It's survival instinct to drag whoever's better than you down.

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the French take book design a but too seriously
Trying too hard
bump, waiting for more kino covers
is folio society allowed?

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>literal airport slop derided by literary critics
>faithfully adapted into film (minus the smut)
>exact same themes and characters as novel
>whole scenes ripped from page to screen
>film *critics* extol it as the greatest movie ever
So the lowest of literature is of the same quality as the highest of film?
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boring thread nigga, at least switch it up
When will the mods ban this faggot, he makes the same thread every month
>derided by literary critics
stopped reading there
A recurring thing with film is elevating slop into masterpieces. It’s what is awesome about it. The Shining movie had no business being as good as it was, but Kubrick elevated it. He made every book he adapted better except the actual masterpiece, Lolita.
>adapt the good parts of the book
>it turns into a good movie

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