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What are your biggest disappointments in TV and Film?
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I love attractive women with dogshit haircuts
are you gay or just a porn addict? these aren't great tits, but they're nowhere near as bad as you're implying
>The chick who played Lena Luthor from Supergirl.
>Sarah Silverman
kek what has she done besides be topless in that one music video 10 years ago
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>i'll never have that one video back

Bella Cherry arrives in Los Angeles with dreams of becoming an adult film star, but she soon learns that fame won't come easy as she harnesses her ambition and cunning to rise to the top of this mesmerizing and singular world.
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Calm down, schizo.
you're mad because he's right.
Now there are three of us.
I look like this and say this.

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Is this any good?
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we want you to pirate you clueless fucking zoomer
1 boring episode in the middle then a bad final episode
are you kidding me? Emma was incredible in this. unironically a better performance than poor things
this trash instead of more Nathan for You or The Rehearsal

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This is what theaters are going to be now? Dispenseries for old classics as Hollywood is completly creatively bankrupt and even remaking formerly successful franchises is not safe enough of an investment? How do you feel about this?
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they earn like 650k in their whole run and you act like no one is watching new movies, everyone watches rereleases lmaoo at jewish producers
>i just watched alien last week
The drafthouse showed a lot more old shit back then, compared to now. Ever since the buyout post-pandemic they've become a lot like the other theaters, with more leniancy on loud guests and focusing on new releases more than showing mostly classics.
It's a good thing everyone's afraid of confrontation now, cause I laughed.
I just rewatched all four mad max films at my local theater over the course of a week.

Back to back kino.

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Will Millie Bobby Brown transition well into adult roles?
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she looks exactly like the 35 year old romanian and brazilian prostitutes in my neighborhood
If I get a nosebleed I force my gf to suck it to make it stop.
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>Millie Bobby Brown was featured in the Time 100 list of the world's most influential people and was appointed as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, the then youngest person selected for this position.
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If given the chance, I would.
No that's stupid. Why did you do that? If what you have to say is just chitchat and too long for one text, make it shorter until it fits. Texting chitchat twice makes her feel like you have nothing better to do than talk to her, absolutely pathetic.
If you're passionate about some male thing and your're explaining it to her, then it's ok to send multiple texts. Women like to feel like your muse whom you've chosen to share your passion with. You do have a passion right?

>See "anime can't be ki-..." thread.
>Click on WEBM.
>It's predictably some dogshit animation and/or some cringe anime trope.
>Assume OP is trolling to annoy weebs.
>Look into comments
>See weebs unironically defending it like their lives depend on it.
>Check /a/ to see what they think
>They also unironically defend it tooth and nail.
>mfw they call you a libtard westoid if you don't mindlessly consume embarassing garbage but nip.
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You're incredibly boring and the fact you think I'm some newfag who will fall for this meme that you're doing is honestly disrespectful to me.
I sure made you sound angry and emotional.
>ITT: self hating weebs
I am upset. Don't confuse me for a newfag ever again.
I'm yet to see western equivalent of kinos like blame or MiA (annihilation doesn't count)

What are some iconic movies about Christ-like figures?
>mfw the draft board tries to come get me

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So this is a pro communism show? It felt like that was the message.
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100% spot on. Not only does the nog looks like Boyega clone, the cunt is also a mid english brunette, just like Rey Palpatine.
Oh and they already took a shit on mr.House and seethed about muh capitalism so it's a script straight from Disney.
No, casting pointless, boring uggos at all costs is very weird behavior, common only in Commiefornia.
How did she feel having to film a whole episode barefoot with one foot?
Who cares.
I care hence why I asked.

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Live from Baghdad (2002) is one of her better roles rarely talked about
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her voice is so soothing
>That scene of her (...) was oddly erotic
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A company like Vault-Tec already exists and connects the world's rich and powerful in a decentralized blockchain platform-like manner. And it also plans to destroy the world soon. In the meantime money and power is gained by televising this predictive programming to the plebs.

This is the Depopulation Event the elites have been preparing. Covid was just a test. This is what the Deagel website mentioned until they scrubbed it off the Internet, including the web archive. The Event is scheduled for 2025.
Note how season 2 release date is set so far away, in late 2025... It will never drop. Unlike the bombs. Every event from most recent history has been meticulously sketched out by them.
Take your meds
Because the idea of fallout shelters has never been thrown around before
It's the truth mang. I would move to a remote village. Best luck of survival. Until the armed robots come to scoot the survivors out
What's the point in predictive programming if your just gonna genocide the world in nuclear hellfire?

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Sonic will never stop being funny kek
The reflexive lying is what makes people hate you.
Do you think each and every single one of the 6.4 million jews that the Nazis killed did something bad enough to deserve to die?
>answers the question with a question
You sound guilty.
is this real? i feel like i've somehow slipped into an insane /pol/verse

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Never let the truth get in the way of a good story
Sequel depicting Frank watching the movie and explaining what actually happened when?
They were actually exponentially smarter back then than they are now
most of this never really happened
he was more of a low level con man who ripped off family businesses and was indeed caught several times
he fabricated most of it

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ITT: Onion sketches that are LITERALLY you
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Does this mean you get your choice of office girls?
What an esteemed gentleman
Not OP but yes... but also keep in mind that this goes both ways, and it only works within the office. Step out of the door and you won't like each other anymore.

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>Your flesh is a relic; a mere vessel. Hand over your flesh, and a new world awaits you. We demand it.
How do you respond without sounding scared?
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>Zero One
>It's Israel
What did the Matrix mean by this?
Kinda hard to respond when you are nuked the second he finishes that sentence.
Absolutely. The appetizer ended up being way better than the main course.

The Matrix sequels are sort of the Unholy Trinity for me, alongside Godzilla '98 and The Phantom Menace, where the marketing blitz, product tie-ins, and anticipation building up to it were what made it worthwhile in the long run, because the final product couldn't even begin to match up.
>oh n-
That wasn't for the officials in that room, it was for everyone watching.

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