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I love Chihuahuas, I hope to own at least 30 Chis in a small farm someday. Love those little doooggos like you won't believe.
Insane animal
they should be SMASHED and SLAMMED
Well that's a little mean

Casual corydoras edition.

Discuss anything aquarium related here, including tanks, bowls, inhabitants, logs, decor, plants, and issues. Before asking questions in this thread, make sure you give us at least some details when asking a question, such as:

>Tank size (include dimensions, not just volume)
>Unusual Parameters (nitrate, pH, GH, KH)
>Any inhabitants + how long you've had them
>Age of the tank
>Pictures are always helpful

Tank Cycling:

Stocking and Water Change Calculator:

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Update on my cherry shrimp. I added six of them last month to a 20g community of black neons, corys, couple honey gouramis. Theory was they would PROBABLY be okay in this group and PROBABLY NOT be eaten due to size. Theory correct. They're fine. Not shy either. I just caught one apparently schooling with my black neons for a couple minutes before it fucked off to go pick at the good log some more.
For freshwater that is often true, but for saltwater it is just as often not.

Also, if you are already doing water changes regularly and something is still wrong, what are you going to do? Oh right, test the water and observe your livestock.

Obviously a facetious post, but I think it still bears mentioning that a super common misconception is that hobby-grade ICP is bullet proof accurate. There is no hobby-grade testing facility that even gives you a confidence interval for their tests. Several people have sent in identical water samples to several of these companies and have come up with a pretty wide set of results. If you have pretty good test gear and practice good lab technique, you will often be able to get more consistent results than ICP, whether it be OES or MS. ICP does give limited insight on trends, especially for things we have difficulty testing at home though.
My fish have become entirely too tame. I stick tongs and scissors and sometimes my whole arm in, fish are right up front thoroughly investigating all of this. I have to be careful with the scissors as i do not trust the curious georges not to swim directly between the jaws as i am about to snip.
anyone here ever kept crayfish? would it be cruel to keep them in a 6 gal?
looking to keep the full size one not the dwarf
Crayfish we eat? I kept one as a child. Probably not a great idea because they can get surprisingly large. Inverts aren't like fish where fish so they can do quite well with much less space, but common crayfish really do get much larger than people expect. It's just that we don't harvest ones those size.

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Fentanyl edition

Discuss anything related to the bulldog/frenchie/american bully mixes, also known as exotic/toadline bullies, and its associated culture here.
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Gotta leave a legacy for your children to inherit
>Now ya see kid skeemin has always been in our blood, my pops was skeemer, his pops was a skeemer, and so on so forth except the third generation he got into the pigeon breedin so we don't talk much about him but even then the skeem was coursing through his veins. Now, son, ya see cumtank right there? He may not look like much but his bazooka juice is worth millions if you can sell it right, so go on son, jack cumtank off and freeze his semen, we got 10 breedings in 24 hours.
>worrisome reminder that this is going to happen eventually
>children will be skeeming soon enough - mentored by parents
Skeemers will become the new elites, skeemers will become the new bankers, skeemers will become the new Rothschilds, skeemers will become the new jews.
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Why are they so perfect?
>Can be as affectionate as any dog or cat
>Can be a beast of burden with the proper equipment
>Funny af for some reason
>Milked by all, eaten by most, fucked by some thereby making them an optimal animal for human use
>Eats noxious weeds

By the nine devines, are goats OP? Also, post images of goats.
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>Both are kinda underrated in meat and sex
Uhh anon?
>t. assblasted sheep worrier
Good talk.
>Milked by all, eaten by most, fucked by some thereby making them an optimal animal for human use

Not gonna share pics of my goats in this thread. I would castrate you if I caught you in my barn.

what is the most alien looking animal you can think of ? for me it's those guys, that's the kind of stuff you'd find on some exo planet

>giant ears
>a hose for a nose
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this is real btw

runner up
I had a couple ideas but settled on these.
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How can you seriously say anything with a discernable face and body is "alien" when things like this exist?
Fish doesn't exist

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Why do these guys trigger my fight or flight so badly? Am I a pussy? Or should I be afraid?
I see these out my window every night except they’re a little taller
Are you scared?
You’re kind of a pussy but they can be intimidating I guess
I don’t know how to describe it but yes
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monkey genes
i think theyre pretty, perhaps too pretty

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/dog/ clothing:
For work and play
These harnesses are crash tested, but are too restrictive for exercise.

/dog/ training:
[YouTube] Why Mastering Reinforcement Is The Linchpin To Reinforcement Based Dog Training #196 #podcast (embed)
[YouTube] I REFUSE to Be the “Alpha”. What 4 weeks of Positive Reinforcement looks like with an Untrained Dog. (embed)

Be nice to /dog/s:
Just because hurting them works faster, doesn't mean it works better.

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Don’t get so defensive toxotroon
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Need recommendation for STRONG leashes/collars for STRONK doggo. Boerboel/Neapolitan pup is closing in on 70 kg (currently 67 kg) and still growing but his equipments are starting to get too tight. Most other “XL” equipments are too small and the companies that sell “XXL” products are just not very durable I.e made for giant breed but pets not working breeds. The collar on his pic rel is the biggest one on the store near me that fits a 27” neck.
Also looking into harnesses with handles and stuff but they’re mostly for medium sized malinois/dutch shepherd or other shepherd type dogs and what have you.
>zak george
Isn't that the guy with the reactive border collie who also has a terrible recall? Aren't BCs one of the easiest breeds to train kek.
Despite collies being easier to train, that also means they learn things too quickly and can easily gain unwelcome traits and much more effort is required with working with them.

They are still not recommended for beginner owners.

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Name 1 reason why you cant like cats AND dogs.

Pro tip: you cant.
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pits are a special kind of demon
If you hate cats, you are simply not white
>but da catowners
What did they do? Tell me. Confess your non-whiteness
L*tterboxcucks need to let their cats out of jail
>their houses smell so bad
Thtas only if they have a l*tterbox
Post eye color and nipple color

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Fennec family edition
Previous: >>4700705
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I like this fox, looks like it scrounges
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Thoughts on the tibetan fox?
>thread is 70 days old
dark times indeed
Foxes are awesome

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theyre made of plastic because they have to light weight to move, safe wind isnt practically strong, and unsafe wind will wear out the parts faster for no real gain which is why they turn off if the wind is too strong
That's quite the faggot.
In these kinds of webms the penguin being shat on always seems to already be covered in shit whereas the rest of the flock look clean, is it deliberate bullying and not just accidental?
>Do you feel in control
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Sleepy edition

>Food &Nutrition
>Outside Enrichment
>Behavioral problems
>Kitten care
>Cat Food Database:

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>doesn't let me pet
>doesn't let me hug
>doesn't even play with strings anymore
>never EVER purrs
i wish i had a normal cat
>switch cat to raw food
>digestive issues practically disappear in a week
>gone after months
>allergies caused by other cat gone after months
if you can afford/manage it raw or lightly cooked food is really amazing

I was stressing trying to help my cat and now he's only thrown up twice in a year one from a hairball and the other from eating a nasty bug
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Brush her

For the people who are tired of being told they are abusing their dogs due to baseless claims.

For dogs who are allowed off-leash or working towards being off-leash because no dog has true freedom like running around with their own will.

Only webms of training dogs are allowed.
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based and true. no dog is ever 100% trained. they are not robots. even police dogs trained like roman soldiers, and even service dogs that have never known evil, bite their handlers and disobey - and dogs are apex predators. off leash dogs are disrespectful and dangerous to other peoples property. what if someone was walking their rabbit or cat? that's their pet on a leash, controlled, it doesn't deserve to die, and no matter how hard you hit the shock collar or how reinforced you thought your training was, dogs can and do decide that today, your pain isnt enough, and your treats arent enough, for them not to eat that tasty animal. the dog is not dangerous to people, they are still a good dog, but it is just their nature and you will never, ever fully suppress it, and the laws in your area might treat your dog more like an inanimate object and mandate they're destroyed as reparations.
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Seeing eye dogs are trained using the inclusion of positive punishment as all dogs should be. The best method has won time and time again and proven itself to be non-abusive as guide dogs are one of the most docile and stable dogs available. People rely on them to obey with their lives.

From the seeing eye dog manual:

>Use a snapping or popping motion with the leash while the leash is still slack.

>If the puppy doesnt stop trying to pull… strengthen each correction.

They also encourage the use of headcollars and chain training collars.

>you shouldn't let your dog be happy b-because there's a 1 in 20,000 chance something (entirely preventable) happens

Just watch your dogs’ surroundings and call them off before that and you'll be fine 99.99% of the time. Also what dog do you have? Eitheir none or some geriatric senior dog whose mind is broken to think the world only exists with a 3-foot tether. Sad. If you don't train your dog to be off-leash you're doing it wrong and don't deserve one.

Welcome to /Plant/. Where we either keep or trade tips on Plants or ogle at them from our screens.

>NZ Endemics.

>Flora of the World

>Plants of the World Online

>Hardiness zones

>Plant ID Sites

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If the plant wasn't currently really fucked up, I would post it. It was a plant that I got my mom, but she has a bit of a neglect streak with her plants because in her mind she can just go buy a new one. So she just stopped watering it(spidermites love it dry) so spidermites infested it. I had to cut the flowers and a few leaves off that were basically turned into nests, and due to all the dust that accumulated on it, I gently wiped it down with some water to try and clean it up a bit.
What I was unaware of was just how much chlorine was in the tap water(I assume this was the cause, because I genuinely don't know) which caused large portions of all its big leaves to turn brown. Said leaves are still alive, even though its like half of the leaf which surprises me, but it has a new flower coming up and is putting out new leaves.
The plant honestly looks horrible, but spidermites are total bastards.The plant is in exile along with a bonsai that ended up catching them too for being in proximity. Both of them a product of just being neglected.
It frustrates me because I got into plants as a hobby, and now the majority of my collection are plants that I've had to take over and nurse back to health which is sucking the enjoyment out of it.
If you manage to get them back to full health it really pays off

Your anthurium doesn't get direct sunlight right? I let mine get like 30 minutes of sunlight at around 4pm

Idk get garlic and use a blender then just spray all over the infestation see how it goes
Its always sat in a window that gets morning sun, but I live in Canada so direct sun doesn't hit that hard. I don't think its an issue with light because it was doing great before she stopped watering it and it was always in that spot. If it didn't have spidermites, I would bring it down to where I keep my collection where it would be under a growlight.
first time gardening, planted some poppies and tobacco today! let's hope it works out

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>this confuses and enrages the cat owner
Really doesn't, enjoy the hike!
Plenty of /out/ists post pics with their kots on hikes

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Come home, white man
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>middle eastern shit rats with no pack instinct revered by brown people
>domesticated European wolves that would fight to protect their family
>makes shitskins seethe so much they’re haram

yeah it’s dogs for me, sorry muhammad
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VGH.... the savior of the White race...
Holy shit actual shitskin detected
Thanks for making me laugh
>not retro
Litteraly ngmi
/an/ is unironically one of the most toxic and neurotically autistic boards on 4chan. also has one of the highest proportion of female posters.

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