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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

Discussions of government policy must be strictly limited to economic policies (fiscal and monetary). Discussions of a political nature should be posted on >>>/pol/. Global Rule 3 is also obviously in effect.

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You've probably noticed that /biz/ has a problem with spam. We've had to issue roughly 300 bans a week on /biz/ since January just for advertising and begging, and every day there are a dozen new pump & dump shitcoins being shilled. All this spam pushes actual discussion of business and finance off the board, and creates an atmosphere where users suspect each other of inauthentic behavior (i.e., being scammers or bots).

In an effort to address the spam, we're trialing a new system: email verification. To post on /biz/ you will need to verify your email address using this link: https://sys.4chan.org/signin

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The goal of this new system isn't to eliminate spam and shilling entirely; no system is perfect and perfect is the enemy of good. The goal of this system is to reduce the ease with which bad actors can spam the board, such that the mods and janitors can deal with the remaining spam more effectively.

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A $500b asset manager just tokenized their blackrock funds on hedera, and theres not a goddamn thing you can do about it. You could say hbar and br are linked up. Cry harder incels
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It’s pretty much guaranteed that hundreds of boomers who bought the pump and lost money have sent emails to the SEC whining about market manipulation and demanding action. They even send emails to the SEC if they lose a few hundred dollars in a rug, kek
Also, if a publicly traded company had done what happened here, there would be massive fines and a few middle manager fall-guys would likely end up serving time. So who knows, the SEC might use this case to set a precedent for market manipulation laws in crypto
some old shit. I would follow up on new projects like Supraoracle.
can someone sue them over this? since they are literally misleading the investors into a pump & dump scheme.
let's say i have a rolex watch and issued a token, if i post image of that watch on my wrist and say that we just did a deal with rolex, according to 0.000000001 HBAR per post jeets it wouldn't be a lie. anyway i'm really glad that hbar has public people to go after, like CEO etc, i'm %100 sure they'll get sued and see prison time like safemoon team. don't argue with 0.00000001 per post hbar jeets, they are the least desirable men on the planet, everyone hates them, they look disgusting and they would sell their whole family for 1 hbar, kek.

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>Bitcoin will receive a 100% haircut
Yes, I understand everything now

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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

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gamestop was shorted to oblivion while it was 1 dollar (using post split metrics). during the sneeze (which the SEC confirmed was caused by retail pressure and not shares closing) the price raised 8100% percent. it dipped back to 1000% before going back up to 6600%.

We've slowly worked our way back to 1200% today.

The float of GME is 267,830,000 shares, according to public records it was shorted at 120%, so $321,396,000. 321m bought at 1 dollar at 1200% is $3,856,752,000. If they could of closed, they would have back when it was at 1000%.

my math is probably bad, but thats a pretty big hole to be in
good post. i rest easy knowing it's not possible for hedge funds to have gone long during the squeeze, or to have shorted after the squeeze.
diamond hands fellow ape. i'm buying more and dsring right now.
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>Dunking more beasts into the water?
The gryphons don't even attack me anymore, it's driving me crazy
All you need to do is hold, their days are numbered.
It's that simple.
That's why they still send out hit piece artivles, paid shills etc
fuck off buttfucker bot

Right now, it's important to understand the overall crypto market is weak with very low liquidity and no new capital coming in, plus retail largely distracted by memes & the rugpull casino, so "fundamental" tokens are stalled out. Still, there are a number of potential openings for LINK right now:

>People start building useful dapps utilizing CCIP, the easiest cash grab of these which would start pumping LINK would be a shitcoin casino that allows you to engage in any CCIP chain's shitcoin trading with any of the CCIP-enabled currencies.
Problems here are (1) shitcoin casino seems to have already exhausted people, opportunity might be gone and (2) fees to use CCIP are so low it would take an extreme amount of activity to actually move the token price
>BUILD rewards begin to be accessible AND staking pool opens up - this combination would cause a quick flurry of retail flooding in to take advantage of LINK's "airdrops".
Problem here is obviously, pool's closed and likely not opening any time soon. MAYBE expanding but the only way we get price appreciation from LINK staking is if anyone can stake.
> Major adoption from a financial firm or entity like SWIFT
Doubt that happens this year
> Rate cuts begin and all markets go parabolic
Maybe later in the year

What else?
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>It really does
So Link needs direct evidence of usage and actual payment in order to pump, but literally nothing else in the market does?

>The core fud of TNN is right
Unironically kys
>Literally no other projects in the market need to prove themselves. Why does Link need to?

Think about this:
>Literally no other projects in the market has bitcoin dump when it pumps. Why does this happen to Link?

Demand > Supply = Price go up. It's a basic market rule.
How do you increase the demand and how do you decrease the supply?
If you're saying that the only way to overcome the suppression is with raw massive buy pressure, then sure.
And Link is indeed the only crypto that is poised to actually do this at some point.

But the simple fact is that this is a feat no other crypto has ever had to accomplish in order to pump, including Bitcoin and ETH.
Link should've been a top 3 coin years ago based on the same kind of demand that pumped every single crypto in history: basic retail speculation.
We are on the same page and I agree this should be sitting at #3.
It's a mix of increased buy-pressure with tangible information to shift sentiment and create sustained market shock. The best way to do this is to run a series of GMX-style announcements with accompanying token acquisition data - but it requires consistent follow-through.
Ultimately the project needs its Google moment - something that's been discussed here at length.

Link has been subject to this cesspit since day one and due to a mountain of reasons has attracted some of the wrong interest.

> Anybody who ... remotely understands the coming changes LINK is about to facilitate...
Retail not needed, token demand comes from institutions.
>Retail not needed, token demand comes from institutions.
It should be both.

>Basic Information

>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

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how much did you lose
>I cannot see Schrodinger's cat, therefore it is dead
The level of midwit brought to us by sisyshillies is astounding
you can see it
it's dead
now answer me this >>58432156
You must be new
A very sad and confused man who spends his day streaming fighting "conspiracy theories" you know like GME and BBBY, sending letters to judges and pretending they are a woman

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The best investments are the narrative


(9/25/2012) "Tesla Supercharger will over time allow you to travel anywhere on pure sunlight for free"

(5/9/2013) "There is a way for the Tesla Model S to be recharged throughout the country faster than you could fill a gas tank."

(9/23/2015) "My guess is probably we could break 1,000 kilometers within a year or two. I'd say 2017 for sure." (621 miles)

(1/6/2016) "In ~2 years, summon should work anywhere connected by land & not blocked by borders, eg you're in LA and the car is in NY."

(10/19/2016) "All you will need to do is get in and tell your car where to go." (He said the car would be able to drive from Los Angeles to New York city with no human intervention by the end of 2017.

(Nov. 2017) "It's got a better drag coefficient than a supercar." (Talking about the Tesla Semi-Truck)

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Have sex incel
god forbid he have ambition
Kys tranny

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he told me to sell my btc at 30k

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What it feels liek to hodl $LINK and $WLD ;_;
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this post really riled up the "anglos" (mutts)
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>all this projecting

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avi testnet when? I was promised a testnet.
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>New lows every day

Unironically gonna see 0.001 soon.
you wish nigger
And for my next magic trick I'm going to make your nipples disappear
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Hmm, today I will check the aviator tg
>Rose (Bot): Make sure you vote!
Pull up Gems Radar, no one has voted
>BobbyBuyBot (Bot): Aviator buy! Spent: $12
>Aviator Co-Pilot (Bot): Let's get hype!
Price down 65% from ATH, devs literally banning people from the tg to prevent panic dumping
I was banned for being "toxic" in september when asking why arcade getting delayed for months when "development" was almost do by stixil words. I want to stab stixil with pengos bones

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Some coins fluctuate +10% and -10% each day

How do I profit from this?

Financially speaking of course
Buy high sell low
Sell high, buy low
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get high on the down low
trade it up and down real slow
watch out for the crash below
scoop it up fill your bags
feel the pump take some drags
sell it at the top to them fags
on the biz forum heavy bags
when it fluctuate
dont fuckin hesitate
take a rip
from that bong
put in your cash
do it long
on the margin

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Check your coins, I think they're dumping
Just checked my portfolio, it's up... Both BTC and XMR are up in the daily
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Please shut the fuck up and kindly kys bobo, both my hedera and my orbs are pumping right now, after the blackrock deal is sealed i will have a x3 on the former and after p2e are back in the market i will have a x10 on the latter
and you will cope seethe and mald still
nah, my retardio is still as retarded and green as ever, you're getting too excited bobo.

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Fuck youuu
Don't hate the bobos. Pity them, for they are forever sidelines. Maybe if BTC drops to $1,000 they'll possibly have the balls to invest.
Ah who am I kidding. Then they'd be waiting for $100.

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LINK is dead bros. I ruined my life by going all in at $5.
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that's gone for good. move on to new oracles like pyth or Supraoracle.
Math much? Eyesight much?
All of the VC alts are dead. This is GME on steroids. All money flows into meme coins.
its just more mindless LINK FUD. OP doesnt even hold LINK, probably never has.
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LINK was never a solid project, was a cumdump of retarded indian monkeys
But I did bought and daytraded with it with another shitcoin like SUPER and AVI, when you short crypto you literally can't lose

You can trace the market movements by daily posters on /biz/ but it's been 2.5 years of stagnant daily users.
Is this bullish or bearish? Will people come back in posting like mad once the bull market begins?
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There is no value in crapto. The value was being able to spam and advertise scams without consequences and rob retards without consequences. That's over, nobody gives two shits about crapto anymore. The last bubble was the last for crapto. It failed to become anything more than a platform for scams most important it lost its base demographic and the attempt to replace them with retards that buy scams failed.
Did you not look at the very last week where posting fell off a cliff?
Shit plummeted to an ATL
Jannies well and truly killed this board
/bant/ is the superior biz board now
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they killed biz after email verification, it's stupid even for normiefag who aren't into this crypto clusterfuck and doesn't care about truflation's inflation data
i guess we all moving to /bant/
Maybe if you stopped whinging and said something of worth, /biz/ would improve. We're at ATL because a huge portion of the low quality posts have stopped - every high quality post improves the quality of /biz/ by an unprecedented proportion, never before seen.
If you cant see the sucker in a poker game guess who the sucker is

The economy is fine. You are SUPPOSED to be poor. Trust me there's no systemic collapse coming. Keep buying assets. Not fake ones!
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There is no collapse. Did you read my post?
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well, at least this allows me to get money out of whatever crap I find on dextools, is better than working
a "systemic collapse" would actually be somewhat healthy, as it would flush most of the toxic parts out
what the plebs should dread is actually a silent death, letting the rot become just another part of the mundane
people who are shorting fiatcels and their fiatshit win either way, but we win harder on their dystopian death spiral
It must be awkward when you swing and miss, your little ball lands in the favelas, and you hear cries of joy from little kids who realize they'll eat today. Fucking parasites.
so what am I supposed to pursue if I'm going to be poor all my life? clearly not happiness because that does cost some money, so I just use all my retardio and be happy for a moment?

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>less competition for resources
>less stress on the economy and infrastructure
>less pollution and trash from consumption
Bring on the population collapse and I’ve been telling everyone not to take vaccines since 2007 so don’t blame me
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No it doesn't.
Regardless, his question was rhetorical and those figures clearly show legal migration, and also show a rapid increase in migration over the past 20 years, just as he stated.
The other influx of US migration was after ww2. You are fucking retarded if you don't see the link between low domestic pop and migration. When birth rates drop, the US accepts migrants - because fundamentally your country is run by corporations who want cheaper labour.
It's not so simple. If they imported migrants with sky high domestic birth rates and a shrinking job market, they would quickly overburden their social welfare and infrastructure systems. It's not just an excuse but a requirement. Each and every one of you burgers can slow the march of this corporatocracy by fucking bitches and having kids. You're all too picky. Go find a lonely fat girl; america has plenty.
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Oy vey
>Why would I want to bring kids into this fucked up place?
Because if you don't, somebody else will. You've been defeated and you will be deleted from the global genepool. Maybe that's a bad thing, maybe that's a good thing. I don't know you; but you do.
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There's no greater gift white woman can give to black men than their fertile wombs to bear our black childrens
Keep playing Blocklords in your computer, OP

Anons, any coins we can ape that capitalize on the upcoming CZ trial? This can be huge, but I'm oblivious to any current coins that can blow up due to this event.
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> scam distribution
bruh, its < 4k marketcap, $100 gets you like 25% of the supply ya gronk
What are you yapping about ?
Ppl aren’t dumb homie , study crypto
There’s only one n authentic oldest CZ in sol space and that’s on this thread .
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Top 2 holder holds 16% of supply
Either you’re dumb and retardio
That coin is inauthentic as it does not pay homage to the correct nonemclature in mainland china, 赵长鹏. Also, by buying 赵长鹏 on sol you will increase social credit score once China dominates the world post WW3. Do not be on the wrong side of histoy.
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The cabal has started on FREECZ movement

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Thinking of selling all my ETH and putting it into low cap AI tokens. Convince me not to
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AIs usually have some extra luck because of the flashy technology, but don't expect too much in the long run
memecoins like retardio are more likely to be equally or more convenient lmao
Everyone knows the etf to be denied by may, we all know it's getting denied, it's already priced in...what would be interesting is if it got approved instead my nigga
IMO I will say do it, but don't focus on AI tokens alone, add QAN to your list
got a big bag of ETH and not selling that. will bag more alts like SUPRA (tge soon) and Pyth later on.
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Based retard. The time to buy into the AI narrative token was last year. This is where you sell. Also how is everyone in this thread posting? I thought Indians cant post anymore on /biz/.

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