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This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.

Was he right or left wing?
>It's more complicated than that blah blah blah
Fuck off nerd. Everyone knows left and right wing are simplifications. Just answer the question
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>Spain never sunk the Maine retard-kun
We all know those perfidious and black-hearted Spanish would stoop to such infamy as to slay our herioc seamen. Have you not read in the Journal about their sailors sulying fair maidens on the high seas? Not to mention their barbarous treatment of the noble people of Cuba.
I don't care about losing PR and Cuba but I care about American treachery.
But we will have our revenge. The Reconquista succeeded against the Muslims, you will be vanquished by it too.
>Not to mention their barbarous treatment of the noble people of Cuba.
Get a grip Cletus.
And you've asked those latinxes their thoughts on reunifying with mexico under the benevolent overlordship of spanish-born peninsulares?
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It is the duty of all men who hold the song of freedom in their hearts to abrogate the suffering of all races, and none suffer more than those of the Imperial Spanish crown.

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This is less than a 30 year period. How did they manage to do a culture speed run? Mao and Deng completely transformed an agrarian society still wearing Qing clothing to a modern economic power within a half century.
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Communism works, simple as. Of course it needs to be tempered and managed, but as a force it pushes for development.
lots of cash from the western countries to replace their industrial base and a massive propaganda campaign in favour of consumerism
"to get rich is glorious" - deng

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When I was a teen in the early 2000s I would read Teen help books that mentioned that not everyone is having sex even if they talk about it a lot. Don't feel pressured to do it even if you have a girlfriend/boyfriend

Now media seems to tell teens that just go ahead and have sex as long as you have protection. All you need is consent, no need to be with your boyfriend/girlfriend. Just some one that "feels right"

What the hell happened in the last 20 years?

Didn't the sexual revolution already happen 40 years prior the 2000s
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As weird as it sounds, meeting new people just doesn't feel normal anymore. The idea of even going to a bar or club or even a public place like a park or the beach and getting someones number feels like such an alien concept to me vs the way it feels like my parents just did it. The problem is we haven't actually found a substitute, and online dating feels so unnatural and contrived just by itself
>meeting new people just doesn't feel normal anymore
Go outside you socially inept retard.
>meeting new people just doesn't feel normal anymore.
Because it's not. People in the past went to bars, clubs, the beach, and so on because they had nothing better to do and just went to "hang out". Nobody "hangs out" in person anymore, the internet is way more appealing, not least of all because everywhere IRL is insanely fucking expensive and the age groups that should be fucking each others' brains out are also the poorest
this correlates with a similar trend in driving by the way, where young people don't give a shit about driving or having a car anymore. Because there's nowhere worth bothering to going to, whether because it's too expensive or too far or inconvenient compared to doing stuff online.
The internet existed in the 00s and people still hung out then as teens and 20 somethings.
>2G internet
Yeah so fun. Videos in 240p and images downloaded in minutes

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Romans republic?
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>me on the right

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Lebanese Greek
Greek or Dalmatian
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Then south italians started renaissance and Napoleon was south italian
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>They are Iberian like
>They are Iberian like
>They are Iberian like

They have a totally different y haplogroup. Iberians are just Basques with 10-30% Nafri-Arab-Jewish-Negroid DNA. The whole "Etruscans were Spanish like" comment was made by some Italian scientists to prevent Americans from casting Swedes and Yorubas as Romans.Can we just stop with this spam already?
>muh Jewish achievements book
Now post the part he wrote about Jews their accomplishments and how they're pretty much the master race.
jews mogged everyone per capita

What's the best version of "Scholar Society" in history?

For example, the medieval scholastic monks or the ancient Chinese philosopher cliques
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Odd you speak so confidently with words you do not yourself understand
Do Jeon was a descendant of a slave and was treated as such even after he passed the exams. He witnessed the 5 wars (Red Turban invasions, Northern yuan invasions, Kyushu Invasions, Jurchen Invasions, Revolts of the Pro Yuan Barons) of the last three decades of the Goryeo regime and saw the court fall apart.

The six wars gave unparalleled private military ownership to the common nobility and they extracted all the wealth out of the peasantry to fund their campaigns although successful; never had any gains from the fact the army returned from their land gains only to fight another enemy. Atleast after Imjin Joseon had a decade of peace goryeo did not have that.

It was a saying that peasants prefered pirates murdering them over soldiers starving them because the pain would end.

The monks leeched off the left overs and funded their private estates (which is why buddhism was nearly annihilated in Joseon)

The once meritous Emperor became mad from the grief of his wife and became a hysteric despot, which execerbated the power of the nobility.

The court became a warground between the Traditionalists, the Ming Supporters and the Conquest supporters.

Even after Joseon was established, Do jeon himself was killed in an accusation of corruption and it took two more princely revolts to complete annihilate the clannish Goryeo Nobility and usher an age of peace for Sejong to rule over.
And even after then the court nobles didnt realise their scope of power. Sejong himself was so outraged by the nature of the nobility one day he trapped the nobles and the Ming Diplomat in the court room, dorned the imperial robes stained by Do Jeons blood and threathened to execute everyone for treason
>Your biases will die with you and not survive into the new world we’re creating

Most people aren't going to die in a collapsing "tofu" high rise building in China...
Just saying.
The reason that’s not going to happen is because your racist propaganda doesn’t reflect reality in China

Why was it ok for people to carve naked people for their churches in the Middle Ages but it’s considered “unchristian” for Kanye to film himself fucking his wife
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Do you watch porn?
it was a reminder to every monk of what was really going on, top kekeronies
>Christianity offshoot of judaism
>despite t*lmud written 400 years after Christ
>in fucking Iraq
Persian pharisees will never be Christian.
>oy vey goyim please embrace sodomy like these cherry picked images of Greeks and Romans
why are (you) like this?
Whats the Torah then? A book on the Celts?

What happened to the Nahua nobility after they were conquered by the Spanish?
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Because Texcoco sided with the spanish during the conquest, read the the fucking thread nigger
Texcoco didn’t side with the Spanish, they had a civil war and had a prince who asked the conquistadors for help in overthrowing his brother
Well, just judging from his post and Cortes's letters, but: after the siege of Tenochtitlan was finished.
He sounds like more of a whore than Malinche was tbqh. More importantly, why the fuck do you want more Guatemalans shipped to Spain?
Based and Hispano-pilled. To be fair, why would he hate the Spaniards when they were the ones who made their ancestors part of the nobility, with all their rights and privileges, instead of being killed or sent to reservations like Anglos did? No one except the Spaniards did that kind of thing.

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>was a backwater shithole for most of its existence
>somehow the only non-western country to industrialize, develop and become on par with the west
How did China, India and the Middle East failed where Japan succeeded?
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There should be an asterisk next to the abos because they're closer to animals than humans.
>Noone said they're equal
Japs believed so which is wny they bombed Americans. Should have treated them better
china is a dumb shithole, don't compare Japan to that
>How did China, India and the Middle East failed where Japan succeeded?
All they did was modernize... Because they were forced to. America buckbroke them (twice). China after deciding to modernize did it in 30-40 years. Around the same about of time Japan took.
>relevant for 3000 years, irrelevant for 200
>irrelevant for 3000 years, relevant for less than 100-now becoming irrelevant again

More like Japan should serve their masters or be nuked again.

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She is supposed to be a goddess of the universe and we are supposed to worship her. If you don't you are not Catholic. We are supposed to worship St. Peter too. He is a god. Hail Saint Peter. Lots of you Catholics are closet protties.

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Are there ever going to be anymore prophets in Christianity?
I know Islam said Muhammed was the last one and the Jewish are waiting for the Messiah.
But is there like a section of the Bible where it says that there won't be another prophet since it's been like 2000 years since Jesus.
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Yeah...this is Kali Yuga, the era of wait and see is over, time to call the bluffs and find out who F'd up the most.
Yes, they are the saints that appeared a lot throughout history. But proties dismiss them while waiting for someone else.
There's lots of Christian prophets out there dude. Get a shortwave radio; the bands are full of em.
Oh yeah I forgot God is talking to every Mormon leader since smith.

Why does she trigger so many chuds on /his/?
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Further more, midwit, the Council of Jerusalem was not done with the support of the Roman government that was probably in the process of martyring Chrstians at that time.
Bros, I think I may have accidentally worshipped the ido... I mean icon
What do I do? I'm so scared right now I don't want to hell go to hell, guys I'm freaking out I don't wanna go to hell hell don't want to go to hell
Just ask for forgiveness from God/Christ. You'll be okay.
I can't do that, I'm a Calvinist
Because her purity makes roasties and demons seethe.

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>Kaffir "Why do you guys allow slavery? come on then i'm all ears"
>Muslim "First of all define slavery, if you mean transatlantic slavery where everyone is kidnapped based on his race, taken from their homeland, stripped of their name and religion and culture, then no Islam doesn't sanction that, if you mean indentured servitude, captives of war, then sure we can discuss further"
>Kaffir "why do you guys allow child brides? I mean didn't your Prophet marry a young girl?"
>Muslim "What's your definition of child? Are we talking in a context of 7th century society or today's definition of a child?"
>Kaffir "Look at the Qu'ran, kill them wherever you find them? sounds pretty clear-cut to me mate"
>Muslim "and what's the context? is it on the battlefield? we need to know these things before opening our mouth and speaking out of ignorance"
>Kaffir "stoning for adultery, eh? that's barbaric if you ask me"
>Muslim "What's your definition of barbaric? If God says something it's good, right? you told me you're a Christian so if the Bible says stone for adultery and says God said it, is the Bible wrong?"
>Kaffir "What about you guys and your treatment of women? keeping her covered, yeah? oppressing her? this is a cult mate, a male chauvinist cult!"
>Muslim "Ok, so then define oppression, are you using the modern kind of liberal woke definition of oppressed? I can show you your Bible and there are many rulings pertaining to women in there that would be considered oppressive by secular liberal standards, no?"
>Kaffir "Praying separate from women, eh? no mixing of genders? that's right is it?
>Muslim "define right and wrong"

You cannot bring arbitrary examples and verses out of context when it relates to a religion as finely detailed as Islam. You cannot judge Islam as you would judge a political ideology or movement, where views and laws changed over time. Everything in Islam is fixed but knowing correct context and correct application is key.
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>no true Scotsman
Explain, I never said that sinning Muslims aren't true Muslims or anything to that effect. Again what adherents do does not matter to the religion itself. Yeah it's our collective fault four our current state but the revelation is not to blame as you are implying
*for but whatever the point still stands
Yeah I know him personally. His family are Kurdish Alawis who detest Sunnis and kicked him out of their house when he embraced Sunni Islam and began practicing and growing his beard and praying etc. He lived with Adnan Rashid for a while and that's why he's very close to Adnan's son Musa Adnan. Here are the two back in the day in younger days

>Musa Adnan
least dysgenic muslim
>Nowhere in the religion is it stated to blindly follow hadith books without proper evidence
But you're perfectly happy to believe a man met an angel without any evidence whatsoever that angels exist.

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I can't tell the difference between a Turk, Kurd, Arab, Persian or Assyrian. Are they all different ethnicities? If so what are their defining physical characteristics.
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Best description so far.
hmm I wonder what kind of people are behind these posts
>Higher percentage of white-ish looking people
assyrians are whiter than arabs
also I'm used to calling them chaldeans
OP here, wanted to tell y'all that you did a real poor job of explaining the different physical characteristics of these supposedly different ethnicites. Saying things like more white and less white aren't helpful, what does that even mean? This board constantly has threads defining whiteness go to max replies.

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