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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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Post your /fit/ blackpills and I'll tell you how we're all going to make it
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true, but there's a 'but', if the man is both lean and buff(note: lean is in higher priority here) he would trump the others
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NTA but
>115 IQ
>7-7.5" erect but ED from years of porn use and death grip
can't forget the gf i had for 10 years.
Making Jesus proud.

wtf, I love pit hair now.
She has goblin face tho.

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and they make you fat
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>brazil nuts
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nigger toes
Then drink regular. I hate that fairlife shit. I'm not drinking a ton, but half a cup and a handful of nuts is a good dessert.
never eat preshelled nuts, only the ones you have to crack one at a time
Did you know the protein window is actually the carb window huh HUH
Coming home from a workout and getting a pbj and some choccy milk is the highlight of my low GI day ok

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This board is unusable. You dumb fuckers simply cannot shut the fuck up about women, what women want, and relationships.

This is the god damn FITNESS board. Shut the fuck up about your gay /r9k/ dating faggot shit.

Theres a lot of zoomers and gen ass on here. You can blame MPMD and Zyzz for this
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derek hasn't been seriously talking about dating shit for years now, he seemingly hasn't been doing much of anything as of late
I don't mind those threads, you can get more unfiltered opinions here, but not to the level of /r9k/. Fact is that most people lift so others find them hotter. My biggest problem is the doomer infestation

I'm gonna go with Max Euceda
>is only 22 years young
>just finished his degree
>has a large following on youtube and tiktok (1+ mil subs), making good money
>owns a car
>still lives with his parents in their mega house, doesn't pay any rent, they're cool and supportive, he hangs out with them sometimes
>has a $1000+ basement homegym that is cleaned and maintained
>has a big kitchen all to himself always cleaned and maintained
>has a comfy bedroom with posters and neon lights and shit
>has a modest social life, doesn't do anything crazy
>natty and doesn't try to shill out his own brand or tries to keep up with appearances like many do in this industry
>very low stress lifestyle
>seems like a good kid with a good head on his shoulders
>says he mostly just stays home and watches anime on his free time
My nigga you can’t be operating like you didn’t just post this yesterday

I fell for the Starting Strength meme back in college and the most I got to show for it was a large ass and attention from fat gay boys. Getting back into weights now and I just want to brosplit.

Considering I'm bicep curling every day now, I want variations so I can switch things up. Give me your favorite bicep curls. What are objectively the most optimal variations to recruit the most muscle mass?
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Sound advice.
I went from a 200kg to 240kg DL by only training squats and no dls
None of them, because they have put work in at it has paid off
I know you. You are one of those that doesn’t record their numbers and jumps from program to program every three weeks.
SS is ironically underrated for hypertrophy
muscle damage doesn't drive growth
metabolic stress doesn't drive growth
mechanical tension drives growth

it's weird how people will say SS is a t-rex quad monstrosity program yet at the same time dismiss its hypertrophy potential for any other muscle group
seems that the only problem with SS as a training program is the exercise selection which can be changed anyway
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i curl 13.5kg dumbbells for 4-6 in good form, like op pic
i'm between novice and intermediate judging by this website
i think yeah, it's pretty reasonable
>why do you faggots have to reinvent the fucking wheel? why cant you just curl twice a week and get big arms
>fucking zoomers
because curls don't work unless they are unilateral in external shoulder rotation
everything is in internal shoulder rotation - try external, unilaterally, might fix ur tendinitis u gained doing retard curls

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>Advice for new runners
- Build up speed and mileage SLOOOOWLY (start with 15 minutes, increase mileage 10% per week)
- It will feel like you're going slow, you are; don't worry about setting good times for a couple months
- If you start to feel pain anywhere, stop and rest
- Don't try to copy what pros are doing. Do what feels natural
- Once you can comfortably roon 6 miles/10km, start thinking about a goal in terms of race distance and time, and look for a training plan for that goal (see below for suggested plans)

>Couch to 5k/Bridge to 10k Guides

>I want to run a fast 5k, 10k, half-marathon, or marathon

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I got back to running 10km every sunday, I would like to get to 15km, but at 242lbs right now it seems very hard, maybe if I drop 10 pounds, I feel I have the conditioning but my legs start to get fucked by the end. Lifting heavy is my main activity, it's hard for me to eat less and not train as hard, I gotta let go of my ego a bit.
I started the Garmin inbuilt couch to 5k equivalent, and on the second run it wanted me to do cadence drills and to only spend about 2 minutes total running.
I'll just keep run-walking while trying to keep my heartrate low, I don't think I need these programs.
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>new garmin connect update
I kinda like it desu
Tapering will improve your race performance regardless of the distance. It probably isn't necessary if you're just running to complete it, but if you taper you can probably run it a bit faster.

>programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw+height

>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)

previous thread: >>74119638
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Have you tried using your hips?

This was the cycle of not fucking up my bench shirt and I'm slowly building back the work capacity to train deadlifts (and everything else) properly.

But soon, soon I'll be firing on all cylinders. And then you'll go back to being pull mogged by a potbellied chinlet brit 30kg lighter than you
>to get a high max squat has to be as posterior-chained as possible
>to get a good physique squat has to be as quad dominant as possible
I've taken to doing 8x2 low box squats with 1 minute rests and then doing 4x10 highbar and then doing 2x10 reverse hypers and I think it's aids
you're goofy af
>>to get a high max squat has to be as posterior-chained as possible
Eh I squat exclusively high bar and squat a tad shy of three times my bodyweight.

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>no, I will not go on the tranny meds!!!
Okay, enjoy your new hairline then
transgenderism is a homophobic scam to sterilize and erase gay people

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>hey bro hit some poses with us fr
What to do?
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my guy has that Genova physique
Nice gyno
Ive never seen a big jacked guy with brocolli hair or curtain hair.
Theyre all skinny jacked
Im convinced brocolli hair and curtain hair are gains goblins.
"Nice tits bro"
Pantyboys at my gym

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previous: >>74134089
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>This thread

God forgive us for what we have created.
Leave the big fish alone :(
>holding a can of sugar water in fat pic
I found the problem.
>muh metabolism slow down with age
>muh sugar acid water is fine if you budget calories for it
Fuck off, you retarded cunts.
Damn, I pity you poor bastard. You're a good guy for enduring this all for your kid, anon. I think we all know which parent your daughter will lovingly remember once both of you are gone. Keep your head high, king, and take good care of your little girl.
>another dot trannh thread ruined and false flagged
See you tomorrow lives ;)
Remember. You don’t tuck with Gobu. Peace out!

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>fresh thyme
Not him. Pro cook, though
Fuck fresh thyme. It's too much of a hassle to get the leaves off the stem fresh. I hateses its
dawn dish liquid
Live a little, you faggot.
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I don't eat much chicken breast. It's lean and tasteless so you have to put a bunch of low quality powdered nigger on it, it's high in Omega 6 because the birds are so unhealthy and over medicated and to get good quality chicken is more expensive than lamb or beef so it's pointless.
Salt, pepper, garlic powder and a pinch of paprika.

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could lifting have saved him?

Shit dude, I'm glad he's no longer suffering.
Not smoking or chewing tobacco or whatever might have

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Back to your drawfag crab bucket.
Imagine how much this nigga could deadlift.
haha i just noticed that monkey is at full mast
I've never seen such a brutally unfair MOGGING in my life. The chad pachyderm barely even registers the bugmen's existence.
This is surely the ultimate mogg? Pretty sure the blue whale is the heaviest animal that's ever lived - at any point in history.

>No evidence
>no studies
>no long term observations
>opposes all concrete nutritional science
>everyone shilling it is a non-practicing doctor or chiropractor selling supplements
>entire movement fueled by personal anecdotes of 40 year old yoga moms and roided out bodybuilders

Why is this a thing again?
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>there is just no food
indeed brethren!

there are no nuts, seeds, fruits, berries, vegetables, or grains.

Our ancestral ancestors lived when the earth was a desert and the only edible thing was crocodile liver. Vegans seethe
No there isn't. Not enough. Too much work for too few calories. Especially if you are white.
maybe in the tropical rain forest. What about the steppes of Asia and the Americas? What about Scandinavia, basically all of Europe? Humans wouldn't have gotten their big brains to invent agriculture if they weren't able to sustain themselves with meat.
>there isn't. Not enough
>humans got their big brains from eating meat

Is this the new line since you can't claim it made you able to cook meat in fire? kek

>Many primates, including modern humans, derive ancestrally from frugivorous precursors. The earliest known euprimate (modern aspect) fossils date from the Eocene (~56 Ma). Based on dentitional evidence, these animals were fruit-eaters (Bloch and Boyer, 2002). Frugivory by primates diversified throughout the Eocene (Kay et al., 1997), and characterized the first hominoids (i.e. human-like apes) around 24 Ma (Andrews and Martin, 1991; Andrews, 1992, 1996). Of the extant hominoid taxa (gibbons, orangutans, chimpanzees, and gorillas), only the highland gorillas are characterized by diets containing less than 50% fruit, with all other taxa being strongly frugivorous (Gaulin and Konner, 1977; Gittins and Raemaekers, 1980; Andrews and Martin, 1991; Leighton, 1993; Milton, 1993; Rowe, 1996;

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