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Why do women prefer older men?
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something something older women are happier alone.

so it wouldn't matter in the grand scheme of things
My sister is 37 and she fucks 21 year olds, so I would challenge that hypothesis...
My sister is 'young for her age', probably looks closer to 30, but she's starting to wall now. Unfortunately she often confides in me when she wants a "guy's perspective" which means I have to endure awkward conversations about how why the latest boytoy is ghosting her.
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anyone else gets this shit?

say a girl of your dream, almost the exact same personality as you, and as cringe as it may sound, like twin flame or soulmate. starts to like some alpha chad guy, I legit want to rope. There's no worse feeling than when your partner potentially for life, who is a hottie, starts to look at some chad and is attracted to him, while you're in the same room or presence. Looking at him with pure sexual stares, curiousity and admiration. Fucking rope.
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You're getting carried away by your emotions, OP. Time to reign them in. There are no such things as soul mates; that term was invented by romantics to sell more books or movies. The truth is we get bored of eachother really quick; it usually amounts to 6 months or so. That picture of your ideal woman doesn't exist, at least not in her. She will not always be patient, kind, intelligent, or charismatic. She most certainly has a dark side to her you've never seen (or maybe you've been overlooking it this entire time due to being so smitten).

All of this pain is caused by an illusion you've manifested in your mind. To dwell on it would be pointless; it's best to set your sights on things you can actually change. Perhaps you can use this as learning opportunity to try and develop more confidence.
It might be a shit test. I would consider pickling a fight with chad and beating him into a coma.
>Time to reign them in
How come when it's actually the correct time to use REIN people fuck it up?
If you want any chance with any woman you need to present a sexually attractive version of yourself. She clearly isn't sexually into you like that, so what is it that you are offering to ANY woman? Don't hate the player hate the game. Once you're fashionable (dress nice and in a way where people will compliment you) smell like cologne and provide interesting conversation as well as having a productive and outgoing enough schedule where you could take her somewhere to hang out. Be fun, because hot chicks don't like guys who aren't fun. Be entertaining, enjoy conversation and don't give a fuck about what anyone thinks of you. The world ain't worth it to tear you down enough that one bitch is gonna kill your ego. Grow a pair

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Fuck /adv/ its that time. I have been working up the courage to break up with my GF of a few months. Things just aren't feeling right, and I just got accepted into university and will not have a lot of time for her. We have had some issues lately and I just want to move on. I'm currently away visiting my family and I havent told her about the school thing yet.

How do I do this? I am really anxious about talking to her and telling her about the school thing and not thinking we have a lot of time for eachother, and just everything else I've been feeling, but I just dont have a good intro to it, I dont know how to start the conversation without dropping a bomb like "We need to talk" or something like that. Any idea? How do I just get the stomach to push through this
Just text her and say you're say what's on your mind. Why drag it on?
It just seems like it's coming out of nowhere and it's going to hit her especially hard unless I have a good reason or entry point to bring it up
self bump. Still sitting here trying to figure out what to do
You could trigger an argument and then use the heated vibe as a gateway. Classic approach.
All relationships have issues, and go through periods when they don't feel right. Are you going to break up with your next girlfriend when you start to have trouble?

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eh, I use to like things now I feel like staring at a wall, I have been except for some moments i check 4chan to post this. I used to like music and other stuff but it aint doing it for me anymore, I even lost my appetite.
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I already, walk, read, paint and do photography though I'll try to focus it in more. These days i feel floppy so it might help to do more of it
I already have suicidal thoughts everyday, I kinda stick it out because I feel too cowardly to follow through and think about those close, not too many but enough to cause lots of suffering. I stay in my head too much and it festers
Well then it is high time to either get more spiteful or more helpful. You can also be helpful out of spite. For example by helping those that get the shit end of the stick by how the world works and stick it to those that benefit from it.
yeah i can help people, it might do me well. Maybe participate in homeless shelters or something along those lines, it might occupy me from being stuck in my head
Join an animal rescue group.

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How do I get the Lord to stop tormenting me?
Why do you keep posting this?
Weary God
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He hates his creations

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I need some help on navigating a situation with this chick I've been roleplaying with online. We've only roleplayed about three times and she's been super clingy, which by itself isn't a bad thing IMO.

The issue I'm having is that today she tried to get me to roleplay with her by saying she was having a bad day, I had to set boundaries with her at which point she got upset

that boiled down to "Hey, I'm not sure I'm comfortable roleplaying just so you can have some escapism, but I'm totally happy to do anything else"

She got upset, said she wanted to be left alone and then DMed me an hour later.

This progressed into her telling me that it's either she roleplays or drinks because she has nothing else. I then told her I needed to go to bed after we exchanged a few in-character messages.

Before logging off I told her I may not be able to roleplay tomorrow, but she immediately started trying to barter for my time. Give a little, she tries to take more. My gut tells me I'm being used and I'm inclined to go with it.

Do I talk to her again? Do I block her at this point? How do you properly handle this?

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I just want to cheat on my wife once, maybe twice, with an asian whore. Is that so wrong? Just one sordid raceplay encounter with a tiny gook choking on my cock, and then back to being a loving husband to my wife. Dammit why can't I stop thinking about using asian women's faces as cum receptacles.
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>I just want to cheat on my wife once, maybe twice, with an asian whore. Is that so wrong?
typical looksmatched white dude in 2024
big white cock in asian men's minds? lol
do white guys really get this triggered by asian men saying anything at all?

How the fuck do you ask out girls while they're working? It just seems awkward, and like a massive faux pas.

There's a girl at the grocery store who is super cute and we always talk a little when I check out but I can't imagine how awkward it would be if I asked her out in earshot of all her coworkers and other customers. I imagine they're not even allowed to give out their number while.on the clock. Any advice?
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Your approach can actually happen, you speak words and you get to know the person a bit. After this question you can ask them about their major, why they picked it, what they want to do afterwards, what classes they take, how are their other classes going etc. all on top of infinite number of things to talk about relating to your currect class

They have everything in common with guys in school unlike outside of it where they cannot speak to anyone in any capacity.

There's no way these older guys have to come into contact with the girls if they dont have mutuals who connect them in any capacity.

You have no way to even speak to them to learn that you have anything in common without school/person connecting you in the first place. They just walk past everyone you, you walk past them, there's no option to ever start speaking to one another to ever learn anything about them at all. You can walk past person you share 99% of everything in common and she's still going to just date and fuck some guy who sits next to her in class because he actually got to speak to her a little bit to learn they have 1% in common.

You obviously cannot ever speak to anyone to learn you have anything in common at all if you're not in school or know person who can set you up.

No you didn't. Your obsession with never speaking and "scripts" is a clear sign you cannot even imagine speaking and you never got a girlfriend at all. You cannot game at all, you've proven this countless times already ITT where there's 0 speaking going on outside of schools
in churches no one speaks, they just come to mass then they leave to go home

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At first I thought you are stupid, then I thought you are just pretending, now I am sure you are crazy. Its incredible, I never saw anything like this before.

I wonder what kind of trauma causes this. This reality denying stubbornness of mental self punishment similar to 'its impossible to make more than 100k' or 'its impossible to travel' or 'its impossible get shredded' followed by mental gymnastics and made up facts

Focus on conversation is the most bizarre part. Imagined inevitable rejection in his mind comes only from conversations outside of particular environment. He cant comprehend people having communications, to him, by his words, its fundamentally impossible.

Its amazing. That guy believes that humans talk only in small specific situation. I wonder if it comes from childhood, hes the guy so mother is the first woman she had a connection with. Could that comes from his mother? Shaming him for talking to strangers in her delusional hyper care? Punishing him for going outside of their small social group? Interesting.
>another post with inability to even imagine these conversations
>instantly just jumped to reddit projection of his own problems

At first I thought you are stupid, then I thought you are just pretending, now I am sure you are deranged autistic.
Its incredible, you are completely brainwashed by reddit and incapable of thinking on your own. I wonder what kind of trauma causes this. This reality denying stubbornness of mental self punishment similar to 'its possible to just manifest 100k without ever working' or 'teleportation is possible' or 'doing nothing but eating fries will make me look like arnold' followed by mental gymnastics and made up facts while running away from topic at hand and being incapable of writing how he'd actually get there

Running away from conversation is the most bizarre part. Imagined the inveitable success without being able to write anything he'd say. He cannot comprehand people having verbal communication, to him by his own words are fundamentally impossible.

Its amazing. That guy believes that humans are harassing strangers on streets or in stores into relationships. I wonder if it comes from childhood, hes the guy so mother is the first woman he had a connection with. Could that comes from his mother? What led him to think any strangers could fuck her at any moment? What abuse did he subjegate him into thinking that strangers can ever speak?
Tell us about your mother reddit schizo. Did she perhaps fuck random strangers, who never even had to speak to her?
Why do you think every stranger can fuck every woman just by saying "hi"?
Did you have to look at it go down?

Explain yourself to us, lets unpack some of this trauma you've been carrying. Treat it as a safe space.

It's bizarre you are so hyperfocused on just naming random locations, while simultaneously being unable to write what could be said in them. Have you ever been outside on your own yet? I can't imagine what a crushing blow to your mental health it will be once you do and see that people dont just fuck random people walking past them. Your obsession with the idea people dont communicate verbally is also interesting. Are you capable of actually speaking?

Can you even understand the doublethinking paradox you're presenting to everyone?
If you believe people can speak to strangers, you could write what they'd say.
Your inability to write anything that could be said is a proof that you cannot do it.
Surely even with your traumatic abusive childhood and your unstable mother you can understand that to normal people, you come off bizarre and deranged.
We have writings of all human beings who have lived up until now, and none of them wrote anything about speaking to strangers. There are no words or phrases that a person can use to ever communicate, build relationship, get to know someone or form a bond with anyone but their friends out of school and it's a fact.

Every day people post everything they do, every other action and conversation type has written down evidence of them occurring, except for 1 thing and it's men/women talking to each other to date or form relationship outside of schools.
You have to be seriously deranged and at odds with reality to ever lie that it can happen just because someone on reddit wrote that "they did it"
If you saw a comment saying that
>I can turn leafs into golden bricks
would you believe that as well, with no explanation or recording or any evidence that it took place? Because that's the same logic that people use to justify their constant spam of reddit location list with no elaboration.

You need to go outside for once in your life or even justpick up a book or watch a movie or engage with human culture at any level except for reddit spam written by chatbots.
If you went to a bar you'd see it's just people sitting at tables with their close ones and no option for a man to ever get to talk to them. There's no way to ever speak to anyone ever outside of schools.
Shit you dont even need to do any of it, you just need non-nigger brain that lets you ponder hypotheticals. If you could do it, you'd just imagine yourself in a bar, looking at a table of strangers or out in the park walking past some couple thinking what could be said to them and you'd quickly arrive at conclusion there is NOTHING that can be said or talked about with them at all in any way.
If you still insist that strangers can speak, you're just an autistic nigger who has never left your room and never been involved with human culture at all beyond your same ai written comments on quora/reddit

I have had major depression and general anxiety for 10 years, which has been a piece of crumb cake. But recently I go everyday with ZERO happy chemicals in my brain. Is this new thing related to serotonin or dopamine or both at the same time?

>After eating eggs and drinking milk my mood instantly went from zero to baseline so I assume its primarily low serotonin but I'm not a doctor so I ask here
I don't understand your post. Has the depression got better or worse?

I have a sweat gland disorder and its horrible
This kill me in the summer
it affects my life a lot and I will never have a girlfriend
Im really sensitive to everything
>pointing finger at you
Move to a cooler climate.

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My dad thinks that whey is a steroid. Is there any of convincing him it's not?
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This reminds me of the thread where a guy got into a horrible all out argument because his dad said he likes mass shooters. Are you him?

Regardless, advice is same I said to him: stop getting into stupid fights. Just don't bring up that you use whey anymore. If he brings it up defend yourself saying it isn't roids, but don't let him pull you into a fight. Instead try to be calm and explain where whey comes from, what's in it, ect. Avoid arguments when possible, and be cool when they kick off to diffuse the emotion.

Hope it goes well. Remember to love your poppa even if he's a little crazy.
Yeah but have you tried finding out where the error in his thinking is by asking why he thinks that? That usually clears up a lot to ask people to explain their statement.
No whey
>Hope it goes well. Remember to love your poppa even if he's a little crazy.
No point to love stupid & aggressively ignorant people. They don't love you back as much as you love them.
Here you go:


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We broke up two weeks ago. I reached out to see if she wants to still wants to make up and work on our relationship. She sent me this.

Does this sound like she just wants to keep around as a backup if her next guy(s) don't work out?
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Cool thread, glad I'm not alone as I'm going through an identical situation right now.
Class, pay attention, there will be life exams on this later

Men love like dogs. We get a toy, that toy covers our needs. As long as toy is the same we are happy with it, we are not trying to find a reasons to get rid of the toy, we find reason to keep it due to investments and familiarity

Women are hungry paranoid cats, they cant control it, they just are. You present proper food (she has high interest) you feed her right (you cover her needs and dont fuck up) cat falls in love with your food. Not you, your food. Now a woman is in love, she is always available, easy to meet, she give gifts, sex is mind blowing, your jokes are funny, showers you with compliments, typical love

Getting there was the easiest part, now comes the hardest part

The cat is hungry. Now. You fed her yesterday, you promise to feed her tomorrow, it doesnt matter, cat is suffering. Cat loses attraction slowly. Needs are not covered, cat starts to realise that this food source is not the best, cat wants to look around the neighborhood

You stop being the guy she fell in love with, you stop doing little things, you stop romance her, stop covering her needs (which will change with time), etc etc cat gets hungry, bored and unhappy, now the cat that purred and massages you hisses and scratches

Also theres question of amount of food. Too much food (you are too easy, too available, you treat her amazing for no effort from her, too predictable, too boring, not making things exciting) cat loses interest and looks around. Too little food (you are cold, arguing, she doesnt feel special, you dont ask about her life and you are not the one she talks to first about everything) and cat is hungry and looks around

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- dont waste time on cats with low interest
- dont waste time on cats who lost interest
- dont waste time on cats who need investment to cover your needs, dont try to change them
- let cats come to you and chose most suitable ones
- dont overinvest or attach to the cat, overinvest and attach to yourself, replace the cat when it wants to leave
- produce the best fod, make it irreplaceable, learn how to feed the cat to optimise your effort
I ask you yo learn from it and avoid doing that in the future. If the feeling is not there and she being toxic it could induce in you to seek pleasure as to balance and reduce the displeasure from her. If I did that with the NPD/BPD before she would talk on and on and on about it. Meantime, the emotions are high, you could mediate on them. I hope you find another girl, get married and have kids.
>dont waste time on cats who need investment to cover your needs, dont try to change them
Could have saved me 2 years of.heartbreak if I knew that earlier

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This girl was really bad for me. We ended everything and yet sometimes I feel like turning back time and continuing with her. I shouldn't have these feelings of regret. She was with others while playing with me like an idiot and never supported me when I needed it most.
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I often don't understand why people like me. I find it frustrating. A lot of people like my company which sounds like something I shouldn't complain about (and it's not that I hate it), it's just that I don't get it.

I'm a hot mess. I'm up to my eyes in mental illness, I often overshare, and generally I'm not very socially adept. I struggle to make human connection and tend to be a loner. So.. i don't get why people like me. I had a friend confess some things to me and he said how much he enjoys me and how we're similar. And we are it's just I don't get why he likes me so much. It's confusing to me.

It's so weird because I am someone who retreats from others almost always yet my entire life I've been something of a social magnet. People naturally gravitate towards me for reasons I have never understood. I'm not mean or evil or anything like that of course, I just don't get what people see in this mentally ill, severely broken human who can barely keep afloat in life. I don't mean this as a humble brag, I'm just genuinely frustrated with my own lack of insight.
How could you do this to me?
Now I can’t sleep because your email couldn’t wait until the morning. Do you have any idea how stressful this is? I have never felt so resentful and unappreciated.
Work on yourself and never go back, anon.

She used you. Love yourself and wait for someone who loves you for you.
Whats so confusing? He likes you because you guys have things in common, and things he can relate with. It's only natural to gravitate towards people you share interests with... how do you not understand this? Are you perhaps autistic or something? Well, if you are, now you know why. If you want people to leave you alone, stop being so relatable. Become cold, distant, and unapproachable. Or, just go mute.

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How do I stop fearing nuclear war?
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Rest assured that it isn't going to happen until mid 2024 at the earliest.
We all die sometime, if it’s everyone all at once then it’s everyone all at once. More likely though you’ll probably get sick, get old, or die in a freak accident.
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>How do I stop fearing nuclear war?

How? Accept death as an inevitable consequence of living.
>How do I stop fearing nuclear war?
By celebrating the end of ZOG.
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How do I stop fearing nuclear niggers?

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>Therapy edition

I'll see her again next week. She keeps saying she wants to go back to that note I wrote about her but I don't know why, I thought we already covered it.

Unless she has something important to tell me.
I guess that shits a wrap. I'd say cya later but truthfully I never want to see you again. You are a miserable cunt, and you deserve nothing but the worst. I hope that you kill yourself in the near future.
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I'm not being edgy or trolling, but I really want to watch my wife fuck another man.
I think it's because I'm bored of our sex life, I also think it would motivate her to get in shape, and it also serves as my penance for having an affair.
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Is this your conclusion?

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