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Welcome to /bant/ - International/Random

/bant/ is a board for the discussion of any topic, a place where you can relax and have fun with people from all over the world.

No porn dump threads - Please use the appropriate adult boards for porn threads.

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oy vey edition

>Season 2 is over now
>Who Won?
TJ won after beating Shinji in a boxing match
>Will there be season 3?
Yes after mini-season 2.5
>What is Fish Tank?

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It was a joke retard take a breather
alright, big guy. what do you want these threads to be?
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I say this and look like this
she's true
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Nice happi thread no being mean to people Edition also EGGP edition

>Educational sites:

>Financial TV Streams:

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Being GAY with yourself is still being GAY.
Today I lost $3k
Someone just bought 200k shares of NU afterhours
Im getting that familiar feeling

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Amy & The Doctor running around Japan is such an Immaculate meme lol
England can enjoy it's Titanic SEQUENCE

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Addicted to buying junk edition.

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

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Wish I knew. Would've let my supervisor know.
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16-49 days until 400:1 landmark, I forget the numbers I was running to get to that.
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Another Bank Gone Down


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Your flag is evil Austria
you made me check austria flag twice

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"The Waifu Wrestling Alliance. For over 250 threads, the revolutionary force in sports entertainment. Then. Now. For as long as we damn well feel like it!"

>What is /wwa/?
Waifu Wrestling Alliance (WWA for short) is a video game and 4chan E-Federation that uses Pro-Wrestling Video games to simulate a fictional wrestling promotion of user created waifus. We mainly use the WWE 2K series of video games, however we have also utilized other pro-wrestling games such as Fire Pro or Wrestling Empire.

>Getting Started/How do I join?

>Simulator Video Games
WWE 2K23 (Our Main Game): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1942660/WWE_2K23/

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requesting all nominees get honorable mentions at bottom of graphic so everyone gets acknowledgment of they recieved votes.
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[Sometime I assume POST party]
>Ya know Sis
>Can’t say I didn’t warn ya
>I mean the note ya passed around was putting a target on ya already
>Though I mean, look on the bright side!
>Sure you got counted out. BUT
>Did ya get pinned? No
>In my book that's a win
>Now sure maybe you got a nun after ya that spouts things some of us can’t understand

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Bruhs, I did the update thing I wasn't supposed to do :(

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First republic bank has collapsed
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Bond will go No bid.
Dude, calm down.
If this erection lasts for more than 4 hours I will need a doctor.
You can't just say stuff like that.
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The only thing that makes sense is that everybody expects an outcome and they all prepare in their own little ways, thinking we will have zirp or low rates forever and then the complete fucking opposite happens... The Fed starts to print and buy bonds and the yields go up anyways lol.
markets are supposed to fuck over the majority once in awhile and since it's been a goddamn long time since that's happened, we're due for it BIG time.

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reading edition
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Nothing special
maple and diving for example
Have to turn it in?
Which was what?
Well yes, that was part of the joke.
And making the w preggo?
You do this?
this one deadline is on the 1st
just about having a lot of data available and needing to only measure the missing bits, like filling in the DNA sequence gaps in the movie

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vance edition

>Will there be a season 3?
Hopefully not and TJ won coaltank s2
>fishtank Season 2 tv links
https://pastebin.com/raw/JXvJnNQn (embed)
>What is Fish Tank?
https://files.catbox.moe/3a31sg.mp4 (embed)

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yeah sure dude she organically got 5k viewers in 5 minutes
monstercat cofounder in chat

weird but somehow makes sense
I mean wtf was that it was pretty suspect it went like over 5k for no reason

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I just finished cutting onions
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a piece of the label from the tuna can ended up in my tuna salad. I think I'll tear off the labels from now on before putting them through the can opener

how are we feeling OKAYEG bros? im feeling really comfy with this crab and accumulating before we launch off again
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nice my fren
idk the devs seem experienced so they probably have a plan for that or maybe they are just gonna pay for it out of their own pocket
Romeg wasn't built in a day

Donbas Coal Edition

Commodities include
>Precious metals
Platinum, Gold, Silver
Oil, Natural Gas, Uranium, Coal
>Base Metals
Copper, Nickel, Zinc

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The mining industry in occupied Luhansk Oblast is all but shuttered as Russia has just conscripted 80% of the miners. The Ukrainian side of Donetsk Oblast, on the other hand, is operating many mines at rather high capacity.
Luhansk is almost entirely under the control of Russian Federation affiliated forces, while Donetsk is only about half occupied.
Russia must be in need of military personnel to draft so many miners in the most important coal basin in Europe. Perhaps the pro-Russian government of Luhansk Oblast wants these men for a coming offensive, which has been discussed, though no one, except the Russian military and militia forces, know if it is actually going to happen.
Just some interesting news about the war.
Notice on the Donetsk coat of arms, that up above is the Ukrainian blue sky and yellow wheat fields motif, but again, at the bottom, is solid black, as if to symbolize the coal under the earth of that region, which has played so great a role in its economy, history, and culture.
Donetsk is to Ukraine sort of what West Virginia is to America.
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What a hamchad.

ITT: /bant/ boss raid!

This huge motherfucking boss appears out of nowhere.
Read the full rules here: https://dragonchan.lolisandstuff.moe/

Here's some info about this boss:

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Oof. Worry not, I shall avenge you bröther!
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I can feel my luck running out

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