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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

1. If you attempt to post something unoriginal, it is not posted, and you are muted temporarily.
2. The time with which you are muted for doubles with each transgression.
3. Each mute time is 2^n in seconds where n is the number of times you have transgressed. So, your mute time doubles each time you fuck up.
4. Backlinks, eg >>1, are not viewed by the robot. So "lolwut" and ">>2 lolwut" are the same post, in the eyes of the robot.
5. Gibberish at the end of a post to force originality may result in mod intervention (no BLOX posts please).
6. Images are NOT included in the filter, only text.
7. Your mute count slowly decreases over time.
8. You cannot post a picture without text.
9. Unicode is blocked. Sorry, too many exploits (Cyrillic letters, etc).
10. Posts require a certain minimum amount of original content in order to be posted.
11. Post sane, real content, well thought out replies, and mutes are unlikely.
12. The original algorithm was designed by XKCD:
/r9k/ has no topic, but unlike /b/ Global Rule #3 is in effect. In addition, advice threads and camwhoring/hookup/"rate me" threads should go on /adv/ - Advice and /soc/ - Cams & Meetups respectively. This includes Discord server threads!

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Do not post pictures of yourself on /r9k/.
Do not post threads asking for pictures of other users.

All "rate me" and camwhoring threads belong on /soc/.


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A brand new day edition!
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I post this one for now cause it pleases me
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Nd heres some wagies in Paris shuffling to the wagie train
>Nd heres some wagies in Paris shuffling to the wagie train
Now watch some wagies cope by saying 'i work from home!'. Like slaving your life away from home is a good thing. HOWLING
Nah, wish they were allowed, opens up so many more possibilities.

>why should i help you?

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I just came back home and found my 23 years old son like this.
I have no words.
Told him to pack things up and leave and now he's crying in the bathroom.
I didn't raise no son to be a loser faggot, internet has ruined him.
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Cute nail polish OP
like father, like son
Tranny spotted fag
that's normal heterosexual behavior
Did you film this?
hes 23 hes of legal age if he wants to put dildos up his ass then leave it. if he dresses like this in public then its a problem

Imagine reincarnating as your dream pokemon in the pokemon world :)

What pokemon would you be?
>I would be massive feraligatr with sheer force and a quick claw
What would your moveset be?
>My moves: Ice Fang/Ice Punch, Metal Claw, Earthquake and watefall
>Would you reincarnate in the Pokemon game, manga or anime world?
I think the manga world is more mature so that
>What would do in the pokemon world?
Eat, hunt, forage and swim around. Maybe start a guild or gang. I WOULD definitely rape gardevoirs, lopunnies, smoochums and delphoxes. I would also rape little female trainers who were naive. I would CREAMPIE them mercilessly with my giant lizard cock.

Some crocodile species irl have giant cocks that they conceal inside their bodies but their cocks are always erect. Their cocks only emerge when they're fucking. Imagine the huge size of a feraligatr's cock, the average feraligatr is 7 feet tall. I would creampie all the little pokegirls :)
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I think a female greninja would be fun to creampie too :)
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I'd like to be a grade with a slender body.
Are you going to rape me?
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>Are you going to rape me?
Possibly, but if you're sweet I'd at least be gentle. There's no risk of us having an egg though, different breeding groups. I'd mostly want to rape pokegirls that are walking home from trainer school.
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I want you to rape me after I fail to capture you.

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what makes you afraid to go outside in your locale?
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Niggers, gypsies, north africans ,eastern euros

Asians are little sissies they aren't even wble to arm themselves
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>5 years ago
>Commercially zoned area of town had very few pedestrians of any ethnicity
>Past year
>Significant uptick in young black male pedestrians in said commercial zone
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things are getting tough out here
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litter and also >>77262836 too

and the fact that i have literally 0 money to be able to enjoy anything outside
stay afraid lil yt boiz......

autists are biological robots and have no soul
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everybody claim that this was the thread
we have a little bit of sociopath and psychopath depends on the level of it
thank god these are consider 4chan words cause you wouldn't catch me dead talking about anything 4chan related in life.
hell if BBC ever gets joked about ima pull the judgmental
>ew i heard thats like a 4chan thing
Rules #1 and #2 for a reason bitches!
or yall can chill the fuck out and admit that some people arent interested in you. quit trying to find answers.
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>quit trying to find answers
literally what we fucking do as biological machines.
Its kind of like our whole thing?

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Imagine being born with the gift of having great physical health; the ability to see, hear, walk, think, speak, and so forth, only to waste it by being a suicidal pussy that jumps off a bridge.
>But I am...le sad!
For thousands of years your ancestors went through great adversity to live their lives, but all of a sudden you can't handle a little pain and you want to ack yourself? Just how much of a spoiled, weak-willed, faggot piece of shit are you to waste such potential that many would kill for? You could've dedicated your life to a noble cause like helping the poor but no, instead you had to be a selfish stupid cunt. Hell truly is a just punishment for the vast majority of suicidefags.
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>there is so much joy out there
Suffering outnumbers joy in the world to a massive degree
Imagine being born with the gift of having great physical health; the ability to see, hear, walk, think, speak, and so forth, only to waste it by posting on an anonymous imageboard.
>But I am...le bored!
For thousands of years your ancestors went through great adversity to live their lives, but all of a sudden you can't handle a little boredom and you want to be a faggot? Just how much of a spoiled, weak-willed, faggot piece of shit are you to waste such potential that many would kill for? You could've dedicated your life to a noble cause like helping the poor but no, instead you had to be a selfish stupid cunt. Being gay truly is a just punishment for the vast majority of niggers.
>Imagine being born with the gift of having great physical health; the ability to see, hear, walk, think, speak, and so forth, only to waste it by being a suicidal pussy that jumps off a bridge.
I have all those things, yet I still gets bouts of absolute hopelessness, because although I am all those things; I have more than one legitimate physical deformity. A physical deformity should be treated as a disability in the modern day world, you get treated as a subhuman and treated worse by others. Employers rather hire attractive normal people, even over someone who is more qualified and responsible just because of deformity. People like me either suicide, self isolate all the time and stay in their house almost 24/7. I self isolate and stay in the house 99.99% of the time. I was destined to be an outcast freak based on things out of my control. What do I do? Turn to God? Is not feeling anger and contempt for God a natural response to being this way?
Mental health is definitely a modern day excuse
I don't have great physical health. Why did you assume we all have great physical health? Do you even actually sympathize with people that have poor health or is this just you being a shithead?

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why are 90% of girls on all the dating apps im on either:
1. the fattest human known to science
2. ratchet black woman with 3 inch talon nails
3. ratchet black "woman" with 3 inch talon nails
4. "hi polyamorous couple looking for a third partner"
5. asexual

its so fucking over bros
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Seems like cope to me. If I had any chance I'd get matches
you sound rather like a low functioning autist
The fact is that trash rises to the top when it comes to the dating apps. Ask this question to yourself: Why are these women on dating apps for so long?
>2. ratchet black woman with 3 inch talon nails
god please give me an ebony queen like this to make babies with!
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You're not wrong. Hinge isn't nearly as bad as the other ones, but I see where you're coming from.
I've found that "telling" the algorithm what I like or dislike by removing profiles I'm not interested in helped a lot. I went from seeing only attractive women to only morbidly obese women to women in my league.
I wouldn't consider myself attractive (I'm short, SE Asian, and conventionally ugly), but I regularly went on dates with women like pic related before finding my current gf. Pro-tip: don't date gamer girls.

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Being a 24 year old virgin is eating me alive.
I'm truly thinking losing my virginity to a prostitute at this point.
Prostitutes are pretty cool actually, not the street prostitutes though. They are just hoes.
I was 27 when I lost mine to my first gf. I'm glad I waited for her but it's up to you.
Might as well, it's nice if you can have your first time with someone special but at one point you just have to catch up. Also losing your virginity is also going to demystify sex in a way. I definitely carried myself differently around sex and flirting before and after.
And I'm still the same embarrasing retard as I was before, I just lost hope and went for the paid option. It's not my first failure.

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How do I deal with the fact that if I get a gf she will probably be well experience when I am not?
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You can still find virgin women OP, it's harder than in the past but it's still very possible. No hymen no diamond
women love being treated like you think they're innocent
that's why the blacks have those memes like "I don't normally be doing this," all girls are whores, all girl wish they weren't whore, girls love gaslighting themselves positively;
legit, just act like you don't know she's a skank, if you tell her, "I'm gonna show you something fun," she will gladly and seamlessly play along like she's never chugged dick before
Women *want* to be what you want. Assuming that they want you kek.
No you don't. Fat girls are practice gf for a reason.
unironically go the practice gf route lol
redpill me on practice girlfriends.

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I think at this point you already realise this is a nightmare and not real life.
Israel sucks, sorry mate
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leftist retards on the internet are not real life
unbeliavably shitty bait nigger
>Vandalizing synagogues with swastikas is good, leftists argue.
Nobody is arguing this lmfao. Where did you get this article?

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What kind of stuff do titcows get up to? I find it hard to believe women like this just live a normal ass boring life with 10 kilos of tits stuck to their body
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>other girls being jealous and taunting them
I've seen this in real life, calling the titcow a slut behind their back and constantly talking shit, women are so cruel
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Should I have a seperate folder for enhanced titties and implants?
It is, look up Jerry marzinsky
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nasty gross tits. Fuck off OP you're a stinky jeet. Have some jeet poop
Wish I had their problems uh

Criminal Edition

Previous thread : >>77254125

Rules : Ignore annoying moids

>If you crime dramas, which ones are your favorite? Why?
>Which would you prefer: non-fictional crime documentaries or fictional shows?
>Do you identify with any prominent criminals? Why?
>Have you committed any crimes?
>Have you served any time? What for, how long, and what was your experience?
>Do you know anyone close to you who has been affected by crime? How?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Not familiar with any other than Abby Winters and that whole site went to shit a long time ago.
you have to live with them, but try niacinamide and retinol to reduce the pigmentation and the perceived depth of them. I do gua sha too, but essentially you can do nothing but cope.
>were you viewing the characters but not interacting with them?
yeah it was like a random episode, for some reason it stuck with me
Just this remark, could be directed at anyone, makes you worse than you claim to be.
>didnt deny she supports thronas
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>what's the most important thing you need in life?
Femcel pussy
>what's your biggest desire in life?
Femcel pussy
>what do you consider makes life worth living?
Femcel pussy?
>what do you consider to be true happiness?
Falling in love with a Femcel and building a life and family together.

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