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Is there a non-pozzed alternative to ebay and facebook marketplace for buying old computers and game consoles? Literally everyone is trying to scam you with prices that are 3-5x what the item is worth on these websites.
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And I'll reiterate, set up meeting times ASAP. I don't know how many times I see people crying about a seller going with a different buyer after the person set up a meeting time... for 2 days later. Craigslist has so many flakes that no seller is going to wait for you to (hopefully) meet them a week later when they have somebody else willing to seal the deal right then.
Their property, their price
You owned nothing and now you are crying
Wipeout. The handling feels a bit more responsive than the PS version, but the framerate is more unstable.
Hope it's worth the tradeoff. But hey, free wipeout is free wipeout
No they don't. You can also more elegantly control the game speed compared to using jank like moslo on a real DOS install. You're a zoomie who can't read a manual and edit a text config file.

Literally irrefutable
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descent I & II are s-tier
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>blames zoomers for all ills
>blames boomers for all ills
Half Life is mid? Go to v you're a disgrace.
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>Unreal in D

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only good thing about SOR3 was you got to play as Roo and Shiva if you could unlock them under certain conditions.

Bad thing was that in addition to the super charged difficulty levels, Electra and Soozie were made to be covered up with more formal clothing.
only good thing about SOR3 is the OST
The Poets II is so fucking good.
Streets of Rage Remake lets you play the game without the cancer.

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for me, it's kuja's theme
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depends who fujos gooshes more to
Obviously, Seymour.
It had no right to be as good as it is, that's for sure
Kuja wears a thong
i gotta say "you're not alone". not only is it a banger all by itself, but the scene where zidane is at his lowest and keeps trying to push the others away, only for them to steadfastly refuse and back him up one by one, made me straight up cry

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>5 random bats at the start of the game are actually the most important characters
i didn't expect this game to be kino
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>can beat the game as a single white mage
>a party of 5 managed to lose
sky warriors suck
>I just hate retarded nu/vr/ posters who not only support shaders
You have fucking weird priorities. Maybe talk to someone iRL and work out these mental health issues of yours.

>but insist they're the only way to play
Never seen anyone do that. I use shaders, some of them look great, I'm twice as old as you, and I don't care how you play video games.

>I want all nu/vr/ shader-loving zoomers to fuck off my board.
It's not your board. Again, twice as old as you, but it's not "my" board either. Get your mental health issues addressed, this isn't normal.
>Never seen anyone do that.
So you just didn't even read the post I was replying to?
>People who use shaders are the retards.
Get your mental health issues checked out.
Again, read the post I was replying to:
>omg apply a shader you fucking retard. holy jesus.
My response to this bullshit was not out of line in any way.

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What went wrong?
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$799 US Dollars.
>input lag which makes level 8 or 9 completely unplayable
On real hardware, or emulated?
Is that like the Dallas batteries old PCs sometimes have?
On the one hand, while it's fine for those FMV adventure type games, they were overly ambitious with trying to make those Zelda and Mario games. On the other, if not for those games, it would've been forgotten almost entirely.

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I see that on the handheld general nobody gives a fuck about this little gem. Just hoarders of devices that rot in dusty drawers. That's reddit-tier shit.
Who has a SF2000 and actually uses it? I have one, and I like to carry it around when I go to work, or I have a day off and stay in my garage to fix something. When I need a break I barely wash my hands and play some good ol' arcade games. I didn't buy the additional controllers and that was a mistake.
Has anybody used multicore for Pico-8 and other cool stuff?
(image from google - I'm lazy)
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>makes meaningless new thread to distance from supposed device hoarders
>buys entry-level anbernig chinkheld likely influenced by said hoarders
>decides to buy an even shittier sf2000 after for seemingly no reason, probably because of its price point, aka meaningless reddit consooming
>realizes they bought a piece of shit and needs to find validation by making this thread
>proceeds to ask reddit-tier "has anyone used herpaderpa cope on it" question rather than actually just try things out themselves because op ultimately wishes to engage in the same kind of discourse going on in /hhg/ but is intimidated due to subconscious awareness that they're incapable of contributing meaningful discussion there
buy an ad
Wow, you are tough real hardcore gamer, not like those normies!!!!
Why are you seething over this thread?
It's a device made for playing them, tard.

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Can you find Wally?
why is wally easier to find than waldo
It's crazy to think back to when something as mundane as Wally/Waldo managed to become a worldwide phenomenon for the better part of a decade.
I'd fuck Wenda.

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What were the best GBC exclusives? As in, not a dual GB/GBC game, or something that's more or less a port (like SMB DX). Wario Land 3? The Oracles games?

While I loved (and still love) the console, it feels like the most popular games at the time were titles which were simply "enhanced" for the GBC, like Link's Awakening DX or Pokémon G/S, and that a lot of the heavy hitter handheld titles for the GB line were either released during the lifespan of the original GameBoy or didn't come until the GBA.
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The Asterix & Obelix port is great apparently I just learned.
Pokemon Crystal
Legend of Zelda Oracle games
>it took advantage of the IR port for the GBC, which also means those hidden stages still to this day only work on the GBC and not the GBA
Doesn't the GBA have an IR port, too?
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No. But there was an addon that restored its functionality, which I don't think came outside of Japan, so basically no in every country that matters. And while it looks like the wireless link cable, it is a different addon.
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Survival Kids

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Why isn't there an English patch for the Sega Saturn version yet?
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>and no one beats off to them
That's, like, your opinion, man.
>Even the fucking Vita got the English patch for the PC-98 port
This is sad.
I know you guys will call me a fag but I hate ero scenes, it's the main reason I stay away from h-games, even though there's a ton that I want to play like this game strictly for their stories (lol lmao etc). Is there a censored and English translated version of this game available?
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this one >>10904973 has censored sex scenes with nudity removed, but they're still in there.

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How does /vr/ feel about Crash Bandicoot Wrath of Cortex?
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It's alright, not as good as the OG trilogy but it's fine.
This and Twinsanity are the last two good Crash games.
the uncharted series is the only good thing naughty dog has done
>the uncharted series is the worst thing naughty dog has done
>he still buys games
Never heard of the game but the movie was shit

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This could have been really good if it wasn't for that abysmal framerate. A bit short but the replay value could come from the randomized layouts.

I never did find the place that lets you trade items though
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even in AVGN's review of it, he played through the game 1 and a half times because it was actually pretty fun despite looking like shit with a choppy framerate.
>super far ahead of its time
in the wrong direction though with ugly digitized sprites and FMVs featuring real actors.
Yeah I believe that's the one. I played it on the medium difficulty that automaps and directs you where to go.
Sort of, I think they must have modified it heavily because Pebble Beach shows less frames (since you're hitting a ball over a large area instead of running across the field).
the princess is qt so shut up
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virtualtronic hydidlian

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Anon lied as easily as he breathed
Quite a few were purchased exclusively for Master Quest by people who had previously shit themselves with rage that Nintendo understood graphical limitations enough to not go for the most realistic thing a Gamecube could draw, which would look awful in three years.
It's strange. I went from liking this game as a kid, to disliking it as a teen, back to liking it as an adult. I think it shows you can do a lot to encourage and reward player engagement without making a hard game. I really liked the destructible setpieces, and being able to disarm and take opponents' weapons was cool.

But what I really like about it is that you can go exploring of your own will and gumption and actually make meaningful discoveries. Meaningful in the grand scope of the game? Absolutely not. But meaningful in the sense they actually offer new gameplay challenges or minigames, practically miniature little dungeons in a lot of cases. People are probably mad they pared down the main dungeon content and included a bunch of grottos but I actually love it. Having something dense in gameplay after independently making a discovery is something every game in this series lacks after the first two games, and it's the BEST thing about these games. Even the non-retro ones people are crazy over now make sure they give you a pat on the head, a "there there" and a free reward macguffin if God forbid you have to solve a riddle or clear a challenge before opening up a level, where that "level" is just one fight or even a free reward in a lot of cases. It's like they all missed the point, except WW, which only half-got it itself.
Reading comprehension problems, m8? See >>10906962.

Mystic Heroes is pure kino. Shame we never got the GBA companion game still exclusive to Japan (and unlocked something in GCN Mystic Heroes), called "Magical Hoshin". Was my go-to multiplayer game before getting PSO Episode I & II and Crystal Chronicles. That said, it's also on PS2 if you have one (though, besides the new playable characters like Captain Dax, I'm not sure what it adds or takes away from the GameCube original, as I never had it).
Yeah, instead we got Wind Waker which looked awful from its first trailer and continues to look awful.

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>blocks your path
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Counterstrike Source ran awful no matter what. Broadband or otherwise. Jacked up rate settings. Still better than 1.6 but still awful. Valve netcode was always trash.
What I was to hear from is from anyone at all who had V.44 compression going. up to 320K on a 56K modem etc... I'm curious how gaming on that shit was.
The best I've gotten was a legit 64K stream with a solid 8KB/s to an ISP and a ping as low as 80ms.
Third worlder here. In around maybe 1995 or later, we didn't have any hourly limit per month, but they charged a monthly fee plus per hour rate on top of the telephone bill (also the inconvenience of not having a secondary line). And god fucking damn it was expensive. I remember only surfing around for some antivirus updates and IRC, and then the monthly bill came up and we decided to sell the 33.6k modem. Had to IRC chat on the post office for a while after that.
In my 3rd world country there was no hour rate, as long you connected after midnight. I would spent the whole night wake till 6 at the morning and then get ready to school. My school buddies did the same as me.
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>I have free will to do what I want, but I choose to modulate

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A thread for those using their phones for retro-gaming, from emulation to ports of retro-games.
I have a Poco M4 Pro and I use Retroarch with a Bluetooth controller (one of those cheap ipega controllers) and it works fine outside of N64 emulation giving me stuttering, heard I'm better off using mupen64fz instead.
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They should bring these back.
You can play something dry and turnbased without being too embarrassing
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Why not keep using your old one? You don't need 4G, do you?
Because the hardware in those phones are ancient. You have no access to modern apps and opening a webpage will crash 90% of the time due to bloated websites maxing out the pitiful RAM in those archaic slabs.
>Try Mario 64 on my phone just to test if I can run N64
>End up playing 4 hours straight
>Only used 30% battery
>Phone is not even hot
>N64 emulator runs better than youtube
There is something in the back of my mind that says "That's wrong, that shouldn't be possible, a phone shouldn't be able to emulate a semi-recent console" when I see stuff like that, like when I learned that 128gb USB drives are only about 20 bucks now. I feel old... The N64 is almost 30 years old.

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