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The new /sci/ wiki

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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

Look at this shit. How is science different from voodoo priests saying voodoo is proven true because another voodoo priest said so? Or a Wikipedia article saying something is true because Salon said it’s true and Salon said it’s true because Wikipedia said it’s true? (Someone initiated the circular reference and then it becomes self-perpetuating)

Science is in salvageable and scientists are net negative impact 105 iq assburgers thinking they’re much smarter than they really are. They also believe they’re at the end of history at any given moment, again because of midwitism. This allows them to justify any atrocity, and never consider any evidence outside their established narrative.
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Ooooooooooooooo faghite
>the body of existing evidence supports giving trans teens HRT
no it doesn't
Giving medical treatment to children without their parents' permission is illegal
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>Switch to a 90% meat and fat diet
>Suppliment with some fruit
>Literally every physical or mental problem I have dissappears within a week
>Lose 10 pounds a month every month of fat
So, at this point, it's beyond any reasonable doubt that the best possible diet for anyone is obviously a high meat diet. Now, the question becomes WHY is anyone still holding a different position? It's recently been proven that the carnivore diet can literally cure bipolar.
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tfw vegans will go against their own instincts because of infographs and netflix documentaries
actual mental illness
All those other animals developed teeth for tearing open the skins of their prey because they were too low IQ to figure out how to use pointy rocks for that purpose
>Frugivore btw
okay buddy
Teaching wild chimps how to use pointy rocks and then letting them run amok in Africa would be hilarious
Pic is a sign of poor intellect.

I'm not racist but I can't wrap my brain around this argument. First off, how to we compare the similarity of populations? Just typical gene frequencies? Then how is it the case that two average representative individuals in two different populations are more similar to each other than that same average individual and a random other member of their own population?
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Correlation isn't causation for the umpteenth time.
As are most social constructs including most of socially constructed modern "science".
Why would society construct something useless? Is money useless?
Science begets technology and engineering which are quite useful you sniveling little faggot
Please return from whence you came
2500 years ago Hanno the navigator, a major naval figure from Carthage, set sail on one of the great voyages of discovery. He sailed from the Mediterranean out of straights of Gibraltar to explore the coast of Africa with a fleet of 60 ships, he worked his way down the coast past Mauritania to subsaharan Africa where he found that the people all had "burnt skin" which is to say they were negroes. After meeting people like this for a while every time his ships landed he eventually came to an island off the coast of what is now Cameroon that was filled with burnt skin people who were very hairy and extremely unruly. He named this tribe "Gorillas".
Because Hanno was not influenced by our modern ideas of species he had to call things as he saw them and he was unable to differentiate between gorillas and African negroes other than that the gorillas were hairier.

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Whats the scientific reason that people who are native to Europe aren't considered indigenous?
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>Whats the scientific reason that people who are native to Europe aren't considered indigenous?
because they were not the first homo sapiens to colonize europe. There's been lots of migratory population replacement of the millenia.
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>University intelligentsia PWND by 14 year old girl
I guess the university professors weren't as intelligent as they were giving themselves credit for being after all
because europe hates itself
No it doesn't. Their kosher, foreign owned media might, but the Europeans themselves don't

>However, some excess cancer mortalities were observed in 2021 after mass vaccination with the first and second vaccine doses, and significant excess mortalities were observed for all cancers and some specific types of cancer after mass vaccination with the third dose in 2022.


RIP Vaxxies

We tried to warn you.
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He's just saying it's a dogshit journal. So yes, it's especially susceptible to everything you're describing. Journals like cureus will publish anything that resembles an appropriate paper if you pay them and it fits their agendas (whatever they might be).
Prove it, both of you
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Probably made it twice as expensive for no good reason
Is it still over the counter in any countries or did it get locked down globally?

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Prop Transfer Demo Edition

Previous - >>16144982
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Kys pajeet
>t. pretends to not know about raptor real isp or is just ignorant
>real raptor ISP
the one that has been and still is higher than BE-4's?
>40t to orbit actual payload out of 100t projected
uhm... yeah... about that......

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Uh oh darkies.... shiee
>In standard cosmology, the accelerated expansion of the universe is said to be caused by dark energy but is in fact due to the weakening forces of nature as it expands, not due to dark energy."
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Dark matter and dark energy were always just lame attempts at justifying bad math.
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They were invented to preserve the false reputation of Albert Einstein as an important scientist
Thats why nobody is allowed to figure out the real reason why GR fails at large scales, because doing that would be an embarrassment to the reputation of St. Einstein, the infallible jew god of the soience atheists.
Its actually the reverse of that, the evidence will always be morphed to fit the Einstein theories

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Why are "never events" so common in the medical practice? Are doctors a bunch of lackadaisical incompetent bunglers?
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diversity being prioritized over competence, everywhere. even pilots and bus drivers. kinda spooky
Of what relevance is life expectancy to assessing health systems? Are you serious?
Sadly they are, the people who are here to shill their irrational political ideas are not here to discuss science, so they'll say any sort of dumb things to supposedly make a point
>diversity being prioritized over competence, everywhere
Not everywhere. Not on NBA basketball teams or Hollywood boardrooms. Its only prioritized in fields that white males excel at
UK is state capitalism.

What are people's opinions on Columbia University and how it became completely free of Jews which is something the redneck hicks who call themselves antisemitic could have done in their southern trump loving colleges but they didn't. Instead a university in Jew York pressured by liberals was the first to clear itself of Jews.
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>nazis arguing amongst themselves how leftists are the REAL anti-Semites but also Hitler was right but also nazis are leftist but we love nazis because they hate leftists and also Jews, which is good actually when we do it
Christ it's just so tiresome
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to find out who rules you simply determine who you are not allowee to criticize. they are banning tiktok for the same reason.

but how is this related to science? political science?
I have a friend that constantly posts anti-woke, anti-dei, pro free speech "based" propaganda and is now calling to crack down on these protests. I dont answer to him in these social networks to not strain the relationship
>to find out who rules you simply determine who you are not allowee to criticize
toddlers with cancer
>how is academia related to science

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Is this true about nuclear energy?
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that "person" ought to be thrown into a reactor core, but there is a decent argument that nuclear power reinforces authoritarian power structures, since it requires extensive capital investment and governmental oversight.
>he should be murdered, also he's right
classic leftist
nice pilpul but again: they are stepping up their attempts to smear others as "evil" as they genocide the Palestinians
>since it requires extensive capital investment and governmental oversight.
>and governmental oversight.
governmental oversight is what hinders it most. there isn't anyone in the and government educated enough to know the first thing about nuclear power, all they know is that they want to prevent inexpensive, pollution free energy from replacing the big moneymakers they currently have for energy production
They also want to reserve the most powerful and best energy sources for their own armed military goons.

What caused the emergence of human races?
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I know this is a chicken and egg argument, but it was racism.
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shut the fuck up
Well obviously it's dispersion.
Homo Sapiens for eurasians and native americans and I propose H. Australis and H. Niger for the two other species.

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Why do scientists brazenly maintain this antiquated model of Earth's core?
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Hmm, I wonder if I can blame this on the Jews somehow
Water also becomes Incorporated in the chemistry of the rock. Just look at what happens to the subduction of oceanic crust under neath the continental crust
Supercritical H2O doesn't behave like normal water
>sound is fake
Great hypothesis, can't wait for your paper and evidence
the people who claim they know whats in the center of the planet have no idea what they're talking about, that has already long since been proved. you only still believe them because you're an irrational soiyentism religious cultist

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What is "Cognitive Infrastructure"?
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imagine being the 1 poor sod in picrel who got dupe by all the glowies...
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There was an event in northeastern Europe in the 1700s or 1800s when they tried to have a war, but the corruption on both sides was so bad that all of the funds earmarked for gunpowder and ammunition was stolen by government officials so the military campaigns has to be called off
the USSR send some of their conscripts into battle unarmed, they had to find a dead guy and take his weapons. they saved a lot of money that way

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As a consequence of Hensel's lemma I have to officially revoke the title of "numbers" from the p-adic fields Q_p for p = 1 mod 4.
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As a consequence of Anon's lemma i have to officially revoke the title of "straight" from OP
Then I invoke the "Im straight, the universe curved me." clause.

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