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Former President Donald Trump’s attorney on Thursday argued that a president could order the assassination of his political rival and stage a military coup without being prosecuted for it.

Jack Sauer, Trump’s lawyer, made the “absolute immunity” argument in a Supreme Court hearing in the Department of Justice election interference case against the former president. Trump’s team has repeatedly claimed that the ex-president can’t be prosecuted for “official acts” he did while in office.

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor asked Sauer, “If the president decides that his rival is a corrupt person and he orders the military to assassinate him, is that within his official acts to which he has immunity?”

“That could well be an official act,” Sauer responded.

Sotomayor seemed taken aback at that line of reasoning.

“I am having a hard time thinking that creating false documents, that submitting false documents, that ordering the assassination of a rival, that accepting a bribe and countless other laws that could be broken for personal gain, that anyone would say that it would be reasonable for a president or any public official to do that,” Sotomayor said, including other examples from Trump’s lawyer’s argument that could logically lead to no prosecution.

Justice Elena Kagan offered a few more hypotheticals to Trump’s attorney, including if a president would be immune from prosecution if they sold the country’s nuclear secrets to a foreign power.

“Likely not immune,” Sauer said, before adding a qualifier: “Now, if it’s structured as an official act, he’d have to be impeached and convicted first.”

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it's such a mystery why you're unpopular
Republicans are fascists and they like to dehumanize the groups they want to genocide.
Judges can declare many things. Guilty or not guilty, liable or not. They can make factual findings in service of their rulings. They can take judicial notice of facts. They can even serve as the finder of fact in a criminal trial if an individual waives their right to a jury. All that to say, a judge did declare trump a rapist in our common understanding of the term, cry more about it.
fascism is a far left ideology that hasn't existed since 1945. republicans are pro guns so they are by default anti authoritarian
half the country voted trump. GOP won the popular vote for the house in 2022
judges cannot unilaterally declare someone guilty of a crime without a jury unless someone waves their right to a jury trial. they especially can't do it when trump was never criminally charged with rape. the judge was jewish and lying. like how the hawaii judges said the 2nd amendment doesn't apply to hawaii because hawaii isn't in the US or how that black NYC judge said the 2nd amendment doesn't apply to NYC because NYC isn't America

"In a stinging dissent, Judge Madeline Singas wrote that the majority was “whitewashing the facts to conform to a he-said/she-said narrative,” and said the Court of Appeals was continuing a “disturbing trend of overturning juries’ guilty verdicts in cases involving sexual violence.”
>NEW YORK (AP) - New York's highest court on Thursday overturned Harvey Weinstein's 2020 rape conviction, reversing a landmark ruling of the #MeToo era. The court found the trial judge unfairly allowed testimony against the ex-movie mogul based on allegations that weren't part of the case.

>Weinstein, 72, will remain in prison because he was convicted in Los Angeles in 2022 of another rape. But the New York ruling reopens a painful chapter in America's reckoning with sexual misconduct by powerful figures - an era that began in 2017 with a flood of allegations against Weinstein.

>While Thursday's ruling was a blow to #MeToo advocates, they noted it was based on legal technicalities and not an exoneration of Weinstein's behavior, saying the original trial irrevocably moved the cultural needle on attitudes about sexual assault.

>The Manhattan district attorney's office said it intends to retry Weinstein, and at least one of his accusers said through her lawyer that she would testify again.

>The state Court of Appeals overturned Weinstein's 23-year sentence in a 4-3 decision, saying "the trial court erroneously admitted testimony of uncharged, alleged prior sexual acts." It called this "highly prejudicial" and "an abuse of judicial discretion."

>In a stinging dissent, Judge Madeline Singas wrote that the Court of Appeals was continuing a "disturbing trend of overturning juries' guilty verdicts in cases involving sexual violence." She said the ruling came at "the expense and safety of women."
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>My favorite politician is a rapist (held civilly liable, admitted to it on tape and been accused dozens of times including by children) and if you disagree you're PRO RAPE
My favorite part about the conservative talking points is that instead of learning your lesson when it lost you the election in 2016 you've instead decided to double down. Touche. I do admire your perseverance.
>we need MORE single mothers and MORE third-world immigrants because that will reduce rape!
>also Drumpf is a rapist because other people say so and I'm an NPC so I just believe it without forming my own opinion
Imagine saying that and expecting me to take your opinion seriously
>muh election
>brainwashed Zoomers voting the way that their government teachers programmed them to PROVES that the right is bad!
ever ask yourself why millions of woke progressive 2008 Obama voters switched to Trump by 2016? It's because eventually they grew up. Maybe you should too kid. Democrats only survive because they control the schools to brainwash a new generation of NPCs every time the previous generation grows up.
>we need MORE single mothers and MORE third-world immigrants because that will reduce rape!
Its also very telling that you can't engage with anybody on this plane of existence - you're arguing with this liberal you invented in your head. You're debating with yourself right now.

>Imagine saying that and expecting me to take your opinion seriously
Imagine thinking that anybody gives a fuck about a conservative schizo taking their opinion seriously. You unironically believe that the only way anybody could come to a conclusion you disagree with is if they were brainwashed. You're an actual bot.

>brainwashed Zoomers voting the way that their government teachers programmed them to PROVES that the right is bad!
The only way anybody could ever vote different than you is if they were programmed. You are the based reality pilled and everyone else is a drone. You view the world like a toddler.
Thats odd, im think im included in the 'part of everyone' and i dont think its bullshit. I fully believe Trump is a sexual predator/rapist as he would loudly talk about cobtrolling women by grabbing them by the pussy. And yes, I am Republican (but no longer a proud Republican).
>I'm a liberal but I'm also anti-feminist and support Trump's immigration stance
you can't actually argue against conservatives so instead you just say "you lose elections therefore you're wrong!"
Nevermind that the age group most likely to vote Democrat are Zoomers who haven't entered the real world yet and are voting based on what the government indoctrinated them to believe.
>You view the world like a toddler
nice projection because actual real life children are the ones on your side. There's a reason Democrats want to lower the voting age to 16:

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In a stunning attack on the rule of law, the packed Republican Supreme Court declares that Trump is above the law and will engage in election interference by delaying his trial for his failed coup attempt


In shocking arguments Thursday before the U.S. Supreme Court, at least five conservative justices suggested that they would create a new rule providing some form of immunity from criminal prosecution for former presidents and require lower courts to hold additional hearings to judge whether the indictment of former President Donald Trump for trying to overturn the 2020 election met that new standard.

The case arrived before the court after the Department of Justice charged Trump with four felonies related to his effort to overturn his 2020 election loss through a scheme involving the submission of false elector slates to Congress on Jan. 6, 2021. Trump asserted that as president he had an “absolute immunity” from criminal prosecution for all official acts committed while in office, and he asked the courts to confirm his claim. The case ended up at the Supreme Court after a panel of judges from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled against his absolute immunity claim.

During Thursday’s arguments, five of the six conservative justices appeared more concerned about hypothetical restraints on future presidents that could flow from hypothetical future prosecutions rather than the actual case at hand. Nor did they appear to consider the hypothetical crimes future presidents could commit if granted “absolute immunity.” And though a majority of the court did appear to reject Trump’s full claim of “absolute immunity,” this suggested a desire to craft a ruling that would grant some form of immunity to presidents in some cases, and then remanding Trump’s case back to the lower courts for more hearings.
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>Christian supremacists came out of their hole to make things worse.
Yes, and now we're entering politics.
You did this. This is your fault.
Liberals are just openly embracing anti-semitism and supporting hamas terrorists now. Scratch a liberal a nazi bleeds
don't you have alms to give to your super church
>Victim blaming
Fascism 101
>-imprisoning their political opponents
Trump wants to do that and murder everyone
Nice projection.

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S. Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R), who is being eyed as a potential running mate to Donald Trump, admitted to shooting and killing a puppy she called “less than worthless” — along with her “disgusting” goat — in her new book.

According to The Guardian, Noem’s unreleased book, No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward, details how her effort to train her aggressive female dog for hunting pheasant was unsuccessful.

The Republican leader said she can do anything “difficult, messy and ugly” if necessary. Noem explained how she had hoped the puppy named Cricket would prove to be an efficient hunter at a local pheasant hunt but things quickly got out of control.

“I hated that dog,” Noem writes, adding that Cricket had proved herself “untrainable”, and “less than worthless … as a hunting dog”.

“At that moment,” Noem says, “I realised I had to put her down.”

Noem, who also represented her state in Congress for eight years, got her gun, then led Cricket to a gravel pit.

“It was not a pleasant job,” she writes, “but it had to be done.”

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feel free to die on the dog killing hill. it's fucking hilarious
You should never own a dog, anon. You're clearly not adult enough to handle the responsibility.
try to conflate animal abuse with being responsible, i'm sure that will finally afford you the popular vote. i really need to stop drinking
>animal abuse
Training work animals IS animal abuse you fucking retard. They break them so that they commit to certain behaviors for the rest of their lives. e.g herding dogs are purposefully neglected by their owners so they learn to bond with sheep.

I was joking before, but you sincerely should never own an animal. You are profoundly unintelligent.
>all animal training is abuse, which is why i get to shoot dogs indiscriminately
wrong, but good try i guess

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Peace, rest in peace. Red alert we need to find Evil urgently.

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HONG KONG, April 25 (Reuters) - TikTok owner ByteDance would prefer shutting down its loss-making app rather than sell it if the Chinese company exhausts all legal options to fight legislation to ban the platform from app stores in the U.S., four sources said.
The algorithms TikTok relies on for its operations are deemed core to ByteDance overall operations, which would make a sale of the app with algorithms highly unlikely, said the sources close to the parent.
TikTok accounts for a small share of ByteDance's total revenues and daily active users, so the parent would rather have the app shut down in the U.S. in a worst case scenario than sell it to a potential American buyer, they said.
A shut-down would have limited impact on ByteDance's business while the company would not have to give up its core algorithm, said the sources, who declined to be named as they were not authorised to speak to the media.
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Americans are pissed off at their government for reasons like
>lack of health care
>out of control DoD budgets
>unaffordable housing
And a litany of other reasons. China ain't the ones doing that shit
Because this shit is a waste of time and effort and they'll act like they saved the world by doing this and justify themselves into thinking they don't have to do anything else now. This is the end of things (for them anyways)
You'd be right if it weren't for this
Yup. Turns out it was a CCP surveillance arm after all. Thanks for confirming it, Bytedance
Biden just lost the zoomer vote. Rip sleepy

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This is literally what the dems and the isralis want. Also the most common age for women to give birth now is 30-34
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You should share these theories of yours with a psychiatrist. I'm not a mental health professional. I cannot help you.
mental healthcare is banned in blue states
>mental healthcare is banned in blue states
Jesus. What happened to you? How did you get like this?
Relentless propaganda, domestic and foreign.
blame dems for red flag laws. in my state if you want to buy a gun you need to release your medical history to the cops and they will ban you from buying a gun if you go to a therapist. so there is no reason for anyone to ever go to mental healthcare
>no all the dem stuff pushed by all the media 24/7 isn't propaganda

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Teen of tech entrepreneur feared dead after traveling to San Franciscos Tenderloin district
Lefty tent-dwellers of /news/, if you encounter Mint Butterfield, please contact the authorities, she is a minor from a wealthy family, the daughter of a Fake and a Butterfield
A search is underway in the San Francisco area for the 16-year-old daughter of billionaire Stewart Butterfield, the former CEO and co-founder of Slack.

Mint Butterfield, who uses they/them pronouns, is “believed to be in the Tenderloin” district of San Francisco, a spot that has become notorious for drug use and homelessness in recent years. Police said the teen had been known to frequent the area prior to their disappearance over the weekend.

Mint was last seen in Bolinas on Sunday around 10 p.m., according to a notice from the Marin County Sheriff’s Office. They were wearing a black sweatshirt, flannel pajama pants, and black boots at the time, and may have been carrying a gray suitcase.

The teen’s mother, Caterina Fake, woke Monday to find Mint had not returned home and reported her missing the same morning, the Marin County Sheriff’s Office told the San Francisco Chronicle.

Fake co-founded the photo service Flickr with Butterfield in 2004, and they sold it to Yahoo the following year for an estimated $30 million.

Fake co-founded the photo service Flickr with Butterfield in 2004, and they sold it to Yahoo the following year for an estimated $30 million.

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>Hurp durp if you live in a city you deserve to die!
Good luck in November. You guys are gonna need it.
sorry, election cope isn't going to stop democrat policies from increasing murder rates in democrat cities
is being afraid a policy?
>chud thought this was a zinger

>The number of homicides in major American cities is falling at its quickest pace in decades following huge jumps during the pandemic.

>Why it matters: The nation is on track to see one of the lowest levels of violent crimes and homicides since President Obama was in office.


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tldr a significant number of boring ass nba games are going to bezos. ESPN/ABC still retaining games. Either TBS or NBC getting fucked. already some nfl games on the cock and amazon. This is significant in that right now the only thing keeping cable tv alive is live sports. not that streaming is any better with the prices, but if live sports move to streaming sites cable will be dead.
I don't watch basketball, its rigged and literally more boring than soccer. I haven't watched live sports since blm ruined all of them
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>they are dominicans, not mexicans
Sorry I didn't use the right word for the MEXICANS, they/them.
Actually, I've always hated watching sports.
the proper term is latinx because it is a retarded tranny term and 100% makes mexicans seethe
>Actually, I've always hated watching sports.
You always hated watching sports but you can't remember when or why you hated watching sports yet apparently you didn't hate it enough to become starkly aware when it became "all black" despite most major sports being primarily black since like 1975. Seriously, get off the internet and call your home nurse. Your alzheimers is kicking in.
Nice blogshit, faggot
>The Athletic is a subscription-based sports journalism website, and the sports department of The New York Times.
holy shit you foreign jewish shills don't know shit about the US


Crazy story with the best possible ending.

>US Navy Captain retires, tries to bang two underage girls in Seattle

>Turns out it's a trap, pulls a gun when cops try to van him.

>Cops proceed to magdump this freak, sending him to the nether realm alongside the rest of his Zionist friends.

>Bruce C. Meneley, he was in charge of medical procedures at Gitmo during the Bush and Obama years and was responsible for force feeding them bacon burgers when they went on hunger strike.

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Not exactly neutral news tone in this article:
"By the end of the Global War on Terror, Zionist meddling overseas is believed to have resulted in the deaths of over 4.5 million people since 9/11." WTF
Just lower the consent age to 8 and this shit will not happen again.
Those are just facts you zog bot.
>Botlibschizo broken
Tinfoilfags like you belong on another board

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growth was slower than expected.
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>An unironic two more weeks: the post
As many as he wants because posting the article text isn't a requirement

Stop spamming the board
It isn't even close to 50/50. You only think that because you're a cultist.
This thread without article text is the spam.
a. that isn't how that works
b. the jews were expecting 2.2%
>thread that follows the rules is spam
>Unironically thinking he can re-purpose the two more weeks meme and gaslight everyone into forgetting that schizo-conservatives coined it to begin with.

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Putin and his Puppet, Donald Trump, are seething that Ukraine is getting aid again to fight off Russian invaders.


Washington CNN —

President Joe Biden on Wednesday signed into law an aid package providing crucial military assistance to Ukraine, capping months of negotiations and debate.

The aid package, passed by the Senate late Tuesday evening and worth $95 billion in total, includes nearly $61 billion in aid to Ukraine, $26 billion for Israel and $8 billion for the Indo-Pacific. The package also includes a bill that could eventually lead to the banning of TikTok in the United States - giving Chinese parent company ByteDance roughly nine months to sell it or else it will be banned from app stores in the United States.

Wearing a US-Ukrainian flag pin and speaking from the White House after signing the bill on Wednesday, Biden said it was a “good day for America, a good day for Ukraine and a good day for world peace.”

The aid package, Biden said, is “going to make America safer. It’s going to make the world safer. And it continues America’s leadership in the world.”

The signing of the aid package was the culmination of months of tense negotiations, personal lobbying from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and a split in the House Republican conference that continues to threaten the leadership position of House Speaker Mike Johnson. Hardline House conservatives opposed further US funding to Kyiv and threatened to oust Johnson over his handling of the negotiations. Conservatives in Congress have opposed additional assistance for what they view as an unwinnable war.

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Man, I hope this happens. The prosperity will be terrible, again.
I fucking love struggling!
The greatest trick Trump ever pulled was convincing troglodytes like you that coasting off of the success of Obama's policies was somehow a result of his great leadership. The only legislation he passed was tax cuts to his billionaires friends and you knuckle draggers literally trip over your own dicks to praise him for it. Our country truly is doomed with people like you in it.
What in the fuck? Obama was a disaster.
There were no good Obama policies, aside from extending the Bush tax cut.
>What in the fuck? Obama was a disaster.
But apparently not so much of a disaster that Trump didn't want to take credit for his upward trends. From energy independence to plummeting unemployment Trump made sure to tell everyone that he was responsible for economic trends that started before he was even president.

>There were no good Obama policies, aside from extending the Bush tax cut.
Conservative propaganda has turned your brain to mush.
Obama was the best prez since JFK.
He even started in the worst economic recession since the 1930s and did an outstanding job, shouldn't have won the peace prize though TBH.
He just doesn't get much credit from repugnicans because he is black, though they won't admit that part.

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I am an adult troll against both sides on 4chan.
You will never be a woman Kaylin Dodson
its already back up 350 points today
Paste the article text, cornpop
Everyone is a troll on 4chan.

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Those charged in the election fraud attempt to destroy US democracy for Trump included the state chair of the Republican party.


A state grand jury in Arizona on Wednesday indicted so-called "fake electors" who backed then-President Donald Trump in 2020, following a sprawling investigation into the alleged efforts to overturn Joe Biden’s win in the presidential election in the state.

One month after the 2020 election, 11 Trump supporters convened at the Arizona GOP’s headquarters in Phoenix to sign a certificate claiming to be Arizona’s 11 electors to the Electoral College, though Biden won the state by 10,457 votes and his electors were certified by state officials. The state Republican Party documented the signing of the certificate in a social media post and sent it to Congress and the National Archives.

Among those charged is Kelli Ward, who served as chair of the Arizona GOP during the 2020 election and the immediate aftermath. She tweeted on Jan. 6, 2021, after the attack on the U.S. Capitol: “Congress is adjourned. Send the elector choice back to the legislatures.” Ward was a consistent propagator of false claims that Arizona’s election results were rigged.

Others charged include: state legislators Anthony Kern and Jake Hoffman; Michael Ward, Kelli Ward’s husband; Tyler Bowyer, the Republican National Committee's Arizona committeeman and the chief operating officer of the Trump-aligned Turning Point USA; Greg Safsten, the former Arizona GOP executive director; former U.S. Senate candidate Jim Lamon; Robert Montgomery, the former head of the Cochise County GOP; and Republican Party activists Samuel Moorhead, Nancy Cottle and Loraine Pellegrino.

>The indictment lists Trump as "Unindicted Coconspirator 1." It also includes redacted names of other people who have been charged in the case but have not yet been served.
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Republicans, they just dropped all pretenses and staged a coup that year.
So to keep track
Michigan: Only charged the fake electors
Arizona: Charged the fake electors and those who coordinated it
Georgia: Charged the fake electors, those who coordinated it and the ring leader
ITS DA ELECT00000RZ!!!!!!
Donald J. Trump
Maybe don't try to steal the election with fake electors?

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