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Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

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Please note the following:

• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised. Low quality posts e.g. "Is [x] paranormal?" will be removed.
• Requests belong on >>>/wsr/.
• Conspiracy theories are welcome, but anything political in nature should be posted to >>>/pol/.
• For everything else, refer to global and board-specific rules.

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Post success stories of working with demons, and the positive changes they've brought to your lives.

Failed magelings, RHP concern trolls and butthurt monotheists need not apply. Do not encourage them by replying to them and report any off-topic posts as needed.

Previous thread:
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Amon is so based its unbelievable
You’re already possessed by a demon if ur thinking about transitioning.

Just crossdress as a fetish and don’t destroy your life. I know a guy who’s an actual mercenary and goes to combat for pay. He loves getting prorate orgasms and women. He’s not gay, but he’s so fucking gay and has so many toys. He probably crossdresses on occasion for fun. Do that, I have a few times, I get it, but being in public is a humiliation ritual. Also my best friend growing up was “trans” and it was just his insane mother forcing him to be trans. You probably have autogynophilia from watching lesbian porn. Wanna real sex magick, do this.


And learn to not cum and have multiple orgasms. It’s more feminine anyways than jerking off. Also cutting off ur cock is never the right choice, the cock contains nerves which contain electricity which is your connection to the Ahrimanic demons.

In point of fact, even the Goetic demons have more honor than to be known to be trans focused. The trans spirits are low and unhonorable.
I'm not a moralfag or RHP and I think dealing with demons is retarded. It's just a risky and one sided agreement. Stop being lazy and learn to do magic yourself instead of beseeching superior entities to do you a favor which probably comes with a hidden interest rate, and they expect to get their payment.

Maybe I'm just ignorant on the specific details, but it doesn't seem to be like the juice is worth the squeeze.

The large majority of you guys are likely wage slaves, so what's the point of taking the risk to do "workings" or "rituals" involving a demon, when you are just going to get normie tier wage slaves results in life anyways LMAO.

Sounds like y'all are being tricked, what kind of deal is that.
Black magick is not alimony and Daemons are not welfare officers. They will hear your petitions and aid you in climbing up the ladder and gaining riches if that's what you want, but your hard work is the means of showing respect.
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Why summon him? Sounds like he’s just going to turn you into a crazy klepto and you’ll go to jail for it eventually.

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To those that think this is a prison planet and that there's no escape, well okay just accept that and serve out your term, literally nothing matters and you're serving a sentence, so don't whine, also don't kys it won't pass your sentence any faster.
Same thing for those that believe in oblivion, except that if you think there's nothing post mortem, then you should just get it over with and kys. Anything else is just postponing the inevitable.

Now most views that aren't religious fall into those two categories, so I'm not going to sit here typing it all out.
The 3rd option is to be religious and it's the only logical option, allow me to explain.
In the case of above, there's literally nothing you can do about it, you're fucked no matter what you do.
The last case is that there are beings of higher planes of existence that either want to help us or hinder us (gods and devils) and that we are here for a reason and that if you play your cards right so to speak, you'll get to leave those existence.
Ergo, this is the only option in which you have any control whatsoever and the only option that gives meaning to anything you do in this life, therefore, it's the only option that makes sense to believe.
If I'm wrong about believing, it literally doesn't matter. If others are wrong about prison planet or oblivion, then they fail the reason they came here and therefore will reincarnate and have to repeat this miserable existence, or worse when they fail will be punished further for their stupidity.

Ask me anything on this topic.
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would you be so kind as to elaborate? I'd rather not draw the wrong conclusion.
He wants to be a woman
looks like you're the real assclown
go away
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You can't make yourself look better by trying to make me look bad.
It just makes you a cheater.
Life is a competition, so compete with me and stop snuffing out your own dreams.
I don't compete with clowns

I have something bothering me idk what it is idk if it's a ghost or what I feel like the only way to make it stop is to put a bullet in my own head please advise
I would advise to instead put the bullet into the ghost
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At least you brought a smile to my face but I don't think that would work maybe if the ammo was blessed or something
Me too. I heard a song and I revisited a bad memory of it. It took me back to a time in my past when I was struggling badly, at the end of my rope, made me realize that I never fixed that problem, that I compromised, and basically pretend that I'm whole now even though I'm not. I have responsibilities that force me to work and live as others expect. That's part of what keeps me going.
BTW, ghosts are not real, but spiritual energy is. Don't self mutilate or terminate. The penalty is terrible and not just limited to you or your current troubles. Take some sleeping aid if you need to, once you get some good sleep things will be better.

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Welcome to Divination General! Come here for readings and a discussion of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
>Recommended /div/ links and books:
>MEGA with Divination Books:

>Guides made by some of our readers:
•/div/ starter spreads:
•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:

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What are you capable of and which vision was for you?
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don't do it, looks very toxic
What approach should I take to allow group S to move to a healthier future?

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Yahweh is an Arabian war deity whose cult spread throughout Canaan. He syncretized with Ba'al and El, but in spite of that one of his original titles of Yahweh of the Hosts or Armies. A heavenly army that would fight on his behalf. Now let's do some simple connections. Israel is established as a state in 1948 and around this same exact time UAPs start to appear with an increasing frequency, particularly concerned with military equipment, sites, and nuclear missile silos, even being able to disable them.

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What does 4channel think about this? I usually don't engage with this shit but I found this podcast very interesting
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I don't particularly believe it was a hoax, but it wouldn't surprise me given how little I trust the government these days. You could put literally anything in the history books and people will believe it dogmatically after 2 generations. They want so much to believe that their government is good and helpful. Does anyone here actually believe that the US government wouldn't lie to world for the sake of mass mind control when we know they're doing it in so many other ways?
No Moon landing hoax theorist has ever provided a convincing explanation for why the Soviets didn't expose the hoax. They either ignore this aspect, claim the Soviets didn't have the capability to prove it was a hoax (which is obviously bullshit) or they have to justify it with an even crazier theory (The Soviets were in on it)

I think it's pretty evident at this point that aspects of the moon landing are fake (Photos and videos have been edited, alternate radio channels were used etc)

I think the Moon Landings happened but that the full picture has been obscured from the public.
My reasoning for it being possibly faked is simple: its cheaper, easier, and safer to fake it. Imagine risking billions to do something ultra risky with low success just to flex? And imagine that mission failed in front of everyone? They had too much to lose by trying it legit and everything to gain by faking it.
He pretty much disproved it, but I can't wait for the debate. He needs to be properly challenged. I dislike his reliance on eye witness testimony, as if they matter
One thing I don't miss one bit pre internet is people's schizophrenia. People were so superstitious back then. Because information wasn't free flowing, people had to talk in cryptic messages, to get past the gate keepers, and you ended up with retarded sign seekers like the guy in this video. It was the same thing with music. May we never go back to those times again.

Discuss NDE phenomena. Any good books on the topic?

Picrel is an ambient album created by Steve roach to try to replicate the music he heard during his NDE. One of the most beautiful pieces of music of all time imo.
What do you think they mean, anons? I have read that some NDE experiences realise that they have chosen their physical lives in order to learn something
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dear ned experience

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How do I know if Im an independent thinker?
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If your opinion contradicts at least three people.
When you don’t betray your core value and beliefs of what type of person you want to be in your life.
Apparently you seem to think people eat the syringe-based vaccine. You're definitely not an independent thinker.
If you're asking a board of magical thinkers, schizophrenics, and autistic people this. You aren't.

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Post your spookiest /x/ greentexts.
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Grave robbing?
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Man is the scariest monster after all
not necrophilia, so probably not munting. but that was the first thing that came to mind before i got to that line.
fugg, made me shiver
thank you

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I spend every waking moment cursing god. Anyone else fucking HATE god?
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maybe god is not enemy?

also kill urself frog poster
Can't hate someone who doesn't exist
Imagine some criminal breaks into your house and steals your prized X-Box. Your dad is such a motherfucker isn't he? He didn't put bars on the windows. Didn't install cast iron doors. Didn't hire a 24/7 security guard to hang around the house every day. Fucking bastard. I think you should kill your dad for that.

I don't know what's the matter with you fucking idiots. I really don't.
that first one's honestly pretty reasonable, depending on th area, I don't think le dad has to be murdered for that but it was pretty much his fault for not preparing for the environment they're in, he should take responsibility for that
Of course, he won't.
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I spend every waking moment thinking about HER, and I don't even want her. She just fucked me up hard and I want one final chance to just dismiss her or something. I need to get her out of my system

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Just a reminder that if you are autistic(and on this board) there is a high chance you are a mystical person capable of anything. Your oversensory stimulation is true perception beyond the haze mundane people exist in. The unwavering sense of justice you feel is god talking to you. Mundanes are completely trapped within their emotional matrix, everything they do is a vie for status and attention simply so they can have their pp touched(or equivalent). They are completely controlled, but you can choose to overcome it. Simply decide to destroy every bad part of yourself and become everything you choose to be.

Free your mind of doubt, fear and self loathing then you will be capable of literally anything.
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Normies fucking seething kek
Many of us do have potential but we have to realize it. Also we need to be humble and remember we are not the only gifted ones out there, nor is ours the strongest gift, and many of the other gifts are far less of a double edged sword.
This is not inacurrate but not accurate. Autism varies amongst the individual but there are common traits of course. I'd say High-Functioning Autism, when applied to theology/spirituality is pretty good at sussing out fakers and things that are illogical. But, without a guide, you can easily fall into metaphysical naturalism and atheism becaue the connection spirituallity is far less obvious or clear than with Neurotypicals.

Put it this way, a lot of spiritual experience is based on empathy, love, feelings of warmth from a God (talking about the average person rather than an /x/-phile), which Autistic's don't tend to experience due to low empathy and alexityhmia. It makes the process at understanding it far harder.
You need equal parts autism and schizophrenia tbdesu

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Greetings /x/,

First time poster on this board. Honest answers here, please. I need help. I'm in a lot of pain. I have been for the past 6 months.

So before I get into it, I just want to say, I'm probably not a schizo. I think I'm not because to be diagnosed with schizophrenia people have to have records of psychotic breaks before the age of 25. I'm over 25 and prior to 6 months ago never hallucinated, never had voices tell me to do things, never had intrusive thoughts, etc.

What happened:

> Start new job 10 months ago
> Month 3, new hire Stacey shows up to office for training. Sits next to me.
> Is extremely nice and interested in everything I say and also somewhat flirtatious. "Oh anon, you're not tired of me are you" Adorable voice.
> Gorgeous face and body. Solid 8+/10 without make up
> Can feel her eying me up and down in my periphery, don't know how to explain it day 1
> Starts dressing like me day 2. I like comfy clothes: sweaters, stretchy cargo pants. So she starts wearing sweaters and cargo pants. Sometimes leggings. I thought nothing of it. Just a really nice, hyper attractive giga stacey. Lovely.

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Also this, this behavior is literally an exact combo of 2 girls I knew.

She’s mental, so you have to talk deeply with her and “heal” her and become someone to her before you fuck, if you do. Also, fucking her might give you SLS succubus, these girls are crawling with demons. I saw one of them had seashells like abalone stuck all over them. Really probably not a good idea to fuck, major soul ties.
When dealing with girls like that best thing to do is just ignore them. It confuses them so much. The see a natural pecking order, with certain guys beneath them that are meant to be grovelling at their feet, when those guys don't co-operate, it really messes with their head.

So you decided not to go for that girl. Is she a friend/aqquantance?

I've only ever seen one girl on the street the had a powerful repelling aura that made me feel it was spiritual or demon related.
Can you elaborate on this?

"I saw one of them had seashells like abalone stuck all over them. Really probably not a good idea to fuck, major soul ties."
That's a timeless matter of sexual tension in the workplace.
You ought to be mature, not everything is about you.
That's the vibe I was getting as well. Entrapment. After week 1 I started thinking she was a glowie. Kept on saying, "Anon, this is Deja Vu, I've done this before, I've done this before." I asked her wtf she was talking about the third time she said it and she just changed the subject.
No, never saw her again. But I've had psychosis ever since we split. It's not getting better. I might go see a psychologist. Probably might start schizo meds.
Yeah that's one of the reoccurring intrusive thoughts I have. It would especially make sense if she has BPD. But one of the intrusive thought that just randomly pops up in my head is that she has like 20 FWB. If she perceives one dude is wronging her, she just fucks the other 19 as revenge as cope. She talked a lot about dating apps randomly (huge red flag to me)
All I know is that I was perfectly fine before meeting her. My mental health went from average-to above average (which is respectable in this day and age) to exhibiting symptoms of schizophrenia and OCD. Aura was lovely not repelling. I imagine she could easily get anyone she wanted.

Glowies in the offchance that this was some sort of twisted experiment and I was supposed to be dead by now, just off me. I'm not kms. All I ask is that you make it quick and painless.

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when are christians gonna wake up and realize that real christianity is part of Sanatana Dharma, and that jesus was one of the avataras (alongside krishna) that preached moksha, and not the ridiculous theology christians church teach?
In order to understand Jesus you have to understand the wisdom of the ancient rishis of india, because jesus studied the vedas during the time he spent in india.
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Two things unique to Jesus:

1 - He was fully incarnated, while previous avatars aways kept part of their conscience in the Astral Plane. Therefore, Jesus is the only god who experienced death in the same way as a humans do.

2 - Jesus brought karmic wisdom down to Earth. Humans can now understand and have an active role in their development while alive. Before, our purpose was to simply passivelly live out the karma that was planned for us between incarnations.
>A Hindu devotee would say: It is God himself who became Christ and Krishna and Buddha and all these [great teachers]."

Based Perennialism

Please keep this ISKCON stuff away from /X/. ISKCON is an abusive organization.

Also stop trying to gaslight people with devotion to Christ into another religion.

Christ never went to India, no matter what the Aquarian Gospel, the book Prabhupada got that idea from, says. He didn't go to Jaganatha Puri. He isn't buried in Pakistan as the Prophet Isa.

He spent is childhood in Egypt and lived in Galilee. He studied with Rabbis and was extremely well versed in the Jewish scriptures. But he went even higher, to embrace principles of universalism, compassion and forgiveness.

You want to steal all of this and attribute it to your religion. "He must have learned it from us".

Even worse, many Hindu's especially the nationalist types who use the term "Sanatani" and "Sanatan Dharma" actually hate Christianity.

Christ was something entirely different, and something greater. He wasn't just a Hindu Rishi. He was the fulfillment of the Israelite covenant as the Messiah. He is the divine Son of God. He embodies the Holy Spirit and God's love and mercy for humanity.

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>Wake the fuck up stupid christian,

Is this how Krishna orders you to speak in the Bhagavad Gita

BG 17.15: Words that do not cause distress, are truthful, inoffensive, and beneficial, as well as regular recitation of the Vedic scriptures—these are declared as austerity of speech.

If you were more advanced then Christians, you would not speak this way. This is fundamentalist fanatical nonsense.

Even ISKCON does not teach people to speak this way, which makes me suspect you are some uneducated new bhakta from a village in India.
>and not the ridiculous theology christians church teach?
Jesus as a historical figure is mixed. Likely an apocalpytic prophet (as was common during the period) who won't return. His, from what we can gather of the parts of the gospels, teachings are in the Judeo-Christian context rather than being anything Hindu related. Much of the talk about logos comes from John which, as a text, is likely the most inacurrate and distant from what a historical Jesus actually taught.
>and not the ridiculous theology christians church teach?
no he didn't. As a position it's pretty much considered nonsense (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unknown_years_of_Jesus#Rejection_by_modern_mainstream_New_Testament_scholarship).

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EWS is basically how it is with the elite except instead of woman prostitutes (because "gentlemen clubs" exist without the masks already by the hundred in jew York) it's children who are ritually raped and murdered, isn't it? The bohemian grove is probably EWS innawoods with a giant owl statue and just the most heinous shit imaginable going on there.
It just gets worse doesn't it?
I'm so tired
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I haven't seen it myself, but he's referring to a brief scene in the mask shop involving a little girl, suggesting that there was child stuff going on.
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Romanian is a separate branch apart from Latin
It's just an orthodox liturgical chant, this is that song when not played backwards:
Romanian is an offshoot of latin yes, the closest language to ours is Italian with about 86% vocabulary similarity
Am romanian too, it's less a romanian thing and more of a delusion common in the Balkans at large, amplified a lot by governments in the 90s
essentially wewuzing but for eastern European peasants
You’re the Vatican anon or a follower of his. Larp or not let’s go back to your first claim. Is the music in Romanian played backwards? Anyone figure that out?

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