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Why do dumb 4channers want to be girls all the time, like it's gonna solve all their problems, you just know if there was some magical become a girl button they'd press it and continue to exhibit the same loser miserable thoughts and do the same exact male nerd things they did as a guy only with the added expense of having to rebuy their wardrobe and worry about tampons and no longer getting taken seriously in men's spaces because they now come off as an attention seeking brat only pretending to like male stuff for attention.
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when women rape it's Art
rape is inherently good even when a boy does it
umm didn't say that?
>i got molasted and groomed by women
Same. Honestly it made my childhood really fun
I look forward to seeing you appear in the next s4s discord leak 2 years from now

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Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
Great performance. Very impressive.
gosh anon your such a loser

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this is nice board
Wuts up with that beary

these great pieces of media should not be associated with gurofags
now this is pure over the top brainrot
This image violates gr15 (chis chan wearing a rainbow dash shirt appears)

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ochaken snacken
10 replies and 4 images omitted. Click here to view.
ur not looking
wqhy is she so hot and sexy and good looking and making m,y benis hard and cute and cool and nice and
ochaken sexo
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ochunko fortnite

HAHAHA! A mere nigger such as yourself doesn't stand a chance against Team Rocket!

Your fortune: Outlook good
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Gamefreak wouldn't actually let that be in Pokémon, so this is false.
I didn't understand a word you just said.

Also, fuck nigger mods and the nigger "devs" for making me get on my desktop in order to post this shit. What the fucking fuck is the fucking point in giving you $20 a year for a 4chan pass if it doesn't ever fucking work?

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
humiliation ritual, who made me do it, the demons, red kikes, red dikes, red dikes, HGJHGJFHFJGHFJGHJ, kakakakakaka, 999 fluoride stare, 1000 fluoride stare, dfghhgfhgf, thousand thousand thousand thousand, 10,000 hippie girls, the only girls i ever known, i'm hulk hogan guy fieri, have sex have sex have sex, have sex.
6363 get

Your fortune: Outlook good

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albert pike wrote a letter in the 1700s describing the 3 world wars planned to take place and he described the first 2 wars extremely accurately and it seems like the events in the world right now allign with what was written in the letter about the 3rd war

Your fortune: Outlook good
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in 30 years everybody will be obsessed with anime visual novels and hatsune miku
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So am I. What's their endgame?!
their beliefs compel them to reveal part of the plan to the ignorant masses

The mother and daughter.

Your fortune: Bad Luck

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relax its friday
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I'm trying.
I really am.
Help me.
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Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Everything will be okay.

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[s4s] meetup
the home of every [s4s] poster
Cringe thread.

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thats what she said
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nicers will be crushed in the coming wave of rood
"That's what." she said.

Huh? You're going to the beach, too? I've never seen you there before.

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

how are you peeing today

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trucks > trains
trucks also > planes
Why, more versatile and on demand?
I look at the sheer volume trains are able to carry; each train car is like a truck's worth.
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FUCK truck
buy local

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76 replies and 4 images omitted. Click here to view.
can i at least get my PC back or somethign of equal value
I'm sending you you positive vibes, its the best I can do
can i talk to picklermane in discord?
just tell him Phillip asked lole
I have no contact with picklemane, I am just a regular mankmane. You'll have to submit a request form to the relevant mank administration
good luck on your journey

Your fortune: Godly Luck

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