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Pokémon Unite is a 5v5 MOBA where your objective is to score more points than your opponent. It's focused on quick matches w/ minimal downtime. For Switch, Android, & iOS.

>Test Server (Needs VPN)

- Ceruledge(June 13th)
- Ho-Oh

- Falinks has been released

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on a 4 game win streak, and this is my ultra 1 rank up team. (two returning players on my team btw)
could be worse, solar blade leafeon could be your special attacker burst and can work plenty fine in lane, and easy peel for owl with crustle and clefable
You get a trio too, or two duos.
>lane garchomp
So, the better Garchomp, which is also good at invading.
I deserve to be down here. Just playing worse and worse.
Why does almost every draft math ban Falinks?
It's not THAT strong.

Do you guys remember this shit?
Yeah I had Studio Blue.
Used it to try and make fake Pokemon cards
I don't get it, anon. Explain yourself.

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Pokémon Infinite Fusion Discussion
Previous >>55701475
https://fusioncalc.com/ -> Infinite Fusion Calculator
https://if.daena.me/ -> Where you can view custom sprites and sort them by head or body.
https://www.mediafire.com/folder/f20qyqw00w8r9/Infinite_Fusion_downloads -> Infinite Fusion game, where you can fuse Pokémon and put them on your team!
https://discord.gg/infinitefusion -> Official discord link
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1eHkOWVlyhlGtQoBHIMm_vuwftxx23B-3 -> Google Drive of edits and custom sprites made by 4chan, the Alternative IF Discord (https://discord.gg/wmrHGxwQ), and elsewhere. Reply to this post if you want your custom sprite added to the drive.
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18vPJjAr7rB6ec95NHkNflszxIAb1OoCX -> Backup Google Drive

To add new custom sprites to the game, simply insert them into your Custom Batters Folder.
Once you boot up the game it'll automatically index the sprites into the correct individual folders.
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no die
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Genuine questions for you:
>When do you think they'll add the first Gen 8 and or 9 'mons?
>Which 'mon from those gens do you wanna see the most? Even if only for how fucked the fusion results could get.
>When do you think they'll add the first Gen 8 and or 9 'mons?
They're literally never adding anything past Gen 7.
>Which 'mon from those gens do you wanna see the most? Even if only for how fucked the fusion results could get.
Alcremie for food designs and Tinkaton cuz tiny girls with oversized weapons are always cool.
I'm still waiting for several gen 7 mons though.

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Marnie is love
Marnie is life
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Your face is ugly
>shitmona fag detected
Nemona out of nowhere? Kwab
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>use HP Up on my Pokemon
>its HP doesn't go up
bravo gamefreak

shouldermon are small pokemon you keep outside of their pokeball like Ash's pikachu
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He's a lil guy.
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this little dude.
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me and my monkey
Why does yours look different than mine >>55797915 ?

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Wtf happen
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>xy just has so much happening already and i havent even reached the second gym yet
Yeah, that's the thing, half the game is from when you start the game to the 3rd gym.
Then the game falls apart because basically nothing happens anymore and there's almost nothing to do aside from typical evil team shenanigans and collecting badges.
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no waaay
i wanted the random events to go on forever
I won’t buy it either way. I only look at the stats on smogon, and play randbats on showdown. And ofc, browse here
Kids who grew up with the 3DS gens are soon entering adulthood.

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Pokegirl swimsuit thread
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I'll admit, I coomed just a bit. Good shit, 8.5/10
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Ash is gay with his Black BF Edition

>Livestream link (Fridays @ 9:55 AM UTC):

>Latest episode:
https://nyaa.si/view/1806610 (1080p)

Next episode:
>May 3rd: PM2023 048 - Shine! The Brilliance of Fire and Art!


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But...don't you see the brilliance of my name?
I see the brilliance of your name. But non-English detractors have a tendency to throw a fit over it in /vp/ Threads.
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god can some actual saint start a whitney general, I'm straight but I'd suck a few dicks for a world of that reality
Whitney Wednesday?

Also wwyd to Whitney

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post funnies
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this thread is horribly unfunny so far, I will singlehandedly bring it up from the ashes
Why would Marshadow run Poltergeist for any reason?
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Is Rowlet upset that he's fighting a Groudon or is he upset that Groudon is so small?

Why did my GSC thread get deleted?
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Genwar faggots commonly make low effort boxart threads with a generic b8 question or statement. I wouldn't be surprised if that thread was a false positive.
Yeah I know he’s being disengenous probably but can you seriously get a WEEK for genwur?
I was in that thread:
boomers begin to sperg about "muh soul".
Your thread was definitely a stealth genwar.
It literally wasn’t, but you’ll believe what you want
This is what happened. 2 fucking weeks for a discussion. Unbelievable
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This post is the reason you got banned, and rightly deserved. You were trolling and inciting flamewars so you deserve it.
GSC are great games. Get the fuck off our board if you don't like them.
Just don't post retarded shit like pic related and you'll be fine.

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yeah she's 10
out of 10
She's a child, and a damn sexy one at that. I'll fap an extra time to her just for you, anon

Anime 10 year olds? 14 year olds? If they're hot they're hot.
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i am going to fuck this drawing
room for one more? Anon can watch
I think it's pretty healthy. It's amazing how my brain can think and be so turned on by hot drawings and doesn't care if she's 4 or 40 as long as she's cute as hell, and in real life I've never once been attracted to anyone under the age of 20 (or else I'd seek medical professionals because that's fucking disturbing)

At least I'm not pretending to be some vigilante and assuming someones attracted to actual children and giving input nobody asked for

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WIP Coastal City edition
Notable Games:

Pokémon Essentials
>Download (v21):www.mediafire.com/file/r7mo54xbg5xqlli/
>V21 Hotfixes:reliccastle.com/resources/1308/

ROM Hacking:
>Making a GBA ROM hack:pastebin.com/bvSkBkev
>Gen 4-7 tools:pastebin.com/WvTzcdPR
>US Platinum source:github.com/gainax3/retsam_00jupc

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be the change you want to see
Making a two town romhack and calling it finished, haha!
Rather than money, what if you limited how often each Pokemon could be healed? You could have a step counter per-Pokemon that could either be a universal limit or vary depending on the species. If the counter has not at 0, you can't heal.
You could also use heals for HP and not PP. Or limit the amount of PP you have overall, and fill it up each time you level.
Which one of you posted this?
Romtards need to stay in their fucking containment thread 55798754
get off my board, go back to your discordp >>55798754

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Last Time:
>RG comes home victorious from his time in Africa
>FormerlyAshime deals with badly explained puzzles
>Orevald takes down some annoying gauls and disparages the roman bird god
>and I get the 7th roman badge of honor

>What is this?
This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.
The game is Pokemon Africanvs, another Spanish fangame. It's apparently based off the Second Punic War, but with Pokemon I guess?
So far, we haven't played a bad Spanish fangame, hopefully this doesn't break that streak.

>Download link

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>Yeah, weather abilities work like Gan 5
I could swear I saw Sandstream run out naturally once or twice in particularly long fights. This game has mechanically gaslit me on multiple occasions now so who even knows anymore kek.
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Well after the 10th Whiteout I managed to win with a win that came down to if he broke out of a para-fusion or not
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I just realized I brought a satyr to the public baths, this isn't going to end well, to some
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I am pretty sure current dictator is a mistranslation but it's a funny line either way
Roman dictators were a lot different than how the term is used today

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Post em if you got em, Talk about your current hunts and recent captures or failures.

Last Thread >>55757651
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And then a third?
Curious how you still keep replying.
Even to posts that did not reply to you.
you just can't let it go can you
It's easy because
1. it bumps the thread
7. your reaction amuses me
No, already got a whirlipede from friend safari, so just this one more

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