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Jij: verveelt je de hele dag, zevert over nutteloze dingen
Ik: heb een propere baan waarin ik elke dag zaakvoerders help, oneindig vee tijd tekort voor al mijn hobbies, kunsten en self improvement avenues
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Staatsloten van mijn uitkering is gewoon gekort worden voor een kans op een willekeurige som uit de staatskas
Ik rechtsboven

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Edition /fit/

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Bon appétit les pur-sang

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Predicting its imminent collapse is not fashionable anymore? What happened?
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It's not a prediction, it's an inevetable.

It's impossible to last when it's lead by the likes of Ursula, Macron, Scholz, Meloni and Donald Tusk.
The average european is a low iq, easily manipulated, easily duped, lazy and fat, who vootes.for this sort of people.
It is simply not sustainable, and it will be over in the 2030's
Magnolia would fuck Putin hard with a strap on.
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>>muh le central
he's right thoughbeit
thirdies fear the central evropean
look at all the rest of the world memeing and making fun of the EV, they fear our rise
You could use the same arguments for nation states, yet here we still are
What do you mean?
Poland is pretty much the only country where this happened.
Everywhere else far right sentiment is increasing.

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Why do thirdies use this shitty app Telegram? It's super power hungry with auto-playing videos, high res animations, unencrypted chat by default and if you play voice messages it starts playing other voice messages right after the first finishes playing.
Overall unpleasant experience.
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vk is hilarious it's like facebook but there's 4k videos of porn all over it
>exploding slavshits
kek made me think of exploding knees
Its great for trading child porn
I miss the time when most Telegram users were Russians and Iranians.
Americans and Indians ruined Telegram.
In 2019, you could download everything there,movies, songs even games...but now with copyright issues, you can't do shit

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Internationally speaking, will it outdo 2016?
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Yes, the world (namely news media) will go into an apoplectic meltdown. Even though nothing really changes that much, especially outside America.
It was cringe listening to people here complain about trump, as if he had any impact on their lives whatsoever.
We'll notice and call it out! Again!
If we beat them then it's a real election.
If we lose then it was stolen.
How is Biden still fit for office? People were making out Biden was on death's door last time he ran but he's running for another term.
I am voting for Bernie Sanders, we talked about this with my wife’s bull.

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googla barack osama
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>dkn ingen goblina fv
Tycker ni hon är speciellt snygg?
affärside: ge lsd till alla människor
har inte borstat tänderna...

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I have seen the fnords edition
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Winter’s late desperate grasp has passed. Too early for 80 degree days.
Mushrooms, which have always been appreciated for their culinary and nutritional value, are now increasingly valued for their many important medicinal properties, so much so that they are used not only as dietary food (functional foods) but also in the form of dietary supplements, nutraceuticals, and mycotherapy products [1,2]. Their use for promoting and maintaining a good state of health and the treatment of diseases has been around since ancient times in Asian regions, while in the West, this approach is considerably more recent. Medicinal mushrooms (MMs) are reported to have numerous pharmacological actions such as antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antidiabetic, cytotoxic, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, anticancer, antioxidant, antiallergic, antihyperlipidemic, and prebiotic properties, among others [2,3,4,5]. These activities are attributable to many bioactive metabolites present in the mycelium but above all in the fruiting body, whose biological effect varies according to the chemical nature and whose distribution varies according to the fungal species. A great deal of research has been carried out and is increasingly being undertaken to identify and characterize mycochemicals and to define their actions and mechanisms, due to the growing interest in the use of natural products, including as adjuvants in traditional therapies. The bulk of research carried out has focused on a few genera or species, for example, those of the oldest and most traditional use among Asian populations, while for those remaining, current scientific support is still lacking. Several studies have so far investigated the various activities of MMs, highlighting their enormous potential for use in the medical sector, but a particular effort has been put into studying their antitumor and immunomodulatory properties, as cancer remains one of the most difficult challenges to date.
well youre not getting any theyre all mine you fat freak
England is mine, it owes me a living
We all know a guy who’s been “reconstructed.” He’s likely wearing a pink t-shirt and sandals, has a government job and is the only one at the party laughing at lame, politically correct jokes. None of us want to be that guy, but standing up for our heritage as Christian white men is difficult without a proper foundation (lest we face, unarmed, the full might of the Google scholars: they who have left-wing talking points memorized and myriads of stats and studies at their fingertips.)

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If Europe has a soul than it's in Poland.
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best post
Why do you give a shit about GDP? It's a Jewish metric to rate a country by. My favorite countries in terms of pure SOVL are in the Balkans, and their GDPs are dogshit. Stop being money minded, free yourself.
Do Poles like white chud immigrants?
and you don't live in the Balkans and don't know shit, retard. and I'm not using geedeepee peepeepee per capita as a measurement of soul but of living standards and it's by far the best measurement of living standards we have, next to the ratio of net median salary VS price level (Poland scores most favorably in this regard out of the whole Central-Eastern Europe region, sans the city-state of Slovenia which never experienced war or even real communism as it was the laxest region in the already lax Yugoslavia)

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edizione piedi di sorella
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che normale del cazzo, reddit è da quella parte
inoltre non lessi
la prossima volta impari a dire di no
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voi i normofalliti che tentano di fittare nella società
io, l'eremita basato che di sua spontanea volontà ha reciso ogni contatto con la società e vive in un blissful state perenne

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edycja zaskoczonego cade
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cyk kawa i cyk interwał na rowerze a potem leżenie bebechem do góry
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na vastaluacie usunęli porno deske
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Very spot on indeed .
dziwni ci litwini

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>The image portrays a Polish man with white facepaint on kissing a lithuanian on the head in a gesture of forgivness. The Polish man is thus forgiving the tiny, litwin snake his sins of trechery and lies and telling him no harm will come to his pathetic existence despite the Polish centuru starting soon.
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Another butthurt poole thread. I am gonna steal a gun and depopulate a border town of you slavshit parasites.
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>The Lady and Knight is a chivalric image that many of us probably know very well, though perhaps you didn't realize they come in two flavors. A staple in fiction everywhere, the Lady And Knight dynamic is at leastOlder Than Feudalism, though no doubt that whole era of Romantic adventure stories likeArthurian >LegendandRobin Hoodperpetuated it. While it is very common in works set in a Medieval era orequivalent fantasy version, they can pop up anywhere but even in modern settings, they are usually meant to invoke that era's ideal image of a Lady and her Knight.

*Lady is usually interpreted in a literal sense like Poland
**Knight is usually interpreted in a literal sense like Lithuania

From the ancient times it is in every Lithuanian's DNA to guard and protect our Ladies, because they just don't know any better! They just can't help themselves! Hence the guardship and Chivalry of Lithuania. Protect the girls!
why was he kind to the midget?
All the petty little eastern European rivalries and beefs are so boring.
I didn't know what Lithuania was until I started visiting 4chan.

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That would be really cool having a open world rpg game happening in the Half life’s universe exactly like the Fallout’s games.

I wonder why they didn’t make one yet.
That sounds retarded
No offense
Valve is obsessed with innovation and won't make a new game until something new happens in the industry. Half-Life Alyx was cool but VR is a flop.
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>t. Dr. Bronius
>Gordon, what do you think we should do about all the new monsters infesting city 17's quarantine zone? talk to me baby


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Es ist Sommer und ich will Sex uezs
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vallah krise
Wer einmal Unzöl ist sollte ein lebenslanges Sex- und Masturbationsverbot auferlegt bekommen uezs
glaubst du dass ich die drogebne bekommen wenn ich den brudie und den mietlärry zerhämmere?
die köter gmbh pfeifft aus dem letzten loch
Die Schweden B.V. pfeift aus dem letzten Loch

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I always get confused between the Polish flag and the Indonesian flag.

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