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This board is for:
  • Asking for help in finding an image or the source of an image, or more of a certain kind of image.
  • Asking for photoshop requests.
  • Asking for recommendations for a new anime or TV series to watch, or a new manga or comic series to read.
  • Asking for tech support or help with your homework.
  • Any other kind of work-safe request.
Once you have posted your request, please check the catalog for requests that you can help others with.
All threads and images should pertain to "work-safe" material. For adult content please use /r/ - Requests and for help with personal matters please use /adv/ - Advice.

Do not post or request personal information ("dox") or calls to invasion ("raids").

Personal army requests of any form are strictly forbidden.

WebM files with sound can now be uploaded!

Any more goofy fantasy anime like Konosuba?
Slayers and Gokudou-kun Manyuki.
Kono Healer, Mendokusai

what's the song during the versus screen from 0:07 to 0:15 in this video, which is the song for the versus screen of all other videos from this channel labelled [KOF TLE 2019]? shazam and other music identification services dont give anything and the creator himself seems to have forgotten it

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Grand Theft Auto III KALISTO is hard to find. was wondering if anyone has a copy of it and are willing to share?

posted here by the way

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Looking for the source of this screenshot. I believe its a movie or show, but I really don't know. It could be a music video or something like that. Also, looking for recommendations of good movies and shows based on Arthurian legends.
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best vpn?

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I'm looking for doraemon movies to download but there was only about 5 titles available on nyaa with english sub.
anyone know where else to find them? or maybe if you have some big collection maybe make a thread on /t/?
31 replies omitted. Click here to view.
bakabt has 49 of them. Anything in particular you want? I'll throw it on mega
I wish I got access to bakabt

If possible all of them, I already have 4, 27, 37, 38, 39, 40,41, 43
sorry if its too much to ask.
Not OP but New steel Troops would be kino. Also will this be with english subs
uhh I'll see what I can do for now here's the first one.


26-31 are missing unfortunately. Weird because I knew some these have subs
2, 3, and 5




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Link to original website: https://www.basharstore.com/products/social-experiment-step-1-mp4-video-download.html

i am looking for a website similar to the SCP, or wikipedia, where people collectively write unique settings and then roleplay/write stories for set in those universes

the one im looking for in particular is a website dedicated to hosting multiple writers projects, and fans or whoever can roleplay in message boards. its like wikipedia or fandom in that you can have multiple pages dedicated to different things in the world.

if you have anything similar to this feel free to post, i really like worldbuilding projects, and im just hunting for some inspiration for my own creative stuff

also heres a drawing i made for a world im writing!

have a good day

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Is there a simple program or a simple method to overlay a picture on your Windows 10 screen, and leave it there on top of everything else while you're still able to use the rest of the programs?

Thank you.
PureRef might work well for your use case.
Nope, that one isn't doing the trick.
But still is a pretty cool program so I'm keeping it. So, thanks!

Any other ideas, fellows?

I need a really funny stupid video/audio quote. Preferably something that could sound like horrible fatherly advice.

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55 replies and 4 images omitted. Click here to view.

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Can someone draw this as a basedjak
2 replies omitted. Click here to view.
Fuck it. Bump the threads. I'm on it.
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great work but here's a version with the left side of the shirt

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Can someone add a "explicit content parental advisory" in the corner of this pic?
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Didn't know which corner you meant, so here's another option.
This one is perfect. Thanks anon.


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