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end of the semester for me, anyone want to talk about my favorite mecha anime?
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I've been getting through it, in the 30s so far. I love it, it just gets spicier every episode. I see why people like it so much.
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Do we have to?

I keep meaning to do a rewatch, don't think I've watched it all the way through since it was on adultswim. Every time I start, the beginning surprises me in how great it is. Just a superb combination of foreshadowing, worldbuilding, keeping Renton "normal" while also showing off how odd his situation is already. Then they get on that fucking ship with all those assholes.
I really like seeing the Gundam inspirations in the structure and how it does its own thing with them.

And yeah, it's a great buildup into things becoming immensely serious. I'm hooked.
yes, because it is also my favorite anime.
>end of the semester
I hope you are in grad school, otherwise I'm impressed e7 is your favorite anime.
I rewatch e7 yearly, and this most recent rewatch was great because I didn't "binge" it, every episode isn't perfect but the 1st half of the story is subtle to a fault. you wont pick up on things unless you really pay attention.
You haven't watched enough mecha anime.

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Previous Thread: >>22595337

>How to get into KR and where to start?

>List of subbed series

>Direct Download Links

>/krg/ archives

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Most of Geats’ side material is wacky. The final stage show literally has a form based on Takoyaki
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Just found out they canceled the SIC figure line. I'm now depressed.
That movie's Aces should've been what series Ace should've shown - semblances of personality.
Mitchy is a sobering example of what simping does to a person.
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The become a better person.


THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

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>he doesn't use cat piss for weathering
Talk about weathering, which weathering tool kit has the best quality? I'm intending to weather my Rabiot kit then flat topcoat.
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Him and Dalong Unicorn should kiss.
It's called "brown paint"
Have you tried the Tamiya weathering kits?

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I'm not a zoomer and I'm perfectly comfortable with my sexuality and political views. Will I like this? Western internet says that this anime is "very left" and "very gay" whatever it means.
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OP, you never need to preface a post with a disclaimer. Dicks on 4chan are going to shit on your regardless.
You're overliteralizing both statements.
If I don't literalize it, then it becomes purple prose.
And he wants to groom and gaslight an underage boy into becoming his tranny bride because of a fetish he just discovered.
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Peak mecha
Loran should've ended up with Sochie

Tell me about this. Just heard of it
It's a fun run of the mill JRPG with a Turn A Gundam inspired setting.
It's a grindfest with bosses that always use their turns in a predictable repeating fashion.
It's okay. But you will grind. Also the selection of MS isn't as good as it could've been.

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Second batch with 26-50 is out now. Full details about the upscale process are in the Nyaa posts, but basically, this is an upscale of the original SD version of SEED. It was done using a custom upscaling model trained specifically on the HD Remaster.

This version is based on the SD Blu-rays from Rightstuf, so the source is much cleaner than the original DVDs, and it's from hchcsen's remuxes, so they're as good as you can get.
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Is it me or is it taking out a lot of the subtle shading and making it look too pixel perfect painted now? Like you oversaturated an image with a glaussian blur or something.
I mean, it's never going to look perfect. There are quite a few models out there that make it look REALLY pixel perfect - like promo art level. Most of those tend to fuck up the blur effects used in backgrounds too.
Oh, no, I didn't expect it to be. I'm just curious if there was anything super wonky with the upscaling (mainly with background stuff)
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a heads up if people are still looking at this thread
the ever excellent ai upscale model for older web and DVD release had finally released
2x_AniSD_G6i1_SPAN_215K and 2x_AniSD_AC_G6i2b_SPAN_190K is what author recommend for most case,and with JaNai GUI running with tensorRT,it is ver possible to upscale video in ver high fps.
I've been following Sirosky's guides for this whole endeavor, and these models look legit. I can't believe I'm saying that they almost seem *too* faithful just judging by the screenshots, but that's awesome that he achieved it. I'll have to try these out sometime today.

I haven't played with JaNai much (I should, it would open up more models to me), as I'm always loading these in via Vapoursynth for other processing, but this might give me a reason.

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Opinion on the Seed Freedom english cast?

Amalee? Isn't she a youtuber or something?
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She was also Estelle in Trails, which originally was just battle voice clips, but she did actually return when Estelle came back at the end of Cold Steel in a major voiced capacity.
You don't hear much from them anymore because there's nothing for them to work on anymore. Since the 00s recession, all anime dubs moving south, Bandai US shutting down, Canadian cartoons not getting made anymore and MLP over, what are they suppose to voice?
What's been airing on YTV these days?
Nick and Nelvana shit
Not Seed related, but still a dub matter: Just found out that Guel in G-Witch isn't Matt Mercer. It's some relative new blood called Bradley Gareth who's doing a good impression of Matt Mercer.

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Post mechs you wish were in an official anime/maga
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The OVA era is over.

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--------------***READ THE OP***--------------


Previous Thread:

HG Huckebein Boxer info
A Portable Plus - rebalance hack v1.1 update:
Bravern - Courage Single Blade-Style Special Attack Brave Slash

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I love dragons.
Dragons are our friends.
W nobody dies from SEED dies assuming you do the secrets even then only Nicol and Tolle dies if you don't do it. Plus they made Flay actually get a character arc and live through it.
Yes but it's not an HG plamo.
Huh? You can change the transform the main Getter trios in SRW.
You gotta pay extra for that

Why wouldn't they animate this for Zeta's 40th next year? What reason could they possibly have not to?

What kind of lame bullshit are we actually getting instead?
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Where's the Ridden anime? Thunderbolt? Crossbone? Astray? All have sold millions across all volumes each. If wallets talked wed get shit now. Shit the fuck up you ignorant fucktard
Crossbone became a manga because its anime pitch was rejected.
No, it didn't.
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Update. I found all five volumes at a bookstore at Diver City because of course I would.

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It turns out the blue color scheme didn't originate with the 2006 redesign.
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Here are some more old resin kits, the left side are kits from Kondo designs. The original kits are worth a lot of money now.
One of those popped up on Yahoo!Auctions and good lord did they want an fuckton!
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not really, RG is its own thing entirely. like a 1/144 torso on 1/100 legs and a much more generic head design with a bigger v fin
Got that Kondo bulk going on

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Happy 50th anniversary, Getter Robo!
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By far one of the best drawn mecha manga for its time, I can get over how clean the pages look and later the artist goes off the rails with detail, RIP Ken Ishikawa.
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Black Getter is dope.
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>all sorts of obscure porn games and shit gets translated
>but not THE getter game
I'd love it more if the color scheme wasn't literally just Batman.

"Only the truly strong remember to put the subject" Edition
>New Player Guide
>Artbooks, music and emulation resources
>the link for the ACV xenia tutorial
>ACVD-friendly xenia link
>pre setup emulator and dlc pack for ACVD rpcs3
>models for all the gen 1 parts

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I think the only reason this build would rape anyone is if they were already pre-raped by the PvE and we're left with their ass up and face down like the end of a loss CG in an eroge and you happened to be another enemy that lumbered over to them and triggered a new CG.
Otherwise it stinks.
Did you mean to post this in the last thread? The name is right there.
I don't think I ever used them in Nexus but there are some missions in LR where it is simply more efficient to one-shot the MTs with the blade. That one with an AC and a pulverizer where you have to shut down the facility beforehand has some spongey MTs that would otherwise eat ammo you need for those two, for example.
I'm looking for a screenshot of someone's custom core
It was this Hamas core that said "from the river to the sea" on it
Anyone have that?
Ask on /bbg/ or /erg/ on /vg/, one of those souls guys may have made that and some of the similarly themed ACs. I'd post it myself but I'm away from the PC that it's saved on.

I tried, I really really tried, god knows I tried but this game is so fucking boring.
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Xenoblade games from my personal experience require sticking around for a bit because they all, quite consistently and without fail, turn the corner from interesting time waster JRPG to crazy batshit insanity like somewhere around 3/5 of the way through, where you're past a middle hump and the games bitchslap you with the big swerve revelation about what's actually going down during the seemingly run of the mill JRPG adventure.

So that's like tens of hours of going through a lot of normal competently made but kinda vanilla content just to get to the part where Takahashi starts doing legally distinct totally not Xenogears stuff again, unless you deliberately bee-line through main story content as efficiently as possible. But he's consistently unable to stop himself from doing Xenobullshit after a point, so there's that.
>Why play a game with only gameplay and no story, might as well just play Chess or Checkers then.
Average playstation fanboy.
Xenogears a shit.
XB2 in particular has one of my favourite rug-pulls this side of, well, Xenogears. I'm sure it works for new fans as well but there's an extra meta-textual element for XG fans of suddenly working out exactly where things are going that I absolutely adore.
That's a flaw with all Kiseki games not just Cold Steel. They are afraid of throwing away the comfy first half of the game even though things are serious in the second game.

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expanded universe edition (l-gaim is semi-related and nagano's other works rarely have threads)

discuss the works of the king of mecha design, mamoru nagano!

>i like l-gaim, will i like fss? / vice versa
just read/watch them. l-gaim is a tomino show through and through, just set in a world of nagano's design. the only real similarities are an initial setting draft and the fact that a lot of designs from five star stories are based on designs from l-gaim. nagano's storytelling, worldbuilding, and characters are very different from tomino's
>is fss a sequel to l-gaim? how are they related?
no. read this thread https://twitter.com/TheBangDoll2989/status/1185353448839155712
>why the artstyle change? is gothicmade a retcon or an in-universe progression of technology?
retcon. nagano's artstyle has always been changing and fss designs were iterated on even before gothicmade
>where can i read fss?
up to date high resolution raws are on archive https://archive.org/details/fivestarstroriesnewscans
>but i can't read japanese!
it's never too late to learn. https://tatsumoto-ren.github.io/ https://learnjapanese.moe/

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